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Personal Style


Brutal Kilt
Tar-Trap Hindcallouses
Tar-Trap Forecallouses


Skin: doggy



29.52 m
20.56 m
7922.7 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 21, 2014
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245


Sticky Webbing Contaminated Featherback Pelt Mender's Healing Staff ╭━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╮
p h e n r i s
⊙ the lover ⊙
short-tempered • thoughtful • prudish
Singed Webbing Plaguebringer Bone Scrimshaw Tarnished Chain

"rage, rage, against the dying of the light."


i’m the lesser of two evils
or am i, am i tricking myself nice?
if i’m the lesser of two evils
who’s this man, who’s this act i hide behind?

there are two ways to skin tonight
let’s see whose road gets there faster
this is a game no wrongs no right
only a winner and a loser


rage is a fire, and phenris knows now that like anything, it will burn out.

a thousand years angry, and what for? what did he gain from it? deadbeat fathers and dead children were all he ever grasped in his claws, all he had to his name for what agony he put himself through.

phenris is an old, tired dragon. it took him far too long to know that the love is always stronger than the rage.

⊙ B A C K S T O R Y ⊙
by the time hellreek fell, phenris was almost a dragon and less a natural disaster, happening in slow motion.

phenris was born in the early days, the small days, when there was no use for tact. he grew up brutal and bloody and full of faith, for the plaguebringer was the only thing granting them sanctuary it seemed, back before akeelah lost her glamour.

he was born before the emperor, before the civil war. hestia should not have had children but she did, and she incubated his rage under her wing. that's all they had, half warbeast on the boneyard. that's what kept them and their family alive. it was them that faced every band of raiders, every cocky warlord. phenris took on the name of warlord, too, even though he was too young for it. akeelah gave him that grace, and he used it to be a bad dragon.

a bad dragon trying to be better than his father. his father, who was never home, and when he was, turned his nose up at phenris' sister for being mad and turned his nose up at phenris for being angry. killed and maimed and fought to be better than someone who wouldn't lift a claw against the atrocities the clan faced in those early days. how could xaolou go to court and do his studies and attend parties when his people were starving and illiterate?

phenris didn't mean to be so cruel to razor, at least this is what he tells himself. he is just so angry, and he wants to be a good father. but how could he teach children so weak to fight, how to protect and provide for this clan?

he didn't mean for them to die. a few days on the boneyard would toughen them up. they weren't supposed to die.

he can't let anyone see his grief. so he tells them it was on purpose. he didn't want them. they weren't good enough for him. he wishes he had told razor the truth. most of all, he wishes he hadn't done it.

especially since his father comes back wrong not long after. in fact, it could be argued that he didn't come back at all. the shade that has him is so strong nothing could carve it out of him. he is a beast. it's almost better than what he was before.

there are only so many dragons he can cut down. only so much blood can cover his eyes and stop him from seeing himself self destruct. his sister raises the dead. his sister has children with a monster. his sister gives birth to a monster. phenris is part of the family that only seems to take an never give. and phenris takes and takes until he can't take it anymore.

he goes quiet. he is so tired. the stress of it takes his rage away. he doesn't go out, he doesn't see his mother. he lets himself fall useless, if only just to stop hurting, himself and others. akeelah sees him and her heart hurts. it was necessary, all those years ago, to be so violent. she should have known letting someone so young be to savage would hurt him later.

the virulent sends an invitation; a bout of raiding and a feast afterwards. ives told akeelah about the want of political marriages, and though hellreek had no need of political ties, and seldom had unions such as marriage, akeelah knew just the dragon for it.

phenris did not think he could love. he could kill and he could rage and roar, but he was too broken. on that raid he showed the virulent what years upon years of savagery could do to a dragon, made a good name for hellreek, made them want hellreek on their side in a fight. and then he sat down for dinner. and he fell in love.

he went thinking he could choose a wife to marry and not love, only bond their clans together and see each other once in the full moon or less. and he came out feeling devotion he has not felt since he prayed fervent to the plaguebringer before each battle. they have children. phenris is a good father. and he is a good mate. and slowly, he starts to think that maybe he can be good.

phenris had not been a pious dragon in years by the time that the plaguebringer rose. so when the flights clashed beneath her feet, scattering hellreek, his family, phenris did not think twice to fight.
he didn't have a blade, or his armour, but he is an imperial, a plagueblooded warlord, the son of the death from above. droves of green-eyed monsters fell at his feet. until he falls at theirs.

it takes two dragons larger than him to put him in the dirt; one of catch the claws he swung in its mouth and the other to cut open his belly. they move on from his mangled body like he's just another wrym, because to them, he is.

he wakes up in the virulent's healing wards. afilade, of all dragons, saved him and dragged him there. he wants to see gloria. gloria isn't there. they haven't seen her in months.

in the months that it took him to heal, that old, seething monster he put to rest reared its head. he kept it muzzled, but he was keenly aware of its presence. he does not know what he would become if gloria never returned to him. luckily, he never has to find out.

