
Level 1 Coatl
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Lux Spectre
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Earth.
Male Coatl
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Personal Style


Sunrise Hibiscus
Ivory Aviator Scarf




6.97 m
8.13 m
868.58 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 15, 2020
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Coatl
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Clan Thunder Hollow's story is in the process of being updated!

This dragon's lore reflects an earlier version of the clan lore. Information contained within this biography is not inherently inaccurate to the current canon, but it is outdated and missing updated information. Proceed with caution!
Eosphorosdye maker  
Intact Parchment

Analogous Pigment Blend
In a world—like the society of the Coatls—that is built so utterly around sound, Eosphoros was quite unfortunate to be hatched both deaf and mute. He had no concrete way to communicate with his fellows, for Coatl have no written language and tend to speak only in hums. He was isolated, even though his family loved him dearly. He fixated on the one thing in life he had complete access to: his sight, and the vibrant colors that came with it.

Color brought him a sort of happiness, reminding him that there was beauty everywhere, even when life was hard. It was what ultimately convinced him to pursue the trade of dye-making, where he could be surrounded by beautiful colors all the time. Even though moving on from his home clan granted him an opportunity to learn reading and writing, color still remained a vastly important part of his life. He spends much of his time traveling the world to learn new techniques and share the ones he already knows with others, so that they can enjoy the beauty of color, too.

» His familiar, a Lux Spectre named Wisp, helps alert him to any dangers he might _.encounter on his travels.

Eosphoros embarked on a trip across Sorneith during Brightshine Jubilee 2020 from June 21 to June 27. He was one of many who traveled to various lairs and clans in the hopes of spreading love and joy (and the recipes for sunflower seed-based dyes) to those he encountered. When it was over, he was able to look back at the adventures he had and dragons he met and remember the journey he went on.
- - -

TheAwesoMew #379235

Eosphoros was nervous.

To him, that sort of feeling wasn't a new one. Nervousness had been a constant presence since his hatching moment, since the time he learned that, in a world where sound was key to so many things, he would have to learn to live in silence. But that sort of nervousness was a background feeling, one that had, over the years, become small and unobtrusive. This sort, the sort he was feeling as he stood and looked at the flight plan he had received, was painfully present. It clamored for his attention the way Wisp did when someone approached him from behind and he couldn't hear it; he could not ignore it or make it go away until he looked directly at it.

He wasn't nervous about the prospect of traveling. That was something he knew and loved--when he could do it on his own terms. The rigidity of this event, however, made it feel less like true traveling; it felt more akin to a job, where there was a schedule to follow and a task to complete. Sure, he'd have a chance to do what he would on a regular journey; after all, the sunflowers he would be delivering made a great starting point for sharing new dye recipes with others (asking around his own clan confirmed that, yes, most dragons had no idea about the potent dye potential found in sunflower seeds). However, he'd have to do all that by being constantly on the move, adhering to a careful flight plan to maximize how many clans could receive some festive cheer. What would he do if he got lost or injured? How could he possibly meet all his connections, then? There was a possibility, however slim, that he could get stranded on some tiny island near locals who couldn't read, and then what would he do? He couldn't communicate if they couldn't read. His whole portion of the event would be ruined, and some clans wouldn't receive the gift of beautiful sunflower colors for their Brightshine Jubilee...

Wisp untucked herself from where she was dozing in his scarf, drifting up to stare Eosphoros straight in the eyes. She always seemed to know when he was worried; being a Lux Spectre, she was quite supernaturally attuned to sensing strong emotions. Her gentle gaze gave Eosphoros just the smallest pause, and he reevaluated his concerns. Yes, there was a possibility for his trip to go awry--but that possibility was present no matter what he was doing. Stressing about it would only hamper his enjoyment, and that would do no good on such a bright holiday.

He did his best to shelve his concerns somewhere in his mind that couldn't affect him so easily before considering his travel plan with new eyes. On it were the names and locations of seven clans--seven clans that would welcome a bit of extra cheer this Brightshine Jubilee. Instead of fretting over the snags that might delay him, he thought of the exciting things he would see, the happy faces he would (likely) meet, and the wonderful dye recipes he'd be able to share. There was a lot of work ahead of him, but there was also a lot of joy. Life had taught him practicality and pessimism but it had also taught him how to find happiness in the littlest of things. He had hope and that was all he really needed--he could take the world as it came at him.

