
Level 7 Imperial
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Female Imperial
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Personal Style





21.51 m
18.8 m
8606.04 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 26, 2019
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 7 Imperial
EXP: 1261 / 11881
Silverglow Meditate
Shining Acuity Fragment




  • none


"Like a diamond, I am flawless and perfect... but even diamonds can shatter"

"You're not royalty, are you? Well, you certainly don't act like it."
- Hira to Iset, who is indeed royalty


Tertiary Gene: Glimmer
Silver Sylvan Dress Silver Seraph Headpiece Silver Sylvan Lattice



Addict of the Gallery - Faith Marie
One - Sleeping at Last
True Light - AmaLee


Hira is a princess of the light clan, Arietem. She likes to believe she's perfect but although she hates to admit it, she knows deep down that she isn't. She appreciates order and perfectionism, and has a cold attitude towards others, even royalty, unless they are also royals of her own clan.

She spends a lot of time alone, judging others for the way they act even though she realises she's just jealous of their freedom. When she isn't alone, she is accompanied by Silver, the male imperial who acts as her servant.

Hira avoids water as often as she can. She plays it off as simply not wanting to ruin her scales, mane, or clothes but in reality it's because she is afraid. As a hatchling, Hira was pushed into a lake buy a jealous dragon and would've drowned had Silver not rescued her.

In battle, Hira tends to keep her distance from the enemy and has more success against large groups. She often attempts to dodge attacks in a way to get the attack to hit another enemy, relying on the enemies taking each other out. She will fight melee when it comes down to it, favouring her left claw over her right, but in most cases will attempt to escape instead.

Forgotten Crown Silver Seraph Headpiece White Queen Diamond Ring Mirror Windstroked Silk Whitetail

Hira collects various pieces of silver jewellery as well as crowns and a mirror. She also carries a white queen chess piece to remind her of her goal to someday claim the throne as her own.

  • Links to the other characters mentioned in this bio will be added when I have the dragons


Original Character Info
(Non Dragon)

Hira is a character in a series I'm creating where every single character is based on a gemstone, even down to appearance, personality, name, and other traits. However, that connection to crystals is not acknowledged in the series itself. As you can probably guess, Hira is based on diamond.

Each character will have a trailer with a quote at the start (I've come to realise a lot of my series ideas have elements inspired by RWBY), and the second part of the quote hidden at the end which can only bee seen by brightening the image. The quote at the top of Hira's bio is the first and second part of her trailer quote. The second quote in her bio is the first thing she says to Iset upon meeting her.

Hira's name is a Sanskrit name meaning "diamond", and her surname Kaur is a Sanskrit surname meaning "princess". The reason for using Sanskrit names is based on where diamonds were first discovered. The diamond royal family is referred to as the Arietem family (hence the clan name) as it is the Latin word for Aries, the Zodiac that diamond is associated with.

Hira is a princess based on both diamond's connection to princesses/royalty, and that diamond is one of the five cardinal gemstones. There are four other royal families in the series, Iset being from one of them, each based on the other cardinal gemstones - sapphire, ruby, emerald, and amethyst.

Hira's desire to be perfect is based on the fact that diamonds are usually perceived as being perfect, and her flaws and insecurity is based on the fact that despite being seen as perfect, many diamonds are flawed.

Her cold personality comes from both her perfectionism and a fact I discovered about diamonds while researching - diamonds are actually naturally colder than most gems. The fear of water is also based on a property of diamonds that i found out - diamonds have a trait called hydrophobia which means they naturally repel water, or at least it doesn't stick to them. In terms of character design, I interpreted it as a literal phobia, or fear, and came up with a short story to explain it (which is the same as in her bio, except it was a human not a dragon).

Silver is based on moissanite, the second hardest crystal after diamond which is often used as a substitute for diamonds in jewellery. That is why I thought making moissanites the servants of the diamond royal family due to being similar but lesser to them, would be good.

The information about her battle style is based around the belief that wearing a diamond on your left arm would guarantee victory no matter the number of enemies. However, for Hira it's altered slightly to be better against more enemies than fewer rather than any number of enemies. This is also the reason I've made her left handed. In the series, Hira uses a Vajra as a weapon as the Vajra was designed to display properties of both lightning and diamonds.


