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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.


Accent: Ancestral Illumination


Scene: Icewarden's Domain


11.56 m
5.45 m
5643.73 kg


Primary Gene
Wasp (Gaoler)
Wasp (Gaoler)
Secondary Gene
Bee (Gaoler)
Bee (Gaoler)
Tertiary Gene
Gnarlhorns (Gaoler)
Gnarlhorns (Gaoler)


Aug 18, 2019
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Gaoler
EXP: 0 / 245





Marko “Candlelight” Okmar

Male // He/Him // Pansexual Polyamorous
- - - - - M A R K O ,- S C R O L L K E E P E R

Furry Icewarden Puppet - - - ▢ Personality and Role
Marko is the Scrollkeeper of the Caravan, and keeps a timeline of all those who have joined in the order that they did so. He has an excellent memory, and loves to consume all sorts of literature. He's generous, forgiving, enthusiastic, and just an all-around pleasure to be around. Although he can fight, he doesn't really like to. Marko is also polyamorous, and has two mates. One is his beloved "bad boy" Lore, while the other is the shy and cuddly Alval. Marko helped Alval get acquainted with the rest of the Caravan when the blue Gaoler first joined, as both are of the Fire element, and the two were close ever since. Although he doesn't like Solsten romantically, the two are still on good terms, and see the other as family. Everybody is happy with Marko's and Alval's relationship, and nobody would rather have it any other way. Although Marko is a Fire Gaoler, which aren't usually accepted due to being the element of the enemy, everybody likes him because he's cute and smart.
Flamecaller Terracotta Figure - - - - ▢ History
Marko was born to a peaceful collection of Gaolers that bore a strong love for history and literature. He quickly gained the same interest, and became a librarian as soon as he could. The group lived on the border to the Shifting Expanse, which is how Marko met Lore. Lore was your typical rebel without a cause, wearing sunglasses in the middle of the night and trashing public property. She was a nuisance in everybody's eyes, and law enforcement eventually started pursuing her when she stole some valuable goods. Next thing Marko knew, someone had broken into his library and asking him to hide them. Marko inexplicably sheltered the vandal from those looking for her, and Lore decided that Marko was cool enough to hang around. Their relationship was strained at times, as Lore refused to stop committing crimes, but she never threatened the safety of any books, records, or libraries ever again. The two ran away together after Lore proposed the idea, having heard about the Caravan through clan gossip. They joined it, and so far, Fortis has done an excellent job of keeping Lore's illegal tendencies under control. Marko also met Alval, an outcast due to his element, and helped him get acclimated to Caravan life. The two of them fell in love, and now Marko, Lore, Alval and Solsten all live a happy life together.
Antique Oil Lamp - - - - ▢ Name
"Okmar" was Marko's family name, and holds no real significance. The name "Marko" is simply a respelling of his family name, as everyone thought that Marko was destined for greatness and thus deserved a "respectful" first name. His nickname, "Candlelight", comes from the many light-emmiting baubles that Marko carries around with them. Some are filled with fireflies, others with Fire magic, but everyone can agree that they are absolutely beautiful.



▢ Trivia
  • Marko is afraid of the dark, which is why he surrounds himself with candles and glowing baubles. Lore sometimes teases him about this, but it never goes beyond playful jests.
  • Marko loves to look pretty, and is enamored by gold, which is the reasoning for his many shining decorations. The strip of silk is a gift from Lore.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed turpis vitae nisi elementum porta.
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1. Fortis, Current, and Duelist were the founders of the Caravan. Current and Duelist were already mates by then, and befriended Fortis by chance. Their bond is probably the strongest of all those forged in the Caravan.
2. During an expedition in the Southern Icefield, Justice joined the Caravan, after being cast out from the Sentinel Order in the Fortress of Ends. Being able to remain a Sentinel was probably the biggest reason that she joined the Caravan.
3. Lumio was fleeing from something when he joined. He woke up unconscious in the Caravan, the others having allowed him to rest their in safety, and stayed after growing an admiration for Justice.
4. Peace joined for no reason other than out of pure boredom. They stumbled upon the Caravan by chance.
5. Xanthippos was a childhood friend of Duelist. They joined sometime after Peace, reuniting with Duelist and vowing never to leave his best friend again.