Current_Inventory wrote:
DAY ONETHE STARSCATTER TEMPLE // rhapsodicDream #192638

Starscatter Temple loomed above, imposing and stately. The very air vibrated, as though filled with so much light magic it might burst at any moment. At first glance, it was quite ominous, but once through the main entrance and into the courtyard, its true nature was revealed - books and notes littered almost every corner, bottles of ink spilled over on tables, banners above the doorways, and most striking of all, the cliff side immediately opposite of the courtyard stood, carved into caves and absolutely covered with murals. Though ancient and sacred, the temple was well lived-in at this point.

Though most of the inhabitants were scholars, drawn to the temple to study the earliest ages and the legends surrounding the deities, there were exceptions. Rue, in particular, took instant interest in their new visitor - he didn't even have to say a word, as she was more than willing to drag her new friend from place to place, gesturing at this and that in a whirl of excitement. She was delighted by the sunflowers - she quickly jotted down a note explaining that she was the clan's gardener, or rather, botanist. When Eosphoros finally managed to communicate that he wanted to teach others how to make dye from the sunflower seeds, which caused Rue's eyes to veritably glow at the idea, before she jubilantly cried, "You have to meet my uncle!" (not that Eosphoros could hear) and dragged Eosphoros away from his newfound means of communication.

Rue's uncle, it turned out, was Sonder, the artist responsible for the murals covering the dragons' lair. He was a far more gracious host than Rue, attentively following Eosphoros's demonstration on dye-making, which he followed up with his own show of paint-making (with Rue as his assistant, which made the whole process far messier than necessary). Afterwards, he gestured for Eosphoros to sit down, and painted two portraits of him - one for each party to keep in order to remember their new friends.


Current_Inventory wrote:
DAY TWOSinjin // #450186

Torquil read the note presented to him. He looked up with a smile (?) before turning and saying something to another dragon who hurried from the room. He flipped the paper over and blowing a small gust of fire onto his nail wrote with the chard tip.

Welcome Eosphoros.
I have the perfect dragon to show you around.
Her name Kore
We hope you will find your stay here to be enjoyable.

A nature primal came swirling up to them. She turned her remarkable eyes to gaze at Eosphoros. Before turning back to Torquil and making hand motions. He replied with hand movements of his own. She lit up. Her smile full of joy. She turned and began to sign to Eosphoros. He blinked at her. Her smile dimmed. And she again looked to Torquil. They exchanged another silent conversation. Before she swirled away.

Torquil gave Eosphoros a reassuring look. And she came back with a piece of slate and chalk.

Do you not know how to sign?
Not that that matters!
Torquil told me you are intreseted in dying techniques.
There is a stall in the Marketplace, you need to see!
Fallow me!

She swirled off. Pausing and waiting for him to catch up multiple time. Always smiling with an engaging mischief each time he did. Before swirling off again, like a hatchling, impatient to share a treat. Eosphoros stayed slightly out breath until they stopped. She motioned him in. He took a deep breath and walked into a wonder. The walls were hung with different dyed fabrics and the material use create the colors set under them. He looked at her, her eyes sparkled and the flowers seemed to bloom more. She scribbled on her slate.


He went. Examining every item and the fabric it affected, making notes. Enjoying himself hugely. Kore, his Lux Spectre, and her fairies played in the background. When he stopped in front of a plate full of hibiscus flowers; Kore swirled over to him and picked one up. She examined it intently and a glow that started in her eyes transferred into the flower. For a second it was the most brilliant thing he had ever seen. Then it was again a normal flower. She smiled and offered it to him with a blink. He took with a reverence and she swirled away. Leaving him to learn to his hearts content.

By Sinjin
Current_Inventory wrote:
DAY THREESigns Clan // BlueStopSigns #402332

Eosphoros' third stop was a small Clan in the Fortress of Ends. He wasn't overly excited about being in the Icewarden's domain. Frozen tundras weren't often bright and colourful.

His assumption was quickly challenged. He was greeted at the entrance of the cave by a brightly dressed Bogsneak named Moldbygg. Proffering his tablet he offered greeting. Moldbygg greeted him in kind, using his magic to hold Eosphoros' chalk.

Lunch was served shortly after his arrival. As Moldbygg was showing him to the communal meal area his travel bag caught on a sharp wall edge.


ohnoohnoohno Panicking, Eosphoros tried to gather all the plants he'd bought the day before to create new dyes with.

