Level 1 Pearlcatcher
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Energy: 47
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4.48 m
6.34 m
683.57 kg
Eye Type
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 0 / 245


The following interaction takes place between Ares and Quince, deemed the Autumnal Daemons. The pair are widely known in the Wind region for their good fortunes that arise during harvest. The two are very scarcely seen travelling the windy plateau, only visiting one guild each year. They split up and find separate clans in need of plentiful harvest, Ares often following whatever path he stumbles across and Quince mapping out each location beforehand. Thus, the pair of dragons commence together at the Guild of Hallowed Copse until they must depart in late September and return late December. However, Quince is notorious for travelling across Sorneith in her own scattered adventures, feeding into her curiosity of other region's lifestyles and love for nature, causing their reunions to be brief.
Not much is known of the two presumed deities, only that they bring plentiful harvest and seasonally guard the areas where many animals habitate. After their work is done, a separate entity such as a Spring Daemon will take their place, each seasonal "God" (as many dragons call them) bringing their own fortunes. Every Autumn Daemon will arrive at the annual meeting to discuss different routes where certain guilds are in need of assistance with their hunting and gathering. It is unknown how many of these daemons exist, but there are many scattered among different clans. Most guilds are tight lipped about their visits, as a common myth that holds strong states that revealing the deity's fortunes placed upon their clan will deter the gods from returning and may undo the effect; it is unknown why this is. An Autumnal Daemon will never return to the same guild twice unless it is their own. However, other deities can visit the clan, and if the guild should find that this is the case, they should consider themselves blessed. Daemons are sworn by oath to refrain from having offspring of their own, as their frequent travelling and duty to the dragons of Sorneith can only be dampened by such a large distraction.

The soothing trickle of the distant stream echoed throughout the serene land. The light undergrowth that padded the jade female's paws stood firm as a breeze worked it's way through the clearing, causing the lengthy bamboo pillars to let out a small creak from it's touch. The dried blossoms that adorned her neatly tucked wings found their beloved petals drifting away, falling victim to the neverending gale winds that formed around them. The swaying plateau was seemingly empty until a soft mumble drifted into the pearlcatcher's relaxed ears, muffled by the distance that separated them. Across from her deep emerald gaze, the stones that flanked an unlit fireplace drew nearer with each soft step. The moment the female made her way into the large camp, a strong scent washed over her unsuspecting figure. With a single glance downwards, she could see the still dying coals from the previous nights celebration, their sparks dull and turned to ash. Directly in front of the citrus colored lanterns that were strung among the bamboo stood the intimidating shadow of a wildclaw. His wings slightly tattered, he was also presented with the very same blossoms that she proudly strutted, his ebony antlers only further adding to the eerie appearance he possessed with those gleaming amethyst eyes. It was rumored that years before he had been deemed ruler of the guild, a wicked kelpie witch had lured him into her grasp as a hatchling and placed a curse that doomed him to live an eternal life as he would someday watch his mate and companions die all around him. The gossip that followed behind him rumored that this particular kelpie had a deal that the male's father backed out on, though nobody knows what this supposed deal pertained.
"Quince," his stable voice boomed, a foreign accent rolling off of his tongue, indistinguishable to any region. A small grin cracked his facade, the beating light from his gaze protected by the shade of the bamboo that cast itself over him. He approached the female, his steps seemingly cold and calculated- though only to blame for his menacing demeanor- towering over her smaller figure. "Welcome back. Do tell me, how were your travels?"
"Hello, Peoria," she stated firmly, slightly dipping her head in respect before trotting alongside him. "Why, the different guilds are simply fascinating. I've learned a plethora of ways of living, and I do think a handful of guilds wouldn't find the way this guild operates very..." she paused, feeling his curious gaze follow her, "ethical.." the female finished. Peoria simply chuckled, focusing his attention toward the upcoming dens. He was well aware that an aura of uneasiness surrounded the other guilds any time witchcraft was mentioned, though he had been exposed to whispers whenever his back was turned ever since his orbs had taken up an unusual glow, so he didn't seem to mind.
