
Level 25 Tundra
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Male Tundra
This dragon is on a Coliseum team.
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Personal Style


Dented Iron Boots
Dented Iron Pauldrons
Dented Iron Tail Cuffs
Veteran's Eye Scar
Veteran's Shoulder Scars
Veteran's Leg Scars




3.77 m
2.68 m
172.07 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 18, 2014
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Tundra
Max Level





DON'T EXALT, READ--PLEASE and THANK YOU~!________________________________________________
Uh-oh, looks like this adventurous little dragon wandered a little too far from his lair (#99421, Whidbeyakiko), and now he's off to see the world! If ever you feel the urge to exalt, he'd really appreciate it if you could just return him home instead, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, here
Owners I've had: (Add # and user to list for records.)
#62324, ageagemorimori
#13134, SebastianVael
#64884, Unidra
#46576, Auxiliaria (Met Domitia and learned more about the search)
#17003, Inay (Met Cappaeriel who have a same experience with the Search)
#45622 - wantedplant
#6368 - whamm (met Jack, who had more insights into the search)
#56727 - Werpwerp
#99421 - Whidbeyakiko
#113553 - SpeedyAngel
The Search for his Charge:

Like all guardians, Thorn embarked on his search for his charge at maturity. Unluckily for him, he's had a little trouble understanding perhaps, what exactly he should feel. Many have told him he'll simply know when it happens, but it's too vague for him. On his journeys, he met a spunky tundra female, who conceded to being his charge; but Thorn felt nothing that he had thought he would. This leads him to believe that Venla is not his Charge, sadly. She has agreed (probably more like demanded) to follow him anyways, and hopefully help him find them.

They're out there somewhere, something in him knows it, somehow.

His journal (please add to this and aid in his search for the one):

Lair# 62324: I met a few guardians here. The older male told me that there is no describable quality to the feeling for whom I seek. The clan elder, a proud female Guardian, claims it varies from Guardian to Guardian. Her charge is her best friend: and imperial named Reyya. The male's charge is his friend's permanent mate, an intelligent and somewhat hard-to-get-along with spiral. Niner, the male described it as fulfilling. He stated it was a feeling of complacence to fill in the passionate unease he felt. Gaius, the female leader claimed it was pride. She was proud to protect her friend, and would feel shameless and empty if they were separate.

But I don't feel these things, I don't think. There is another Female, Saskia. She is looking for her charge as well. I had hopes that perhaps she could describe what I was feeling, but she laconically described it as a feeling of angry emptiness. I do not feel that way either.

I found hope however, in talking to a handsome, young imperial named Irasul. He is the charge of a young guardian named Domitia, and also her forever mate. She admitted that she herself had no idea what she had felt before her search was over (however short lived it was) but that afterwards she felt somehow complete. This fills me with hope, as she added, that she had no idea she'd felt so incomplete until after it was done. Perhaps I will know only after I have already taken my charge.

I don't know if I should talk to more Guardians, or if I should focus all my efforts on the search. Venla insists I take it too slowly and without enough vigor, in her usual stubborn and demanding way. If only it were that simple. She also seeks a Guardian, as she feels she is the charge of one's search. We are an odd pair, and however much I may wish that I am her Seeker, I simply don't feel it's so. IfI remain unsuccessful in my search too long, I'll never be a fully realized Guardian. What kind of life is that?

- - - - -

The green Plague Guardian, Cappaeriel, may have help him a little. Like him, he have struggle for years before finding the little Fae who'se now his charge, his joy and love. He have feel himself lost and incomplete before finding her, like a lonely beast instead of a dragon. Together, he feel complete, happy, and serene. Together, they may help flowers to bloom.
With the knowledge of his experience, Thorn pursue his quest.

- - -

Lair #45622:
Venla and I picked what had seemed like a good spot to rest for the night and set up camp. We were surrounded by trees and lush vegetation, so she didn't have to look far to find food. I, on the other hand, had to hunt. I'd spotted a snake and was about to go after it when I heard a shriek from the direction of our camp. I rushed back, worried that Venla's feisty nature had gotten her into more trouble than she could handle.

I caught flashes of Venla through the trees ahead. She was holding her ground, clearly attempting to protect her dreameater, while a wildclaw twice her size shrieked at her. I feared I wouldn't get to her in time, but Laramie, a skydancer from the wildclaw's clan, intervened before I could. As I reached our camp, Laramie was inviting Venla to share their clan's food and space for the night. Hoping to meet more guardians and ask for advice, I accepted, knowing Venla would follow.

We were welcomed by the large clan, given shelter and more than enough food. After we ate, I was able to talk to the guardians of the clan, though many of them were also still searching for their charges. One said he imagines it might be like love at first sight. Another said she hopes to find a place that feels like home (and quickly added, "not that I don't love it here"). A young spiral returned from training and found me to pass on something his father once told him. I've forgotten it now, but at the time it was very reassuring to hear.