A touch made him freeze almost as soon as his panic started. Looking up, Eosphoros saw Moldbygg use his magic to collect all the materials from the floor. Then he led Eosphoros down a side hallway to his study.

As soon as they entered several bolts of cloth flew from the back wall. What happened next could best be described as a fabric scrap hurricane. When the thread storm died down Moldbygg presented him with a new bag. Here. Keep your flowers in this. I enchanted to be more resistant against tearing.

Eosphoros hugged him very tightly in response.


Current_Inventory wrote:

There was certainly no shortage of color in Eosphoros' new destination; his next delivery was to be made to a wandering market, full of wares from all over Sornieth as well as a multitude of patrons who fit that same description. Landing carefully at the market entrance, so as not to bump into any of its many visitors, Eosphoros took the time to gather his bearings and secure his belongings. There was his reinforced satchel courtesy of his last stop, as well as a painted portrait and a mysterious flower from two other clans he had encountered. Of course, he also made sure to check on both Wisp and his supply of sunflowers, the former of which seemed to have her attention elsewhere.

Following the Lux Spectre's gaze with his own, his eyes fell upon what looked to be an impromptu therapy session between two spirals. The first spiral sat at a desk, paper before her and a pen in hand, listening intently to the words of the other, who had just come from the forge, if the lingering flames dancing around her were any indication. It was the second spiral that Wisp seemed fixated on. Although her frustration was clearly visible to the average observer, it was Wisp's affinity for detecting powerful emotion that led Eosphoros to approach the pair; he had undertaken this journey to spread happiness and she, at least, looked to be in need of some.

Approaching openly and waving a hand to indicate his interest in the conversation, he motioned to a spare piece of paper on the corner of the desk, silently asking permission to speak through it. When granted, he began to write,
Hello! My name is Eosphoros.
I'm traveling this Brightshine Jubilee with the hope of spreading happiness to far away clans.
I believe I have something to brighten your day!

With the note completed, he handed it off to the distressed spiral, careful to avoid the flames around her, before quickly turning to dig around in his pack for a bundle of sunflower to brighten her day with. There was a look of curiosity on her face when she finished reading the note, but it quickly dissolved into a fit of incredulous laughter when met with a bundle of sunflowers. So great was the accidental joke that she buried her head in her claws in an attempt to quell the bubbling giggles.

Raising a placating hand, the spiral at the desk began to write hurriedly,
Don't mind Aya. That was a very sweet gesture of you, but a very ironic one nonetheless. Here's the story as I know it so far.

The spiral at the desk just so happened to be Senwith, the clans dedicated interpreter. She was no stranger to communicating with the deaf, and as such, gave pieces of the story in small segments, opting to hand multiple, smaller pieces of paper to Eosphoros, each with a few sentences, rather than forcing the coatl to wait for the entire saga to be written on a single sheet. As the collection of notes grew, the irony of the exchange began to make perfect sense.

Aya had been called into the forge earlier in the day by the resident blacksmith, Cinder, in order to help with the forging of a time sensitive piece. Multiple times, they had cast the base of the piece perfectly only to ruin it during the embellishing process, as they had no true reference for the desired image. The piece in question was to be a silver shield with a gold cast engraving of a sunflower in the center. The frustration had simply grown too great for Aya, and it was the noise of the forge that she hoped to escape in her venture to the market square.

Still intent on lessening Aya's distress, Eosphoros quickly offered to bring the bundle of sunflowers into the forge along with the offer to assist the blacksmith however he could. Aya's immediate relief was reflected in the relaxation of Wisp's posture as well as her own, and she took up the pen as well to assure him that the work was not particularly difficult and could easily be learned by one with the mind to with just a few attempts. The last note passed between the trio contained directions to the forge and wishes for good luck.


As Eosphoros followed the directions given, it became apparent that even the deaf could not escape the power of the forge. He found himself able to judge the time remaining in his journey by the strength of the rumbling beneath his feet. Finally, he approached a structure of black stone from which no small amount of heat spilled out into the street before it. Amidst the warm air stood a skydancer, awash in flames just as Aya had been, observing his newest attempt though the unfeeling visor of his mask.

The blacksmith then turned his gaze to Eosphoros and visibly straightened his posture at the sight of the sunflowers he was carrying. The coatl could not tell if the blacksmith had already attempted to speak to him or not, but still went though the standard motions he found were most effective at communicating his inability to speak or be spoken to. He was met with a nod of understanding and a wave inviting him further into the forge.

