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Personal Style


Ghost Flame Headpiece
Golden Tail Bangle
Ghost Flame Wing Ribbon
Twilight Cape
Glowing Gold Clawtips




5.04 m
3.72 m
423.59 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 11, 2019
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Skydancer
Max Level





. Tenebris'Terra could feel Crudelis'Aegror's fierce gaze pinned to the back of her head. She walked with her head held high and her wings slightly spread so that she would display an air of confidence. Which in all manner she felt. Tenebris'Terra was not afraid of the behemoth Guardian. However she did start to feel doubt begin to creep in once she walked into Titan's Rest.

Tenebris'Cor sat before the hibernation crystal chamber that held Magna'Mater, the first Matriarch of Sanguinem Luna. His lips moved at a manic pace, as unnerving words fell from his lips.

"Woe upon the pretend-"

Tenebris'Terra couldn't let Crudelis'Aegror see Tenebris'Cor like this. It would be disastrous. Tenebris'Terra stepped up to her husband and imperiously shook his shoulder with her claws digging into the cloth of his garb. "As much as I would love to hear you speak of the doom of our enemies," said Tenebris'Terra, "You need to wake up My Heart."

Crudelis'Aegror produced an amused snort from where she stood near the entrance to Titan's Rest. A sickly aura of unease radiated off of the Guardian as she looked at the sleeping Titans encased in the crystal walls.

Silence reigned over the chamber for a few tense moments. Tenebris'Terra finally breathed out when she felt her husband stir under her grip.

Tenebris'Cor's deep voice rasped. "Ah... Tenebris'Terra... There you are... Crudelis'Aegror too? Perfect. Just the Guardian I wanted to see."

Crudelis'Aegror straightened when Tenebris'Cor and Tenebris'Terra turned to face her. The Guardian rumbled, "Your orders, Patriarch?"

"Fly to the Sunbeam Ruins. There should be plenty of Ascendant candidates to choose from there. I want Tenebris'Lux to go with you."

Crudelis'Aegror bowed her head. Her lips pulled into a menacing smile. "It will be my pleasure, My Lord."

Crudelis'Aegror turned away and left the chamber. There was a notable haste in her steps that faded from the crystalline hall. Once she was gone, Tenebris'Terra breathed a sigh of relief.

That did not spare Tenebris'Cor from the bite of her claws. Tenebris'Terra grabbed Tenebris'Cor's jaw with her right paw and pulled his gaze to look at her. She spat, "Are you trying to undo everything we've achieved?! What was that?"

The pale light from the eyes of Tenebris'Cor's six eyed mask glittered with the same ire he snarled with. "You don't hear them...!"

Tenebris'Cor wrenched his head out of Tenebris'Terra's grip and stalked up to Magna'Mater's hibernation hollow. He reached up and dragged his claws along the surface of the semi-opaque crystal wall. Tenebris'Cor's shoulders and wings trembled as laughter trickled unbidden from him. "Their whispers...! Their anger...! Their foolishness! My love it is maddening to hear them with no respite save for that which she will bestow on whim!"

With a fierce lash of his tail, Tenebris'Cor pivoted on his back paws to clutch the sides of his head with his forepaws. His voice collapsed into a faint whimper, "Even now they hiss into my ears... promises of our downfall..."

Tenebris'Terra closed the distance and gently laid her forepaw over one of Tenebris'Cor's. "But really... what has changed from Arcyng's reign My Heart? We were never their chosen successors to begin with. Hounded by mistrust, despised for the role we were assigned... We are just as much victims of his machinations as them!"

She lashed her tail in a furious arc toward the crystal pillar that served as Noctis'Timore's prison. Tenebris'Terra tightened her grip and pressed her snout to her beloved's quivering snout. "You are the strongest, the fittest to rule. You can weather their words My Heart. Do you know why?"

Tenebris'Cor stopped trembling in her grip. Tenebris'Terra could feel his strength answering hers with the fierce stroke of his paw along her crest. Tenebris'Terra purred as a smile appeared, "You and I are a team. You have me. I am the Matriarch and these old bats will just have to learn to accept that we are in the right. Especially after what I plan to do to their precious chosen one."

