
Level 5 Guardian
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Venerable Shalebuck
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Female Guardian
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Personal Style


Black and Red Bandana
Simple Iron Wing Cuffs
Buccaneer's Seaspray Kerchief
Brutal Banner
Simple Copper Wing Bangles
Simple Copper Bracelets
Buccaneer's Cutlass
Silver Earrings of Science
Veteran's Shoulder Scars


Accent: Mariner's Guidance


Scene: Voyage of the Tenacity


17.58 m
17.64 m
7594.29 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 20, 2019
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 5 Guardian
EXP: 39 / 5545




  • none


Iron Nugget Morgana
Co-Captain, Guard, & Fisherman


"insert quote"
Morgana was born one of many, hardly glanced at after her hatching. When she was young, she did as the young often do, and ran away on the pretense of misguided vengeance. Unfortunately her seemingly petty endeavor turned into much more than that, when traffickers found her before her clanmates even thought to look. She never saw anyone from her clan or family after that. She was sold to a pirate not long after and worked on his ship and for his crew. A crew full of mostly guardian males were hardly intimidated by her size and guardian-esque-ness, unlike the dragonets from her clan. Life was hard and she wasn't treated kindly. The Captain had bought her as a long-term investment however and, after a long while of working in close quarters with the same dragons, she earned her keep, and eventually developed friend-like bonds with some.
Until a coastal fire city finally confronted them. Their ship sank, most of her shipmates died. She swam and swam until she couldn't anymore. Miraculously, she washed up on the shores of the Windswept Plateau. Exhausted and lost, she stayed there for three days, waiting for one of her shipmates to wash up or find her. No one ever did.
Morning of the fourth day, she started walking. She had nothing and no one. She didn't
know what to do with herself. She eventually found herself in the Crescendo, the eternal storm. She found work as a repair & handyman in the surrounding clans and towns. A wealthy dragon from the Cloudsong hired her as a bodyguard. Eventually, while escorting her employer through the market, they came upon the vendors and performers of Joyaux de Tempete. She watched her ward bustle about from the sidelines until a young banescale vendor addressed her. He was part of the travelling clan passing through. She found herself going back to make small talk with the male the next day, and the next. And when Joyaux de Tempete moved on eastward, she found herself going with them.

Personality & Relations

Morgana is a soldier in Kahli's Raptor team and personal Guard to Mystic Koschei.

Soul of Seaspray

"He wouldn't look me in the eye for a week after!"
They roared laughing as they all bustled onto deck. "There's no way -" "Completely unsurprised."
"It would've been even better if he'd -"
"Yes sir!" Morgana snapped instantly, looking to the Captain across the ship's deck.
"You start sh***in' gold last night? Cuz that's the only reason my noggin can conjure that you
think you can sleep in 'til the sun's gone!? Mop the deck!"
The young guardian groaned. "C'mon Cap, we got Ray for s*** like that," she whined,
motioning to their young, new ridgeback crew mate.
"Ay!" Ray whined from somewhere.
Cap stared flatly. She sighed. "Alright, alright." Her crew mates chuckled as she began
mopping. She didn't mind too much. Mopping used to be one of the only things she did. It'd taken her years to earn the respect to be able to talk and laugh with her shipmates and talk back playfully to the Captain the way she did now.
Cap hadn't even been there to buy when he'd bought her at the seedy market she'd been
taken to. He was there to sell and just happened to be around when she ground her teeth into the neck of one of her captors. Or almost had, she'd missed and bit the male's shoulder instead. The other one was literally seconds from putting her down then. If she was gonna be too much trouble then they didn't need her, would be too much work to sell her anyway. Staring at the knife in the other dragon's talons, she didn't see the large black guardian approaching at first. "She for sale?" he'd asked in his low voice, interrupting the pained cursing coming from the bitten one.
The first time she'd tried to bite him, they were walking the gangway to board the ship for
her first time, and she'd latched onto his neck. Only problem was, he was three times her size at the time and was expecting her misbehavior. He knocked her head so hard she didn't wake up 'til two hours after.
Life had been awful. She was a slave after all, and was treated as such. Her saving grace
was that Captain had bought her as a long-term investment and intended to keep her as part of his crew 'til death did they part. That at least meant no one got to hurt her in such a way that she was unable to work, and, more importantly, she had time. She had time to know the dragons she was working with - for - and she had time to connect with them. She had time to make them see her as a dragon, as someone worthy of respect, acknowledgement, and a decent f**** place to sleep.
It was a long, painful process. Sailors are a stubborn, narrow-minded lot to begin with,
pirates were worse, especially if they're mostly male. But she still remembered the first time one of the crew, Jeki, had stood up for her when another was being unreasonable. She remembered the first time some of them had invited her to go fishing with them. She remembered when they had started calling her Morge, because she'd nearly mauled Saulin when he'd kept calling her Ana. She remembered the first night they set up a cot for her. Life had been awful and they had been cruel and merciless and she had hated them and their Captain, who had bought her like some kind of trinket and didn't spare her a glance. But when they were kind, they were sincere. They were genuine when they smiled at her, thanked her for her effort, and accepted her into their space. When she went from being an outsider to an insider, it had meant something to her. She knew she shouldn't've cared, should've still hate them. But dammit it felt good to be accepted by them. To go from being the picked-on bottom feeder to an acknowledged member of the crew was something she'd earned. She'd worked her a** off, hadn't let them beat her down, and now they respected her for it. And dammit she was allowed to feel proud of that. She was allowed to care about them in return.