There, he watched as Cinder freed an old blueprint from the bottom of a stack and swept the ash away from it before writing his own note in spare charcoal,
Well it isn't as if I would have been able to hear you anyhow over all this noise!
I am Cinder, and I am quite interested in borrowing a sunflower from you for a project of mine.
If you had it in you to lend a hand with the project itself, that too would be much appreciated!

Though charcoal was among the more difficult mediums to read, the message was clear and Eosphoros happily offered the bundle to the blacksmith and stepped forward to the anvil, observing the progress that had been made thus far. The base of the shield seemed nearly finished, although he could still pick out a few dents here and there, soon to be heated and hammered away. He was pulled from his assessment by Cinder nudging him over to an illustrator's table and handing him a finer pointed piece of charcoal with which, he assumed, he was to make the pattern for engraving.

His suspicions were confirmed as Cinder pulled out several failed patterns and placed them on display with a shake of his head. Some had far too much detail in the center of the flower, detailing each individual seed. In others the petals were too small, too large, too many, or too few. With a reference in hand, Eosphoros diligently set to work in creating a plan that was simple yet accurate. Seeing that their non verbal communication had been effective, Cinder gave a nod of approval and continued to work the imperfections out of the unembellished shield.

Time passed quickly as progress on the pattern was made. On occasion, he turned in his seat to hold the work in progress up to the blacksmith to ensure he was still on the right track. Soon, the pattern was completed and received enthusiastically by the skydancer, who took great care in placing it far away from the fire, but in a place he could still reference it.

His next task was one that brought great excitement. He had been led to a small station in the very back of the forge with a sample of dyes meant to add color to the leather portions of Cinder's works; Eosphoros was entrusted with dying the leather bindings for the back of the shield, given no instruction beyond a vague gesture to the darker dyes. It was up to him then, and there was no dye more appropriate to use than one made from a true sunflower. Or rather, the seeds of one.

Setting out to make his dye, he drew the attention of Cinder, who was now preparing the gold with which to fill the crevasses left by engraving. Eosphoros waved him away from his work, wanting the outcome to be a surprise yet still creating a copy of the recipe, in the correct assumption that it was wanted. Leaving the leather to sit, he returned to Cinder to aid in the gold pouring process which involved him standing by with a thin metal knife to scrape off any wayward drops of molten gold before they could cool where they were not supposed to.

Overcoming the initial surprise at the brand new color of the leather handle, the pair attached it to the back of the shield and stepped away, satisfied with their combined effort. With the project complete at last, Cinder composed one last message to his new assistant,
It turned out better than I could have expected!
And it went much faster than I'd have managed without your help!
Why don't you take some of the extra ore I set aside for the many failures you saved me from?
Feel free to stay at the forge for as long as you like (that Lux Spectre of yours seems to like the warmth!), but best of luck whenever and wherever your journey guides you.

His bag now heavy with ore, Eosphoros set out to the next destination.

Current_Inventory wrote:

The line to the temple was much less shorter than he had expected.

Maybe it was the time of the festival; after all, Windsinger had no place during the Brightshine Jubilee. But glancing at the area surrounding him, that seemed to be just the opposite. Images of Windsinger were painted everywhere; on the walls of the shops, on the panels of the stone roads, even a few artisans set up in the streets were drawing the snake-like god.

The line was moving up now, and before he knew it, Eosphoros was standing right in front of what he could only assume to be someone important. This dragon was dressed in blue silks and next to him was a small sack of treasure and other tiny trinkets. Gifts for the temple, he presumed.

Before the tundra could talk, Eosphoros slid over a sheet of paper that he carried during his travels. On the top, it read ’I can’t speak or hear’ with blank lines following for any acquaintances to respond. After visiting multiple lairs and having to go through the same process of meeting new dragons, he decided that starting off by announcing the obvious would make communications go faster and smoother.

The tundra read the writing swiftly and glanced back up at the coatl. He opened his mouth as if to respond, and then closed it. He glanced from left to right, then made eye contact with Eosphoros . He made a writing gesture to him and Eosphoros smiled. Reaching into his satchel, the dye-maker pulled out a small bottle of ink and a quill, handing it over to the tundra.

What brings you to the temple? The handwriting was neat and curly, exactly what one would expect out of someone lathered in silks.