~The Caravan remained at the small number of the aforementioned number of seven Gaolers for a while. They mostly wanted to keep it small, a family of sorts. After Fortis was murdered, they started allowing more Gaolers to join them, as there is safety in numbers. They hoped to never undergo such a tragedy again.~

6. Splendor joined soon, also running from something like Lumio., Lumio recognized her, but didn't say anything about it.

7. It is around this time that “The Shadow” (Reever) starts to stalk the Caravan, for reasons only Lumio and Splendor know.

~After that point a lot of couples start to join.~

8. Coldwinter and Starflower join, the former bringing up the idea of using larger familiars to pull the Caravans, instead of just taking turns. Fortis thinks it's a fine idea, and starts using larger familiars (elephants, rhinos, Rocs) to pull the Caravans.
9. Alastair and Rhyosymedre, Marko and Lore, and Alval and Solsten all join next in quick succession, in that order. (Side note: Solsten did not join with Alval, she joined before him. They joined with a short timeframe in between each arrival, however, so they are treated as one arrival. Still, Solsten came first, and then Alval.)
10. Dismal was found unconscious and immediately adopted against his will, being a pygmy Gaoler that woudn't be able to fend for themselves much in the wild. They are the closest with Fortis, but also have a Manticore mate, seeing as the two are the same size.
11. Uncertainty seeks out Fortis, a distant relative of his, and is eventually indoctrinated into the Caravan despite being a Tundra. He becomes the Caravan's first Modern breed, and only one of two that will ever be accepted into the Caravan.

~The Caravan is starting to become well-known across Sornieth. After all, it's not like there are many wandering Gaolers that build prisons and act as hired mercenaries. Their skillset is unique, and not likely be to be found anywhere else due to their diversity.~

12. Iro is adopted by Alastair and Rhyosymedre, and decides to stay in the Caravan with his new parents.
13. During another trip to the Southern Icefield, the Caravan meets a disheveled Rosemary. She is obviously very powerful, and has the unique ability to see the past memories of the lands that they travel, so she is allowed into the Caravan as well. Rosemary and Iro become mates.
14. Cougar and Ruga join the Caravan (need to figure out a reason).
15. Splendor's abandoned and disfigured children, Clawtooth and Sheep, find the Caravan. Most everyone is disgusted by their appearance, and Splendor refuses to claim them as her kin. Starflower and Rosemary beg Fortis to allow them in, taking pity on the poor children. Fortis accepts their pleas. Sheep falls in love with Starflower's Primal son, but Clawtooth prefers to keep to himself.
16. Demi and Spark join the Caravan (need to figure out a reason).
17. The Ace trio join the Caravan after nearly dying in the Tangled Wood. Fortis wishes to study the effects that prolonged exposure to Shadow magic have on different elements, and so he allows them to stay so that he may observe their abilities.
18. Vincent and Melliferous join around the same time, but not together. They become the Caravan's first unhealthy couple. As in, they're not in a good relationship. It's almost surprising that it hasn't happened until now.

~Iro becomes Shadetouched. Rosemary is able to hide this from the rest of the Caravan using her overwhelming Arcane magic, but for how long?~

19. Soren joins the Caravan next, after warning Fortis of an imminent attack from Reever and being offered a life of luxury in return for the use of her power.
20. Although Maleficent was only a Skydancer at the time, she was able to use her beauty to get accepted into the Caravan.
21. SiMeavolent and Ayafeeia, rich Imperial siblings, join the Caravan to act as emissaries for their wealthy home clan, and spread its influence.

