
Time is the one true consistency
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Energy: 44/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Male Gaoler
This dragon is an ancient breed.
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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.




11.58 m
8.05 m
9868.69 kg


Primary Gene
Mosaic (Gaoler)
Mosaic (Gaoler)
Secondary Gene
Breakup (Gaoler)
Breakup (Gaoler)
Tertiary Gene
Gnarlhorns (Gaoler)
Gnarlhorns (Gaoler)


Aug 10, 2019
(4 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 7 Gaoler
EXP: 181 / 11881



"The old-looking Gaoler has several yards’ worth of parchment scroll rolled out in front of him. Judging from his expression the scroll was not supposed to be spread out so."


  • Iridis Ancientclaws
  • Age Unknown
  • He/His
  • Normally Aroace
  • Historian, Keeper of Lore

Light Runestone Intact Parchment Aged Tome
Edamame Kyorinrin

Umiza - Current Mate

Tarma - Protege

Lillya - Friend


Iridis is a solitary and often sarcastic dragon. His reserved nature stems from the fact he knows better than to become attached to others and his almost nonexistent social experience. Iridis is a very unhurried dragon and refuses to do anything at a pace that isn’t his own, claiming that he has all the time in the world to do things. Iridis is also typically aromantic, but rarely meets the few that’ll become his chosen love throughout their life.
Iridis has an offhand way of offering praise or appeasement to others and it’s something to be truly proud of when he does. His longevity has granted him so much experience that Iridis is rarely surprised or proud of something another does. Iridis has the odd habit of showing up where he’s not supposed to be and this is usually at the expense of others. Afterall, he is larger than most typical dragons.
Iridis has in the past served deities but now prefers to follow his own calling. He considers the deities to be too chaotic for their own good even without considering the dragons devoted to them and has seen too many times that devotion going too far.
Iridis has an obsession with using ridiculously long scrolls over compact tomes and books. This obsession stems from the fact he used scrolls for most of his life before dragons started to prefers leather bound volumes instead. Umiza attempts to introduce Iridis into the idea of using books more but has not yet succeeded.


