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Personal Style


Water Aura
Ghost Flame Candles
Ghost Flame Wing Ribbon
Ghost Flame Tail Ribbon
Ghost Flame Tail Jewel
Ghost Flame Headpiece
Ghost Flame Collar
Ghost Flame Cloak
Enchanted Orca Necklace
Blue Sea Slug Cloak



Scene: Kelp Beds


29.08 m
21.7 m
7098.83 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 23, 2020
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Imperial
Max Level




  • none




Humble & Kind

Adventurous • Sweet • Strong Headed


Scarlet Yuccaweave Ghost Flame Candles Adopt A Rifter


Arsinia is a summoner who can summon an angel named Love and formations if she is threatened or in danger.

Love not only watches over Arsinia, but her mother too. They are always expressing joy when translated by Arsinia and can suggest ideas to heighten her knowledge of the universe. She often expresses gratitude while they are present. This is an offering to the Angel's great wisdom especially after the darkest hour at anytime.

As for her other summons like formations with extreme focus and attention could either be detrimental or helpful to the situation. There had been plenty of times when a family member was either nearly crushed or saved by an object of her manifestation. Even her mother had to halt a disaster awaiting to happen.

Mage-Force Mage-False Deity & Summoner

Arsinia had been exploring outside of the circle for ages now, traveling with her mother, her grandmother and some new individuals she had never met before. There was a human male warrior of average height with a sturdy build, dark brown eyes and straight dirty blonde hair which stuck up slightly in the front. This was all accompanied by a well shaven goatee which was somehow maintained despite their many travels... Had he been using his sword to cut it?

They were also accompanied by a goth like human female who was.... oddly dressed to say the least. She had really short black hair which spiked up in the back, yellow eyes and a lean yet confident build. This was accompanied by her condescending attitude and snarky remarks which made her quite difficult to get along with. Somehow, her grandmother pulled off a close friendship with her despite all of their disagreements. "Have you no desire to discover this anvil's potential? It is a marvel, a tool of creation! You could rival the Maker Himself with this instrument! If you destroy the Anvil, I swear you will regret it." Morrigan, this witch would say, only to be rebuked by her Grandmother's response "And how would you like to become a golem?" she'd question causing Morrigan to recoil at the very thought "You would not dare!" the witch snapped out "Wouldn't I, if I cared only for power?" "I would rather not find out. Fine, destroy it if it pleases you." It was conversations such as these that kept Morrigan in line without damaging their friendship and comradery. Logic truly paved the way over power for them and all Arsinia could ever do was laugh at their hysterical conversations and snarky remarks.

Their final companion, other than a pure white, long haired Mabari which belonged to her grandmother, was an elven warrior with short pure white hair, light green eyes and Lyrium tattoos all over his body. He had a lean and powerful build and was named Fenris from what she could recall. The only thing that bugged her about him was his vicious behavior in combat and how he never seemed to leave her grandmother's side. I mean, seriously? One second he's ripping someone's heart clean out of their chest with his bare hands and the next he's making googly eyes at her grandma, what's up with that!?

As for her Grandmother, despite her age and many grandchildren, she appeared to retain her young appearance with bright stormy eyes, a lean and curvy build and her long brunette hair. Arsinia was beginning to question whether or not her grandmother was truly an ordinary human. These thoughts didn't last long however as a conversation struck up within the group's main camp. Something to do with the main mission or what not, their next expedition maybe, Arsinia wasn't really paying attention until now.

"Hey Alistair, maybe you should lead for once." her mother, Achillee, spoke up before snickering at the warrior's response "What? Lead? Me? No, no, no. No leading. Bad things happen when I lead. We get lost, people die, and the next thing you know I'm stranded somewhere without any pants." "Hah! How pathetic, we even have a dog and Alistair is still the dumbest one in the party." Morrigan spoke causing her Grandmother's mabari to release an annoyed growl "What!? I said you were smarter than Alistair, you should be flattered! Even if it's not much of an accomplishment." Morrigan corrected in an incredulous tone as the mabari huffed once again.

"Heeeey, come on, that's a little mean. You might hurt my feelings." Alistair moped "and what makes you think I care about your feelings? Hmmmm?" Morrigan replied before Arsinia's grandmother, named Allison, could cut in. "Morrigan, Achillee, enough, stop teasing Alistair." she sighed while rubbing both of her temples in annoyance "Ok, fine, my point has been made." Morrigan claimed before calming back down as Achillee chuckled once more. Allison's hands left the top of her head as she gently placed her left hand on Fenris's right one.

