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Energy: 50
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Male Snapper
Male Snapper
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Constantan Steampunk Wings
Bronze Steampunk Tail Bauble
Teardrop Lapis Lazuli Ring
Glowing Blue Clawtips
Demure Faderose Locket


Accent: PlasmaBelly




5.24 m
3.05 m
8366.53 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 15, 2020
(4 years)


Snapper icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Snapper
EXP: 0 / 245



Bluescreen's avatar
This dragon is/was part of a traveling dragon program. The bio has been formatted by Andravious, cleaned up and kept within the spirit of the original.

Uh-oh, looks like this blindingly blue gentleman wandered a little too far from his home lair (51527, lesbianpangoro), and now he's off to see the world! If ever you feel the need to exalt, he'd really appreciate it if you could just return him to the home lair, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, here. This is not necessary, but he would be very grateful!

Outft Records:
  1. Outfit:
    • Initial record lost
  2. Outfit:
    • Steel Steampunk Wings
    • Lavish Dress Shirt
    • Classy Pants
    • Bright Rogue Tail Binding
  3. Outfit:
    • Accent: Plasma Belly
    • Constantan Steampunk Wings
    • Bronze Steampunk Tail Bauble
    • Teardrop Lapis Lazuli Ring
    • Glowing Blue Clawtips
    • Demure Faderose Locket

Lairs visited:
  • lesbianpangoro
  • hyzenthlaay
  • Gilnora
  • hyzenthlaay
  • apocalyove
  • leezard
  • Alligatorsight
  • VonGacy
  • Gilnora
  • GentlePsychic
  • grxndsxn
  • Reshiram5875
  • Andravious

This young man may or may not secretly be a robot. Who knows?

Analysis 1 - Author Unknown
"We cannot figure this guy out. We do not know if he is secretly robot or part robot. As a matter of fact we cannot even tell if he is from this world. All we know is The Lightning Flight Embassy in Alligator Clan denied him the right to stay because he could not show them a passport.." 33339.png

Analysis 2 - Author Unknown
"He was found clean after his journey through the Scarred Wasteland. Not even the smallest little illness. As a result, we emit the hypothesis that he is indeed a robot. Complementary investigation to corroborate this result would be appreciated." 1065.png

Complementary Investigation - by Bonejack

"After a second visit to my home in the water flight (I shoo’d him away once before) I have determined that there is indeed strong evidence to suggest this dragon is indeed a robot. Complimentary experiment required to prove this theory which is now supported by two clans. He has been here twice now and still eats my food despite the evidence suggesting he may be a robot. Rather vexing. Where does the food go? I do not know. But he is most definitely possibly a robot. I can’t really afford to offer up my abode as a hotel room for a possible Golem Workshop spy and neither should you so handle him as briefly as possible!"


Journal Notes - by Argila
Entry 1: Our roaming clan found Bluescreen while wandering the plague wastes. As is customary for lone snappers we meet, we welcomed him into our clan with no hesitation. I didn't really think anything strange of him until he joked that we were the first of the clans he had joined that didn't immediately shun him for "being a robot" of some sort. But once he said that, I couldn't stay my curiosity. As a mechanic, I love learning how things work and truly what a sight to study! A machine that looks just like us, apparently able to even use our magical gene scrolls! He even has a healthy appetite like a normal male snapper.

If he is indeed a mechanical creature... Such incredible craftsmanship...

Entry 2: He seemed to be rather hesitant when I offered to "pop his hood" (as I've heard some in the Beastclan say) in the interest of knowledge. I suppose he figured I would think of him as some sort of spy of the Beastclans or I was going to pull him apart. He continues to deny any chatter that he is in fact possibly a robot. This level of artificial intelligence is beyond my wildest dreams of something that could be done. It's like he's real. By that I mean that I mean that he's just like us. He has memories from birth of his home clan, memories of growth and love. But was he really hatched? Who would I even ask? His home clan was in the Nature territory and even then I'd have no idea where to begin. I'll ponder this further.



Entry 3: Bluescreen's incredibly interesting. I've introduced him to Slate as well. He's regaled us both with stories about how he has been evicted and chased out of every clan he's ever been a part of. Apparently he has sired several young but he is unsure of where their fates led them. The sorrow in his eyes... Has this creature ever had a home or clan on a more permanent basis? He's told us that his nomadic lifestyle at first was a choice and he wanted to see the world. But after being chased from clans, the rejection has become incredibly painful to bear. I can't imagine how that feels. I've had two clans since I was born and even though sometimes we didn't see eye to eye, we were always family...

