
Family Issues
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Centaur Berserker
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Male Tundra
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Personal Style


Bowman's Quiver
Koi's Breastplate




3.24 m
2.61 m
190.06 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 13, 2019
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Tundra
EXP: 0 / 245


I'll tell you some stuff about this character: He works as a knight in a kingdom call Andresia. His mother is the wicked Queen of another kingdom, Firidi. His mother, Ember has recently been trying to get Phillip to work for her in her kingdom.
December 12 2022

Perspective: Phillip Stone

The long, dark hallway beckoned me again, and the door I could never get to came closer every night. The only thing that stopped me was a hooded girl that appeared whenever I thought I could make it. After she caught up to me I returned back to reality, and when I was back I dove whenever I could into my mind to try to find the answers. My efforts were fruitless, and I gave up on trying to find out what was behind the door. I stopped having the repeating dream until this fateful night.

The hallway slowly faded into view, and yet again I started towards the end. I was clueless as to what was behind me, but ahead was another story.

The walls, floors, and ceilings were black and white checkered, and there were doors everywhere. The hallway was lined on left and right by dark oak, old looking doors with brass circular handles. The doors were two or three feet apart from the one next to it, but I wasn't interested with what was behind those.

The door at the end was not like the others. It was made of a light shade of oak, had a golden push handle, the frame was curved, and most interesting of all, there was a giant H. carved into the door. That was the door I wanted to know more about. The H. meant something to me, I just had to find out what it was.

I walked in the same slow way as I always did. I knew I should be running, but she wasn't here yet. I was ready when I heard the taps of her shoes behind me, and started running.

I glanced behind me, and again, she was there. Every time I saw her she looked different, and this time what I saw was familiar.

She did look cool, I'll give her that. Flaming red-fade to orange dress billowing out behind her, she was wearing a hood and cloak over it, but I could see some features: Glowing orange eyes, caramel brown eyebrows, and a triumphant smile. She had tall black boots that made a loud tapping noise whenever she took a step, and she had a sheath at her waist with what looked to be a Stardagger in it. (A knife with a bunch of strange things it can do. It can be infused with poison, can magically heal a wound, stuff like that.)

Her boots and my labored breathing were the only sounds in the seemingly endless time she pursued me. Dozens of the plain doors were passed as we ran, but I only had one goal.

Closer. Closer, and closer she came. A hairsbreadth from reaching me I felt a shock go through my body, and found the strength to put forth a extra burst of speed.

The end of the hallway was so close. My enemy was far enough behind me that I knew the chances of me not making it were very slim. I extended my right hand to reach for the golden handle that was getting closer by the second. Finally, after all the long months, my questions would be answered.

I heard a whistle behind me as my hand closed around the long awaited handle. I felt something lodge in my left shoulder and knew that it was her knife, but for some reason it didn't hurt. I went through the door and closed it behind me.

The room was pitch black and I stood there for a moment waiting for something. Anything really.

Finally, a single light appeared. It illuminated a single small piece of paper that was falling from the ceiling. I reached out and took it. These three words were on it:

Heed the Call

The words echoed around me. I was confused until the scenery change around me showed what it meant.

A single spotlight shined down on me, and I was partially blinded for a moment. Then the words faded off the paper, and the remnants seemed to go fizzle into my forehead. The paper turned to smoke and was instantly gone.

Eight spotlights appeared on eight mirrors about my height that surrounded me.

The mirrors started spinning slowly around me. It was then that I saw who was in them, and it wasn't me. It was who I was most afraid of, or rather who I was most afraid of becoming. The words echoed around me again.

Heed the Call.

As the mirrors started spinning faster and faster, I thought. What did I have to loose anyway? A few friends?

The outcome that I would get if I did would be better anyway.

And this time my pursuer wouldn't be able to stop me.

I had made up my mind, and the mirrors seemed to know it. They stopped the dizzying spinning, and they merged into one giant mirror in front of me.

The person was still the normal size in the mirror, even though the was gigantic now. She extended their hand.

I reached out and shook it.

There would be consequences, but I could deal with that later. This would leave a permanent mark in my life, but it would be worth it. The new path I was about to take would be dark...

What was dear to me would be worth nothing once I did this.

