
Level 25 Imperial
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Spirit of Nature
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Energy: 48/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Female Imperial
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Personal Style


Echo Eater Armet
Spellwrought Shardhide
Spectral Fuchsia Forejewels
Echo Eater Forecallouses
Echo Eater Hindcallouses
Echo Eater Flightshroud
Echo Eater Grimplate
Echo Eater Tasset
Echo Eater Tailspine
Dusk Rogue Mask




25.97 m
15.8 m
8468.24 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 21, 2019
(4 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 25 Imperial
Max Level




  • none


Darkened Leg Scar Alexiteric Darkened Leg Scar
The Scarred Survivor
Will Never Heal

"Never thought I'd find what I've lost. Here. Of All places."

Alexiteric was forced to leave everything she loved behind when some arcane dragon dropped an alien into her last clan. Rendered unable to cast, without a left ear and half her jaw, she left with only her scars, a helmet that helps her speak, and a desire to kill the one responsible.

Then she worked with him. They were part of a crew, on a quest to end a threat to all of Sorenith. Despite her hatred and prior treatment, he was one of those who encouraged her to get her prostethic jaw. One of those who denounced her former mate for throwing her away. "He should have been proud to call you his mate," he said...

And so, when their quest was complete and the rest of the crew parted ways, the two of them made their way home together.

You met him after he got your face ripped off. And you don't hate him?

Why does everyone keep- Look, I did at first, okay? Then figured there was no point. So I dropped it and now, uh... I guess it's the opposite? 56186438p.png

This clan, I swear...

Couple's Night

Alexiteric’s single ear flicked in the direction of a green and yellow plague skydancer.

“... popular couples’ activity in the Wasteland! … testing your union… look after each other!”

She nudged her skydancer with an antler. The one on her back, front legs over her shoulders.

“Hey, Ced, hon, we should participate!”

Cedero glanced at the recruiter’s booth, a construction of bone and flesh tendrils. Corroded Coliseum, nonlethal, couples’ tournament? He was not really one to fight in front of a crowd for entertainment, as Corroded Coliseum fighters tend to do. He didn’t think he could fend off an opponent while giving the dragons watching a good show. Either one is fine, but not both at once… but in this case, it wouldn’t be about the audience, or the opponent. It would be about watching Alex’s back and having her watch his. Not that he needed an excuse to lay his eyes on her, but he’d happily take any that showed itself. Who knows, maybe they'll even find someone (or someones) they both like there.

“Why not, love?”

Alexteric bounded over to the booth. The both of them caught more details about this particular event. It was, technically, a tournament with a team of two facing a team of two. Outside of straight up killing your opponents, anything would be allowed. If you got knocked out, but managed to get up before the match was called, you would be allowed to continue fighting. Participants may choose to forfeit, of course, but would you really want to let your date down by quitting on them?

The Coliseum had other duo tournaments, but this one was specifically for couples. Apparently plague dragons believed there was no better way to test your compatibility than to fight something together.

The idea made sense to the both of them. The better you know your partner, their strengths, their weaknesses, and the better you get along, the easier it would be to work as a team. There was also the opportunity to save each other from an oncoming threat. Never failed to get a heart racing! Though, maybe the “oncoming threat” part had a role to play in that, too.)
“A warrior, I see! And her mage boyfriend?” The skydancer asked, as the two of them approached, “this is perfect for the both of you!”

“Mage is the first thing you get from me? Really?” Cedero asked, somewhat bewildered.

“You use magic to do magic stuff. Isn’t that the defy- defe- defia- meaning of the word? You’re not going to say you’re not one, are you? I thought you were over that.”

“Yes, I am a mage. But I’ll say I’m not if it’ll get you to pin me again.”

“Haha. Are you talking about the time when I was actually trying to kill you?” Alexiteric replied, more serious than playful. The plague skydancer looked at Alexiteric, then Cedero. Some couples sure have odd ways of flirting. They would fit right in!

“... So he knows healing magic? I’m going to need an assessment of your skills so I know who or what to put you up against. Not everyone is going to be a professional combatant.”

“He does,” Alexteric’s statement melted into a rumbling purr.

“We’ll sign up,” Cedero jumped off Alexiteric’s back to look over the paperwork, “what sort of thing do you need for that assessment?”

“How about telling me the strongest thing you’ve ever killed.”

Cedero and Alexiteric glanced at each other.

“Emperor,” they said in unison.

“You, what? Oh, like a clan leader on a conquering spree?”