Iridis’s large, gnarled horns and claws are the true testament to his age. Despite the common accidents caused by snagging these unclipped claws or unmanaged horns, Iridis refuses to remove that one part of him. No one, not even Iridis himself, is sure of this ancient Gaoler’s age. While clearly not one of the Icewarden’s original children as he is lightborn and not iceborn, Iridis is old enough to be only a few generations after that.
Ever since he was young Iridis had been keeping track of the world around him. Though he remembers little nowadays he does remember the feel of the quill pen in his claws as he marked down another event each day. Iridis would record everything important that happened around him, or the stories he heard from others. His main interest has always been in the history of the Gaolers. Iridis has observed his kind in all walks of life from the few Gaolers that tried to be something other than the frigid ranks upheld most, to those that choose to be forever loyal to their patron deity. From the great war between the Gaolers and Banescales to the modern day reappearance of the ancient species Iridis has watched. Ever since he could hold that fine quill he wrote. Admittedly the actual process of writing pains him because of the poor dexterity due to his massive, gnarled claws.
Iridis isn’t sure when he finally realized that he would outlive everyone he’d known but came to terms with it eventually. The reason behind this ancient life is long forgotten and may not have ever been known, but Iridis doesn’t mind. He has found ways to continue through the eventual weariness that would appear as time crawled along. The act of slipping into hibernation when in need of a true rest has kept Iridis from considering darker ways to ease his weariness. Iridis has opted to distance himself from other dragons and prefers the experience of being an uninvolved observer, knowing the others would be lost in the passing of ages. It is only recently that Iridis joined a clan once more, drawn in by the equally ancient magics radiating from it.
With the experience of many lifetimes Iridis has learned to pick up a few tricks. One of these tricks happens to be the ability to remember and identify certain individual magics. This ability is the reason Iridis was first drawn to the Sanctuary of Diversity. The magics emanating from the land the clan had claimed were some he faintly remembered and the strongest memory was the one of both fear and hate. The Sanctuary brought Iridis in as just another weary traveller looking for a place to stay for a bit not realizing that he considered causing its downfall if he found evidence of misdeeds.
Iridis’s search was fruitless at first. The traces of malicious magics were too faint for Iridis to properly track and he spent the first month in increasing frustration. The determination of the old Gaoler caused the Sanctuary’s council to take notice as they’ve never seen any travelling Gaolers search the Sanctuary’s territory so carefully. When confronted, Iridis only admitted to suspecting the Sanctuary of having impure intent and dabbling in things that should be locked away. While most of the council didn’t quite understand what he meant, a Gaoler acting as an Elder and the Log Keeper caught on. The two brought Iridis to a private space to talk afterwards and informed him that they believed he was sensing the presence of an ancient structure or even lair located in a dense past of the Sanctuary’s forested lands. The two explained how Umiza, the Gaoler Elder, had similarly sensed the magics leaking out of the prison. She didn’t immediately recognize them and was only clued in by the strong traces of the Shade.
When searching for the source Umiza had stumbled upon the entrance only by chance. So close to the source of the magics had caused Umiza to almost freeze with fear, the magics attempting to suffocate her with the sheer disgustingly evilness oozing from them. Umiza hadn’t dared to enter the actual structure and instead reported to Lillya, the Log Keeper for advice. There were no known archives that indicated what the building was and Lillya didn’t want to risk unleashing whatever was sealed. They hoped that Iridis would be able to help as he seemed to know something about it.
Iridis didn’t usually make a habit of telling dragons about his lifespan but decided that the occasion merited an exception. He explained that he remembered only faintly what could be the source and would need to check his scrolls for help. Lillya and Umiza volunteered to help find whatever he needed and were probably regretting it when met by the sight in his temporary loggings. The scrolls stacked from floor to ceiling left little room for Iridis himself and the trio were forced to slowly move the entire collection to somewhere more open. It would be days after that when they found what they were looking for.
During this time of searching, Iridis questioned Umiza. He hadn’t talked to much of his own kind in a long while and was curious to know about their current state. Umiza admitted that she herself didn’t know much as well, being raised in a clan separate from normal Gaoler society. She shared stories of her own life being raised as the only Gaoler in a modern breed dominated clan and despite himself Iridis was intrigued. It was rare in his experience that a Gaoler pair would give up their hatchling to be raised somewhere not even in Ice territory and it admittedly surprised him. Spending the days together searching through Iridis’s tales of his own life and talking about Umiza’s life caused the two to grow close.
When Lillya presented Iridis a scroll about a time of great chaos within the Light territories, he knew why it had been so hard to remember. The time of turmoil had been during his younger adult years before he started to train himself to remember everything. The scroll told a tale of how groups of dragons had banded together to create a prison to banish the dragons and beings they could not defeat and how the prison was eventually forgotten and named Lonewood Penitentiary as reminder of sorts to leave it alone. Iridis knew that despite the many restrictions and safeguards put in place that something must have failed if the magics of those ancient beings were seeping out slowly. He persuaded Umiza and Lillya that they must check on the prison to see what guardians remained and how the defenses were doing.
Iridis, despite his bold proclamations of how they needed to visit the prison, was ill inclined to do so without some sort of guard. Lillya argued that until they knew exactly how unstable the prison was that it should be kept secret from most lest someone who’d be willing to free the prisoners decide to take action. Before Iridis could argue for a large guard a Mirror materialized beside Lillya. Iridis could only stare at the Mirror in shock as he hadn’t even realized the Mirror had been there the entire time. Muladar suggested bringing Palehunter and Viperlash as they’d probably be sufficiently vicious and strong enough to defend the group with Muladar tagging along. Iridis agreed reluctantly as he saw the wisdom of bringing a pack of Mirrors to any dangerous situation.
Entering the prison required a true show of will itself as Umiza hadn’t lied about it being suffocating. The passageway steeped deeply into the earth and was barely large enough for a large Guardian to crouch through at times. The ironbound door at the end of the tunnel was rusted shut and it took both Iridis and Umiza heaving into it to move it. When the party entered the reception room they were met by a pair of dark enfields that practically threw themselves upon them in search of knowledge about the outside world.
Iridis agreed to settle in the Sanctuary after the discovery of Lonewood and its enfields, claiming that he wished to watch over the process of its defenses being restored. Secretly Iridis was glad to have a place to call home once more and accepted the position of Keeper of Lore without complaint. The pressing responsibility of being in charge of centuries, even millennium years of knowledge weighs on him heavily. Iridis searches for eager young dragons to carry on his life’s works after his own long life comes to a close and eyes the promising runemarked Spiral Tarma who catches his attention, her simple joy of life giving Iridis secret satisfaction and envy.
Iridis lives with Umiza as her current mate. He enjoys the feeling of being close to another dragon after so many centuries of solitude, and the hatchlings they bear are something he does not mind. Even though he worries occasionally how he’ll deal with the eventual parting of their fragile lives but determinaly puts it off to face another day.