~Maleficent and SiMeavolent fall in "love", but it does not last. They have three children, but Maleficent quickly denounces them from being her family. The breakup is nasty, but neither dragon leaves the Caravan. SiMeavolent begins to suspect that something is up with Maleficent. ~

22. Maleficent, after changing into a Gaoler, adopts Tavrin, a Wildclaw-hatchling-turned-Gaoler to save his life after an attack.
23. Ruin is found by Fortis after nearly being killed by an Imperial, and Fortis takes him back to live in the Caravan. He is not adopted by one single couple, but rather raised by the entirety of the group of Gaolers. It's a lot less stressful that way.
24. Deus, after hearing about his long-long brother's success in the field of archeology, tracks him back to the Caravan to live with him.
25. The Sunshine Family joins seemingly out of random— the Caravan isn’t too sure what to feel about them.

~Maleficent leaves the Caravan for a while, and returns with three oddly powerful hatchlings with an unknown father. Little does the Caravan know that she has ulterior motives.~

26. Delusion, Aberration, and Greed are the three children of Maleficent that join the Caravan when she returns. All of them are odd, deplorable in at least one way, and strangely strong. Their eyes hold a haunted look, as if their childhood has held much pain and abuse. But, if there is more to their hatching than meets the eye, they are loathe to admit it.
27. While visiting a village, Maleficent decides that Ridikyu would be the perfect mate for her son. The marriage is an arranged one, and neither the groom nor the bride like the other. They fight all the time, and everyone wishes that they would just divorce already, but for some reason they don't.



--Gaolers show the most respect to those of the Ice element, especially among their kind. They find Gaolers of other elements to be beneath them, in a way. They have disgraced the Icewarden by taking upon the eyes of another deity, and are stereotyped to be not as loyal to the Icewarden as they should be. They show the most disdain towards Fire Gaolers, as they are born in the land of their greatest enemy (besides the Shade), and will often go out of their way to make Fire Gaolers feel unwelcome.

--Gaolers have very traditional naming systems, and first names are typically supposed to have some meaning. There is a formal first name, a family last name, and an informal middle name. If two Gaolers become mates, there are supposed to choose one surname to pass down IF they are of the same Order. If one is of an Order that is higher in ranking/importance than the other, than their last name is automatically passed down. (Side Note: From lowest to highest, the hierarchy is Seeker, Sentry, Keeper, Overseer, Sentinel.) It is very unusual for a mated pair of Gaolers to merge their last name, although it may be done so if they hold a high amount of respect for each other.

--Related to pairs, Gaolers are a very monogamous breed. They will also hold dragon weddings, because they are just that formal.

--A little thing about Sentinels that I stole from tales about traditional dragons; they have "Truenames". Names given at birth that are deeply interwoven into the dragon. They can even act as a magical barrier, as anyone who knows a Sentinel's Truename can control them. Saying the name aloud lets the user block the dragon from using magic, and reveal any tricks or illusions they have set. The Warden of the Sentinels gives all Sentinels a name at birth, and only the Warden and a few of their comrades know all of the Truenames of their Sentinels.

--Another thing, being a Sentinel is hereditary. It's almost impossible to join the Order unless you were born into it, as it is very secretive.

--Fancy foods are considered hedonistic and entirely unnecessary. If it can't last for a long time, can't adequately feed a group, and is worth more trouble preparing than the energy it gives in return, then it's very much frowned upon. This is due to the Southern Icefield being famously difficult to get good food in, and with the prisons needing to be catered to at every possible second, they simply don't have time for extravagant meals. (All of the Caravan knows this, but they don't particularly care since they aren't in the Southern Icefield anymore. This largely contributes to why Alastair is allowed to only be a cook with no other role to distract him-- actually good food is a luxury most of them had seldom experienced before.)

Warden: 1 (Fortis)
Keepers: 5 (Current,
Sentries: 5
Overseers: 3
Sentinels: 3
Seekers: 6
Roleless: 4 (5 if you count Lore)
(Mage, Cook, Hunter, Assassin, Mediator, Scrollkeeper, Priest, Shade-Touched, Dreamwalker, Maleficent, Tavrin, Warrior, Apprentice, Researcher)
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