
A wolf is still wild no matter where it calls home."
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Energy: 48/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Male Imperial
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Personal Style


Bone Antlers
Carapace Arm
Contaminated Infectalons
Black Wolf Cape




31.84 m
16.02 m
7226.76 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 15, 2019
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245




Grotesque-L.png Taeral Grotesque-R.png

Bitten by Morgana


The times we live in have changed, honor is gone.
Good and evil are shades of grey. For all the good we have done, it doesn't make us right
But those of us who hide in darkness see a different kind of light.

Frightening creatures are nothing when they can be fought or chased off, mists aren't so unnerving during the day, but hatchling imaginations are things of wonder, they know no fear that can't be chased away by a comforting word or gesture. but there is no comfort that can be given when nightmares bleed into the waking world or when the howls of monsters become akin to a lullaby on the night wind.

The clearing he stood in was large and well cared for, the den in the corner had a vine door of sorts and it was miles away from where he had hatched, it seemed it was worlds away, he had grown since he had run from his hatch clan, his lupine appearance had become well muscled and his black pelt has grown thick. not many came to this clearing while he was there, fear kept most of them away from what the deemed a monster- no matter that he was young and afraid for his own reasons. when the dreams started he felt his fears ease, he was confused by this as fog swirled at his paws and a howl started somewhere in the distance. Taeral walked, hesitant to leave, but curiosity drawing him toward the sound finally he started toward it as it called again, "Come! Come! Find me! Find acceptance!", it called temptingly. He picked up speed until he was running through the fog, paws beating a silent rhythm against the grass covered ground before he slowed to a stop and stood before a massive black wolf panting.

"Poor thing, cursed to look a beast, but never truly know the freedom." she purred as she walked around two graves, his parents graves.
Taeral shied away as she stepped closer, unsure and unnerved by knowledge this female shouldn't have had and the graves. he had always looked like a large wolf with antlers growing next to his breeds natural ones, this was the reason his parents had been killed defending him.
his ears flattened and looked down, ashamed "I am a monster, not a beast. what kind of creature are you if I may ask?"

She ignored him "Would you find acceptance?"
"Is there such a thing for one such as me?"
"Of course!" she crooned then turned in an instant catching his shoulder in her teeth and biting down harshly.

Taeral yelped and tore himself away, running back to his clearing, as soon as his paws touched the clearing his eyes snapped open and he sat up panting. he winced as his shoulder throbbed, he quickly cleaned and bandaged it, but felt no relief as he thought over the nightmare and what the black wolf had said.


His appearance never changed even months after his encounter with the Black Wolf and her sudden attack and even after all of that he felt no anger toward her, the only change was in his behavior as he went from a well manner if odd looking drake to a foul tempered beast looking for a meal or a fight so long as there was bloodshed he didn't care which. he remembered more than he wanted although was relieved to know he never attacked another dragon, not to say he never harmed a dragon who attacked him, self defense is different than actively seeking to harm a dragon.

he sighed before one ear twitched at the snap of a twig and he looked up, he bore his teeth and growled "Whoever you are LEAVE! You're not welcome here!"

A beautiful young dragoness walked from the bushes and looked at him, making him shift uncomfortably as she seemed to see into his very soul. blue eyes softened as she tucked her wings more comfortably to her sides. "You aren't a monster are you?"

He laughed bitterly "Are you blind? I am a monster, looking the way I do I was given no other path."
"Then how many dragons have you killed?" she asked looking at the remains
"N-none!" he barked offended.
"Monsters take pleasure in the pain and suffering they cause others." she said walking closer "While you look different I've seen no wounds caused by you."
He watched her for a moment and let himself relax a little "Speak Witch, tell me what you will." he rumbled "You have my attention."

He built a fire in the center of his clearing, a make shift fire pit had been made months ago when he had arrived here, he pulled a cauldron from his den and set it up above the fire. making a thick soup for what little meal he could offer while she, Luna, spoke, Luna spoke of the Witchborn and Childeaters as well as what the near by clan spoke of. the clan told tales of a howling beast in the forest, on full moons the dragons there locked their dens tight in hopes of keeping it out, Taeral was surprised by the news of a clan being so near to his den, he had thought he was alone out here.

Several days later he was packing the meats he had tried, he had little else as he wore his armor, he looked again at Luna "You are sure? You want me to come with you?"
Luna laughed softly "Of course! I can't try to help you if you stay in isolation." she pointed out
Taeral looked at her for a long moment her nodding "In that case Wit-Luna; I will protect you and those you care for against any danger or evil." he rumbled bowing his head and continuing "I will fight beside you against any demon." he met her gaze "I will shield you from any harm, This a swear." he stood straight again.
"Do you know what you've promised me?" Luna whispered stunned.
"Aye and it's the least I can do for the first and only dragon to ever offer me a chance." Taeral said firmly.

Leaving the clearing felt like leaving home and Taeral looked at the shadows, the Wolf who bit him had not been back for quite some time and yet he still found himself looking for her on occasion. it wasn't that he wanted to see her again, in fact the thought scared him more than he would admit, but he still found himself watching on occasion. as they started walking Taeral found himself traveling with Luna, full moons were more uncertain as the beast took over.

He had started remembering small things from his time changed into a beast as the years had gone by, small things at first, but by this time in his life he remembered a decent amount even if he didn't want the memories. his first change while traveling with Luna was different, he walked around the camp sniffing, making sure nothing was around that might pose a threat before stopping as Luna spoke.

"Come back to the fire Taeral, it's warmer here." she hummed
His fur seemed to buzz as he walked into the camp and looked at her, before laying down beside her, Luna curled against his side to sleep, instinct to protect his mate beat back any lingering drive to attack as he settled in to watch the forest.

Layout and artwork by awaicu
Banners by PoisonedPaper

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