
Level 1 Guardian
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Wandering Aquarius
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Male Guardian
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16.38 m
12.45 m
12388.95 kg


Primary Gene
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Tertiary Gene


Jan 03, 2020
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Guardian
EXP: 0 / 245


name mate Volturgyax
had tawny aardvark for a bit until january 24th the first day of crystalline gala ice festival in 2021

concept seasonal micro holiday breeds

thawling, solstice,

possible elements:


large sleek-chested lean muscled but not like abs-having chest, long faintly deerlike legs that are thin and sinewy but also lean-muscled, with strogn wrists and mirrorlike hands. a strong silhoette overall, and an ovwrall feleign a bit like a slightly eerie ehtereal fae seasonal deer forest king type of creature. pose is standing stern at atention liek deer. body is covered in very largem smooth, sharp, overlapping scale armor plates, that hug it's shape in a pangolin-like tight way. it has a long neck, and it has very large complex potentially antler-like but also thin and lithe and ehtereal horns, madeo ut of pure ice. it has diaphanous, ethereal, semitransparent wingsp otentially lsightly resemlbign the frostfaeie wingso r the bee gene among other things, which are also madeo ut of pure ice with a snowflake liek pattern of crysatl formation visible inside hte ice liek a pattern ehcoing the idea of the absent wing fingers but not necissarily the shape f the wing istelf. it looksl ike it probabyl sort of regally in an eerie way picks alogn and gallops and hops through the forets swiftly and gracefully liek the wya peopel think deer are if they haven't seen a deer. all otherp otential detialso n it's body are made of those htick heavy smoot plated armored hscales ando f pure ice. they are lsightly smaller than a gaoler. they reflect the ethereal, slightly eerie, forest nature, high pitched women singign ominously in the snow, sleek thin icicles spririt magic cocnept of winter theme.

they prefer to live alone in placesl ie kthe boreal woods or in small famiyl colonies of 2-12 related individuals, said woods they consider their stewardship and task themselves with rpotecting and guarding i na vaguely fae way. they don't need to eat much and feed maily by breakign frozen fish out of the lakes.

with the sole exception of their icy homeland where tthey can be sustaiend all year round, their wings and horns and ice-details only form during the winter months, when it's cold enough, affording them a brief breeding season in which they fly far and wide to locate other isolated families and individualso ftheir species to pair with. much culture exists aorudn this state, which has many different regional names and many myts surroundign it's origin and function. the most common regional namesfor their seasonal winged state and the state of being in said winged state are variations on "the


when their wings and horns melt in the warmer months, they also lose their sentience-reverting to midnless, hungering, slinking wyrms. the retain little memory of this time, and very much of their culture and infrastructure is built uponthe fact that they are only sentient for a limited portion of the year. many of them beleive it is some kidn fo curse form the gods for an ancient crime. in this case calling them a thawling or a thawed would be highly offensive, likenign them to their savage forms.

in either case, they exude snow and clod and mild winter wherever they go while in breeding season state, out of necessity to maintain their wings. they find life in warmer climes like the shifting expanse, the viridian labyrinth, the ashfall wastes, and almsot anywhere other than the starfall isles, shadow domain, sothermost areas of the windswept plateu, and osme montaintops to be extraordinarily difficult to live. a vast many in areas such as the shifting expanse and ashfall wastes, simply never see their winged form at all. without magical or technological assitance.
the actual reason the icewarden made them this was, is to encourage expansion and conquest. by makign them unable to comfortably live in foreign lands without spreading his domain of power, but also ensuring there would be one time a year that they would have some ability to travel beyond, he felt that this woudl encourage them to propagate hsi sphere of influence. whether his plan of makign them conquerers by necessity or not worked as intended, he's likely stil ldissapointed in them, the icewarden is alwsys dissapointed in his children.

