
We must persevere, or fall. But that choice is ours to make.
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Aster of Starfall
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Energy: 49/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Female Pearlcatcher
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Personal Style


Arcane Aura
Nebula Starsilk Earrings
Paradise Starsilk Earrings
Nebula Starsilk Circlet
Paradise Starsilk Circlet
Nebula Starsilk Shawl
Paradise Starsilk Shawl
Nebula Starsilk Cloak
Paradise Starsilk Cloak
Nebula Starsilk Scarf
Paradise Starsilk Scarf
Nebula Starsilk Sleeves
Paradise Starsilk Sleeves
Nebula Starsilk Socks
Paradise Starsilk Socks
Bewitching Bangles
Nebula Starsilk Wingdrapes
Paradise Starsilk Wingdrapes
Nebula Starsilk Tailwrap
Paradise Starsilk Tailwrap


Skin: Opal Nebula


Scene: Arcanist's Domain


5.27 m
6.53 m
559.45 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 20, 2019
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 0 / 245



  • none


  • none


YwTdKmZ.png ___________________________________________________________
House of Wisdom - The Wicked Warlock


"Unbound magic provides the fastest way to the greatest powers."


______ The stars glittered in the dark night sky above an arcane clan. All was dark except for faint candle light emitting from one home. The glow of the candle’s flame cast upon a summoning circle on the ground, and revealed a pearlcatcher standing in the shadows reading a page of what appeared to be a spellbook.

______ Underneath the masking smell of the flame’s smoke one could smell the powerful scent of blood. Blood that was used to draw the summoning circle on the ground. Then the Pearlcatcher started to chant an ancient Latin incantation that was virtually impossible to understand a word of.

______ A faint glow that grew stronger with each passing second emitted from the circle and the dragon’s eyes, until a reddish-pink glow filled the entire room. Then a flash of blinding, disappearing as soon as it came plunging the room into darkness except for the struggling candlelight.

______ One could now see a raging demonic entity above the summoning circle. It lunged for the Pearlcatcher only to run into a magical circle keeping it trapped inside. That didn’t stop it from trying to escape though, over and over again throwing itself at the border. The Pearlcatcher seemed bored almost as she turned her attention back to the spellbook.

______ She began to speak yet another spell, as she spoke weaving golden strands of magic in her talons. She then cast the magic out letting it weave its way around the demonic entity. It solidified itself into a golden collar with set pink gems, which soon morphed itself into a crown. That seemed to settle the entity, as it flashed part of it taking a solid form, some left being magic almost spilling out and swirling around.

______ "Sit down.” The Pearlcatcher spoke in a firm voice instructing the demonic entity. The demon seemed like it didn’t want to but it sat down anyways. Once that happened she smiled widely, clearly happy with her work. “I did it, I finally did it.” She spoke excitement filling her voice.

______ "With you by my side then I can become one of the most powerful mages.” The Pearlcatcher spoke approaching the demon. It tried to lunge at her but was unable to. “Now now, listen here, you can’t kill me, that collar around your neck is magic, it leaves me in control of you, with it you will do anything I tell you to, and it allows me to use your magic and your power to make me stronger.” She spoke to the demon with an edge to her voice.

______ She then stepped back and began to wipe the blood drawn summoning circle off the ground. She blew out the candles before putting them and anything else out away. The Pearlcatcher proceeded to walk over to a trunk at the edge of her small home, she opened it to reveal that it was empty. “Inside here, now.” She spoke, ordering the demon, who reluctantly entered the trunk.

______ Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.

______ "If there is any other dragon than me in here you will stay out of sight and not make a single noise.” She spoke harshly before shutting the top of the trunk closed on the demon. She finished cleaning up and putting everything away, leaving no trace of a demon summoning in her home. The Pearlcatcher then lay down and fell asleep.


______ She awoke the next morning to a loud knocking on her door. Groggily the Pearlcatcher awoke and walked over to her door. “Nyria, you stand accused of practicing dark magic, magic that is strictly forbidden. Please come with me to the clan center.” The ridgeback at the door addressed her speaking firmly as he did no note of familiarity with his voice.

______ "Torin, who did this? Who accused me?” The Pearlcatcher known as Nyria spoke firmly and demandingly and she stepped out of her home. “You know I can’t tell you that, now come on,” Torin spoke, leading the way to the clan center, not bothering to see if she was following.

______ She followed quietly throughout the paths of the clan, and to the central square of the territory known as the clan center. There, much of the clan seemed to be gathered, awaiting her arrival, waiting to know what would become of her. She walked into the center of the square, walking up to face a Fae that sat upon a chair on a raised platform.

______ "Queen Fala.” The Pearlcatcher spoke respectfully bowing slightly to the Fae before her. “What do you have to say for yourself Nyria?” The fae spoke in her monotone voice, not even bothering to greet her in return. “What do I have to say?” She asked as if it was a joke. “What I have to say is that you don’t have the power to tell me what is forbidden and what is not forbidden. You don’t have the power to keep me from getting more powerful.” She spoke her voice and mind clearly, not calm and level.

______ "Nyria, speak to the charges. Are you or are you not practicing forbidden magic?” The queen instructed. “I am, and so what if I am? I don’t see anything all that wrong with demon summoning, it’s harmless if done right,” Nyria spoke, clearly not caring about what the queen had to say or her rules. “It’s corruptive, it drives dragons insane, it needs to be forbidden.” The queen spoke.

______ "So that leaves you with a choice. Quit your practices or I will throw you out of this clan.” Fala spoke her words clearly meant to be threatening. “Hmph, good luck with that.” The Pearlcatcher spoke and in a smooth movement she opened her wings and took off flying back to her home. “Torin, you and your guard, after her!” The queen yelled her voice faint and distant to Nyria.

______ The Pearlcatcher dove quickly, entering her home, locking the door, and quickly weaving basic protective wards over it. She refused to be thrown out, no she would leave on her own terms. “Demon, help me gather my things.” She yelled in the direction of the trunk. The demon left the trunk and as if reading her mind it went to the cabinet gathering up the few spellbooks from inside.

______ "Leave the ingredients, we can get more.” She instructed as she gathered up her personal belongings. There was more banging at her door, “Nyria. Open up!” Torin ordered from outside. “Come on demon, let’s go.” The Pearlcatcher spoke as she finished getting what she needed. She led the demon out of the back window of her home.

______ The demon settled in between her shoulder blades as she took flight, turning to fly towards the clan’s entrance. The Pearlcatcher landed just before the clan entrance turning to wait for Torin, who she knew was following her. The ridgeback landed a few feet in front of her.

______ "Thank you for being such a good friend all these years.” Nyria started before Torin could even speak. “But now I must leave, pursue my own path, goodbye.” She spoke before turning and walking away leaving the clan behind. “Nyria, you are hereby exiled from the Clan of the Arcane Arts, you must never return,” Torin called after her.

______ Ever since she left the Arcane clan as an outcast, she finds refuge in a Light clan who is a bit more understanding of her magical prowess. While they find ways to ensure that Nyria's magics cannot easily destroy the clan, Nyria continues to enhance her magical prowess, aiming to control more than just the Arcane and tap into a new world of magic. She continues her summoning rituals in secret, away from prying eyes as she attempts to call upon even greater powers. Her need for additional help, however, has landed her in the House of Wisdom. As it turns out, they know a lot more about this summoning power than she anticipated...









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