"Awww, look at that. See, what did I tell you? Allison's always the nice one in our little group." Allison's mabari barked, that's right, Allison was Arsinia's grandmother. "Ok, you're nice too you little war hound you~" Alistair cooed as the unnaturally fluffy mabari with heterochromia eyes pounced on him in reply. She clearly wanted someone to pet her and deemed Alistair worthy of becoming her victim.

"Could you quiet down, you're giving me a headache." Fenris groaned in an annoyed tone, clearly fed up with the chaos around them before leaning into Allison's side and wrapping his left arm around her. This caused his body to go across hers and Allison struggled to look at the map from over his shoulders. "Well could you two stop snuggling each other? It's making me sick!" Morrigan snapped out "Hmmm, no." Fenris curtly responded, nestling his head into the side of Allison's neck before Allison brought order back to the chaotic party.

"Guys, we need to focus on our next move so please put aside your petty arguments and help me focus on the mission. If you don't then I'm bringing someone else this time." "Like who?" Morrigan scoffed "Well, let's see here, there's Leliana, Sten, Wynne, Zevran, Oghren-" "Really!? The delusional priestess, the displaced criminal, the mother hen, the assassin who tried to murder us or the drunken berserker!?" Morrigan interrupted "I wasn't done Morrigan." "Fine, fine, continue." the mage replied while flicking the back of her hand towards them in a contemptuous fashion "There's also Duncan, Aveline, Isabela, Anders, Nathaniel, Merrill, Varric and Jowan-" "No, we're not bringing the blood mage! I don't care if he's your friend, he's not coming. I don't trust him." Fenris interjected causing Allison to sigh in frustration.

"Ok, well, I think I've made my point?" "Yes, you most certainly have. Most kind of you." Morrigan replied in another contemptuously driven sentence "Morrigan." "Fine, I'll behave myself just for you. However, I can't say the same for these other companions of yours." she muttered as Alistair spoke up from beneath the mabari he was petting and snuggling the life out of.

"You know, one good thing about the Blight is how it brings people together." he smugly told the group, intending to grate on the nerves of their mage once more. "Alistair, don't instigate anyone!" Allison barked as Alistair, Achillee, Arsinia and herself suddenly burst into frantic laughter. Fenris chuckled into the side of Allison's neck before peeling himself off of her, the mabari barked a couple of times and Morrigan moped before cracking a small smile of her own. The party was chaotic but... it made traveling fun, and they would always enjoy each other's company. Well, for the most part anyway... Maybe? It just depends.

After the chaotic meeting was brought to order the details of their mission were quickly ironed out and the group dispersed themselves. As Allison, Fenris, Achillee and Alistair gathered around the fireplace to relax and talk among themselves Arsinia tailed Morrigan all the way back to her lonely little corner of the camp "and what might you want, hmmm?" Morrigan questioned as Arsinia nervously twiddled her thumbs, faced the ground and muttered something beneath her breath "Could you teach me how to shapeshift?" Arsinia squeaked out in an incredibly nervous tone "Speak up." Morrigan demanded "Can you teach me how to shapeshift!?" Arsinia questioned "I've got the talent for it and I've been practicing forever and ever but grandma won't teach me. She says I need your approval first and that she won't teach me unless you say it's ok. So please! I really want to learn how to morph into a wolf or a bear or even a giant spider! Please, I'll be a good student, I'll do whatever you request of me!"

Morrigan didn't miss a beat as she crossed her arms, tilted her head to the side and replied in a smooth and indifferent tone "I could if I had the desire to. I do not." "But-But you taught my Grandmother!" Arsinia whined in disbelief "That may be, but you've given me no reason nor desire to teach you. Your grandmother however, has." "Well, what's, what's so different between the two of us then!? What do I need to do to gain your approval? I've already got the necessary talent!" Morrigan's arms remained cross and her facial expression took on an annoyed appearance "Your grandmother is a treasured friend of mine. You however, are not. So I suggest you leave me alone and go bother somebody else."

Arsinia returned to her grandmother and wiped away a tear in her frustration as Allison's attention shifted towards her granddaughter "Awww, was the big scary witch all mean to you?" Alistair questioned as Arsinia gave an annoyed nod of her head "What happened?" Fenris asked as his arm remained draped around her grandmother's waist "She won't teach me how to shapeshift." she whined "Well, maybe that's a good thing." he replied.

"No it's not, I really want to learn!" Arsinia snipped back as Allison sighed out and moved Fenris's arm off of her before standing up and approaching her granddaughter. Fenris watched intently as Allison placed a reassuring hand on her granddaughter's shoulder "You don't need to shapeshift to become powerful you know, and there's so many dangers that come with it." "But-" "Shh" Allison hushed.