"Perhaps they should try it themselves," the wildclaw suggested, indicating a slight shrug. His tail flickered, shifting his attention yet again to the pearlcatcher. "I presume you're searching for Ares?" Quince tilted her head upwards as to meet eye level with the lanky male, nodding in response. "Well," he started, "The lazy lump doesn't seem to do much these days as I'm sure you're aware, thus I have an idea of where he may be hiding, as you do." The female let out a small smile.
The pair halted as they reached the crowded area. "Do tell Cat hi for me, won't you?" Quince rather liked the wildclaw female, she was stern and quite frankly terrifying, but also knowledgeable and always able to keep the guild in line. At the mention of his mate, Peoria perked up, stating a simple yes and leaning down toward her. "You'll most definitely have to tell me of these weary dragons later, I'm intrigued." A childlike wonder danced inside his gleaming eyes as he spoke. Quince gave a curt nod, before the two shared their parting words, leaving her to find the troublesome daemon.
[C]A row of aging cobwebs greeted Quince as she slipped into the cave, the cooled ground relieving her of the warmth that beat down on her from the distant sun. Her worn out wolf cape snagged on a loose piece of wood as she entered, earning only another scratch from the many that already adorned it. A sigh escaped from her mouth as her gaze danced around the den, it's uncleanliness causing her ear to twitch. The unkempt area resembled that of a bird scavenging for nest supplies, tossing away an array of useless supplies it deemed unfit. The breeze from outside brushed over the female's fur softly, her eyes still drinking in the quiet room. A click of talons on the smooth floor sounded from behind her as she turned, her elongated whiskers willowing in front of her.
From the shadows emerged a lean auburn imperial, his hazel gaze aimed directly at her as the two stood in lasting silence. "Quincy," the male stated airily, almost as if he was in awe of her presence alone. His gaze scanned her features for a few moments before he stepped off the slightly raised floor, meeting her stance. "I didn't know you were coming back so soon." His demeanor suggested indifference though his tone held a strange effect. Nervousness perhaps? But why? She pondered on the thought before swallowing, "I told you the day before I set off, remember?" She blinked, cocking her head ever so slightly.
The imperial's gaze clouded over, his eyebrows furrowing as her words sunk in. He continuously opened and closed his mouth like that of a gaping fish, desperately clinging on for dear life. Brushing off his strange behavior, she tasked it as a lack of sleep. She spoke, "I see you've been busy," motioning toward the lack of neatness. She flashed an accusatory glance at him, clicking her tongue once. "Don't tell me you've simply been wasting away your days; I've only been gone for a month." This seemed to snap him out of his trance.
"If course not," he claimed defensively, "my mind has just been.." His gaze shifted to indifference, "elsewhere." The male appeared aloof. "Tell me about your travels?" The female swiftly caught onto his attempt for a diversion, a poor one at that.
"Why don't we talk about your travels?" She joked, tail swaying behind her, sweeping across the dusty floor. The usually airheaded male ducked his head, looking anywhere but in her eyes. Ares never missed the chance to tease or deflect her teasing, and she couldn't simply shake off the strange tension that surrounded him. "Ares?" Her gaze fell serious, "what's going on?" Her eyes remained on him intently, that jade gaze refusing to falter.
A deep swallow in the back of his throat sounded as he finally focused his attention on the patiently awaiting pearlcatcher. "I.." he began, before cutting off and swallowing again. "I don't know how to tell you this, for I fear you'll hate my very existence."
Quince scoffed in response, talons tapping as she responded. "You may be infuriating, but I could never hate you, Ares." That didn't seem to ease his wariness, for he appeared even further afraid than before. The opal streaks that rested atop his body reflected the sunlight, a light green that resembled a flower full meadow. His slightly darkened hazel orbs from the shade closed. Seconds ticked by before he vocalized again. "I messed up, big time." He raised his head, his stature giving off alarm, "I truly did."
She began to grow impatient by his rambling, though bit back a harsh retort. "Ares, just tell me and we can fix this." The male immediately shook his head, taking a small step backwards, heading deeper into the dim cave. "No we can't," he cried out softly, "we can't!"
"Just tell me," she remarked exasperatedly. "Please Ares, just tell me already!" Her calm composure crumbled just like that, though she was quickly growing more and more irritated as time went on. Quince took a step forward to match his, her gaze desperate and pleading.
