
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Female Pearlcatcher
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4.62 m
4.13 m
570.53 kg


Primary Gene
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Tertiary Gene


Aug 02, 2019
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


A wizened old dragon slumbers in the forest, rusted keys in their claws. When awoken, they lead you to a hollowed out tree. "I have been collecting these stories, remnants of a time long past. It's nothing special, but it clearly isn't written by anything of this place." With sure hands, they unlock the tree using one of the keys, and pull out a scroll.




Name: Creogii || Cre
Age: 490 || 17
Gender: Female || She/Her
Species: Pseudocreobotra Wahlbergii || Botrawahlii
Sexuality: Pansexual

If a person from earth ever looked upon Creogii, they'd be immediately reminded of a Praying Mantis. Standing at a height of 8'3 when her legs are relaxed, Creogii makes to be an intimidating figure when you first see her. A mantis body connects to a humanoid torso, and her face is slim and alien- It would remind one of an elf from LOTR, if not for the two sets of milky white eyes sitting on her face. She has no hair, and on top of her head there are antennae; usually, they can be seen sticking out of the loose hijab she prefer to wear. Her coloring remains consistent throughout her body, though the humanoid torso is made of softer, more flexible skin compared to the hard shell of her lower body. Creogii's physical voice is raspy, and ranges from slightly gravelly to extremely hoarse, depending on how often she has to use it. Her mother tongue is one comprised of clicking and chirps, not the fluid universal speech that most of the universe uses regularly. She has four arms, as well; the lower pair is made for striking and is for natural melee, and can also be used as an extra set of legs and to pick up things with handles. Usually, they're either tucked in or dragging along the ground, and look like, well, mantis arms. The topmost pair of arms has fingers and a prehensile thumb, and they can be used for fine motor skills and the like.

The clothing of her people is mostly meant as extra protection- when in an environment where there is no threat of injuring herself, she'll wear something akin to a shredded shawl that allows for easy movement of her arms, but covers up the majority of her torso. The shawls themselves are usually pretty plain, but she has a few for more formal occasions that are embroidered or made of a showy material. She has a large selection of tailored clothing from other worlds, too, though the shawls are most comfortable for her and are what she wears more often.

Creogii is a creative, outgoing alien who makes friends quickly and easily due to her easygoing, kind attitude. Her natural ability to sense emotions around her makes her an excellent diplomat, and she does her best to avoid situations that would make others feel uncomfortable. However, this often leads to her nosing into business she has no part of, and ruining other potential relationships with her desire to help and connect others. Creogii also can be a bit too intimate at times, and can elevate some of her new friendships into areas they simply weren't ready for because she read into it too much. Though, this doesn't happen often enough for her to re-evaluate her actions, so it'll just keep repeating until someone blunt enough points it out to her.

Due to her impressive size and rather alien (even when compared to actual aliens) build, she can seem intimidating and come off as being 'fake' and insincere even when totally genuine. Most bigger species have no problem getting past it and find her to be a fine friend. She loves to touch, cuddle, and just gently lean on others whenever possible, which can be overbearing- but her empathic abilities are stronger the closer she is to someone, so its something she's grown used to doing to roughly gauge how someone feels internally.

On Juhlngaii, everyone has a strong resemblance to a species of mantis. The amount of actual mantis in them varies from Botrawahlii to Botrawahlii, with some being almost entirely humanoid and others being entirely mantis, with most others being in between the two extremes. It's a lush jungle world, filled with giant trees and leaves larger than life covering most of the continents. Juhlngaii has a volume that is around seven times the size of earth, which makes it gargantuan when compared to many other planets in the universe. An extremely high oxygen presence allows for the flora and Botrawahlii people to thrive, and makes the planet toxic to those unable to process such high levels of it- they need specialized gear to filter it through their systems.

Juhlngaii is solarpunk at it's finest- Buildings in the eco-friendly cities scattered throughout the heavy jungles are built with colorful glass that doubles as a vast power source, and everything is sustainable and great for the environment. Juhlngaii has a great public transport system that's built into the trees, providing natural supports for the system of holotrains that crosses the jungle and even the ocean. Most citizens are largely self-sustaining, growing small gardens filled with produce year-round in the backs of their houses and on the roofs, which are also built into the canopies. Their main economy of tourism and technology is also accompanied by a thriving metal industry which harvests metals that are very useful when making warping technology compatible for cargo ships.