Design Choices

I chose light as her element due to the fact that "perfect" diamonds can separate light into the various colours and are often depicted as sparkling. I could've also picked lightning due to Hira's connection to the Vajra but I felt that light matched her better.

I decided on common eyes for her as you usually can't see the difference in eye types for most dragons, especially if they have really small eyes. I tend to use either common, glowing, or primal unless the character would specifically match another better such as swirl, facet, or dark sclera.

Hira has a white colour scheme with hints of silver, mostly on the jewellery. This is because she is based on the colourless/white diamond and that her royal family colours in the series are white and silver.

I gave her the iridescent, shimmer, and glimmer genes due to them being the most shimmery/sparkly. I was debating on crystal/facet and filigree but I couldn't find a silver coloured filigree with white or silver gems, and I felt iridescent/shimmer matched better as Hira tends to wear plain silk fabrics and silver jewellery rather than lots of crystals (except maybe her tiara).


From the Community



Shining bright
Like a thousand
Flawless, perfect
But one hit
Could kill

Facing her
Fleeing, fighting
To stay faultless

But inside her
Darkness turmoil
Swirling ‘round
Aching wings
Broken heart

Carefree facade
Cold as ice
For freedom

Shattering light
Bright prism


Hira the Pure, a title she gave herself. Hira makes sure that all dragons she meets knows that she is a perfect light princess, but on the inside: She knows that she’s not completely pure. Because of her hidden self-worry and regret, she treats most dragons like they are beneath her, even royalty, unless their from her own clan.
Hira loves silver jewelry, and even keeps a little chess piece with her, a symbol that one day she’ll be queen.
The single thing that Hira fears is water, for she almost drowned a while ago, but was luckily saved.


The chill of ice
Against a fractured mirror
Delicate patterns of frost
Perfect in their asymmetry
If only that could be me

If only there was freedom -
Unrestrained, disordered, imperfect
But perfection is my shield
And order my weapon
I will not lay them idly by

Sometimes I resent this crown upon my head
For no matter how gilded
A cage it still remains
But there are responsibilities, jobs to do
Perhaps one day I'll find
That imperfection can be beautiful too
But today is not that day


The cold resonance of loneliness, almost as cold as her,
The silver and white glimmer, leaving sunlit streaks throughout the room,
She goes to the window, to wait, to watch, to see, to remember,
In her hand she holds the queen, is the crown too heavy to bear


RP Scenarios

"I'm back!"

A familiar voice rang out as a brown coatl walked in, "It's been forever since I've been here."

"Did you not just say you were here eighteen days ago?" A new voice responded as an elegant white imperial entered behind Dulcim.

"Exactly! That's too looong" Dulcim pretended to faint dramatically at the imperial's remark.

"And you call me the drama queen..."

"That's because you are." The imperial simply rolled her eyes at that. "Voski! I'd like you to meet my friend Hira." Dulcim motioned to the imperial as Zither rose from his back and floated over to Fowl.

Hira scoffed, "we're barely acquaintances, let alone friends..."

Voski raises his head at the familiar voice, smiling brightly as he walks over to greet himself and shake Dulcim's hand. The skydancer chuckles "I have to agree, it has been too long my friend. Madam, I don't think 'Barely Acquaintances' would agree to dine together hm?" Voski jokes kindly, bowing his head as he takes the Imperial's hand politely. "It's a pleasure to meet you, please, make yourself feel at home here. Care for a drink?"

Of course, Fowl hasn't forgotten his friend either. The small familiar waddles up to the dragons as they spoke, shaking their tail petals quacking the tune they have all jammed to a while back. An adorable sight indeed.

"Hm yes, I would like a drink. What do you offer here?"

Dulcim quickly leans in to whisper to Voski "What's the fanciest thing you have on the menu? Hira's a princess and likes to be treated as such..." he gives a sheepish smile, hoping Hira won't cause too much trouble for Voski.

As Zither floats to Fowl he begins to play the same tune along side Fowl's quacks.

Voski looks down at Dulcim and nods his head "I'll have a few things no worries my friend." The skydancer thinks for a moment before responding to the royal Imperial, "Ah well. I serve an assortment of different teas, smoothies and comfort drinks, like hot chocolate for example." he explains offering a chair too her like a gentleman. "For Soups and other entrees, whatever you crave I'll turn it into a soup. Just for you."