"F**K!" Paoul swore loudly next to her where they crouched as they felt another blast shake
the ship. Morgana was already getting ready to reload the canon.
"Cap says to grab a weapon if ya need and come on deck! We're retreating!" Sami, the only
other female on deck, shouted from the steps. "Yes ma'am!" Rat shouted from the one of the other canons, him and Jeki running up after her with Morgana and and Paoul close behind.
Jeki swore as they emerged onto deck. "Blessed 'Lord, we are sooooo fu-" He was cut
off as another blast rang through the air. Morgana scanned the surrounding sea. "Sweet Mother of Snowballs are there four of them?" she asked, staring out at the four sets of sails marked with a flame symbol. "Isn't that kind of overkill!?" Rat took to the air beside her. "Apparently we just made 'em that mad," he shouted back.
"Saulin! Spoon! Isidore!" Rat commanded over the chaos, "Let's go! WE'RE BURNING THEIR
"Send the others attacking over there back here!" Captain shouted to Rat, the male nodding
his affirmation.
"Morge! Jeki!"
"Guard our fire-breathers while they slow the f***ers down!"
"Sami, steer us outta here!"
Time was a blur. There was so much sound it all jumbled together and become ambient noise
for her claws to dance to. They'd never been so close to genuine danger before but she was oddly calm. She didn't see the way she usually did. Like only occasional flashes caught her eye. Blue talons near her face. The swirls of the fire coming towards her. Flashes of her shipmates' wings. Just keep flying. Keep striking. Don't let them get close.
Hit them where it hurts, echoed Captain's voice. It's not about honor, it's about survival.
Every body you can get out of the fight, do it.
"Morge!" Her white eyes snapped to Jeki. "Back to the ship!" Rat and the other three were
flying back. She glanced at the enemy ships.
"Why aren't the sails burning!?"
"The b****ds have the fire-retardant stuff!" Spoon explained as she got closer. "It'll take too
long to burn, if it will at all. D*** IT ALL!" Portions of some of their ships were burning. Nothing seriously debilitating.
She swore.
"It's fine!" Rat shouted. He looked frustrated. "We just have to get out of here! That's what
"WOAH!" The sun was blocked out as Isi's wings were suddenly smacking her face and her back
feet slammed someone's back. The six of them flailed and swerved, nearly knocking each other out of the sky, as a wall of water spiked in front of them.
Finally they landed on the deck of their floundering ship, all snarling in the direction of the smaller
guardian. "I'M SO SORRY," Daryl yelled.
"STOP APOLOGIZING AND PAY ATTENTION!" Isidore pointed out to sea.
"CRAP!" Daryl slammed up another wall of water as several shots barrelled towards them.
The ship rocked as one made it through.
"Cap'n!" Daryl's breath came in sharp pants. "I don't think I can keep this up much longer!"
"Stop when you hit your limit! Not a moment after! You're of more use to me alive than
dead!" Captain commanded from the helm.
The water elemental's jaw tightened. "YES SIR!"
"You!" He pointed to the rest of them, "Damage control below! Rat, Isidore, get fire in my
"YES S-" The ship suddenly tipped sharply, sending them stumbling.
"Daryl, you son of a -" Eyes scanned every direction. "Where's Daryl!?"
"SOMEONE'S ON THE SHIP!" They ran over to where Daryl had been, Morgana beating
Saulin there and leaping over the side. "Morge!" She tore the enemy ridgeback off the side of their ship with a roar she didn't think her lungs were capable of. The ridgeback wasn't expecting that, she took too long to gain her bearings. Morgana tore out her throat in less than a minute.
The body splashed into the sea. Morgana and the rest scanned the water. "S***." There
was Daryl, neck broken, floating in the sea.
"Sorry," she said as she landed. "I didn't see her when we were coming in." Saulin shook his
head. "None of us did, not your fault." Captain, who'd joined them on the deck, brushed his tail against her in thanks. "Been dealt with now anyway."
"WATCH OUT!" She barely had time to look up and see the fireball headed for them before
the world went black.


