
Level 1 Snapper
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Energy: 48/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Male Snapper
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Personal Style





6.61 m
3.08 m
6728.12 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 19, 2019
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Snapper
EXP: 0 / 245





Read this first:

The dragon is a temporary lore holder of this story I wrote that features Decadence and Desert and it is definitely a hefty weight for them to hold. Keep in mind that there is a bit of violence and Akram is not a real dragon, he is only existant in the story. Akram does swear but it has been censored! I also didnt edit all of it so I apologize if the second half is a bit confusing!

Desert || “Oh, it’s too long to tell”

Corporal Cholla, a gnarled gaoler with a hard demeanor, was crouched behind a wall of rock. The rock being a piece of building that had once sat atop the dune was the perfect hiding spot. Though Cholla was hidden he had been keeping his rifle at the ready, this was not his usual patrol and he wasn’t one to risk casualties.
In the stretch of wasteland below sat a town, it was a town of trade, filled to the brim with market stalls selling food and exotic wares. That would be his destination.

Cholla gave a small nod to the large brown Ridgeback that sat beside him, she returned the signal with the usual frown gracing her features. They were ready.
They stood up from their hiding place, tucking their weapons into the beige robes that marked their status as officers, and left the ruins that they had been seeking shelter in.

The hike down the sandy hill was precarious at best, any wrong step and you would go sliding down the dune in a shower of stray sand. It took much longer than Cholla had hoped.

As they reached the bottom of the dune Cholla halted, glancing at the rising sun,
“Boarder patrol will want to know our business. Don’t say anything.” He muttered to his companion, his hoarse voice breaking their silence. The Ridgeback gave him a stern look that all but said that she cared.

They approached the town’s gate, it was guarded by a rough looking snapper that was squinting at them expectantly. He stepped forward as they arrived, his mouth curling into a wicked little smile.
“Mornin’ Officers,” he taunted “What’s yer business ere?”
“Just making sure everything is up to code.” Cholla responded evenly, breaking eye contact with the snapper and glancing around. The guard opened his mouth to make another mocking remark and Cholla quickly cut him off.
“This gate is looking pretty flimsy, dont you think, Dahlia?” He said to his companion.
“Agreed, Corporal,” She turned her gaze to the rusted iron gate that sat in front of her. “On the way in I saw some sizable cracks in that wall as well. Id hate to suggest it but if these flaws are letting criminals in we might have to shut the boarder down for repairs!” She put on a mask of mock despair. The snapper paled, he knew as well as Cholla did that all of his pay came from tourists.
“Uh.. I think we’re good now, ay, ‘ave a nice day officers!” He opened the gate to let them pass, keeping his gaze averted from the entering dragons.

Inside the village it was utter chaos, they had wasted too much time at the gate and crowds had gathered in the market. Cholla paused briefly before plunging into the mob of dragons, Dahlia followed close behind, snapping at a jewelry laden Pearlcatcher that had bumped into her. Their business was much too crucial to wast the precious time they had left, being late meant being at the disadvantage and nobody wanted to be there.

Reaching the end of the marketplace was like a breath of fresh air as they exited the crowd and cut through a dark ally.
The ally was littered with wooden crates and assorted junk that had been left, a scrappy Obelisk was leaning against one of the walls, cigarette in hand. His gaze followed the officers as they walked quickly towards the end of the lane. Cholla was glad that his companion didn’t see the smirk that creeped onto the Obelisk’s lips as he watched them leave.

On the other side of the alley was a circular clearing, surrounded on all sides by junk and buildings, the perfect place to do business without drawing unwanted attention.
“Well well well, look who finally decided to show up!” A beige Coatl stepped out of the shadows “And I thought you robed f**ks were too good to be doing business with the likes of me, after all, im just a lowly street thug!” He was wearing a red bandanna and a condescending grin.
“Akram.” Cholla greeted him with a forced smile
“Oh the great Corporal Cholla knows my name! This just might be the greatest day of my life!” He mocked, feigning excitement. Akram turned toward Dahlia a look of curiosity on his face.
“And who is the lady? You seem much too fun to be hanging out with this killjoy!”
“Please keep it professional. This is my deputy Dahlia Decadence.” Cholla moved aside to let the ridgeback approach Akram. She held out her hand to get a handshake, crushing the Coatl’s talon when he accepted it.
“Pleasure to meet you. Ive heard so many terrible things about you. I would advise you to get on with business, Coatl, or I might just have an early lunch” She growled. Letting all of her teeth show in her faux smile, she let go of Akram’s crushed talon and stepped back, resuming her scan of the area.

Akram stepped away from the ridgeback, pain briefly flashing across his face before the grin returned.
“Well that was quite the display but shouldn’t we get on with our business? I have a packed schedule today, you know, just so many borderline illegal trades to make.” He paused and looked at the obviously blank sheet of paper that he had brought with as a prop, expression changing to confusion. “Oh no… this is not good. Apparently business can not be completed today… why would this ever happen to me!”
Cholla froze. No business? This wasn’t right. Akram must have sensed his apprehension because the Coatl clapped his hands together in joy and promptly continued his speech.
“Now we get to do things my way! I have planted bombs all over the d*mn town and they can be lit at any time. All I have to do is send the signal and one of the dragons I have hired will blow this sh*t to smithereens! Now you can prevent this but I might require a bit of compensation first.” He put his hand out, grinning.
Dahlia bristled and took a step towards the Coatl. Cholla didn’t know what she was going to do but he doubted it would work. He shot her a warning glance but she wasn’t in the mood to listen.
“Lucky for you we dont have anything on us, we were sent here to take the loot and arrest you but it seems you had other plans.” She sneered “I dont know what you expect now but you clearly judged the situation wrong.”
Akram stopped in his tracks a look of shock falling over his features but he quickly recovered, taking a step back.
“Then it seems we are both going to fail this mission.”


Akram flew backwards, his body flying across the clearing, limp. Cholla whirled around to see Dahlia holding her rifle, a trail of smoke rising from its barrel.
“What the heck did you do that for?” Cholla growled, his former polite attitude gone in a flash.
“He was going to blow us up! Pay attention for once!” The Ridgeback turned on him.

An explosion sounded in the distance.


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