Entry 4: Baron is right, I need to reevaluate my priorities. Regardless if Bluescreen is some sort of walking mechanical wonder, he is clearly as sentient as the rest of us. This dragon still deserves respect. I need to stop treating him like some sort of odd curiosity to be studied. I'm sure he's tired of other dragons treating him like an outcast. I'm truly shamed of my actions. Confounded curiosity of mine... I forgot to act with proper draconic decency and respect! Honestly I'm no better than the dragons in the clans who chased him away and I need to do better. For his sake. And for Slate's. I've seen the way she is around him. She treats him like he's... I daresay normal? There's no lying in her either. She trusts him and really seems to care about him. I should too. I'm sorry Bluescreen, I'll make it up to you I promise.



Entry 5: Ha, I do believe Slate is smitten. She and Bluescreen are nearly inseparable. Apparently she's been assuring him that regardless if he's scale and bone or steel and wires that we will always accept him as a member of our family. The rest of the clan seems like they have no issue with the chance that he might be a mechanical lifeform, except for maybe Shinji. He is a tiny bit afraid of him but I'm sure the more time the spend together that that fear will go away. The hatchling is rather timid so I'm not entirely surprised. Though I'm more worried about his familiar Longinus. That creature is very protective of that little boy. I don't want to see anyone get hurt...
Entry 6: I think Slate may have convinced Bluescreen to stay with our clan. It also seems he's also coming out of his shell a little bit and being less reserved with his mechanical nature. He actually came up to me today rather sheepishly and asked me to help him. Seems that he is having a rather painful bind up in his leg. Can't have that now can we? Roaming clan and all that. We're gathering supplies and Baron is recruiting a few dexterous familiars to pull off his external casing and replace the parts that are malfunctioning.
Entry 7: I've never seen mechanisms so complex. He's not just a clockwork creature, he has all sorts of wiring and gizmos inside him. I have no idea how a lot of this technology works and I'm incredibly curious but for now we just needed to do one job. Thankfully the part inside him that was causing issues was an easy replacement since we get a lot of random junk from the Golem Workshop from time to time. My basic understanding of his bio-fuel mechanisms is that when he eats, he converts food into a plasma type energy of some sort. It's far beyond my pay grade but to be honest, he works a lot like all of us. In layman's terms, he converts one form of energy into another.
Entry 8: It has been a few days since we performed maintenance on Bluescreen and today he came up to me requesting that I remove the torso plate off of his chassis. I'll admit I was a tad confused but Baron and I worked to fulfill his wish without hesitation. The thought occured to me that perhaps he had another thing that was bothering him but I can't help but think this was was Slate's doing. It's easy to see that she's even more delighted at his physical appearance. She keeps giggling like a hatchling and bumping against his now exposed chest. She certainly seems quite keen on him and it's entertaining to see him so flustered and shy. Ah well haha. The parts are in storage if he ever changes his mind but he seems rather content and more confident than I've seen previously. The clan is embracing the look. We certainly do enjoy the unconventional around here. Even little Shinji is curious about his new look.
Entry 9: Slate and Bluescreen came to me today to work on some projects. They were "coding" something blah blah blah... I don't understand that stuff, but they wanted me to work on some mechanical designs. I should have known it was just a cheeky excuse to chat. While I was sketching, the two of them sort of... "let slip" that they're going to embrace matehood with each other. When I tell you I was so surprised my jaw dropped... Which is odd because I should have been expecting this given their constant flirting over the past several months. I'm so very happy for them though! They want to try for some hatchlings soon too since Bluescreen has been having so much fun being Shinji's adoptive dad and both he and Slate have been "empty nesters" for so long.

Oh, Slate also wants to paint Bluescreen's mechanical wing attachment and stole some supplies for that too. It's such a charming thought to me.... Symbolic of a new beginning. I can't help but smile thinking about those two heading off, bumping into one another and chittering with little Shinji. Their future is bright. I wonder if they'll stay here or succumb to wanderlust later...


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This snapper is adopted from TheSpookyAustro as part of SNAPPER SAVE: EXALT RESCUE
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Exalting Bluescreen to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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