- - -

Lair #63678

In the realm of Light Venla and I encountered a large clan. The dragons were preparing for a celebration on October 13, in which some of them would leave to new lairs. At the moment the lair is in chaos. Dragons were everywhere and I began to feel anxious to leave. At the edge of the lair I encountered a Guardian named Jack. Jack told his story when he learned of my own search.

Jack met his charge, Rose, right here in this lair. The two of them are a bit of a rarity among Guardians. They are not charged to watch over the ruins of Light and their Search did not lead them to an object or a creature. Their Search led them to each other. They are rare because each of them is the charge of the other. Jack claimed that he knew the instant he met Rose, here in Light territory, and with her it was exactly the same. They did not fall in love immediately. At first they just felt the need to always be near each other. The love came much later. This makes me wonder if I will feel the same way when I find my charge. Will I be drawn to it and unable to leave? What if my charge is a ruined tower in Light, or one of the vast trees of the Viridian Labyrinth?

Lair #56727

I have learned much here, at a terrible cost. Venla suggested we make our way into the jungles of the Viridian Labyrinth, and I agreed, still apprehensive that I might find my charge to be a gnarled old tree or a pool of disgusting swamp algae. The way was hard, and we left all that had become familiar behind. We stopped to rest in the middle of some dusty scrubland, tired and hungry. Venla rested while I went foraging for food. I don't quite remember how it happened, saved that I stumbled across a nearly picked clean carcass that I thought was unclaimed and found myself ambushed by four near-starving mirrors. I knew I had to chase them away, they looked hungry enough that if they discovered Venla resting out in the open, they might set upon her.

Though I am big and rather strong, they were certainly a match for me. In the desperate struggle that ensued, I fear I may have mortally wounded several of them. Venla found me, and I dimly remember us taking wing with the smell of a storm on our tails. More than that is a blur of rain, tearing branches, and darkness. When next I was conscious, the healers of the clan that had found us were tending to me. It had been several days, but we were welcome to stay as long as we wished, their clan often a haven for travelers. I was weak, so weak that I could not even stand without the aid of two others. We were safe, though, and that was what was important. Then Venla changed everything.

We had been told to never touch the grove of fruit trees that grew near the clan's lair, as they were the charge of the clan matriarch, Orchard. I longed to speak with her for insight on finding a charge, but after all she was quite busy and I coherent for only so much of the day. One afternoon, as I lay sunning where they had placed me, I was alarmed by a great cry that rang out. Dragons that had been absorbed in other activities all around were roused into the sky, as though called to battle. I struggled to rise to my feet in the panic, blood surging with the roars that filled the air. Of course, I was still too weak to find my feet, and I could only remain where I was until I was given word of what happened.

Venla, dear, forgetful, impulsive Venla, could not help herself and had eaten off of one of the trees. Orchard was in a murderous rage and only the intervention of her council kept the matriarch's teeth from Venla's neck. The need to protect her charge had left the (I was told) usually welcoming and open matriarch cold and unforgiving. Harm to the trees was, short of outright murder, the worst possible crime that could be committed, and one that resulted in nothing short of permanent exile. Stupidly weak as I was, I could do nothing but watch as Venla, escorted by two imposing wildclaws, left the territory. We had traveled so long together, and it was as though I were losing a sibling to the unknown.Perhaps I will find her again one day, I will certainly be looking. However, after watching Orchard's rage at the harm to just one fruit from her trees, I now feel that Venla is not my charge. If she were, no amount of pain, not even death, would have stopped me from dragging myself after her in her banishment.

The pull to Search grows a little stronger each day, as I do. Soon I will be out in the world once more.

In this clan, Thorn has acquired several Veteran's Scars (Leg, shoulder and eye), as well as white linen wing wraps to support his still healing wings.

- - - - -

Lair #99421

As soon as my strength allowed, I left the Viridian Labyrinth and once again began my pursuit of my Charge, hoping to reunite with Venla in the process. I traveled aimlessly, losing track of time as I passed through various regions. My single mindedness drove me to push myself, exerting all my energies in my wandering search. I eventually found myself trudging through the deep snow of the Southern Icefield, too exhausted to fly. Lost, hungry, and drained of energy, I finally collapsed, my surroundings fading into blackness.

As I slowly regained consciousness, the savory smell of cooking meat danced past my nose, helping to rouse me from my slumber. I opened my eyes slowly, my vision taking a few moments to focus on anything. I heard some seemingly distant playful squeals of young hatchlings and when I turned my head to locate the source of the noises, something crashed into my face. I shook my head, startled by the impact, before looking down to see a tiny Spiral hatchling staring right back up at me with its big, inquisitive eyes. After being scolded slightly by a nearby dragon, the hatchlings giggled and when back on their playful way.