"Think about it, you already know how to bend nature itself and that's a feat of it's own. It's indispensable to hiding our camp and protecting our people. There's so much more you could do other than shapeshifting." "Well, why don't you teach me since the scary witch won't?" Arsinia questioned. Morrigan, hearing this, shouted out "I can still hear you. You know!" Allison chuckled in reply before telling her granddaughter "Because these secrets were entrusted to me and I don't intend to go breaking that trust. Instead of pestering Morrigan try becoming friends with her...or improve until she can't resist teaching you her powers. For the sake of seeing how much it can grow, she may not admit it but she's a sucker for magical power."

Arsinia hesitated for just a moment before sniffling one more time, nodding her head and saying "Ok. Ok, I can do that." a weak smile graced her lips as Allison grinned and spoke in a soothing voice "That's my girl." she patted her shoulder one more time before walking back to sit with the group.

"Mind if I join?" Arsinia questioned as she sat next to her mother Achillee "Not at all, you're welcome. If you can deal with those two love birds that is." she snickered as Allison let out a small breath through her nose while attempting not to laugh. The mabari was quick to snuggle against Arsinia's side as her white fur brushed against the female's hand. "I think I can deal with it." Arsinia grinned. With her new ambitions, it was only a matter of time.

(All characters mentioned within this plot actually exist within the Dragon Age franchise. This doesn't apply to Allison, Achillee, Arsinia or the Mabari but here's my idea on what the mabari would look like.

Why is the Mabari fluffy? Just because I wanted to make a fluffy mabari. No other reason really XD

*This is the final image next to the base I used*

*This is a zoomed in image of the final design*

Years later Arsinia was finally taught the ways of time warps and bending realty from one thought. Morrigan though had kept the one thing she really wanted to learn which was shapeshifting. The last requests ended with a response to find another one with the knowledge of the skill set. It was now up to her to venture out without anyone behind unless there was a sign of danger ahead. She was fully aware of the threats around her, but one thing was for certain if any attempted to ruin her that unlikely would end so well.

As for her mother who still supported her with what she wanted to achieve kept quiet on some things letting herself find the answer. Her search far and wide to find one that shapeshifted wasn't easy. The situations that seemed successful fell apart from something gone wrong. Either it was the way she introduced the subject or the social scene didn't go in her favor. As time passed she had eventually stopped her search then unexpectedly her long wish showed itself. It was in the process of travelling from realty to realty when a prominent individual caught her eye who then came into clearer view. To her surprise they were inbetween states of formation which indicated they had to be a shifter of some kind whether it be a witch or demon. She immediately approached with a sign of joy in her eyes. They retreated as the sudden appearance of a stranger was enough to have them retreat a far enough distance. "Who are you?" He questioned,"You need something because I am not from this place." Arsinia twirled her fingers as there was no one except herself to speak up. "I.....I am Arsinia, I want to know how you-"
"Don't say it woman, I know exactly what you were going to ask. And if someone sent you to hunt me down I will stand my ground. Heed my warning little flower."
She paused crossing her arms and replied with a straight tone, "I wasn't going to ask if you were a shifter. I already knew by watching you before you noticed me. Please understand too that I have no affiliation with anyone. Just hear me out for one second. I have always wanted to learn how to change form and been searching for a long time to find someone like yourself to hopefully be willing to offer your skills." Arsinia tapped her foot staring at the shifters gaze.
"By the way femme, I am not called shifter insulting my own curse. Amalgam is my name. If you knew where I came from then you would understand the life of someone who can't stay in form for long. So I would leave before I turn on you" Amalgam snickered as Arsinia stepped back with fear showing in her face.
"Totally understand, but I can do anything for you in exchange to teach me how to shapeshift. That is literally all I am asking. I have seen my grandmother do it aswell as friends too. Achillee is my mother and she would be proud of my achievement-"
Amalgam wore a perplexed look across his face with a surprised tone,"Did I hear that right? A daughter of the great mage that I have actually wanted to meet eventually. I now see why you came to me with your request. Please come forth as I will show you that shapeshifting is not something to take lightly. I have learned over my existence that it is not always helpful. I can though teach you skills to not only warp time, but visit the very existence to the universe."
Arsinia from there on knew this was an oppertunity to be taken seriously to move her life forward. She didn't originally plan on visiting the heart of the universe, but left her previous goal behind her. There was much more learning and turned out to progress towards becoming a force mage rather than a shapshifter.

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