
Level 1 Skydancer
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Energy: 47/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Male Skydancer
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Personal Style


Silver Flowerfall
Learned Sage Lantern
Voidfollow Flightshroud
Preserving Wing Segments
Siren Sylvan Wings
Sapphire Feathered Wings
Preserving Arm Chitin
Voidfollow Grimplate
Voidfollow Tasset
Preserving Chitin Breastplate
Preserving Mandible Helmet
Preserving Leg Chitin
Preserving Tail Segments
Voidfollow Spikescarf
Voidfollow Tailspine
Voidfollow Hindcallouses
Voidfollow Forecallouses



Scene: Stormcatcher's Domain


4.32 m
5.94 m
608.08 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 26, 2019
(4 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Once upon a time, a dragon found darkness.

And he fell in love with it.

* * * * *

The light was bright and beautiful over the auric landscape of the Sunbeam Ruins. There was no darkness here, just the same, endless stretch of light. And even during the night, the radiance of the moon and the magically glowing light runes drove away all shadows that might dwell there.

This is the place where a particular Skydancer had been born. His first sight had been light, and that was all he had known. He lived a vibrant, vivid childhood.

Like any dragon of Light heritage, the Skydancer was educated by the old and wise of his clan, but unlike his classmates and clanmates, he found no joy in poring over old scrolls. Why, he would ask himself, was there a need to learn musty old text about dragons who'd died long ago? Who cared about the deities, as long as they didn't destroy the world? He found school exceedingly boring, and he yearned to get away from this drab, dull lifestyle. He grew tired of being shouted at by teachers, tired of having to memorise book after book of legends, tired of having to go where he must go but not where he wanted to go. He was tired, and boredom motivated him into searching for a way out of this vicious circle of learning.

When he was nearing adulthood, the Skydancer finally found a path that seemed more exciting than the path of a scholar. That was, the path of knighthood. On his way to school one day, knights from a nearby clan came to clear out a nasty gang of bandits in the neighbourhood. It was the first skirmish the Skydancer had seen, and the thrill of watching blood spray and bandits beg for mercy was much too exciting -- so exciting, that the Skydancer wanted to leap into battle himself. He did, in the end, and displayed combative skills that were surprisingly unparalleled for a dragon who'd never fought before. The troop of knights, impressed, offered to take the Skydancer under their wings.

The Skydancer knew his own clan -- especially his parents, wouldn't agree. But he did not care. What were paternal and maternal bonds worth, anyway? Attachments to others were valueless. His whole clan could be slaughtered for all he cared. After all, bonds with others can always be broken, replaced or used as weakness. He took their offer without telling his clan, and left his hometown forever.

Years passed.

The Skydancer once again grew bored.

He was now the master of all arts that can be found in fighting, and he was now a more formidable force than the rest of his fellow knights grouped together. His name was glorious and known throughout the land, but he was not satisfied. For like the Light that is their heritage, the knights also had a code that they bound themselves to. A code of honour, his teammates told me. Knights did not kill. They served and guarded their clans with their life. Their loyalty was unshakeable, and they would rather die gloriously than live through the ways of dirty tricks. The knights were symbols of light -- and more. They were the deliverers of justice, and the warriors of mercy. They were honourable, and they were fair.

The Skydancer found this code as boring and meaningless as school. Justice? What was justice? And mercy? Why give mercy? He could not understand the frivolous, illusionary concepts. Why weren't they allowed dirty tricks, if that was what it took to survive? What was the point of serving a clan -- a clan that would inevitably fall one way or the other? He showed his contempt, and the knights around him grew angry. They told him that if he did not follow the code, if he dared insult it, then they would make him leave.

"Leave, I will," he said without hesitation. Shock rippled through the mass of knights before him. "There is so much to fighting than simply using such an art to defend."

It was only then that the knights saw his twisted heart, and they strove to restrain him. But they could not -- he'd grown much too powerful. The Skydancer killed them all -- those who had gone with him on missions, those who had previously saved his life. His teachers, his comrades -- he slew them all. There was no regret in his gaze, no hesitation in his movements. He was lost in the art of killing, and his first kill was more beautiful than he could've ever imagined.

The news of this corrupted knight spread quickly throughout the Sunbeam Ruins, and soon many clans were after him. Not that any of them were a match for him, but still they tried. The Skydancer was delighted by the fact that all he had to do was to exist to bring so much turmoil into the land of light and justice. Dragons came to him to be killed -- there wasn't even a need for him to go out and hunt.

Eventually, however, the groups of dragons became increasingly more aggressive and violent. There were even some magic users who came after him, and the Skydancer found that while none could defeat him in simple combat, he lacked experience in dealing with mages. During one particularly rough scuffle, he barely escaped from a troop of mages into the Tangled Wood bordering Light territory.