She spluttered awake moments later in a sea of wreckage.
"Captain! Rat!" she sputtered and coughed. "Jeki! Captain!"
The lead enemy ship was getting close. Really close. Fast. "CAPTAIN!"
"Morge!" her head whipped around frantically. "Isidore!?"
"Over here!" She swam and joined Isidore on the floating piece of ship he was on.
"Spoon's dead," he panted. His eyes looked past her. "Oh, Jeki too." She looked back where
Jeki's body floated a little ways away. "S***!" She slammed her foot down, rocking their makeshift raft. Isi looked like he shared her sentiment.
"Have you seen Cap'n?" She shook her head. He cursed under his breath.
There was suddenly splashing and loud cursing, and they both looked where it was coming
from. The nearest ship was really close now. "That's Jehiel," Isi said, looking at the dragon floundering next to the fire ship. An arrow shot into the water. The splashing stopped.
"We gotta get out of here. Regroup."
"Get a new boat," Isi scoffed quietly. He was still watching where Jehiel had been.
Morgana watched as a swarm of dragons began to lift off out of the nearest ship. "Uh, Isi."
More arrows pierced the sea as the fire dragons fanned out. "S***!" Isidore swore.
"Get out of here, Morge." Her white eyes widened. "Captain!"
"Get out of here," he repeated, hovering over the water beside them, watching the fire
dragons. "Captain, get down! They'll see you!"
"I'm gonna kill every last one of them," the guardian spoke coldly, ignoring her pleas. He
looked at her. "But you two get out of here."
"You would need the Warden's chains to keep me from fighting with you."
He smiled, but his voice was serious when he spoke, "If you don't leave. I will never forgive
"Frankly sir, I don't need your forgiveness."
"Morgana - "
"You two impulsive idiots can go die another day!" Isi snapped. She'd never seen anyone
interrupt the Captain. Captain clearly hadn't either. "Captain! Let's gather who we can and get out of here!"
Cap's eyes narrowed. "Listen pup - "
"Captain!" They all looked. Sami.
"Bless that woman," Morgana smiled.
Four other crewmates were swimming with her, including Rat and Paoul. "Thank the Warden
you guys are alright!"
"We did our best," Sami laughed. "This is everyone I could find." She looked between the
three of them. "Come on. Let's get out of here before they massacre all of us."
Captain kept glancing to their approaching enemies. Sami splashed him with water. "Survival,
not pride, remember?"
He stared at her. Then smiled. "F***!" He fell into the dark water.
"Captain!" He resurfaced, grimace on his face. "That stung." Isi leaned over, yanking the
arrow out of Captain's shoulder. "Time to go."
They dove, each finding a clear spot of water before propelling up out of the water, flapping
frantically into the air. Water take-offs sucked.
And the enemy dragons were on them now. Arrows and fire flying. "Keep flying!" Captain
bellowed. Keep flying.
Her breath was coming in sharp pants. She could see the occasional body of her shipmates
bobbing in the water. Keep flying.
Someone was tackled out of the air. "Give the b****ds to the tide!!"
Someone tried to claw her back and grab her wings. Someone else dealt with them.
Keep flying.
She ravaged the wings of a dragon trying to attack Rat next to her.
Keep flying.
Keep flying.
Keep flying.


She woke in pale sand, grains of it clinging to her wet scales. Her nose and eyes stung, most
likely from the salt. She snorted the sand out of her nose, slowly getting her tatted legs under her and setting her weight on them. She could feel the familiar stretch and burn of flesh wounds on her shoulders and back. A burn stretched across the edge of one wing. When she was finally standing she scanned the beach.
Nothing. Just fine sand, open ocean, and grass for as far as the eye could see. No ships, no
debris. No fire. No shipmates.
"Cap-" her voice caught, dry throat sending her into a coughing fit. She cleared her throat,
blinking her eyes dry, and tried again. "Captain!?"
The water lapped at the blood and sand on her talons.
"Captain! Sami!? Rat!?" The wind was subtle, the sea docile.
"Saulin! Isidore!!" She felt a shell crush under her foot. "Paoul!?"
She couldn't seem to catch her breath, nostrils flaring with each breath as panic mounted.