Fowl pauses their tune watching the dragons converse, they flutter their wings and quack to Zither like they are trying to communicate a plan of some sort. They want to help to make this place more... Fancy~

"I'd like a sweet herbal tea," Hira sat down on the seat Voski offered, "and as for the meal, I'd like something with golden reefprince and pastel scallop."

Zither thought for a moment about how to make the place fancier, and began to play part of a new tune. It was the kind of music one would ballroom dance too, and looked to Fowl as if to ask "is this ok?"

"The ghost crab was really good last time, but I think this time I want to try something with squid or octopus." Dulcim takes a seat next to Hira and looks over to the two familiars with a smile on his face.

Fowl nodded his head quacking happily, playfully trying to ballroom dance by his lonesome.

Voski nodded taking note of the specific ingredients the two dragons have wished, "I'll be right out with what you desire. It will take a while, so feel free to relax, or dance with my goofy Fowl." The tavern-keep offered with a small laugh before heading to the kitchen.

At this moment, the tavern-keep felt a wave of anxiety... What if his cooking is not good to impress? What if the beauty spits out the food and curses his tavern? Will the skydancer become an embarrassment to Dulcim? Voski had to take a deep breath to stop shaking, scampering over to get his ingredients... Only to notice... He doesn't have a Golden Reefprince in stock... This only made him want to faint. "M-maybe she won't notice, m-maybe Sugarglider will taste the same."

Voski rushed as much as he could in order for the dishes to be out for his guests, he brings a platter out that holds two wooden bowls on top, two very different soups. He carries them carefully to the table, placing the soups in front of his guests forcing a bright smile, "Enjoy your meal. Dulcim, I made a Dumpling Squid wonton soup with some chewy udon noodles, the broth made out of Black Swallowtail Caterpillars and Potato Onions." He explains, then motions to Hira's soup, "Lengthy Quinoa noodles pan fried with Pastel Scallops and Cragside Mussels, lightly seasoned with Cinnamon"

The chef paused himself for a moment, taking a small breath before pointing to the meat on top of the noodles, "I sadly didn't have Golden Reefprince in stock... So I smoked Sugarglider steaks with a Bee Orchid sap glaze... Oh! and your drink" Voski almost forgot the cup of a warm Cindermint and Mire Chestnut tea.

Dulcim held his breath as Hira took her first bite, chewing for a while to ponder the taste. She swallowed her mouthful with a smile, "The sugarglider tastes quite a bit different from golden reefprince, however, it is still a delicious creature. I'll admit I had my doubts at first, but it seems I was wrong to question it."

She takes a sip of the tea, a small hum of enjoyment, "exquisite, it complements the food nicely." Hira gave another small grin to Voski before continuing with her meal.

Dulcim released the breath he had been holding, "See, I told you you'd like it here." He took a bite of his food, a large grin plastered on his face, "Now this is good food!" Dulcim glanced over at Voski, giving him another friendly smile, "she likes the food, you can relax now."

Voski let out a relieved sigh, smiling happily that Hira adored his cooking, it felt like a giant weight came off of his shoulders "Your compliments mean plenty madam." The chef took a small bow, with his hand on his chest, turning to Dulcim "Are you two heading somewhere important after your meals?" He asks curiously.

Fowl danced in his lonesome till he bumped into a stool, knocking it over till it made a loud noise causing his friend to stop playing the ballroom music... The stool made a nice sound though. Fowl quickly waddled behind the counter, grabbing a spoon to tap against the wooden seat, creating a more 'jazzy' beat.

"No, we weren't planning on going anywhere in particular," Dulcim finished the last of his food with a large smile on his face, "I just wanted to show Hira this place."

Zither picked up the music again, this time matching Fowl's new tune. Hira tried to hide behind her usually cold facade but couldn't help let a small smile slip at the two having fun. She turned back, continuing to sip on her tea, the empty bowl resting in front of her.

"Perhaps I should interact with the other dragons more often..." Hira seemed to mutter under her breath, glancing back at Dulcim who was clapping along to the music.
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