Tenebris'Terra pulled away from Tenebris'Cor and spat at the sleeping Titans encased in the crystal walls. "Listen well you sanctimonious hypocrites!"

Tenebris'Terra snarled, "You may say all you like that Audens'Cor Ladarius is the rightful heir to the throne of the Patriarch. You may torment my husband with your whispers, trying to break down his resolve. That doesn't change the fact that your chosen one lost the fight with my husband! Your precious chosen one will lose every single time!"

Tenebris'Terra couldn't help but laugh. She could feel the brutal cold of the chamber and hear the creaking of crystal. Perhaps, her husband was right in that the Titans were actually listening and watching. If they were, they were certainly angry. Tenebris'Terra wasn't about to stop her tirade now. They were the ones that started this feud and by all of Sanguinem Luna was Tenebris'Terra willing to finish it. Tenebris'Terra hissed, "I promise you, all of you of the Great Mother's and Great Father's court. So long as I draw breath, that Gaoler will never ascend the throne of the Patriarch... I will destroy Audens'Cor Ladarius."

A low hum rumbled through the chamber. Chills ran up Tenebris'Terra's spine as the sound reminded her of one oft forgotten fact. Tenebris'Cor was never alone in Titan's Rest. Laying on his belly near one of the far off walls was Tacet'Mare, the cerulean Imperial that served Magna'Mater devoutly during her reign and what would seem to be for eternity. His deep blue gaze was fixated on Tenebris'Terra.

Tacet'Mare's sonorous voice commanded all of Tenebris'Terra's attention. "Just as a rose proudly blooms before the winter frost. Your challenge is heard... and your fate sealed... Thorn Queen."

Additional Information

arcane_2.png ....
The New Age

The Thorn Queen - Usurper's Queen - Angel of Rebirth
. . . . frarcane_left_sword_by_littlefiredragon-dbjxyoi.png frarcane_right_sword_by_littlefiredragon-dbjxyp0.png

The Titan Age
Tenebris'Terra was not hatched during this bygone age.

The Pantheon Age
Tenebris'Terra was hatched in the Gladekeeper's domain to a clan that she does not speak of. It is assumed that she was sold by that clan to Noctis'Timore and that was how she came to the Hallowed Hall. She did everything in her power to avoid becoming an Ascendant, because she feared the fate that became them. Her luck ran out, at least she thought so, when she was sentenced to becoming Ascendant. She was mortified when she learned that the one that would conduct the ceremony was the one that she worked closely with in the Hallowed Hall, Tenebris'Cor. At the time she was a little smitten with the dark Skydancer, but she was a proud Skydancer and refused to let him see her fear. In the end, Tenebris'Cor didn't perform the Rite of Ascension. Tenebris'Terra was spared. She could barely contain her relief.
However what came after was even harder than anything she ever faced before. She was robbed of her mortality and cursed to become an Angel of Rebirth. She struggled with the curse of thirst that came with the new position. Her new vampirism was foreign to her and warred with her Nature flight ingrained respect for life. She spent most of her time with Tenebris'Cor and fell deeper in love with him. However as she fell deeper in love with his darkness and the fierce world he forced her to join, the teachings of the Nature Flight died. In the end, the vampire won and destroyed the druid. Most of her time during the remainder of this age was spent with Tenebris'Cor. They would partner together to go find Ascendant candidates. The other part of her time was spent with Mollis'Somnus, who was her mentor within the Angels of Rebirth.

The New Age
The defining fight that heralded the New Age, known as the Angel's Coup D'etat, was Tenebris'Terra's proving ground. She was vicious, striking down foe after foe with the spikes on her modified golden tail bangle that Tenebris'Cor gave to her so long ago. It earned her the nickname The Thorn Queen among the Angels of Rebirth. Tenebris'Terra revels in the power that she now has at her claw tips. Thanks to the efforts of Tenebris'Cor, she and her children are able to experience luxuries beyond belief. To say that the power has gone to her head is an understatement. While Tenebris'Cor spirals into insanity in Titan's Rest, Tenebris'Terra will terrorize the denizens of the Crystal Spire with her modified tail bangle. To hear the spikes on her weapon of choice scraping on crystal is a herald of misery. She will severely punish those that defy Tenebris'Cor's laws. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, most of Tenebris'Terra's ire is directed at the Gaoler Audens'Cor Ladarius. Tenebris'Terra can sense the power beneath the stoic Gaoler's fluffy exterior...and ultimately she fears it...