Delivery of sunflowers — the Brightshine Jubilee. I’m called Eosphoros -. The coatle wasted no time in writing fancy words. He knew exactly what he had to say and the quicker he got it out, the better his experience was.

He pulled out the sunflowers from his back, handing them over to the tundra. The other dragon took them gently and placed them next to the trinkets. He gestured once again for the sheet of paper.

’I’m Glassdan, an oracle for this temple. Please allow me to offer you a place in the temple tonight. It would be the best way I could repay you.’

He hesitated. Was the priest just doing this out of pity? Surely a couple of sunflowers didn’t warrant such hospitality. While Eosphoros always appreciated kindness, he had been given what he liked to call “Sympathy Looks” his whole life, one of the reasons he buried himself in colors. Clothing didn’t care if he was mute, clothing just wanted to be beautiful.

The tundra smiled encouragingly at him and gave a gesture with his head, pointing to the entrance of the temple. With a quick sigh, Eosphoros accepted the offer by means of a slight nod. Immediately, the other male brightened. He stood up and made another quick gesture which Eosphoros interpreted as follow me!.

Eosphoros did so, and as they wove past the great pillars in the front, he realized exactly how beautiful this temple was. The floor on the inside was most likely made out of polished marble, with faint swirling designs for an extra flair. This level was large, and like the outside, the ceiling was held up with beautiful pillars. Except this time, they weren’t the same presentable colors of the outside of the temple.

Each pillar was exploding with color. Depictions of Windsinger, other deities, maps, lands, and other drawings were carefully crafted. By the styles, it seemed an individual artist was hired for one pillar, which explained the varying details and themes of each of them.

But Eosphoros didn’t have time to revel in the glory of the room; Glassdan was moving on. He climbed up gold and white stairs, and as Eosphoros followed him, he noticed that each step gave off a slight vibration.

They climbed about three flights of stairs before Glassdan was finally happy with the level. This floor was much more plain with two hallways; one on the right and one on the left. Down the corridors, Eosphoros could see a few doors, each leading to a separate room. He supposed this was the place where keepers and holy-dragons lived.

Glassdan led him down through the right corridor, all the way to the last door. The oracle opened up the door and gestured for Eosphoros to hand him the quill and paper again.

This will be your room for the night. In the morning, we will provide you with some breakfast for you next destination.

Eosphoros dipped his head gratefully to Glassdan who in turn smiled and turned away, going back to his duties. It was halfway to late evening at this point, and Eosphoros was already exhausted.

Entering the room, Eosphoros could see how comforting it looked just by standing in the doorway. Alongside the left wall was a lounge-like bed with at least four pillows. Blankets were hung out on the side, allowing the guests to choose how many they wanted to sleep with. A couple of chairs and a table was seen on the right side, with a cabinet full of food. Once again, pillars were lining the walls, holding up the ceiling. And on the ceiling, a beautiful mural with a swirly style showed the viewer a grand sky full of clouds, dragons, birds, and leaves, all carried by the wind.

Not feeling particularly hungry or adventurous, Eosphoros decided to just head to bed. His next clan was a little ways away and if he wanted to make it on time, he should sleep as much as possible. At least, that was the plan. After about two hours of wonderful sleep, he woke to the feeling of wind.

The air around him stirred. It slunk across the pillars, prowling and leaping like a giant wildcat stalking its prey. But instead of settling after a moment, the wind kept growing, swirling around the room, around the pillars, around him. He could only feel the tearing and whipping of the air, but perhaps if he wasn’t deaf, he could’ve heard a simple sound. Differentiating from the howling wind in the room, the clear ringing of bells pierced the air. It took only a minute for his eyes to adjust to the darkness, and when they did, he saw something he’d never would’ve expected.

Before him, a snake of shadows was beginning to take shape. A scaly tail and body was curled around the pillars, weaving around the room like a spider’s web. This darkness shifted like smoke, formed only by the currents of the wind. And then, a blinding wave of light.

As white as the sand beaches of Tsunami Flats, the burst of energy coated the room, creating a single-source of light. And in the center of the room the form was still. In front of him was a green snake-like dragon. Wisps of green energy emitted from its scales, and though it didn’t have wings, it suspended itself in the air as easily as a veteran flyer. Looking into the piercing green eyes of this gigantic dragon, Eosphoros saw the gentleness of a Ridgeback mother who knew the fragility of her eggs yet cared for them anyway, unafraid to touch and move them. There was no mistaking who this dragon was:

Windsinger, the deity and ruler of the wind.