She yelled herself hoarse that first day. She flew for miles over the sea, searching the dark
waters for any sign of anyone. She had no idea how far and how long she'd been carried by the tide. But she was apparently the only one. She didn't find anything. Not a sign of anyone. Of anything.
The second day was worse. The second day she found something other than driftwood.
Rat's cutlass. The belt of it had been caught around some driftwood, keeping it from sinking. Reinvigorated with hope, Morgana searched the sea 'til it was too dark to tell where the sky ended and the water began. Until her shoulders were so sore she worried she wouldn't be able to make it all the way back to shore. It made no difference.
She searched again the third day, pushing her wings past the stiff soreness.
Then again on the fourth day.
The waves, which could resurface long-lost or far-away treasures from the sea's depths,
taunted her. For all her searching and crying, not even a familiar pine wood plank could be found. For all her love and knowledge of the sea, it would not reveal her companions to her.
On the morning of the fifth day, she started walking. Aimlessly, she let the beach guide her
path. After all, she had no destination. She didn't have anything.


A few aimless years later, Morgana found herself in a marketplace below the Cloudsong,
monitoring her eccentric, rich employer to make she wasn't assassinated in front of a shell-painter's stall.
The bejeweled pearlcatcher waved her over. "Oh look at these, Ana! Aren't they marvelous?"
Morgana smiled and agreed the glass trinkets were indeed marvelous, and they continued on through the innumerable shops and stalls. Half the vendors here were foreigners passing through or smaller, poorer clans that couldn't afford to live in the city proper.
"Oh, Ana!" Her employer gasped. She followed her eyes to where a group of skydancer
acrobats were performing. "You go ahead, I'll be back here." The pearlcatcher hardly needed any more encouragement, bustling over with her servant to join the crowd.
Morgana took post near a seafood stall on the other side of the road, watching her energetic
employer and the rest of the crowd from a distance.
There was a small band playing the music the acrobats were performing to. The voices of
vendors advertising brightly colored linens, shiny baubles, and hot food echoed down the road. The ambient hum and bustle of customers and conversation lulled Morgana out of her own thoughts as she settled into her post.
"Care for a nice bowl of clam chowder before you're sailin' off again?" Startled out of her
reverie, she stared at the seafood vendor. "W'makes you think I'm leaving here?" she asked mildly, just to mess with the banescale really. He hadn't expected that response. "Are you not a sailor, ma'am?" The tattoos always gave it away, even when she didn't wear her cutlass. "I am," she said finally. He smiled, nodding. "I thought so."
His silence was a temporary thing. "They are charming, aren't they?" It took her a moment to
realize he meant the acrobats. She shrugged, "'Suppose."
He laughed. "Do you not enjoy such festivities?" he asked good-naturedly. She shrugged
again, still watching the crowd. "'M just here to do my job."
"Ooh, so you work for that pearlcatcher dragoness over there, do ya?" She stared at him.
"I saw you with her earlier," he said by way of explanation. She nodded minutely.
He watched the acrobats and poured more ice over the seafood in his stall, the water
shining orange with the afternoon light. "Do you miss sailing?" he asked lightly.
One of the acrobat's blue silks shimmered blindingly, like the sea under a sunset. The band
began playing a shanty type of song. Of course. Wonderful timing.
She shrugged. "Sometimes." Her employer clapped, laughing with her accompanying servant.
"The pay here's good. The city's nice too." She didn't like how she sounded like she was justifying herself so she shut up.
The banescale nodded. "Fair enough," he smiled amiably.
She didn't want to talk with him anymore. She held out a few coins to him. "Just some bread,
please," she asked curtly. "Keep the change." He smiled, "Much obliged, will do."
She had to give it to him, he at least made some nice bread.


He continued in their small talk for a bit until she finally turned the conversation to him. "Where's home for you, fire-child?" He laughed, "I'm hardly that. I'm with the rest of the peddlers on this side of the block. We're from the Flats."
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Exalting Morgana to the service of the Tidelord will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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