
FAQ | he/they/it
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Greybeak Reaper
Greybeak Reaper
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Energy: 0
out of
Wind icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Wind.
Male Ridgeback
Male Ridgeback
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Personal Style


Skilled Bonecarver's Scythe
Swamp Kelpie Mane
Grey Plague Doctor Mask
Skilled Bonecarver's Jar
Skilled Bonecarver's Cage
Skilled Bonecarver's Claws
Skilled Bonecarver's Spine
Skilled Bonecarver's Wings




Scene: Waterway


18.24 m
17.32 m
8774.65 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 09, 2020
(5 years)


Ridgeback icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Ridgeback
EXP: 0 / 245


AKA sas, saph, cadaver


"can i buy x dragon?"
you could potentially buy most of the dragons in my lair for the right price, but don't be surprised if i say no. don't feel discouraged about asking, though! might as well shoot your shot, right?

"can i buy x special dragon?"
dragons with special broadcast messages such as "x hatch" or anything else that isn't a quote will NOT be for sale. they are most likely very important to me (whether lore-wise or sentimentally) and i have a special place in my heart for them.

"you gave my dragon a stupid name, please change it!"
sorry, but SouperMeatballz is now their eternal name for as long as they're in my lair. if you don't want your old dragons to be renamed, don't sell them.

"please add/remove x in your lore."
unless you ask nicely and i resonate with the idea, no. it's ultimately my lore and i get to make the decisions.

"you haven't responded to my message!"
well, it's likely that i've either forgotten, don't have the time to, or don't have the energy to reply. if you feel as though i've forgotten, you can give me a gentle reminder, but please be patient and understanding regardless. i love socializing but can't always chat.

"can i copy your lore/dragon/art?"
uhh?? i allow inspiration and you're totally okay to be inspired by any of my work, but i will find it weird or uncomfortable if you 1:1 copy anything i've done. mostly lore and art. i know that dragons on this site won't (and shouldn't) be 100% original, nobody owns a gene/color/apparel combo, but i may find it weird if you completely and blatantly copy anything i've done, especially if it comes to be a pattern.

"if you haven't responded to me, can i spam you?"
NO!!! spamming makes me very overwhelmed and stressed. don't do it or i will block you. even if it's "nice spam" it'll still stress me out. please just gently poke me if you feel the need to.

"why did you sell my dragon after keeping it for so long?"
i just decided that it no longer fits in my lore, that's all. permas in my lair are only indefinitely permanent.

"i miss your old lore!"
the clan of ho'soth is not gone! while i don't focus on it anymore, it still technically exists and is currently being used by my good friend kellgoesferal! if you want to see more stories from ho'soth, you should check out ser lair! i am also planning on making a recap/summary thread of ho'soth for reference sometime soon. just know that it isn't gone, i'm just focusing on something else now. please don't pressure me into returning to it.

"what inspired hotel mabiya?"
definitely liminal spaces and eldritch horror, for the most part. other milder influences include an assortment of horror-oriented media such as DDLC and the SCP foundation, my personal frustration with hotels and finding shelter in capitalism hell (lol), and weirdcore cringe 2000-2010s stuff because that was (and still pretty much is) my entire life!!

"your layout is scarily realistic at times. is any part of your lore real?"
nope. i try to make it as clear as possible that this is a completely fake scenario made up for entertainment purposes, and the realistic layout is just for immersion + i'm a tryhard. if there's any areas in my lore that still feel misleading, please let me know so i can make sure to clear things up.

if your dragon ends up in the cold storage tab and is named either "Inkling" or "Octoling", they're gonna be used for a greater cause! in other words, they'll eventually be leveled and exalted one day, so if you wanna prevent that feel free to just ask to buy someone in there! i'll usually say yes.

however, if your dragon ends up in the second page of the hotel front tab, that means they're indefinitely here to stay, and will be moved once they have lore! what exactly is my clan lore about? honestly, your guess is as good as mine! it's about an eldritch weirdcore hotel with all sorts of strange stuff going on inside. you can read more here!

windows 98 FR graphics source
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Exalting Cadaver to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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