The words she had promised me yesterday came back to mind, and the things that would happen if I didn't listen to her.

I nodded at Ember.

Our hands caught on fire, finalizing the deal.

I had finally done it. The thing that had been plaguing me for years. The one thing that could help me with my problem.

Heeded the Call

I woke with a shock, and with something very sticky all over my face. I reached up to feel it, but put down my arm again. There was something in my shoulder.

"Ghhaa!" I looked and saw a stardagger with three different colored gems sticking out of my left shoulder.

I tried to sit up with a grunt of pain, but I fell back on my pillow. The one night I remembered to take off my armor...

"Hhmmm.." I took my right hand and attempted to pull it out, but I couldn't bring myself to for some reason. Good thing the stardagger barely affected me. Nothing the Healing Gem couldn't fix, but I did need to get this knife out soon or it would really start hurting... Stupid dream Perry. The knife shouldn't even be here. Some early consequences I guess. What was that horrible smell?

Some of the sticky stuff somehow managed to make it's way to my mouth. It tasted oddly like...


My eyes searched around the room. Even though the sun's first rays were coming through the window I didn't see the blasted monkey. I am not a person who is usually short of patience, but when it comes to Cool Bananas...

I could swear I heard him chuckle from somewhere close by. I traced the sound to my stomach. He was all sprawled out on me with his head in his hands, grinning vigorously.


"Get. Off."

I looked him strait in the eyes. He just smiled wider, and I was able to see two little curved teeth at the top of his jaw. Wait.... How did that-?

I noticed he turned his head, and was now looking at my left shoulder.

"No..." He got up on his hands and knees. I tried to sit up, but couldn't. When did this monkey get so heavy?

I heard a knock at the door. Cool Bananas paused his creepiness, and turned to look.

"Hey Phillip? Offense, but it really stinks whenever I walk past your room."

Seriously? Never mind what I said before. I get annoyed easily by two things. Wait. Make that three.

"GO AWAY THEODORE!" I didn't have time for this.

"And what is this brown stuff leaking under the door?" Now I could tell he was just trying to be annoying.

"IT WAS THE MONKEY!" But really, what did Cool Bananas do this time?

The little devil jerked its head towards me, and his eyes seemed to become wider as they locked on the knife that was still bothering me.

"Pppphhhillip?" He drew out the word."Do you need help? Or is there really a monkey in there?"

Cool Bananas stood over me. I shook my head violently. How could he be this heavy?

"Not now Theodore!" Although.. Nope, not accepting his help.

I heard the door open with a slosh just as Cool Bananas leaned down.

I let out a cry of pain, and the monkey stood over my holding the knife in the air in triumph.

Theodore must of thought it was amusing for some reason. He put his hands on his sides and started laughing."Hahahaha! It pulled a sword out of a Stone! Pfffftttttthaha!" He was just dying now. I really wish he actually would.

I was finally able to push Cool Bananas off. He fell into two feet of his own poop on my floor, and disappeared.

I managed to sit up and wipe some of the... Stuff off of my face with my sleeve. I tried not to look at the blue blood that was slowly seeping through my left shoulder and down my arm.

"Knife. Dummy. Knife. Also. If I were you I'd get off the ground. It's like swimming in a cage with a hungry shark. Although... I wouldn't mind if you got stabbed." I chuckled lightly as Theodore's smile vanished as he ran to my desk and climbed onto it

He glared at me.

I smiled back.

He rolled his eyes, and looked into the sea of poop. Probably looking for the monkey, but I noticed he was missing a shoe.

"Ohh... Theodore..." I said like a old person."Could you be a dear and throw grandpa Phillie that heart shaped gem next to you?" Ahh, revenge.

I propped myself upon my good shoulder and grinned at him.

His mouth opened slightly and his head turned to the side in confusion.

"What?" He grinned. "Oh, this?" He must have meant to be rude and throw the wrong gem to me, but he just happened to pick up the worst one.

He grabbed the poison gem and instantly dropped it back to the desk. Too late.

He fell off the desk and floated on the poop for a second until something mysteriously dragged him under. Good luck ever seeing him again.

