
Level 3 Nocturne
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Lux Spectre
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Energy: 35/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Female Nocturne
This dragon cannot breed until Jul 06, 2024 (25 days).
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Personal Style


Buttercup Lace Headpiece
Ornate Gold Necklace
Pretty Buttercup Neck Bow
Daisy Tail Lei
Buttercup Lace Tail Ornament
Bubbly Bisque Tailtaille
Simple Pearly Necklace
Buttercup Lace Ribbons
Simple Pearly Bracelets


Accent: Herald of Fire



4.04 m
7.2 m
515.51 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 15, 2019
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 3 Nocturne
EXP: 659 / 1401


This dragon is Shade-Touched.
Number of Lairs visited: 5 Number of Lairs revisited:

Vespa thought The Cactus Clan was an odd name for a Lightning Clan, or even a clan in general. Then again, this was an odd group she was staying with. The clan was a hodge-podge, lumped-together group of dragons from every flight under the sun(although she found this to be an exaggeration), but it was family.
Marble and Facet (and Glint, to an extent) thought it wise to allow her to adventure in the Coliseum with a team, and so she set off with Marble and her mate, Beowulf. Fighting was a challenge at first, but she soon came to enjoy fighting alongside her allies. Whenever she returned to the lair, she was welcomed back with open arms, and quickly swarmed by hatchlings demanding stories of her escapades. The nights they returned were always a feast, filled with revelry and fun. In her heart, she knew she would never be able to forget this delightfully patchwork clan.

After leaving the Cactus Clan, Vespa traveled to the Clan of Blue, led by a gentle fae by the name of Jade. The clan wasn't large, only a little smaller than that of the Cactus Clan, and it seemed... less odd than that of the Cactus Clan, yet still somehow lacking something.
Vespa sat in on a day of school at the clan's university and soon befriended a blue pearlcatcher named Arwen. Arwen was sweet, funny, and charming, and she took it upon herself to accompany Vespa the whole day. The two had a great time together, and Vespa knew Arwen would be one of those dragons she would remember long after returning home from her travels. When school let out for the day, Arwen gave Vespa a gift to remember her by- a simple pearlescent necklace. It was nothing fancy, but Vespa decided to keep it as a memento from the Clan of Blue.

Soon after, the confidence given to her from her battles with the Cactus Clan ran Vespa into trouble. She decided to venture into vast forests and tackle any foe all by herself but without their aid it ended in disaster. Wanderer found her, dragging her to the nearest dragon for help. Vespa awoke to the sound of a washcloth dribbling, a fae beside her rinsing it after tending to her wounds. The dragon groggily asked where she was and Spirit, whose name she would later find out, answered. They called themselves Hemerians, a subsection of acolights. A blue skydancer with a calming presence walks into the room. She speaks softly and offers a familiar to Vespa. “They should help if you find yourself in trouble again, okay?” She said. A warm light follows behind Mahlah and swirls around the injured dragon. Vespa felt welcomed in the care of the Hemerians. Each day, a different dragon would come in with a different gift, or simply their company, to ease the recovery process. While most gave food or potions, a hatchling even gives their prized stuffed toy to her. When she becomes well enough to leave, the group lets her know she is welcomed back anytime.

"NO!" Vespa shouted at her father. "I don't WANT to stay! I don't CARE about Nightfall! I don't CARE about this STUPID CLAN! And most importantly, I don't CARE about YOU! You broke from your mate! Dragons are NEVER supposed to break from their mates, unless their mates are DEAD. You nested with Nightfall, and now I have half-sisters that I DON'T CARE ABOUT! I'M GOING TO SCATTERED BONES! THEY WANTED TO TAKE ME AND WANDERER, AND I'M VERY WELL GOING TO STAY WITH THEM!" She stormed out the door, Wanderer in tow. Wanderer had just learned of her father's death, which was as shocking and jarring as Amihan breaking away from Gold. This time, she didn't look back.

Eventually, Vespa and Wanderer arrived at the Clan of Scattered Bones, as was requested in an invitation given by none other than the leader Shadice. Although Vespa and Wanderer was begged not to go by dragons of their home clan, since they viewed Shadice as a grave threat, Vespa and Wanderer went anyways to defy their parents due to the shocking news they had received. The first few days were tough, to say the least. Most dragons, although friendly, were wary of accepting shade-touched dragons into the clan. They had once experienced an attack by particularly vicious and vile shade-touched dragons, after all. The most unwilling to accept them were the Guardians Snapper and Ahren, experienced assassin and poison master respectively, who refused to even be seen with Vespa even though their mates were kind and pleasant. And when Shadice took a shine to Wanderer and befriended her, taking her aside, Vespa was left alone.
However, Vespa no longer found herself lonely when she met Sunshine. Sunshine was a blind mage who used a floating orb to guide himself around the world. When Vespa first met Sunshine, he knew immediately that she was shade-touched. But that did not make him any less friendly. He was warm and kind, and offered to show Vespa around the Plaguelands. Surprised and a tiny bit suspicious, although his disposition seemed genuine, she accepted. The two became fast companions, and were soon found to be inseparable. Sunshine helped Vespa make friends and defended her from those who had no interest in peace, and in turn Vespa provided Sunshine with unceasing companionship. Sunshine purchased only the most beautiful apparel for Vespa to wear, and she taught him all sorts of new magic, the perfect gift for a mage.It was nice for the both of them to have a friend who didn't judge them for who they were. After all, Sunshine's only best friend was another blind dragon Specter, and Vespa had distanced herself from her home clan after she estranged herself from her father and then ran off to the Clan of Scattered Bones, in which the dragons from her home clan had specifically told her not to do. At times, Vespa would cry over this, but Sunshine would always be there to comfort her.
The two grew closer and closer, and soon they realized that hatchlings were on the way. Of course, the parents were esthetic, and their enthusiasm was lost on none. Even the dragons who disliked the pair smiled when receiving the news from a gushing parent, and wished their children well with genuine happiness. Their nest was large, the biggest nest that dragons of the same species could get. Sunshine and Vespa perceived this as a gift from the Plaguebringer herself. The day their children arrived was a joyous day, but a sad one as well. Now that she was no longer nesting, Vespa would have to leave soon. One hatchling decided to stay with Sunshine, while the rest went off to find new homes. Vespa left all of her apparel to her remaining child, but Sunshine insisted that she keep the headpiece. The first apparel he had given her, to match her beautiful shadow eyes. Vespa promised she would remain loyal even while away, and Sunshine said that he would say a prayer for her every day while they were not together. They were truly in love.

After a short travel, Vespa and her friend, wanderer found themselves on the Zephyr Steppes, and on the steps of a young dragon clan hidden away in a circle of bamboo. The nocturne was greeted by two large fluffy dragons. After the smaller red one went inside, the white dragon initiated conversation while they waited. Soon the red on came back, allowing them to go inside. When they entered, they immediately got stares from the purple skydancer in the back. She ignored it, talking to a copper-colored spiral, tinkering on some small thing, she turned to her, introducing herself as Oxi.
Letter from Vespa
My dear Sunshine, I will be returning to the Clan of Scattered Bones for a permanant stay. I hope to see you soon, my love! -warmest regards, Vespa
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Exalting Vespa to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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