
Level 5 Guardian
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Orbiting Spirit
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Energy: 22/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Female Guardian
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Personal Style


Teardrop Pastel Spinel Earrings
Gemologist's Discovery
Aquamarine Flourish Necklace
Haunting Amber Nightshroud
Grove Sylvan Lattice
Grove Sylvan Filigree




17.59 m
17.34 m
7916.74 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 13, 2019
(5 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 5 Guardian
EXP: 2653 / 5545
Mist Slash


Hello! Wonderful to meet you! The names' Niivieana, or Vi for short.

Where am I from you ask? Well, take a seat my friend.

Originating from the darklands of the Wisphollow Grove I was once a member of a powerful clan, who some would've called them royalty. In a way, I was born naturally with my unique assets. This particular dragoness is a seer but there was one thing I couldn't foresee for myself. Back then, I remember the excitement of hearing ancient whispers of the stars, gentle voices on the breeze and foretell how future events could unfold for the future is an ever changing matter, all for the first time. The only problem I've ever had is having harder time seeing anything for myself.

As I wondered through the woods on my own, in the middle of the night, in a more secluded area I happened to stumble upon an injured psywurm. Upon closer inspection of the poor creature I lay down with it. I stretch out my wing to provide some cover from the chilly night air. A few moments later it woke with a startle until it looked up at my wing, fascinated. Then it pawed at my belly, I suppose my semi-transparent figure reflects that of a bright starry night sky. It was that day we became friends.

Days go by and I end up reading to the intelligent creature. It seemed to understand parts of what was being said. I might just be imagining it but I would certainly love to think so. As a part of a powerful clan there are many a danger we face wherever we are. So of course, we have- had many enemies for not all shadows dragons were as well-mannered as we. That being said I just need a quick break, just need to grab something quick.

*The psywurm wags it's tail in a playful manner and gives a small mixture between a bark and meow. It nudges the bone closer. Throw it or not to throw? Totally up to you.*

Here you go, a cup of lovely Java.

Alrighty then, where were we? Right!

Now for a darker part of this tale, I simply ask you to listen... It's still difficult for me to speak of. These shadowy markings are actually scars. *I gesture to my underbelly, legs, arms and tail.* I wasn't born like this, it was because of one of those many enenmies I spoke of... but it wasn't someone who I expected it to be... me and my psywurm are pratically companions if not best friends by now. Ever since we met we had a special bond, she has always had such an upbeat personality and such an intelligent glow in her eyes. There was nothing for me to fear about her and her me. One day we were taking yet another stroll through the many halls of our clan. We were preparing for a gala in the name of the Shadowbringer. I noticed how everything was being put together, chattering, laughing of my relatives. We were happy.

It all changed when I discovered an secret entrance to a room hidden beneath a waterfall inside of our lair. Assinged as a guardian in this clan, I had every right to inspect where it led. As I ventured deeper there was a foul magic in the air, it smelled of death. I remember seeing dark runes, clawmarks on the walls, blood lining the floor. Until I heard a shriek of pain, I froze in my tracks. I became lighter on my feet, keeping my wings as close to my body as possible. I snuk around winding curves until I found the main room. It was dark and dank, filled with magically attuned lava onto the ceiling of the room. There were tables... with bodies of poor souls. I let my guard down to check if anyone was alive. The door slammed shut behind me.

I spun around to face the coward only to find myself in shock. It was a drake from my clan... It was a drake I knew and cherished. He had been taken in by the elders after saving him from a collapsing lair. "Well, well, look what the cat dragged in." He smirked coyly. "So it seems you've found my secret hideout, eh?" He walks towards one of the tables of the deceased."Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's a shame really but it'll be worth it in the end." He comments bluntly and faces me. All I can do at this point is glare at him.

"What do you mean 'worth it'? What have you done? Is all of this your doing?" I ask petrified.

"Why yes, of course. This is my handiwork, this clan will get what it deserves." He said blankly.

"No... Why? Why do this? We took you in as family, nutured your injuries, cared for you. Does that mean nothing to you at all?" I ask whilst taking a few steps back, holding back the tears and the fear in my voice. He shook his head a bellowed in a laughter.