All of a sudden Cool Bananas appeared at the end of my bed. He was standing with his back facing me by my feet. He leaned down and somehow drank up all of the poop in three awkward seconds.Other than the walls and floors stained, no permanent damage. No Theodore either. Good riddance. Looks like I'd have to get the Heart Gem myself.

The monkey abruptly jumped off the bed, started running around in circles holding the knife above his head, and screaming at the top of his lungs. My hand phone started ringing.


"Hi." Answered a familiar voice.

"I can't really talk right now, whoever this is." My vision was beginning to blur around the edges.

"Why don't you just look at the picture?"

"WHAT?" I could barely hear anything over the ringing in my ears. Oh, and the screaming monkey.

"Well, this is Toby Pringles, and you have to come to H.Q."


"Head quarters."




"Sure. I didn't know you had a monkey!" He sounded very excited for some reason.

"IT'S NOT MY MONKEY!" I glowered at my hand and hung up.

Immediately what appeared to be a very short teenager wearing a beekeeper suit appeared in the center of my bedroom. He snatched Cool Bananas up with a net and the top of it closed. He dropped the knife, and started madly scratching the side of the net. Toby turned to me.

"OH MY SNICKER DOODLES! What happened to you?" He pressed a bottom on the top of the net and yellow gas started pouring inside of it. Cool Bananas stopped scratching at the side and sat down calmly.

"Just give me that stupid gem before I pass out. The heart shaped one."

"Blop!" He threw it to me, and it hit me square in the forehead.

"OW! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" Blood my head hurt very badly, and was probably bleeding. I snatched the gem from the bed next to me.

Instantly the fogginess and ringing was gone, and the gash in my shoulder patched. I slowly stood up and clasped something that had been sitting on my desk onto my right wrist.

Toby opened up the net and gingerly set Cool Bananas on my pillow. He was awake, but staring off into space and babbling quietly. "Oh, he's so cute!" HE handed the knife to me.

"You can keep him if you want."

Toby shrugged.

The knife was fancy with three gems on the handle. Blue, green, and red from top to bottom. What significance did those colors have? I took one of my knives out of it's sheath and put it on the new one.

Toby peeled a banana and put it in the monkey's mouth, and he sucked on it like a pacifier.

"Well," Toby took off his helmet and tucked it under his arm. "Sorry about your room... Get ready and meet at Aster headquarters in a hour."

"Sorry, I have plans." Usually I just say that, but this time it was true. I set the knife on my desk.

"This most be the most important mission in Aster's history. Come or you get fired."

"Fine. I'll be there."

"Neeto I'll teleport you there in a hour. See ya Phillie!"

"Don't call me that!" He shrugged and was gone.

I looked around my abused room and saw a arm poking out from under the bed. So I dragged Theodore out to the hallway and went back to my room.

After I was fully ready I had thirty minutes left and looked around. The walls and floor would have to be burned. I stuck the knife in my not infinite-but-magically extended pockets in my jacket. (I wasn't wearing my armor.)

I gathered a few other items and got ready to be whisked away by Toby.

I stood waiting in Aster's empty lobby several hours later while Perry and Scarlet were talking about some mission Perry needs to do.

The mission I had done was a success, and Gerta was now resting upstairs. (Little did I know but she actually had time fungus.)

I pushed one of the buttons on the bronze cusp on my wrist, and held my arm up slightly below eye level. A blue projection appeared with a dozen or so names on it. I tapped one of the names and waited in the empty lobby until the person on the other end would answer.

I heard someone coming down the stairs. Great.

The projection could only be seen by the bearer of the transmuter, but I still put my arm down.

Liam stood at the base of the stairs. He folded up a familiar rectangular piece of paper and tucked it in his pocket.

"I still don't like you." I said, and it was true. (Also, Becca I want you to know that I wrote this a long time before the whole thing in Aurora's basement. Because, didn't Perry say something along the lines of this to Liam and I gave him the same response?)

"The feeling's mutual." He said calmly.

What was he doing here anyway?

"What's that?" He asked.


"On your wrist."


He narrowed his eyes."Well, now I know it's something. Let me see it again."

"Nope. You still owe me. Firidian." I put my hands in my pockets.

"Hoarder." He crossed his arms in front of him.



"Alie- What?"