Alexteric flicked her tail, amused. “No the undead imperial monster. And, yes, I’m an imperial. Not a dead one, and I don’t plan on dying anytime soon, so don’t worry about that.”

“She’s fantastic, isn’t she?” Cedero cooed, “but that was a team effort, we can’t take the credit for that.”

“Hey, you definitely deserve some credit.” Alexiteric bumped the side of her head, the part of her helmet without a blade, against Cedero's head, "probably wouldn't have done as well without you. I would have actually died if you couldn't heal."

"Same goes for you and your protection. I don't think our group would have killed that crab squid thing without it."

“Okay. I'll say you're good enough to face our professionals?" The skydancer wrote down a few notes. "That sounds good?”

“Sounds about right. I mean, I considered a career in the Coliseum myself,” Alexteric said.

“You are a really good fighter,” Cedero said, "you don't let anything stop you."

Alexiteric held her head up. "Right back at you."

“Awww. How did the two of you meet?”

Cedero stopped in the middle of checking a box. He shifted nervously. “Uh. Yeah. Funny story. Well, you see… Uh...”

“He dropped an alien into my old clan’s nesting grounds and it ripped most of my face and a good chunk of skin off. And my ear. Or does that count as a face part? Are ears a face part?”

The plague skydancer’s antenne scan Alexiteric. “You’re not lying?”

“Yeah an- Ced, you’re not feeling bad about it again, are you? Hey. No. Stop that.”

Cedero looked at the ground. “I didn’t really do anything to make you like me, you know? Sometimes I don’t know why you like me so much.”

“Uh? Because you’re a good person? That’s what you did. I mean I was a jerk to you and thought you hated me because of it but turns out you never actually did?”

“I can't fault you for being angry about what happened. You had some frustration to work through.”

“Yeah, and there are ways to do that without trying to kill you,” Alexiteric’s tone turned dreamy, “Much better ways…”

“You weren't lying about that attempted murder, either?” Yes, a partner who is strong enough to kill you and sweet enough not to would be considered extremely desirable in the wasteland. But, from the forms Cedero is filling out, the two of them don't even live there. The isles doesn’t have a reputation for- weren't the dragons there more attracted to intelligence?

“It was more like attempted, attempted murder? Is that a thing? She decided not to go through with it. Wait, why are you so surprised? Are you telling me attempted murder isn’t part of how plague dragons end up together?”

The plague skydancer had to wonder what sort of plague dragons Cedero was familiar with. “It’s not typical, but far from unheard of. I’ve never really heard of a case from out of flight before. You’re more like plague dragons than I thought.” He paused to look Cedero over again, “maybe pink is sometimes just light red?”

“Have you been judging him based on flight? Don’t do that.” Her voice was kind, yet stern, like how one might reprimand a hatchling who doesn’t know better, "It's rude. And also you might be mean to them and miss out on something amazing." She bumped Cedero's head with hers again.

Cedero responded with a nuzzle. “I did kind of maim you, so maybe I did deserve it. Anyway, he meant it as a compliment, love. Plague dragons are known for being tough.”

“Oh.” Alexiteric said, embarrassed.

“You’re just looking out for me,” Cedero reached for her mane to stroke it, “Appreciate it.” Alexiteric purred until a stray thought distracted her.

“Wait. Wait. I’m nature, and I’m with the guy responsible for mutt- multi- wrecking my face. What’s that make me?”

“You’re nature? But all that magic from your claws?”

“This thing?” She raised a paw to show the plague skydancer one of the gauntlets she wore. It was indeed emitting Arcane energy. “That’s just an enchanted glove thing. I can’t use mine, so they made me a way to store his magic so I can throw it at people.”

Alexiteric's eyes could be hard to see behind the slats on her helmet. But there they were, horizontal goat pupils set in emerald green. Another surprise. The skydancer pondered this as Cedero finished the paperwork.

“Not as different as I once thought,” he concluded, “I’m looking forward to seeing how well you do. Good luck!”

“Don’t need it,” Alexiteric replied.

~~~ Other ~~~

test - a summary that contains a few words?
Awww. He's just looking out for me in his own way. 131055p.png

56186438p.png Do you like him too, hon?

It would have been nice, but unlike us, it wasn't meant to be. He just wasn't interested. 131055p.png



Scarred and Free

Strong, unstoppable, a warrior like no other.

She fought before, in the past. She felt pain. She was scarred, her face and body warped and half-destroyed. But she prevailed. She blamed her misfortune on others; but she's grown. Now, now, she finally takes her own life in her hands, triumphs, becomes someone she wants to be.
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