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Personal Style


Bloodred Kelpie Mane
Bewitching Ruby Ghastcrown
Bewitching Ruby Grasp
Bewitching Ruby Taildecor
Bewitching Ruby Nightshroud
Bewitching Ruby Forejewels
Bewitching Ruby Clawrings
Bewitching Ruby Pendants
Fancy Cane




22.91 m
16.5 m
6172.36 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 18, 2019
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245


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Cartographer Ruby
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--━━━━━━━━ ◦ AMIT ◦ ━--
He's a good man, my Amit. He can be unapproachable, but he really is very gentle. I care for him a great deal, and I only wish he could learn to value himself more.
--━ ◦ MAP MAKER // LOVER ◦ ━━--
// Inna's lover and partner. // Amit's position as Head of the Nomadic Subdivision of the Archival Division was one that was less granted to him so much as it was reluctantly adopted by him, as the rest of his subdivision, he will claim, was very much responsible for forcing him to take on the position. As much as he'd claim that he would just as easily hand his post over to another, Inna knows just as well as he does that he would never do such a thing. // Despite wanting to have a child of their own, after many years without success, they abandoned the idea, as much as it caused them both great sorrow. Inna has since distanced herself a great deal from those around the Archive with flourishing families and young children, pained by the sight of all that she has longed for. // It is largely a mystery amongst most of the members of the Archive as to just how the two came to be together, and they prefer it that way, amused that many are of the opinion that one day, it was as though they'd never been seen around one another, and the next, they were practically inseparable outside of working hours.
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Dancer's Bell Crown of Bones
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--━━━━━━ ◦ DEIDEMIA ◦ ━--
It eases my mind that she has been rightfully locked away at last, and that is all I have to say on the matter.
--━ ◦ PRISONER // MENTOR ◦ ━━--
// Inna's former mentor. // Deidemia served as Inna's primary parental figure for the duration of her formative years. She spent these years teaching her adopted daughter a mystic art that Deidemia herself had cultivated on her own: that of blood magic. // Adulthood brought with it enlightenment, and Inna's realization that her mentor's intentions were not as innocent as she pretended was the spark that eventually led to her arrival at the Archive and, eventually, she went so far as to personally organize an expedition to find and arrest Deidemia so that she could do no further harm.
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--━━━━━━ PREVIEW ━━━━━━━━━━━--
Inna is a woman of very few words. She prefers letting her actions speak for themselves, and she loathes little more than having to justify herself out loud, for she feels that she owes no one an explanation so long as she remains true to herself and what she holds dearest. This unwillingness to speak for herself has earned her something of a reputation within the walls of the Archive, and there are many who are wary of her or unnerved by her. Some of this reputation of making those around her uncomfortable has been eased by her unique, if partially forced, friendship with Atria, whose much bubblier personality serves as a buffer and reminder that Inna works towards the very same goal as her, or as anyone at the Archive, really. What sets Inna apart from the others, most would say, is the attitude with which she tackles her job: one of single-minded, if quiet, determination. This is what unites her with her colleague, and where their common ground is drawn.

She doesn't seem to mind her ostracization, however, as she knows she is hardly the most eccentric personality of the Archive, nor is she the least well-meaning. This is what so very few know of her: that she keeps a handful of names close to her chest, that she listens for them when she can, that she watches them when she feels she must. Inna is a protector, a defender, and she takes this role to heart, understanding unlike so many others that there lies danger both inside and outside of the Archive's walls.

It is this understanding that makes Inna among the weariest of the Archive when it comes to new additions to their numbers. She has been approached several times by the Archive's Guard Captain, Xyza
, in an attempt to convince her to assist with the vetting process to welcome newcomers to the Archive, but every single time, Inna has adamantly refused. When pressed for a reason, she has provided none, though some have suspected that this desire to remain uninvolved stems from an unwillingness to work with new people.

As a matter of fact, many of the Archive know that talking to Inna is quite fruitless when searching for answers about her actions and behaviours. Most who have done so before know that in order to make any headway, the answers lie not with Inna herself but with her mate, Amit
, who is generally more receptive to these sorts of questions and is generally, if often reluctantly, willing to demystify the rumours about Inna's behaviour.

To the newcomer's eye, however, she is imposing, but unassuming; she is stoic and straightforward about her attentions, and, thus, draws little suspicion. What she herself does not know is that she is not the only one with eyes that watch, eyes that are trained upon the Archive's inhabitants, and even the most diligent of watchers can themselves be watched in turn by those with more eyes, more wisdom, more motivations, more to lose.
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--━━━━━━ HISTORY ━━━━━━━━━━━━--
Inna does not know where she came from. She was raised by her mentor Deidemia, the blood witch, whose permanent residence is now the darkest dungeon Inna could find within the depths of the Archive.

Inna was not allowed much, under her mentor's tutelage. She kept a small room tucked away for her, and it was to be kept neat at all times. She was not allowed to collect trinkets. She was not allowed to make friends. She was not allowed to leave the room unsupervised. She was not allowed to speak unless directly spoken to. She was not allowed to laugh or cry or sing or scream or dance. She was a shadow, and a shadow was all she would ever be, Deidemia had taught her, until she learned what she had to.

But once, Inna had dared to ask about her parents, whose names she did not know, whose faces she could not remember. Deidemia had kept her locked in her room for a week's time without sunlight or conversation, fed only one meal a day for the sake of keeping her alive. Inna learned to never ask anything ever again, unless related to her lessons.