"Yup, remember what you-"

"Nope. Your the crazy pyrokenetic. And that was a accident..." I unbuckled the transmuter and let it slide down into the depths of my pocket.

"I'm not from Firidi. Have you really forgotten what you plan on doing tomorrow?" He glared at me.

"No, but I'm not sure if I want to anymore."

"Of course. You never feel happy in any job you've ever done. Right?"


"And that and the other reason is why you-"

"I know, just stop talking about it. Not here. Firidian." He needed to be reminded where he would be if it wasn't for me.

"You should be lucky I don't tell your friend, and stop calling me Firidian."

I felt the transmuter vibrate, but I ignored it,"Firidian."

Something flickered in his eyes.

The transmuter stopped vibrating. I saw the door next to the one that Perry was in open just as I was tackled.

Somehow in three seconds I was pushed to my knees with my right arm pinned behind me uncomfortably.

"Oh." He must have noticed that the transmuter wasn't on my wrist anymore.

"Bad time?" Nell walked out of the doorway towards us.

Liam let go and took a few steps back. I fell flat on my face.

I quickly stood up before someone else could come out of one of those doors and laugh at me. I was surprised that Nell wasn't. This morning had been a pain... Literally.

"So...." Nell leaned expertly against the stairs. "I was listening to your "conversation" through the door, and I think we should go back to insulting each other! Who's in?"

"Actually, I need to go..." I took out my new red rubber band.

Nell continued. "Okay, I'll get us started. Liam looks like a Christmas card, and don't even get me started on Phillip..."

"Bye Nell." She ignored me.

"What do you mean, ''a Christmas card?'" Liam asked.

"Well, ya see, because of your hair color, and green shirt you look like a walking Christmas card. Is that insulting?" Nell answered.

"Why would that be insulting?"

"So, what would insult you?"


I rolled my eyes and teleported. Perry knew I was planning on leaving anyway.

I went to my house in the village, had a word with the Captain, (that's a scene that I can send you when we're not on a time crunch), grabbed something, and left. As I was about to teleport again my hand phone started ringing. I closed the front door behind me and answered.



"Hi, Perry."

"You should answer your phone when someone calls you," she sounded angry.

''I was in the middle of something..."

"Well get over here and help me."

"You'll be fine. You're you."

"Actually there's this Russian dude—"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"—and he said that he hated my profile! The nerve of some people. Anyway, he’s turning my limbs to jelly right now, so I can’t properly smack him," she purposefully raised her voice, “and Liam’s no help either!”

“Hey, I can hear you!” Liam shouts in the background.

"You can handle it,” I said.


"See ya!"

I hung up.

I took out my rubber band and vanished.

Pablo's Pizza Palace!
(We Treat You Like Royalty!)

Or that's what the sign said anyway. Orlando Florida, what a pleasant place. Well, when it isn't pouring rain. I made sure the transmuter and rubber band were tucked out of sight, and headed through the front door.

It wasn't as packed as it usually was. Weekdays I guess.

There was a stand in front of me with a young waitress standing there. She was too busy on her phone to notice me, and I walked past her. I headed towards the back of the restaurant.

Everything was wrong with this place. The staff treated it as though it was a five star restaurant where you only go for special occasions. If they really wanted that look maybe they should've decided to serve something other than pizza. It wasn't even that good. At least it was cleaner than most pizza restaurants.

Finally, I spotted them in the back of the room in one of the booths.

Five people sat around the booth. Brook Gallant, Riley Leisure, Ellesmere Davis, Sheldon Brassington, and Florence Stone.

I slid into the empty seat next to Florence. There was a half eaten pizza on the table. I resent the nasty stuff, and I still don't have a appetite after this morning...

"Did you know that you're late? Like hours late?" Florence didn't look very mad, she just looked nervous. I don't think anyone was looking forward to today.

Florence's curly, black, short, hair bounced up and down every she moved her head, and her different colored eyes were downcast on her glass of tea.

"Hey, we'll find your parents it doesn't matter that Phillip's like what, three hours late?" Sheldon tried to reassure Florence. We all knew there were too many loose variables in this mission to count on it though.

"Where's Liam and Nell?" Ellesmere asked. Her caramel hair was so long it almost touched the table.

