
Level 1 Nocturne
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Energy: 50
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Female Nocturne
Female Nocturne
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Personal Style


Trickster's Magic Cards
Murkmirth Tailcoat
Dusk Rogue Vest
Deeprealm Trident




4.62 m
5.35 m
373.79 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 22, 2020
(4 years)


Nocturne icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Nocturne
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


2418.png 2419.png

The leader of the Shadow portion of the Murktide Tribe. He talks likes to show anyone who'll watch magic tricks. Lots of magic tricks.




Raw Stats wrote:
STR 14
DEX 15
CON 14
WIS 10
CHA 10

Name: Deimos
Age: 25
Gender & Sexuality: Trans Man, Heterosexual
Flight: Shadow
Soul Conduit: The buckle of his belt.
Player: Bones
Information wrote:
Personality: Deimos is not a reserved person. In fact, it's difficult to get him to shut up. He loves to show off magic tricks and silly sleight-of-hand maneuvers to anyone who'll put up with trick after trick after trick, and even if not, he does so like to present people with an object he somehow swiped without them noticing. Not that he's a thief: as he'd put it, he only uses his powers for good.

Despite his apparent inability to be at all serious, Deimos is surprisingly pious. He doesn't forget his offerings to The Shadowbinder, even when the situation seems unfit. That said, he's rather irreverent with his chosen deity: he sees her as more of a good friend than an entity that watches over and judges him.

Backstory: The earliest memory Deimos has of his youth is of an idol his mother prayed to. It was an ingenious thing: carved into the shape of a crouching dragon. There was a hole in the back through which candle wax could be poured, and Deimos spent many an hour watching it slowly flow out of the little dragon's maw.

His mother took this as an interest in the deity themselves, and spent many hours herself explaining to Deimos all about the Shadowbinder and all the things she had done. She seemed a little antagonistic to Deimos, but if anything that made her more exciting to learn about. Besides, she'd fought to try and avert the apocalypse just like all the other gods, so she couldn't be all bad.

What time wasn't spent praying or learning about praying was spent training for battle - growing up in Obeuron it was expected of him, and being an only child, he wanted to live up to his parent's expectations and become a fine warrior, like them! In practise, he was far more interested in learning petty magic tricks and sleight-of-hand than swordplay. Even when he realised that he could probably combine the two and actually turned up reliably to practise, he was the bane of the teachers. There was no point being flashy if it gave your opponent a chance to stab you!

By the time The Convergence was upon Deimos, he was only really a middling warrior (much to his parent's dismay). It was becoming increasingly more difficult for Deimos to care, though - he was preoccupied with a rising, and apparently completely causeless, hatred for the shape of his body. He started noticing more and more when people called him 'she' or 'girl'. The words seemed to drip with venom. But who could he tell? He was sure he didn't know anyone who felt like this.

It was only by chance that Deimos ever figured it out: just a throwaway comment by a stranger. 'Excuse me sir'. He'd corrected them at the time, but he just couldn't get it out of his head. 'Sir'. He... He liked it. It didn't have the strange sting that 'Miss' or 'Ma'am' had. It was... It was nice. It fit.

He didn't tell his parents, not right away. And so his home life became grating. He hated it: it was like he was keeping a secret from the people he loved, just by not telling them. And The Convergence was soon. Too soon! What if... What if he failed it? Then his parents would bury him without ever actually knowing the real him.

He had to come out. And he had to do it before The Convergence.

It didn't go well. It didn't go terribly, either. He didn't get kicked out of his home. His parents still loved him. But they didn't see him as their son. Didn't understand why he wanted to be. All but straight-up refused to call him 'he'. Deimos tried to explain the best he could, but in the end he gave up. Some people just couldn't be made to understand.

At least his Convergence ceremony went well enough. He received his soul pendant somewhat numbly - and if anything that made the subsequent rush of tremendous, terrible power even harder to comprehend - but he got through it. Kept his head above water. Even if only just. His parents seemed proud of him, which helped ease the numbness slightly. It was hard to concentrate on that rather than the fact they were still referring to him as their daughter, though.

It took Deimos a long time to finally decide he had to leave. He loved his parents - his community after all. He wanted to take his place in it. But... How could he do that, if people weren't willing to see him for who he really was? There were only his few friends who called him he: everyone else seemed to be on his parents' side, whether intentionally or not.

During this time, Deimos took over the wax-pouring ritual from his mother. He found it relaxing, to watch the little dragon drool and to air his innermost thoughts to The Shadowbinder. She didn't judge.

It was around this time that the dreams started. Just fragments at first. Jagged brambles. The glare of a thousand eyes. Dark dragon-shapes that seemed to melt in and out of the shadows. Eventually, Deimos was dreaming of soaring over a pitch-dark forest he'd never seen before, feeling as if it was a vortex that would eventually suck him in, never to be seen again.

But there was some strange allure to it, too. Like he was meant to go there. This was ridiculous, of course: it was just a silly dream. But Deimos couldn't shake the feeling.

Officially, Deimos eventually left Obeuron to go and see the other settlements for himself. But really, he wanted to know if that forest was real. He wanted to know what it was about it - if it did indeed exist - that made him dream about it every night. Even if it was dangerous, he had to know.

Notes: Although Deimos was only a deeply average warrior in Obeuron, he's pretty good when compared to the untrained person. He favours weapons like axes and tridents over swords and such, but he does see it as a point of pride that he can pick up almost anything and use it reasonably well.
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Exalting Deimos to the service of the Shadowbinder will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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