
Level 1 Fae
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Earth.
Female Fae
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Personal Style


Amber Flourish Necklace




1.38 m
0.9 m
1.38 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 14, 2019
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Fae
EXP: 0 / 245


Vocation: Cartographer and Reconnaissance
Position/Vocation Within The Hive: TBA
Besties: Axinite, Jaden
Mate: Quin and Sol

Amber is one of the Faes who arrived to the clan with Axinite, having met him deep within Dragonhome, searching for the trail his mate had taken and drowning in grief. When they first met he rescued her from a horrible spell gone wrong, trapping her within her own nest and slowly turning her into amber. As they traveled together, the spell progressed, first eating up the entirety of her wings and making her land-bound before slowly crystallizing her body.

By the time they finally reached the clan that had become Jaden's new home, Amber was entirely catatonic, and Axinite had taken to carrying her on his back, unafraid of the possibility that the spell might transfer onto him. When the small, ragtag group had been allowed into the clan and led to Jaden, he hadn't said a word to him, instead holding still while two of the Fae carefully removed their almost fully crystallized companion from his back. He collapsed a moment later, absolutely overcome from the heat, and the healers descended in force to save them both.

It was Jaden, however, who rescued Amber and gave her back the use of her wings. Beyond grateful to the point of tears to be reunited with Axinite, he spent several days combating the intricate spell. When he was near a breakthrough he even reached out to the other magic users of the clan for help, shocking the clan; up until that point, Jaden had isolated himself entirely. Elidyr, equally as mysterious to the clan as Jaden, came to his aid, and together they brought Amber back from the brink of utter crystallization. Quin, the Fae who joined them near the edge of the Starfall Isles, didn't leave her for a second throughout this entire process, likely keeping her alive by his will alone before she finally received aid.

Within the clan, Amber is a happy member of The Hive, but she refuses to go into the communal nest, or in any form of Fae nest at all. She remains traumatized from the misfired spell that almost took her life, so she instead made a nest of sweet grasses and soft things as close to Axinite as she could with Quin nesting with her. Amber has an extensive knowledge of geography, mostly due to her long journey at Axinite's side, and she is often sent out on long recon missions to check out new territory and make sure nothing and no one is encroaching.

Amber always wears an elaborate amber necklace, which Quin designed as a fail-safe in case the multiple magics locking back the amber spell that had crystallized her ever failed.


Quin and Amber's hope had always been that the magic that had cursed her would never be passed along to their hatchlings, and for several hatchlings, that seemed to be the case. But as time went on, it became clear that their children were not as safe as they had believed. Some, but not all, of their hatchlings seemed to have inherited a form of the magic that cursed their mother. Those unaffected, Mawar and Lama, continue to live quite healthily, but the fact that the magic was passed on twice was enough to keep them from nesting again, at least until they discovered the cause.

Damaris passed away at a young age, unable to move freely and steadily weakening as the earthen crystals on his wings drained him of all energy and nutrients. He passed peacefully in his sleep, and Quin never quite recovered from the experience.

While Amber had grieved Damaris's loss deeply, Pinja's passing had a far greater impact on her. She had lived into young adulthood, and had seemed so healthy. Until one day, her Gembond began to...bleed. The healers had been keeping a close eye on Quin and Amber's four remaining children (reaching out to Maris to ensure that an eye was kept on Lama), and so they immediately sprung into action, giving her blood transfusions and trying to discern what caused the bleeding. As time passed, however, the bleeding only increased, and Panacea discovered that the blood still in her veins had begun to crystallize. The healers fought the crystallization to the bitter end, and Quin and Jaden once again crafted charms to try and ward it off, but ultimately it was too little. After her passing, a soft hissing could be heard within her roost, which eventually turned out to be an Onyx Cobra...enclosed in a shimmering cage of light...

Word was immediately sent to Haven both to make certain that Lama knew that the venom might exacerbate her own Gembond, and also to share the news that Pinja's death was now deemed suspicious. During this time, Mawar felt the Gladekeeper's call, and while she was reluctant to leave her grieving parents and her two sisters, it soon grew impossible to ignore, and she flew off to the Gladekeeper's side in the war.

Pebble was supervised constantly for the next fortnight as the lair was scoured top to bottom for Almediha, everyone quite sure that she was behind the cobra, and yet...she was nowhere to be found. Not even Elidyr could see her, which he insisted boded very ill. Pebble seems as happy and healthy as ever, now with a raised awareness of snakes that might be slipped into her roost and a small but growing number of self-defense tactics taught to her by Blizz and Vela. Save for the crystallized wings that she was born with, life continued on as normal for her, and she did her best to help her parents continue on.
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