I knew I should eat something before we left, but... I looked at the pizza again and couldn't stop myself from thinking about a very stinky monkey. "Liam couldn't make it. Nell might be coming, but I don't think so. What about Oscar?"

I asked a waiter for a glass of monty. (I literally almost just wrote Water..)

Riley looked up from her laptop that was set on one of the only clear spots on the table. "He'll be here soon." Her light brown hair was neatly tucked into a neat bun.

Riley and Oscar, the brains of this operation.

Brook tucked a strand of her dark purple hair behind her ear. "Should we get started?"

Then Oscar showed up. He might've been the youngest here, but he was definitely the smartest. Well, he and Riley were pretty close.

His light blond hair looked too good as usual. I tried not to notice the way that Brook was always glancing at him or fixing her hair or something whenever he was around. There was no room left at the booth, so Oscar pulled up a chair at the end from another table.

We cleared the table a bit and Oscar set a suitcase on it.

I rummaged in my pockets for a few seconds, and took out the map of Firidi's castle. I unrolled it on the table as a waiter brought me a glass of monty. Which I actually never ended up drinking... Nerves I guess.

Oscar took out several papers from the suitcase and set it on top of the case.

Riley closed her laptop and cleared her throat. "Let's do a rundown of the plan."

"Yup." Oscar looked through the papers and handed one to me.

I looked it over. All of the information we knew in a orderly manner. "Okay, so you at least know this part of the plan: Riley and Oscar go to Riley's house and set up there. They'll have the map, and information there."

Oscar took out seven or eight ear pieces and handed one to each of us. "Riley and I will guide you through the castle. If anything goes wrong we'll be connected, and try to pull you out."

I looked at the piece of paper even though I already knew what the next part said. "Phase two, I go, and... Since Nell isn't here I go alone and pretend to ask Ember if I can join her." Only part of that was true.

"Phase three," Ellesmere stated, "Me and the others go through the secret underground tunnel that leads out into the dungeon. Then Sheldon turns us invisible and we make our way through the dungeon. If Florence's parents aren't in there, then Oscar and Riley will lead us to where you and Ember are."

"Yes, and once you get there, well I mean, if her parents aren't in the dungeon, you'll know where we are because of this." I said as I accepted the little piece of metal Oscar was offering me. I attached the chip to the sleeve on my right shoulder.

"A camera." Sheldon said. "Then once we get to where you and Ember are I'll stun Ember, then Ellesmere will mind control her to tell us where Florence's parents are!"

"Yup. Then we'll fry her brains and get out of there." I tried to sound more excited then I was.

I handed Oscar the paper and the map he tucked them in the suitcase and stood up. "Ready to go Riley?"

"Yup, call in when you get in positions guys!"

We nodded and they left.

Everyone gathered there stuff, Sheldon paid the bill, and we got ready to leave. Then someone appeared in front of me.

"Hey, Perry." I said.

"You shouldn't hang up on people." She looked pretty banged up, and I noticed she had a red rubber band on her wrist.

"I know. Did you finish your mission?" I could really use her help.

"No, I came so I could punch you and drag you back with me."

"But I can't." I folded my arms over my stomach. Just in case...

"Sure you can."

"Give me ten minutes."

"By then the Russian dude will have-"

"What does that mean?"

"Someone from Russia." Brook spoke up.

Perry scowled as if she had just noticed the other people for the first time. "I would yell at you more, but I want to get credit for catching Vladimir."

"I can help you soon if-" I started.

"Well, now I have to do it on my own because you suggested that." She disappeared.

"Who was that?" Ellesmere asked.

"Just my friend Perry." I said even though she was neither of those things. I knew by the twenty-first of next month she would be less than that.

"You should go help her." Sheldon said.


He interrupted me, "She's not just your friend is she?"

I felt the heart shaped gem in my pocket.

"Meet us at the place, we'll find some way to start without you if you aren't back in a hour."

"Thank you." I teleported away.

A little less than a hour later


The four of them jumped.

"How was it?" Sheldon asked. We were on a sheltered sand dune within walking distance of Firidi's castle.

"I got shot in the chest three times by a scary guy, other than that I'm fine." I put my ear peice in my ear and made sure the camera was still on my shoulder.