Oddly enough, Deidemia was very forgiving of those sorts of questions. She nurtured Inna's curiosity about magic and blood and what it could do for her, for the both of them, for the world, if they only allowed themselves to open up to its possibilities. Filled with purpose, Inna studied avidly, devoting herself wholeheartedly to mastering Deidemia's craft and adapting it for her own purposes. But what is the purpose of a blood witch? Even Inna was left to wonder, the question growing more and more dominant in her mind the closer she got to mastery. She would overhear meetings between her master and her clients, overhear the sorrows they would complain of, overhear the ways in which Deidemia would bind them, claim to solve their problems.

It all came to a head when Inna caught Deidemia in the back room. Inna was never allowed to go in there, and she'd never tried, never wanted to, until she'd heard a commotion from that very same room, and down she'd rushed from her closet upstairs, fearing for her master's life.

Inna never told a soul what she saw behind that door. She fled, swearing that one day, she would return to make her mentor pay for what she'd been doing for all of these years. And Inna is nothing if not true to her word.

There are not many who can claim to have spoken to the First Sage, Breccan, directly, but Inna is among their number. It was he who first approached her with concerns about her old mentor. She to this day has no idea how he ever found out about Deidemia or her practices, and she is uninterested in ever finding out. With Breccan's blessing, she volunteered to personally lead a party out to arrest Deidemia and bring her back to the Archive. The mission was a success, and Inna has not spoken of her mentor or her past ever since.
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Surgestream Coat Charged Tungsten
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--━━━━━ ◦ DANAIL ◦ ━━--
Danail takes his job very seriously. I admire that. I know little of his art, but I help him when I can, and when he has need of it, and he finds time to help me in return.
// Inna's friend, whom she can occasionally be found assisting in his alchemy lab. // Having earned the title of Head Alchemist through perseverance and hard work alone, Danail has earned a name for himself as among the shrewdest of the Archive's population. // His attention to detail and disdainful demeanour are what make him most appealing to Inna as a companion. She has enough of listening to someone else speak with Atria as her coworker; Danail is a welcome change to that routine. They have a silent understanding amongst each other to speak only when absolutely necessary, each quietly admiring the other for their work ethic. Danail has, on occasion, used Inna and his shared research with her as an excuse to get out of spending time with his family, whom he has been quite distant from since the departure of his older brother, Ilarian, from the Archive.
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Tiny Feathers Sanguine Rose Thorn Crown
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--━━━━━ ◦ SCYTHIAN ◦ ━━--
Scythian is bitter, but it is only because he has good reason to be. I do not understand those who grudge him that. Perhaps they simply don't know him like I do.
--━━ ◦ BOTANIST // BROTHER ◦ ━--
// Though not by blood, Scythian is Inna's younger brother in every other sense of the word. // Scythian is a thorny character at best, known for being rather snappish and rude with everyone that he speaks to, making exceptions for no one. Even his husband, Azimuth, is not immune to Scythian's ire. The only soft spot in him that Inna has been able to discover is Scythian's love for his trade: botany. // Inna finds Scythian's character amusing more than anything else, and is unintimidated by any of his attempts to dissuade her from growing close to him. Their dynamic is off-putting to any who aren't already familiar with them, as interactions between the two usually consist of Scythian making scathing remarks and Inna laughing every single one off.
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Display Plumes
Spade Tail
--━━━━━━ ◦ ROLE ◦ ━━--
// WESTERN PILLAR The Western Pillar is to stand on the east side of the Archival gates and watch for intruders and visitors, ensuring the Archive's safety from any with malicious intentions.
--━━━━━ ◦ ORIGINS ◦ ━━--
// BLOOD WITCH'S EMBRACE Inna does not know where she truly comes from, as she has no memory of her parents or of any home before she was taken and tutored by her mentor, Deidemia. As such, though she resents it, as it is the only origin she knows of, it is hers.
--━━ ◦ ORIENTATION ◦ ━━--
// BISEXUAL Inna considers herself bisexual, meaning that she is attracted to multiple genders. She does admit to a preference for men.
--━━━ ◦ PRONOUNS ◦ ━━--
// SHE/HER Inna identifies as a cisgender woman, and uses she/her/hers pronouns.
--━━━━━━━ ◦ AGE ◦ ━━--
// THIRTY Inna is neither too old nor too young, at the peak age for potential, some would say. She would rather call it the perfect age to realize how much time has been wasted.
--━━━━━━ OTHER RELATIONSHIPS ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━---
// ATRIA Despite having very different outlooks on the world, Atria and Inna have found a way to coexist amicably as the Archive's two Pillars. Atria's outgoing personality serves to oddly compliment Inna's reserved tendencies, and they have developed a rather efficient system when it comes to sussing out danger.
Inna still hasn't quite gotten used to the idea of Azimuth, never mind the idea of Azimuth as her brother-in-law. She finds him off-putting and irritating, obnoxious at best. Still, she keeps these opinions to herself, because though she herself is not particularly fond of him, her brother very clearly is, and she is more than content to set aside her personal feelings if it means that Scythian is happy. Not to mention that she knows that Azimuth is quite intimidated by her and eager to impress her, and though it wearies her, she would prefer to keep her brother and his husband appeased. Entertaining them with her false approval is easier, in her mind, than confronting her issues with Azimuth upfront.
Bar Amit, Inna thinks that, of all of the Archivists, Icarus is the one who understands her the most. This is not because the two spend very much time together, however; rather, it is because of everyone at the Archive, Inna believes that she and Icarus are most alike. For this reason, in fact, they very rarely speak or communicate with one another whatsoever, a fact not helped by their vastly differing areas of work.
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4ty1PbY.png Mushroom Oil
--━ NOTES --
// Acquired via AH purchase. Has never undergone any eye, gene or breed changes. Permanently retired from breeding. Missing Ravenskull Broadsword. Has no canonical offspring.
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