
Level 7 Skydancer
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Female Skydancer
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4.76 m
7.01 m
730.51 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 25, 2019
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 7 Skydancer
EXP: 188 / 11881


53041410_350.png Daughter of Knight and Ramati
Exploring the World
if you plan to exalt, please read the bottom

This dragon was born in a time of rebuilding in her birthclan.

Left: Dragon on 6/27/19
This dragon was born shortly after tragedy, and the world around her had been shaped around an event that she wasn't around her. Most of the dragons in her birthclan were fearful and angry. She saw them trudge through their jobs, bicker about everything, and go from waking until night without cracking a single smile. She was taught mistrust for others by example, for by this point, the clan lacked trust in anyone. Read more lore from the birthclan here
As this dragon gains a personality and experiences, add onto or replace what I have written. Give him a name and fill that in too.
"Come on, Marble."
The dragon nicknamed Marble looked back at the care center and forward to her sister.
"Berry, I don't think this is a good idea."
"Oh, don't be such a wuss. This is the only time we have apart from mother that we can go explore." Marble gulped and continued on, following her sister. They walked for a long while through Starwood trees and past caves of Crystalspine before Berry exclaimed, "Why does it all look the same?!"
"Well, we're still in the strand, it's all going to look like home."
Berry grunted before starting to storm away, but before she could get a few steps, they heard rustling.
"Maybe it's harmless?" Marble weakly suggested.
On queue they heard a dragon yell, "Who's there? You're on our clan's property."
The girls gasped and Berry clumsily flew up into a tree, something she, but not Marble had just learned to do. Marble scampered around as the rustling came closer until she dove behind a bit of brush behind a tree at the last second.
An Imperial guard for another clan broke through the brush and looked around. Marble peeked her head around the tree to watch. He searched for what he heard, but found nothing. Just as he seemed to be leaving, there was a crack sound from the tree above him. His eyes followed the trunk of the tree up until he saw a petrified Berry. "Come on down little one." He reached up toward her but she backed up further into the tree. The guard tried to put his hands up on the tree, but it didn't support his weight so it began to crack. Berry shrieked and nearly fell out.
Marble, without a second thought, jumped out from her hiding spot. "Hey!" she yelled. "I'm on the ground." She turned and began to sprint. She could hear the guard gaining on her, but she kept dodging and twisting around trees just fast enough to stay out of his reach. She didn't watch where she was going, and she suddenly fell into a burrow, which she thankfully discovered to be empty. She heard the guard run above her.
She stayed in the burrow for a few minutes before she heard Berry's voice. "Marble?" She whispered. "Are you there?" Marble came out from the burrow and Berry sighed in relief. "Let's go back."
They walked in silence toward their clan. When they were close and saw some familiar trees up ahead, Berry turned to her sister. "Your welcome," she said, searching Marble's face for a response.
Marble wrinkled her nose. "For what?"
"For saving you." Berry stopped walking, and Marble stopped to turn and look at her.
As she was about to object, Marble looked into Berry's threatening eyes. She looked at the ground and said, "Thank you."
They walked the rest of the way without another word.

The Exodus Ceremony

Tidal Wave stands on a plateau of crystal with Kazumi, who is holding out a scroll, on her right, and Ember, who cared for all of the dragons before them as hatchlings. The rising sun created a halo around their figures.

"My dear friends," Tidal Wave begins. "It comes time again for our children to clear their own paths and choose their own journies as we once did."
She looked out over the group of young dragons, just barely too old to be hatchlings. "Children, you have chosen to leave your birth clan and find where you belong in this world. Some clans condemn this, but we are proud, for this clan was built on dragons who left their homes and created their own paths."
She sighed. Kazumi held the scroll out for her, despite the fact that she had done this hundreds of times and had every word memorized.
"I only have a few words of wisdom for you.
Stay on your guard. Do not trust easily, because it could be your demise.
Do not rest until you find happiness. There is a place for you in this world, but you will never find it if you give up before you get there
Stay true to your values. Trust that your beliefs will see you through. Compromise is the enemy of everything you hold dear.
Remember that you always have a home here. If you are ever in need or find that this is where you are happiest, find your way back and we will be waiting for you."

Ember chimed in, with tears in his eyes. "The world is both dangerous and wonderful, and we hope we have prepared you for your journey beyond our clan. May you remember what you learned and how much you are loved, and may we meet again."

If you plan to exalt, please return to birthclan (@aramaze) or whoever you bought this from (insert username here). The new owner of this dragon can remove my username fron this description if they would like. This dragon is meant to build lore and may have even built some by the time you are in possession of them. Please do not exalt all of the work and thought that went into this dragon.
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