It was his first time being in complete darkness, but somehow, the dark felt familiar. Within the eternal night, he finally found the absence of light that he had been looking for: the light had disappointed him all his life, but the darkness -- there was so many surprises hidden within it. It would never disappoint him, he thought.

Engulfed in darkness, I will never be bored again.

And that was the beginning of Xerath's story.

* * * * *

The Tangled Wood laid between Plague and Light territory, and upon trying to return to the Sunbeam Ruins to enact revenge on the ones who'd chased him out, Xerath ended up in the Scarred Wasteland instead. He might've been disappointed at first, but he found that the contaminated land had all he'd ever wished for -- chaos, discord. A place where rules were oblivion. Within his very first week there, Xerath made his dominance clear over a dozen dragons who'd had the nerve to challenge him, and double that the Familiars who did the same.

The Sunbeam Ruins had its own news, and so did the Scarred Wasteland. It was through whispered rumours and panicked dragons that Xerath heard of the greatest mage to ever be known in the Scarred Wasteland, perhaps even the entire world -- Azir. Remembering the mages who'd defeated him, Xerath was determined to find Azir and put an end to his legacy.

Finding Azir was no easy task. Unlike Xerath, who happily welcomed any and all dragons to attack and track him, Azir kept a low profile. The mage's ability to harness all types of magicks known made it doubly hard to pinpoint his location. Xerath condescended to allying himself with a group of mages who had grown obsessed with catching the dark mage. With various tracking spells, Xerath managed to find Azir's current lodgings. Upon getting there, he slaughtered the mages who'd aided him, straightened himself up, and set forth boldly to challenge Azir.

What happened next, few dragons know. Some say that Azir casted a spell upon Xerath and bounded the notorious dragons as his personal servant. Others say that a furious battle had taken place, and upon finding that there could be no result other than a draw, the two had sworn alliance with each other. Still others whisper that Azir and Xerath had found common ground and a companion in each other, and had somehow become as close to friends as two of the most wicked dragons could get. Whatever the case, those who saw Xerath enter Azir's lonely cave could testify that the warrior came out with the mage standing at his side. A pact had been made between them -- that was as clear as day. And from then on, there was no on in Sorneith save the gods whose power could match that of the two combined.

Xerath and Azir traveled together for a long while. During that time, Xerath found Azir to be different from the atrocious, cackling mage he'd originally thought him to be. Azir was quiet and reserved, and often in deep thought. He didn't seem too much different from one of the wise ones from the Sunbeam Ruins, but for some reason, Xerath never found Azir boring.

It was only a matter of time before Cassius the warlord caught wind of them, and by some arts of his own, he managed to find the two dragons. Cassius proposed an alliance between Azir, Xerath, and Legion, and asked the two to join his clan and aid him.

Xerath wanted to kill Cassius at first. How dare this inferior dragon ask for his alliance? But for reasons of his own, Azir accepted the alliance on several conditions. Not wanting to be parted from Azir, Xerath insisted on coming as well, and was especially insistent when Cassius made it clear that only Azir was wanted in Legion. Finally, the argument ended when Azir made it clear that the two of them were a package deal, and wanting new talent and blood, Cassius accepted the proposal. At the end of the day, Legion had two new members -- Xerath and Azir.

* * * * *

Xerath could care less about Legion. In fact, he'd happily slaughter the entire clan if only Azir would allow him to. He spends his days slacking off and picking fights, and Cassius learned long ago to not expect anything from this lax warrior. Besides, Xerath has made it clear that his loyalty was to Azir, not Cassius, and if Azir wasn't so resolute as to keeping the warlord alive, Cassius would've just been another name marked off on his list. Xerath is the only dragon known to mock the warlord openly, and also the only dragon to get away with it.

The only time Xerath can ever be expected to do anything is when Azir is either in a tricky situation or when Cassius orders the mage on a certain mission. Then, Xerath acts as a bodyguard for Azir, protecting him wherever the latter goes. Xerath also protects Azir from the less friendly members of the Legion, and especially Cassius, whom Azir seems intent on following the orders of. Xerath fears that Cassius is actually trying to get the mage killed, and spends his time observing Cassius' guards and marking their weaknesses, so on the chance that any of them are dispatched to finish off Azir, he's ready.

Apart from being physically overwhelming, Xerath is also a master of manipulation. His words target the mind and heart, and it was a rare occasion when he could not get a dragon to do as he wished by words alone. Xerath is especially emotionally manipulative of Azir, for reasons unknown. Perhaps he's afraid that one day Azir will no longer see him as no more than a friend. Perhaps it's because he wishes to control the mage. No matter the case, Azir hasn't seemed to notice this yet.

- By MythicalViper

By TheDragonEmperor

By Gidgetech, featuring Azir

By Tybaxel

By Tybaxel
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