Ares mumbled something incoherently as she narrowed her eyes, only barely refraining from dragging him in front of Peoria and demanding him to reveal his secret in front of the entire guild. "Ares," the female finally snapped, her voice resembling that of a low growl.
He slowly rose, terror growing across his features. He looked as if he'd seen a ghost. "I have a son and two daughters." An eerie silence consumed the room as the pair stared at each other. Quince felt her heart sink into her stomach like a boulder and weigh her down.
"What," she whispered. The jade female found herself instinctively shaking before her lips curled. "What have you done?" Her voice was a hoarse croak as she scrunched her eyes shut.
"It was a mistake," he quickly defended, head lowering as he anticipated her enraged response. "I should have never.."
Quince quickly cut him off. "No, you shouldn't have," the female snapped, "you've doomed us both." Her eyes blazed as she regarded him with a seething anger, her talons certainly leaving a mark on the floor as the tips dug into the firm material. "We are doomed, Ares!" She hissed at him, her tongue forking itself out as she shook. She was never this quick to anger, though this revelation certainly clawed at her from deep inside.
Ares gaze blazed in response, "We are not doomed!" He barked back, "She left with them and they're never coming back. I am destined for greater things than a female to tie me down!" This only further ignited the flame that was brewing inside of Quince.
"Destined for greater things?" She bit back, "perhaps the greatest thing you're destined for is ruining our lives! Can you not see past your ego for one moment to realize how this will destroy everything we've worked towards?" Her whole body was tensed as she regarded him with outrage, "Thanks to your foolish decisions, the others will abandon us! We will be outcasts forever!" She continued before Ares could respond, "You know how much honor I hold for this position, but you had absolutely no regard for that when you decided to frolic with a strange female now, did you?"
The auburn male tried his best as to not panic, "She is gone, Quince! I told her to keep quiet and I have no idea where she is," he proceeded, "I'm the one who made the decision, the courts will not punish you for it. I am a daemon, they will not cast me out so quickly." He began to shake as well as he regarded her.
"Your very name defies your existence!" She sneered, "you are no fit for a god, Ares, you are a traitor!" And with that, the female leapt out of the unruly den, off into the crowded bamboo that called out towards her, leaving Ares to regret alone.
Not much is known of the two presumed deities, only that they bring plentiful harvest and seasonally guard the areas where many animals habitate. After their work is done, a separate entity such as a Spring Daemon will take their place, each seasonal "God" (as many dragons call them) bringing their own fortunes. Every Autumn Daemon will arrive at the annual meeting to discuss different routes where certain guilds are in need of assistance with their hunting and gathering. It is unknown how many of these daemons exist, but there are many scattered among different clans. Most guilds are tight lipped about their visits, as a common myth that holds strong states that revealing the deity's fortunes placed upon their clan will deter the gods from returning and may undo the effect; it is unknown why this is. An Autumnal Daemon will never return to the same guild twice unless it is their own. However, other deities can visit the clan, and if the guild should find that this is the case, they should consider themselves blessed. Daemons are sworn by oath to refrain from having offspring of their own, as their frequent travelling and duty to the dragons of Sorneith can only be dampened by such a large distraction.

The soothing trickle of the distant stream echoed throughout the serene land. The light undergrowth that padded the jade female's paws stood firm as a breeze worked it's way through the clearing, causing the lengthy bamboo pillars to let out a small creak from it's touch. The dried blossoms that adorned her neatly tucked wings found their beloved petals drifting away, falling victim to the neverending gale winds that formed around them. The swaying plateau was seemingly empty until a soft mumble drifted into the pearlcatcher's relaxed ears, muffled by the distance that separated them. Across from her deep emerald gaze, the stones that flanked an unlit fireplace drew nearer with each soft step. The moment the female made her way into the large camp, a strong scent washed over her unsuspecting figure. With a single glance downwards, she could see the still dying coals from the previous nights celebration, their sparks dull and turned to ash. Directly in front of the citrus colored lanterns that were strung among the bamboo stood the intimidating shadow of a wildclaw. His wings slightly tattered, he was also presented with the very same blossoms that she proudly strutted, his ebony antlers only further adding to the eerie appearance he possessed with those gleaming amethyst eyes. It was rumored that years before he had been deemed ruler of the guild, a wicked kelpie witch had lured him into her grasp as a hatchling and placed a curse that doomed him to live an eternal life as he would someday watch his mate and companions die all around him. The gossip that followed behind him rumored that this particular kelpie had a deal that the male's father backed out on, though nobody knows what this supposed deal pertained.