I soon came to discover how diverse this new lair was. With a seemingly endless supply of hatchlings, the lair always had a lively air to it. At the same time, it wasn't hard to see that the dragons of this lair also took self defense and fighting very seriously. They had many seasoned warriors and nearly all of the hatchlings were trained and sent to serve under the Icewarden once they were old enough. Despite that focus, nearly all of the dragons had mates that they were clearly had a very strong bond with. The dragons within the lair also varied widely in flight origin and colors, creating a very diverse lair.

Once I regained much of my strength under their care, they offered to train me. I was hesitant at first, wanting so desperately to find Venla and my charge. However, something drew me to this lair, making it near impossible for me to leave. So, I accepted their invitation, deciding it would help prepare me to someday protect my charge.

I trained hard under the direction of the lair's best fighters; Flower, Bacon, and Yuzu. Slowly, I grew in strength, becoming stronger than I'd ever hoped I could. At some point in time, a Chimera began following in the bushes before eventually daring to come out. I haven't been able to get it to leave my side since.

After a few months, they informed me they had nothing more to teach me. I knew I should leave. The pull to find my charge still nagged at me every day and I often worried about Venla. And yet, I couldn't bring myself to leave. This place had become like a new home to me.

I finally made up my mind that I needed to continue my search for my charge and began to prepare myself to leave. As I did so, I noticed a new dragon in the lair. This wasn't unusual, as dragons from all over would come here to train. And yet, there was something different about this Guardian. When I saw him, something swelled up inside me. I'd never met him before and yet I felt an almost overwhelming desire to protect him. Could this be? Was this dragon my charge? Perhaps that was why I kept feeling drawn to stay in this lair.

I eventually introduced myself to the new Guardian, learning that his name was Degare. As I interacted with him, the need to protect him grew stronger. Deep down I felt it--Degare was my charge. My search for my charge had finally come to an end. It was satisfying to feel that closure as well as my newly found purpose.

We stayed a little while longer in this Ice lair, before bidding them farewell and leaving to return to my home in the Shifting Expanse. Clearly saddened by our departure, they reassured us we were welcome back anytime.

Here, Thorn healed and no longer needed his White Linen Wraps. He exchanged those for armor (dented iron tail cuffs, boots, and pauldrons. He also obtain a Chimera familiar.

- - - - -

Lair #117371

I arrived at my new destination, and noticed something, well someone that is. Now normally I don't fall for girls, actually I would rather spend my time trying to find my charge, but I had already found my charge so why not find a mate? However, like I was saying her name was, well is AllieCapone. She's a tundra, and she doesn't look like one of those preppy girly girls, then again that's not what pulled me towards her. It was just something about her, something adventurous, maybe it was her scars or maybe...? I have no clue, but I kind of wanted to impress her. So I went into the cave next door and tried a scroll's curse, and I changed to a tundra. And I'm not going to lie, I think I look pretty good. Well aside from the scars... Oh well.

I haven't introduced myself to her first, mostly because I'm a little nervous around her. She acts so brave and her friend Emerald seems to treat her like a sister. Dang it, that means I'm going to have to impress Em to, doesn't it. Well I hope they like me.

"Hey!" Degare looked at me my feet to my face and frowned, "What happened to you?!"
"I um... Turned into a tundra.."
"I've noticed, but why?" He almost sounded hurt.
"So I could impress AllieCapone..." I mumbled quietly, and I heard a small giggle behind me, I turned around seeing Allie smiling and she walked back towards the back of the den. I couldn't help but smiling.
"Good luck with that," Degare's voice was cold.
"What do you mean?" I asked, normally he isn't like this.
"Have you seen Kimball? He's been staring at her, and flirting since he got here. Even Glissando, may I remind you a hatchling seems to have a crush on her! And neither of them changed breeds for her!" He was pouting now, and his words stung me like a bee. Is it true? Did I really change my breed for nothing? Or will it all work out? Uh, life is way to complicated.
"Your right, I'm sorry," I say softly looking towards the ground.
"Well you didn't do it for nothing! Get up lets go meet her, become friends and we'll see were it goes from there! And hey maybe if you hang out with her hatchlings she'll think your a nice guy," Well he was over it. But my eyes went wide when I heard about hatchlings, hatchlings meant a mate and that meant...
Degare saw my fear and smiled, "Exalted, and left her alone with the kids, he almost brought the hatchlings with him to be exalted. She hates his guts, thanks to Emerald. He smiled in Emeralds direction.
"Well look who has a crush..." I mumble, teasing him.
"Shut up!" He said blushing. This is going to be fun.

Originally from inactive lair #62324, ageagemorimo.
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