''Okay," Ellesmere said,"Let's get to work. Phillip, you should start walking, and we'll go into the tunnels. Could Nell really not make it?"

"She gave me some dumb excuse and walked away." I answered.

"We'll work it out without her." Ellesmere made sure her earpiece was in.

Florence came up to me,"I want to go in with you."

I stared at the looming castle in the distance. "Are you sure?"

"You shouldn't have to go alone, you're doing this for me." She said.

If only that was true. "That's fine. See the rest of you later?"

"Yup." Ellesmere nodded and she and the rest started walking away, "We'll still be connected!" She yelled over her shoulder.

"I know!" I yelled back as Sheldon made red sparks appear around them and they disappeared. Presumably to the beginning of the tunnels.

We stood there in silence for a moment. "You can go now." Oscar said in my ear nearly giving me a heart attack.

"Yup." I was too annoyed with everyone right now to try and come up with a correct response.

Florence and I started making our way across maybe a mile and a half of sand to get to the castle. It reminded me of a few months ago, or well, hundreds of years ago in a similar situation with another Stone.

A short girl with light blue hair was guarding the gate along with several others, but she was obviously in charge. Ellesmere and the rest had just told us a few minutes before that they were ten minutes to the dungeon.

"State your purpose!" The girl held a sword under my throat.

"I'd like to speak with the Queen." I said.

"Of course you do. Everyone does."


"Have I seen you before?"

"Well, I'm her son so..."

Her eyes narrowed. "I'll take you to see her, and she'll kill you for lying."

"Cool. Can she come too?" I looked over at Florence.

"Whatever, come on." She removed her sword and gestured for one other knight to follow us into the castle with her.

That was easier than I'd thought.

"Good job guys, but the hard part is yet to come." Riley said in my ear. I knew that I shouldn't say anything back to her, but she was right.

She led us down hall upon hall in the castle. If I had tried to find my way back I probably couldn't... Luckily Oscar and Riley have the map.

We came upon a large dark oak door. I tried not to look at the H that was engraved into it.

The blue haired girl and the other guard stood back and the door opened.

"Go alone. Her Majesty has certain security measures which will keep you from harming her."

For some reason my voice wouldn't work.

"Thank you." Florence said.

Then we went through the doors that had been haunting me for years and I saw the person I had been trying not to think about for years.

Her throne room was as dark and beautiful as usual. The giant windows on either side with the dark red curtains that matched the red carpet that led up to her throne. On either sides of the throne were two giant black wolf statues that seemed to always be staring at me... The throne itself was made of bronze, and curved at the top.

Ember Crystal perched on the throne looking very regal.

"I knew you'd be coming soon." She said.

"Then you know what I want." I said.

She answered, but I didn't hear it. Something someone had said over the radio distracted me. Dungeon empty of Florence's parents? And something else too... Charity? Dead? She wasn't even involved in this... I was too late. Ember said I could save them if I started working for her. I was too late.

"Yes you are." Ember said.

I started paying attention to the things around me again. "You read my mind?"

"Every since the moment you entered the room." She answered.

Florence braced, "So you know-"

"Of course I do." Ember interrupted.

I heard a body against the door. Oscar tried to warn them not to come in, but it was too late.

The four people burst through the doors. Ember signaled to the wolves at her side and they came alive.

The doors closed behind the other people, who seemed to be in pretty fine shape. Other than their looks of shock of course when the wolf came to life.

Heed the call

I didn't really see what happened next, but when I looked up it seemed numbers didn't matter in this fight. Three other guards had appeared and were fighting my "friends" along with the dire wolves.

I noticed Ember stand from her throne.

"Where are my parents?" Florence asked Ember.

"You really think I'd tell you child?" Ember told her.

Ember slowly started fading into green smoke, and I knew she'd be gone soon. I heard screaming behind me and Florence telling me something, but I didn't really hear it. I had one goal.

Heed the call

The words she had said to me echoed over and over in my head. I ignored the shouts from behind me and Florence yelling, and walked forwards.

Just like the dream I reached for Ember's hand. Then we were gone.

(What happens next is between Phillip and Ember, and anyway I don't think I could send it all in a hour. Plus, this is a perfect place for you to end. This scene was supposed to have as little details as it does, because Phillip was mostly zoned out the entire time.)
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