"Quince," his stable voice boomed, a foreign accent rolling off of his tongue, indistinguishable to any region. A small grin cracked his facade, the beating light from his gaze protected by the shade of the bamboo that cast itself over him. He approached the female, his steps seemingly cold and calculated- though only to blame for his menacing demeanor- towering over her smaller figure. "Welcome back. Do tell me, how were your travels?"
"Hello, Peoria," she stated firmly, slightly dipping her head in respect before trotting alongside him. "Why, the different guilds are simply fascinating. I've learned a plethora of ways of living, and I do think a handful of guilds wouldn't find the way this guild operates very..." she paused, feeling his curious gaze follow her, "ethical.." the female finished. Peoria simply chuckled, focusing his attention toward the upcoming dens. He was well aware that an aura of uneasiness surrounded the other guilds any time witchcraft was mentioned, though he had been exposed to whispers whenever his back was turned ever since his orbs had taken up an unusual glow, so he didn't seem to mind.
"Perhaps they should try it themselves," the wildclaw suggested, indicating a slight shrug. His tail flickered, shifting his attention yet again to the pearlcatcher. "I presume you're searching for Ares?" Quince tilted her head upwards as to meet eye level with the lanky male, nodding in response. "Well," he started, "The lazy lump doesn't seem to do much these days as I'm sure you're aware, thus I have an idea of where he may be hiding, as you do." The female let out a small smile.
The pair halted as they reached the crowded area. "Do tell Cat hi for me, won't you?" Quince rather liked the wildclaw female, she was stern and quite frankly terrifying, but also knowledgeable and always able to keep the guild in line. At the mention of his mate, Peoria perked up, stating a simple yes and leaning down toward her. "You'll most definitely have to tell me of these weary dragons later, I'm intrigued." A childlike wonder danced inside his gleaming eyes as he spoke. Quince gave a curt nod, before the two shared their parting words, leaving her to find the troublesome daemon.
[C]A row of aging cobwebs greeted Quince as she slipped into the cave, the cooled ground relieving her of the warmth that beat down on her from the distant sun. Her worn out wolf cape snagged on a loose piece of wood as she entered, earning only another scratch from the many that already adorned it. A sigh escaped from her mouth as her gaze danced around the den, it's uncleanliness causing her ear to twitch. The unkempt area resembled that of a bird scavenging for nest supplies, tossing away an array of useless supplies it deemed unfit. The breeze from outside brushed over the female's fur softly, her eyes still drinking in the quiet room. A click of talons on the smooth floor sounded from behind her as she turned, her elongated whiskers willowing in front of her.
From the shadows emerged a lean auburn imperial, his hazel gaze aimed directly at her as the two stood in lasting silence. "Quincy," the male stated airily, almost as if he was in awe of her presence alone. His gaze scanned her features for a few moments before he stepped off the slightly raised floor, meeting her stance. "I didn't know you were coming back so soon." His demeanor suggested indifference though his tone held a strange effect. Nervousness perhaps? But why? She pondered on the thought before swallowing, "I told you the day before I set off, remember?" She blinked, cocking her head ever so slightly.
The imperial's gaze clouded over, his eyebrows furrowing as her words sunk in. He continuously opened and closed his mouth like that of a gaping fish, desperately clinging on for dear life. Brushing off his strange behavior, she tasked it as a lack of sleep. She spoke, "I see you've been busy," motioning toward the lack of neatness. She flashed an accusatory glance at him, clicking her tongue once. "Don't tell me you've simply been wasting away your days; I've only been gone for a month." This seemed to snap him out of his trance.
"If course not," he claimed defensively, "my mind has just been.." His gaze shifted to indifference, "elsewhere." The male appeared aloof. "Tell me about your travels?" The female swiftly caught onto his attempt for a diversion, a poor one at that.