So long as she drew breath, that Gaoler will never ascend the throne of Patriarch...

Emerald Cave Jewel
Lumina the Emerald Cave Jewel
Because of her origins from the Gladekeeper's domain, Tenebris'Terra actually doesn't like darkness. She was grateful when Tenebris'Cor gave her Lumina, the Emerald Cave Jewel that eventually became her familiar. Her familiar's ability to create light in darkness was an exceptional boon. Now she can confidently conduct her business in the darkness of the Hallowed Hall when she needs to. Lumina isn't much of a fighter though so Tenebris'Cor uses her more like a portable light source and pet.


Customization Goals








Audens'Cor Ladarius


Dark Earth


TEN-eh-bris Tear-AH

Physical Sornieth Species


True Species

Immortal Vampire

Gene Plan:
Apparel Plan:
Sepia Rose Thorn Crown Onyx Seraph Headpiece Ghost Flame Collar Sepia Rose Thorn Wing Tangle Sepia Rose Thorn Arm Tangle Bramble Mantle

The Word Around Sornieth

From Top 5 Above You - Write More Edition
froginthebag wrote:
Okay, Terra was a VERY easy pick. Come on- that signature is epic! Darn right desperation builds character, what a quote- and otherwise, she's practically perfect for my tastes. Love the skydancer f-pose. And jeez, what plans! Absolutely in love with the layered outfit idea there, the bramble mantle and cape combined?!?!??! I'm jealous. Trail is a perfect pick too- it matches nicely with the ghost flame pieces here. Also JEEZ she's a vampire?? How awesome does she even get? And honestly, I feel like Cor may have a bit of a powerhouse in her. Love their dynamic :)
3d3c7953a408f38cb5029826b8f55967fe8c516c.png Insert additional quotes here.


Relevant Music Based on Theme
Song here.
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Questions Asked and Answered

gabssey wrote on 2021-01-20 11:57:09:

First things first; Terra you are incredibly charming! now for the question: What made you choose the path to become ''The Thorn Queen"?

For the next person: Please don't ask my Sales dragons, ScarletKing or AladdinSane!

Tension was so thick that a knife could cut it as the crystalline hall fell silent. The eyes of other dragons watched on, some with horror, others with pity, and a few with malicious glee. An eerie sound of scraping metal on crystal echoed throughout the large hall. The source of it was Tenebris'Terra's tail. Her tail was adorned with a nasty golden chain lined with spiked barbs cunningly disguised into the gold beads. Her eyes gleamed with an angry green fire. She curled her lips and at last a harsh snort blasted from her flared nostrils.

Tenebris'Terra tossed her head and roared to several clan dragons in the hall. "Who let this fool into my presence?! Find Audens'Cor Ladarius and bring him here! Better yet, summon his entire Day's Watch!"

The dragons in the hall scattered into the tunnels. Their furious pawsteps created a chaotic cadence that seemed to amuse Tenebris'Terra.

Her lips curled into a vicious sneer. She affixed her gaze onto the fool that approached her. Her voice dripped like honey but was nowhere near sweet in intent, "That is Your Highness, you boorish swine. I tire of the glib drivel that outsiders seem to think I wish to hear. Oh you fool; how dare you. I am seething with rage at the insult! The Thorn Queen?! I have the mind to carve you into dog food right here and now!"

Tenebris'Terra's laughter crackled throughout the hall. "Hah. Hahaha! As much as turning you into mince meat would satisfy, it will not serve me more beyond that. No... Simply punishing you won't suffice. I must set an example for all of the Crystal Spire."

Tenebris'Terra clicked a foreclaw onto the hard crystal floor. "I will first punish the one responsible for letting you inside."

Tenebris'Terra chuckled. "As for you swine. If you're smart... you will leave this place before my tail even lands the first blow on Audens'Cor Ladarius..."

Tenebris'Terra lashed her tail in a dismissive wave. There was a sinister glow to her green gaze that could give basilisk pause as she waited for her orders to be seen through.



This doodle was made by crazycatdragon!



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