leafflitter(leaf flitter)

possible elements:
formed ffrom ambient magic in wooded and farm areas across sornieth


leans strngly into the dead tattered-edged eaten-edged leaf aesthetic, as well as into the "agricultural pest" element. thematically emphasizes the dead leaes and the "rot" of autumn.

cool, wooded, and vaguely old fairytale-like. emphasizes the part where they're srot of mischevuos gremlinlike and live in quietl ittle villagesi n the woods.


somethign sort of stocky and short in a way sort of liek obelisks or hatchling art, with a sort of friendly, slightly innocently mischeivious glint to it, but mainly just sort of feelsl iek art form on old british childrens' book about micel ivign quietl ives in the woods or somethign if a character in a fluffy rimmed winter coat standing out inthe snow between woods quietly sipping a mug with steam, if they have obelisk liek maneso r any other similar features the yare made of many overlappign fins shapedl iek leaves, they are about the size of large dogs and have big "cute" fangs echoing jackolanterns, thesei n lore are used to pierce and drain the fruits. strong themes of half-chewed on the edges deadl eaves ot design overall.

are active al lyear round but just arent;'t seen every often because they prefer to nest in palcesn ot usually seen, in small homelyl ittle burrowsi n the sides of the bottoms oftrees, they're stil lfirendly if oyu visit them they just don't get visitors very often, durign the autumn they enter a feeding frenzy where they go out and eat as much as they can and play to stock u p for the winter. during this time other dragosn often find their fields missing gourds and other foods, and frequently find many of said foods drained and/or marked with intricate carved patterns andl eft on their doorstep. this is a religiosu thign for the breedo f dragons


possible elements:



warriors way


possible elements:
spawned for mthe chaos of the realm in the tumultous warrign early days of the primal predescessors and early templates of dragonkind, this breed was born out of pure clashign neutral magic from the brutality of the ancient wars. the roved the land terrorizing and testign their might agaisnt all factions and flights, loyal to and sparing no one. it wasn't as if they ever had an elemental homeland where anyone would have accepted them to begin with. to become nomadic they didnt have much choice.



long hidden from the world, the warrior's way has attracted the attention of a forgotten, aggressive ancient breed, emerging for the first time in eons eager to test their mettle and their honor agaisnt the trealm's strongest warriors.


possible elements:
to go with the "traditional dragon" thing

just here because light is the most summer themed flight

heralds the summer thunderstorms, awakens either before or after the yearly monsoon to hunt the heards on the move in the savannah

leans hard into the devastation, gorging, theft, and ferality aspects, as it is an expression of plague's hyper-individualist "survival at all costs" nature, these creatures were created to be the ultimate expressions of individualistic locustlike destructive survival, a blight all of their own


a big, lean-muscuar stocky powerful scakly spiky traditional fantasy dragon with horns and spade tail and back spines and heavy scaly armorplates and ins, big mostly dtraditional dragon wings but with an extra bit on the bottom wherei t ocnenctsl ie kthsi extra sort of fan to thesitkcign out back base, and a sort f umbreallaish soloid bony fin peice liek almsot shapel ike some of thsoeo ld more... old kaihi illustration-type drawigns of the dragosn with muscular chests and big roboty armori liek peopel woudl draw a lot back in the 2010's on google images? but only on the wings, the rest is liek really cool dnd hgih quialit ytype fantasy art. theh ead is large and detialedi wht prominent unique and detialed horns, possibly also twisting off the top of the snout and shin, which are all either way medium-length and segmented and brownish in a draconic way. they are al ittlel arger than a guardian.

they hibernate most of the yeari n mountain caveso n their hoards andeach summer emerge to burn and decimate the fields and gorge themselves on the plentiful herds, wild or otherwise. they pillage and steal to replenish their food supply beforde returnign bavk to hibernate for months. it is laos durign thsi rampage that they seek a mate, layign eggs towards the end f the season so that the next such season, their offspring may join them in the hunt.
You will find something unusual at the bottom of Baldwin's cauldron.
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