Iridis isn't entirely sure how it happened but he doesn't try to rid of the now sentient scroll that lives in his collection. He isn't sentimental enough to name it though.


Iridis has an excellent memory as he's taught himself to remember everything he can about events. If forced into a fight Iridis uses his experience to his advantage. He uses the typical Gaoler tactic of grounding and harrying opponents with magical attacks before rushing in to use his physical might and size to his advantage.
Iridis has learned many skills useful for a life on the road or life in constant danger. He usually sleeps with one eye open unless in a place he feels completely safe and is used to sleeping in terrible conditions.




x x x x









Lawful Neutral

Being Alone, Eating Edamames

Talking to Large Crowds, Dealing with Slow or Stupid Dragons

His Life Work Being Wasted

To Record as Much as He Can of his Life










Surprisingly Fast



Attacking In Bursts

Dragged Out Fights


Credit to @RazmatazRascal For Making This In Artbreeder

An old-looking Gaoler has several yards' worth of parchment scroll rolled out in front of him at a safe distance from the training troops. Judging by the look on his face, the whole mess was completely unintentional.
Iridis's large, gnarled horns are a testament to his age. He has been around for many important events in Gaoler history, including the great war between the Banescales and Gaolers. Since he was young, Iridis has been recording Gaoler history in the many places he has traveled. Iridis is rather antisocial, not having much social experience to speak of, as he prefers to be an outside, uninvolved observer around other dragons so he can properly document his findings. It is getting a bit harder with the modern dragon population growing and growing, making contact unavoidable...

Iridis has existed since the very birth of dragonkind and has observed his kind in all walks of life, serving the Icewarden and deities beyond him. He has been recording the history he witnesses from the moment he could hold a quill--which, admittedly, did take quite a while given his poor dexterity as a Gaoler with massive, gnarled claws. Iridis, as he is now, has just recently returned from a long hibernation lasting roughly ten years. Iridis has long come to terms with the fact that as an ancient dragon, he will be living for an incredibly long time and will see friends come and go with the passing of the ages, so he has opted to distance himself from the other dragons of the world and continue focusing his energy on recording history. Just recently Iridis has arrived at the Clan of the Wounded, drawn in by the emergence of Adnauseam, a member of the once-thought extinct Beasts of Burden order that served the Plaguebringer. He intended to watch the re-emergence of the Beasts of Burden from a distance in the Scarred Wasteland, but he was drawn into the clan at the sight of Marquise and Teague's training program for Gaolers that had been established there. His history is invaluable to their lessons, and while he enjoys observing these modern-born Gaolers learn, he's taken measures to keep himself removed from the clan despite being assured he is welcome. Best not to get attached...
Longevity as an ancient dragon is an issue that plagues Iridis's conscious often, and is the reason he prefers to keep himself an observer to the world. Dragon life is too fragile to count on, and if anything, when Iridis's long life eventually does come to a close, he will have documented centuries of information the curious generations of the future can count on. Perhaps the Clan of the Wounded will hold someone he can entrust his scrolls with when his time finally does come?
Credit and thanks to @dukeofyork for the Base Lore and The Dragon!
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