Juhlgaii is always extremely neutral, no matter the situation. They refuse to take sides, which is both a blessing and a curse for their civilization. On one hand, they are privvy to a widened economy and much more research from both sides than they would get if they had pick sides in the war. On the other hand, Juhlgaii's citizens are often judged for this neutrality, and it's hard for individual citizens to get involved with either side due to many believing that they might be getting information for the other side.

One of the biggest draws of Juhlgaii apart from it's technological advances and beautiful scenery is the 'Kinetic Festival' held annually. Once a year, for a week, the winds are extremely powerful, and manage to burst through the thick canopies that dominate most of the planet and tear down old growth to bring in the new. To celebrate this, Botrawahlii will hold giant festivals where everything has been covered in bright, kinetic fabric that creates energy to power many of their appliances and dance in the fabric, leaping and romping about in complicated, precise movements while waving ribbons around. While most Botrawahlii can do the simpler moves, it takes much experience and practice to get the advanced dances down- not to mention one needs mantis strength and precision to even attempt them. It's quite a sight to behold, and the Botrawahlii are always most friendly during this festival.

Creogii was born on Juhlgaii, and for the first few years of her life lived there permanently with her mothers, who're well-known cytologists that had been doing some work at home when they had Creogii, or Cre, as they affectionately called her. Eventually, work required them to leave, and so they did, sending Creogii off in an ambassador program to tour cities and make connections. At first, Creogii was hurt- why would they abandon her like this? She didn't understand; but, wanting to make her parents proud, made friends and tried her best to be seen in a light that was generally good. She traveled from planet to planet, local cluster to local cluster, meeting up with colleagues and friends of her parents, but never them. She smiled anyways and ate their weird foods and studied their weirder planets, always friendly. Creogii became well-liked in the intergalactic community as the daughter of two famous scientists and an up-and-coming diplomat.

One day, she was fostered by a Galra commander, who tried his best to make her feel at home in the large prisoner freighter. He even took her to an arena match, where prisoners 'bravely contested against one another for the ultimate prize.' She had to watch one gut another out with a spear, shaking and crying for their family and gods as they did.

Creogii threw up right after, and made a decision that changed the course of her life. Planning her route to take her to a rebel-occupied planet, she joined the ranks of their organization. Though, they were rather hesitant to take her on- it was only when they ran several background checks did they hesitantly agree. Creogii would be a good informant, considering she would be well-connected. She did small "missions" and gathered somewhat important but otherwise non-essential information to them, which quickly became useful once Voltron was reawoken. She was happy, for a time. But, all good things come to an end, and Voltron was lost to the talons of the galra; at least, that's what she heard. It wasn't until she felt the tickling whisper and urge of Voltron herself that she took a detour into the Milky Way, taking an independent flight into Earth's solar system to "check out something."

  • An energy sword similar to a urumi, it can extend into an energy whip like Allura's.
  • The second set of arms has long, serrated claws on it, perfect for grabbing and tearing in combat. The sharp edges of the arms themselves also make them good for slashing. Usually, they're wrapped up in light fabric to keep them for cutting anything important when not in use.

  • Must be put into some sort of oxygenation tank once at least once a month or be in a high-oxygen environment if she wants to stay in good health and shape. While she can breathe through her mouth and get all the air she needs, it's good for her lower half to be treated to high levels of oxygen every so often.
  • Her feet are covered in tiny hairs to help with traction and grip, and they help her like, climb walls and whatnot. Her head can turn 360 degrees around, too! Man, that's really weird. She's a bit like something out of a horror movie, honestly.
  • She can detect positive and/or neutral emotions exuding from creatures around her at a close distance- any more than six feet away, and it's impossible. It works best with contact in some way, which is when she can feel a faint echo of what they're actually feeling if she concentrates. Being in the general vicinity of her makes her able to feel any strong emotions, but nothing minor or anything specific whatsoever. Things like love and crushes are easiest, as the feeling tends to surge with interaction with them, but it's still really hard to feel, especially when they're not touching. She has to concentrate on the ability for any of it to work, which means it won't be something she usually does in casual conversation or just general touching unless she's able to stay silent and focused for long periods of time.

  • Creogii is quite good at the dances done during the wind festivals- she practices often, and its one of the easiest ways for her to feel connected to her home while being so far from it. She also does yoga to keep her in shape, though the dances are much harder than the poses.
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