"Why don't we talk about your travels?" She joked, tail swaying behind her, sweeping across the dusty floor. The usually airheaded male ducked his head, looking anywhere but in her eyes. Ares never missed the chance to tease or deflect her teasing, and she couldn't simply shake off the strange tension that surrounded him. "Ares?" Her gaze fell serious, "what's going on?" Her eyes remained on him intently, that jade gaze refusing to falter.
A deep swallow in the back of his throat sounded as he finally focused his attention on the patiently awaiting pearlcatcher. "I.." he began, before cutting off and swallowing again. "I don't know how to tell you this, for I fear you'll hate my very existence."
Quince scoffed in response, talons tapping as she responded. "You may be infuriating, but I could never hate you, Ares." That didn't seem to ease his wariness, for he appeared even further afraid than before. The opal streaks that rested atop his body reflected the sunlight, a light green that resembled a flower full meadow. His slightly darkened hazel orbs from the shade closed. Seconds ticked by before he vocalized again. "I messed up, big time." He raised his head, his stature giving off alarm, "I truly did."
She began to grow impatient by his rambling, though bit back a harsh retort. "Ares, just tell me and we can fix this." The male immediately shook his head, taking a small step backwards, heading deeper into the dim cave. "No we can't," he cried out softly, "we can't!"
"Just tell me," she remarked exasperatedly. "Please Ares, just tell me already!" Her calm composure crumbled just like that, though she was quickly growing more and more irritated as time went on. Quince took a step forward to match his, her gaze desperate and pleading.
Ares mumbled something incoherently as she narrowed her eyes, only barely refraining from dragging him in front of Peoria and demanding him to reveal his secret in front of the entire guild. "Ares," the female finally snapped, her voice resembling that of a low growl.
He slowly rose, terror growing across his features. He looked as if he'd seen a ghost. "I have a son and two daughters." An eerie silence consumed the room as the pair stared at each other. Quince felt her heart sink into her stomach like a boulder and weigh her down.
"What," she whispered. The jade female found herself instinctively shaking before her lips curled. "What have you done?" Her voice was a hoarse croak as she scrunched her eyes shut.
"It was a mistake," he quickly defended, head lowering as he anticipated her enraged response. "I should have never.."
Quince quickly cut him off. "No, you shouldn't have," the female snapped, "you've doomed us both." Her eyes blazed as she regarded him with a seething anger, her talons certainly leaving a mark on the floor as the tips dug into the firm material. "We are doomed, Ares!" She hissed at him, her tongue forking itself out as she shook. She was never this quick to anger, though this revelation certainly clawed at her from deep inside.
Ares gaze blazed in response, "We are not doomed!" He barked back, "She left with them and they're never coming back. I am destined for greater things than a female to tie me down!" This only further ignited the flame that was brewing inside of Quince.
"Destined for greater things?" She bit back, "perhaps the greatest thing you're destined for is ruining our lives! Can you not see past your ego for one moment to realize how this will destroy everything we've worked towards?" Her whole body was tensed as she regarded him with outrage, "Thanks to your foolish decisions, the others will abandon us! We will be outcasts forever!" She continued before Ares could respond, "You know how much honor I hold for this position, but you had absolutely no regard for that when you decided to frolic with a strange female now, did you?"
The auburn male tried his best as to not panic, "She is gone, Quince! I told her to keep quiet and I have no idea where she is," he proceeded, "I'm the one who made the decision, the courts will not punish you for it. I am a daemon, they will not cast me out so quickly." He began to shake as well as he regarded her.
"Your very name defies your existence!" She sneered, "you are no fit for a god, Ares, you are a traitor!" And with that, the female leapt out of the unruly den, off into the crowded bamboo that called out towards her, leaving Ares to regret alone.
Click or tap a food type to individually feed this dragon only. The other dragons in your lair will not have their energy replenished.
Insect stocks are currently depleted.
This dragon doesn't eat Meat.
This dragon doesn't eat Seafood.
Plant stocks are currently depleted.
Exalting Quince to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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- Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
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- Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
- Names can only contain letters.