Level 1 Nocturne
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Personal Style

6.03 m
5.24 m
659.56 kg
Eye Type
Level 1 Nocturne
EXP: 0 / 245

Storyteller, adventurer,kind and friendly,freespirit,funny,
-starlit sees
themselves as a male born female-
What he Likes:Starlit loves to be outside in water amongst the stars, he loves to see new things try new food he's never seen before, learning about other clans culture is something he lives for he's a carefree spirit with a thirst for knowledge
Dislike He dislikes being confined to a space or being told what to do in where he should go he can't stand dragons who lord over others or being told how to act because of his species he hates feeling useless in a situation and it makes him sad when a clan blantently turns him away
Starlitstream or just starlit is a young adventureious nocturne going against most of the species customs to find new exciting things to do and see. Going from clan to clan in different parts of the world to get a feel for they're culture and self, he came across floof's clan on a pretty bad storm, her mate fell was none to happy when she accepted the youth without question "we already have enough mouths to feed" he would say before turning tail and stalking into the inner sanctum leaving her to Converse with the young dragon "don't mind that old grump he's scary when you first meet'em but he's a sweetheart, he's just worried for his clan is all" starlit would nod and she would walk and talk with him til the storm passed. Once it had starlit made for the entrance and got ready to take off, in the short time that he had been there he had already made friends with a few of the dragons in the clan. They were there to see him off waving and giving goodbyes floof came up shortly after a smile on her kind furry face "and remember starlit, your always welcome back here" he had never been invited back to clans before this was a welcome first "i-I'll keep that in mind ma'am" he says in a small tone and she smiles "now off you go ya rascal the young ones haven't learned your leaving yet but once they do they'll beg you to stay your adventure stories are quite amusing to them is seems" that made starlit smile he turned to the entrance and took off. Chasing the sun to a new adventure knowing they would most certainly return soon
-starlit sees
What he Likes:Starlit loves to be outside in water amongst the stars, he loves to see new things try new food he's never seen before, learning about other clans culture is something he lives for he's a carefree spirit with a thirst for knowledge
Dislike He dislikes being confined to a space or being told what to do in where he should go he can't stand dragons who lord over others or being told how to act because of his species he hates feeling useless in a situation and it makes him sad when a clan blantently turns him away
Starlitstream or just starlit is a young adventureious nocturne going against most of the species customs to find new exciting things to do and see. Going from clan to clan in different parts of the world to get a feel for they're culture and self, he came across floof's clan on a pretty bad storm, her mate fell was none to happy when she accepted the youth without question "we already have enough mouths to feed" he would say before turning tail and stalking into the inner sanctum leaving her to Converse with the young dragon "don't mind that old grump he's scary when you first meet'em but he's a sweetheart, he's just worried for his clan is all" starlit would nod and she would walk and talk with him til the storm passed. Once it had starlit made for the entrance and got ready to take off, in the short time that he had been there he had already made friends with a few of the dragons in the clan. They were there to see him off waving and giving goodbyes floof came up shortly after a smile on her kind furry face "and remember starlit, your always welcome back here" he had never been invited back to clans before this was a welcome first "i-I'll keep that in mind ma'am" he says in a small tone and she smiles "now off you go ya rascal the young ones haven't learned your leaving yet but once they do they'll beg you to stay your adventure stories are quite amusing to them is seems" that made starlit smile he turned to the entrance and took off. Chasing the sun to a new adventure knowing they would most certainly return soon
Click or tap a food type to individually feed this dragon only. The other dragons in your lair will not have their energy replenished.
Feed this dragon Insects.
Feed this dragon Meat.
This dragon doesn't eat Seafood.
This dragon doesn't eat Plants.
Exalting Starlitstream to the service of the Gladekeeper will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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