He’d never seen anything so extravagant in his life. As a visionary artist, his soul broke when he realized he could only capture this perfect image in his head, never on a physical piece of paper, not on a canvas, and never in his writing. For the first time in his life Eosphoros longed to speak. Not just simply wanted to, he yearned. He needed to speak, to hear, what this magnificent dragon had to say.

Eosphoros wept.

He wept and he let his tears fall onto the comforters. The deity before him writed its snake-like green body, and when it opened its mouth, a puff of pale green smoke exited, trailing his words with a lasting mark. When the coatl failed to respond in any respect, (he was frozen, stuck to the bed like a sundew plant clinging onto a newly captured insect; what could be its final meal) the dragon tilted its head, for the first time revealing some sort of emotion.

Windsinger inhaled, and with this breath came movement. The room seemed to breathe with the god as well, pulsating to the rhythm of his heartbeat. A part of his body uncoiled from the pillars and he moved forward slightly, coming eye to eye with poor Eosphoros. Once again, the deity opened him mouth, but instead just taking the usual irregular shape, the green smoke formed two words:

My child

Eosphoros wiped at his eyes, desperately trying to get rid of the tears. He musn’t act like this, least of all in front of a god. Windsinger saw the and smiled gently. He reached forward once again, this time actually touching Eosphoros. The mute coatl’s eyes went wide, and for a split second, he could’ve sworn he heard something. But after that moment, everything disappeared. The sound, the light, the warmth, and Windsinger. In his place, right on the cushion of the bed was a few trinkets, and as Eosphoros picked through them, he found himself calming down.

No one would believe him, even if they had been in the room with him. He had seen the god, and even touched him. It may have been during Lightweaver’s Festival, but Windsinger had taken the spotlight.

DAY SIXKittyandCat // #441788

Eosphoros found himself in the shadow flight next. The clan that lay before him was small, but bustling nonetheless. The way the dragons here moved, running here and there, some walking beside others and grinning at the, others glancing over their shoulder to open their mouths and say something to another. But Eosphoros couldn't hear any of this.

He nervously made his way forward, glancing around. He wanted to find a dragon who didn’t seem busy, though the clan was full of activity. Not after long, he spotted a lean skydancer, laying in the shade of an overhang. His eyes were closed, but by the way his tail twitched, it was obvious her wasn’t asleep. Eosphoros made his way forward, gently nudging the skydancer.

The skydancer lifted his head, opened his eyes, along with many others along his body that opened in sync. It startled Eosphoros a bit; skydancers already weren’t his first pick, which were faes, with their mono-tone nature, but this would have to do. Eosphoros was unsure of where to start, attempting to scribble in the sand beneath his feet.

The skydancer remained silent, only watching the strange coatl. When he was satisfied, Eosphoros stepped back, revealing what he thought would be an explanation of his journey, and the fact he couldn’t hear nor speak, which he assumed was already obvious. The skydancer starred at his scribble for a few moments, before looking back up and tipping his head. He pointed to the satchel Eosphoros carried, filled with dyes, flowers, clay and various other things used to make it.

Eosphoros took the satchel off and poured out what it contained, sorting the items and pointing, scribbling in the soil with sketches he thought explained well enough. It was obvious the skydancer didn’t get any of it completely, but understood the gist of it and was willing to keep trying. Not after long, Eosphoros had begun to put things back inside of his satchel, when the skydancer got up and disappeared. For several moments, he was gone, and Eosphoros curiously, and nervously, waited for his return.

When he came back, he carried another bag by it’s strap in his mouth. It was overflowing with wildflowers, and the skydancer set it down. Eosphoros’ gaze went from the bag to the dragon who’d brought it a few times, before quickly going through it. After he’d finished exploring the small bag, he looked up at the skydancer and tipped his head. Once he nodded, Eosphoros put it over his head so it rested with the other, and took off into the sky again.

This visit wasn’t like any of his others, but was certainly memorable, nonetheless.

Current_Inventory wrote:
DAY SEVENThe Miner’s Demise // ghostlyplants #424401

Kat seemed to notice a visitor and made some art for them to take home!
Current_Inventory wrote:
TheAwesomew » rhapsodicDream » Sinjin » BlueStopSigns » AlmightyAmu » Claares » KittyandCat » ghostlyplants » TheAwesomew

code by epher #101073, edited by theawesomew

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