"You're kidding, right? Well, you see, you're incorrect. I wasn't 'rescued' I was taken in by this clan but only because they pittied my life. They were the ones who destroyed my clan, that's why my home collapsed all those years ago." He said with a hiss.

"No, no they wouldn't wipe out a clan unless..." My voice trailed off.

"Yes. It's exactly what you're thinking. All of these years I have lived a false life in hopes of finding an opportunity to destroy them, once and for all. That's where you come in." He bluntly said.

"What do you mean 'me'? I don't want to have any part in this." I shudder at the thought of it. (and I still do.)

"You misunderstand. I've had my eye on you for a while. You're beauty and power unmatched for the world, unworthy of this clan. Join me, join me and we can create a new legacy." He said with a hungry look in his eyes. He had been scheming all these years in secret. Scheming to undermine the clan and strip them of their power. He confided in me in hopes of recruiting me as one of his own.. to spare me and no-one-else. It was a horror for him even to consider this but he had made up his mind a long time ago. Never will I betray my family for they are those I hold dearest. I'm not going to lose them to this maddrake.

"You expect me to betray my family? To lose everything I hold dear in this world? Not a chance. It's either you become exiled from these lands forever or you go through me. Trust me, I may be a humble dragoness but you have no idea of what I'm capable of." I say determined to prove my point. I won't allow this. Not on my watch.

"So be it." He snarled. "You'll die like the rest of these mongrels. If I can't have you, then nobody will!" He screeched with wings oustrectched and we fight. It's a bloody battle until it comes to a halt. He pants from one corner of the chamber and me another. He looks up with magic streaming from his eyes, it seems to be his dying breath for he has a large wound to the neck and a broken wing with claw and teeth marks all over him. "Not... like... this..." He seemed to be panicking. "So many years! Years! Years in the making and for what? A few lizards?"

"I warned you of your fate. I can forsee your attacks against me. You're too predictable even for an experienced drake."

"Oh yeah?" He panted, falling to the floor. "How about this one? Etherula!" He chanted and a surge dark of magic emitted from his body, becoming a spirit of his. It lashed out, striking me multiple times, unable to defend myseld I was sent to the wall, flying. It had dissapeared in a moments notice. Streaks of dark colored poison started to slowly crawl up from under my skin. Pain coursed through my body. I was unable to scream. I fled the scene to find help.

I reached the exit and my psywurm found me and shrieked in despair. It was an earshattering call for help and the gala seemed to have been set in motion for a crowd surrounded me. I remember being carried away to the infirmary. Shouting and cries of help all over the place... They were losing me. I was dying. I felt the world around become disoriented. Struggling for breath, a face appeared. Kind and full of compassion she tended to the wounds the spirit had inflicted. She placed her palms on my forehead and chest.

"Hang in there." A voice echoed in my head. I passed out.

A few days had passed by at this rate. I woke feeling sore as if my body had been thrown off a cliff, I feel stiff and tired. Birdsong echoed in the distance, scented candles were lit and the smell of flowers relaxed every worry I ever had. "Welcome back, Niivieana." I take a deep breath. Upon opening my eyes was a bright light. The sun? I looked around, squinting in the brightness. I was in the natures territory. "Easy, easy now. You've been through a lot and if I'm not mistaken you'll be feeling weak for the next few days." Said a gentle voice.

"You.. I saw you before I fell asleep." My voice was raspy.

"Haha, yes. I can communicate telepathically and show people memories. We haven't been properly introduced, my name is Ryzei. Yes I am a shadow dragoness but also a inhabitant of this clan called Chiconis. It's a place where dragons of all ages and kind to live freely as we pratice ancient studies and lost arts. We have relocated you to this place for the time being so that I can tend to you as much as I can." She said smoothly.

"What happened to me?" I examine myself and see shadowy streaks lining my body.

"Unfortunately we couldn't remove these dark lines, they are of an old magic that no dragon posses as of yet. We are working on a solution but it may take some time." I go back to what he had said to me. "Are you alright?" She asked, placing a hand on my shoulder. I shook my head. Crying silently. She hugged me, wrapping her feathery wings around me. I heard a chirp from the other side of the room and saw her, my psywurm. She jumped into my lap, purring loudly.

"Thank you."

That's the story of how I've come to be a part of this place.
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