their reunion is short and sweet, for fegult is found not long after, leading a group full of the dragons of hellreek. they are called the reckless, and phenris goes home to them.

they are called the reckless, and that is what they are. phenris is not in good enough health to fight quite yet, but fegult needs him to train others. fegult isn't quite right, and phenris is sure he saw fegult's bloody smear on the boneyard, but he can't ponder it. his family is alive, at least some of it, and that's all that matters to him in that moment.

he is the dragon that fanaa finds. hestia, unbeknownst to him, had kept all his baby teeth, sewn into the inside of her armour.

fegult goes back to normal, the warmagic drained from him. he is still trapped in duty, but phenris isn't. dragons move freely between the reckless and the wretched, and the wretched goes home, and phenris goes with them, back to the boneyard, back to where it all began.


⊙ O T H E R ⊙


the wretched

main residence
the house of wolves

the boneyard
hellreek lair

cis male


bisexual biromantic

true neutral

to gloria

patron deity
the plaguebringer

main form




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LEADER'S NOTES - Akeelah, Leader of Hellreek.

Phenris, before the war, was in surprisingly good health considering how old his is and what he went through in the early days of the clan. Now, I am not saying that he was a little rusty before the war, but he was, and the result was partial evisceration and severe damage to his left hand. Both were treated by an untrained medic in suboptimal conditions. They healed surprisingly well, and the only indication that his guts were once outside of him is the fact that his tiger doesn't quite line up on his belly. His hand risked amputation, but it was miraculously saved by the Holyhealers of Virulent. No follow up needed.
- Risk, Head Healer.

Phenris has old warmagic like his mother, but it was not exacerbated until the war, where even when having open wounds in the Boneyard, he could not get an infection.
- Ex, Head Mage & Magic Expert (translation by Lafier).

physical mutation - Altschmerz, Mutations Expert.

Needs physiotherapy on his hand once a week. Prescribed daily stretching.
- Regal, Head Physiotherapist & Head Chef.

I watched Phenris struggle with his mental health for many, many years without having the means to help him, as he would not come to me, and I cannot force anyone to receive treatment they do not want. However, in recent years, around the time of the hatching of his children with Gloria, he started coming to me regularly for sessions. He wanted to make sure he could learn to control his anger as to not upset his wife or children. I thought it was sweet.
- Phanuel, Head Psychotherapist.

armor + metal prosthesis - Foyam, Head Blacksmith.

familiar notes - Gutch, Head Beastkeeper.

clothing - Afilade, Head Clothier (transcribed by Legion).

religion notes - Tariq, Priest of the Eleven.

In the early days of Hellreek, every dragon owed the Plaguebringer for their continued life, and fought in her name as their form of worship. Though Phenris has left that ideology behind, he has many, many religious scarification tattoos from that time. If any drake wants something of the same sort, his are the oldest and therefore the most accurate in the clan.
- Lyse, Priest of the Plaguebringer.

shade notes - Karolyne, Shade Expert.

Phenris is my child. When he learned to fight, it was kill or die. He is strong and vicious, but lacks finesse, which he does not need. In my absence, appoint him battlemaster until my return.
- Hestia, Head Battlemaster.

description of item/place pertaining to dragon - Codex Entry; Name.



gloria - wife

phenris is one of the only dragons to be considered 'married' within all the clans. at the time, he thought himself incapable of love, and therefore a marriage to strengthen bonds between hellreek and virulent did not bother him. he met gloria at a feast after a day of raiding. his devotion to her rivals that of even the most pious of dragons. she makes him want to be a better dragon, cools his nerves, and makes him gentle. he does not believe he would have been able to turn himself around without her, and is working on mending the relationships he wrecked because she makes him believe that he can.


hestia - mother

phenris and hestia have a surprisingly loving relationship, considering the natures of both of them. they were often together during the early days of them clan, raiding caravans for supplies and meeting every band of bandits head on. hestia showed her affection in the only way her young self knew how, which was teaching him how to fight and praising his strength to anyone who would listen. they are still close, and usually choose a spot next to each other for meals.


xaolou - father

xaolou was not a good father, and hardly spend any time with his children. in a clan so small, phenris could see that other parents stayed and cared for their young, and in his mind he was being neglected. xaolou was sent to hellreek by a desperate nature clan hoping for some sort of security if they had to flee to plague due to a conflict with a neighboring flight, and he thought himself better than the clan, and hardly stayed for long, even though he was promised to teach literacy to the young hellreek alongside fegult. needless to say, phenris tried to impress him enough to stay, using the extremely plaguelike tactic of prowess in battle. it did not work, and phenris was crushed when xaolou came back a shadebeast.


lilith - sister

lilith was hatched slightly before phenris, and like all good sisters do, she doesn't let him forget it. they were very close when they were younger, and phenris was all she had for a long while, their father shunning her and their mother not knowing how to deal with her. they did everything together, including share a den. they grew apart when she started having children with dajoji, and further still when she raises the dead. in more recent times, after the death of dajoji, they have worked on stitching their relationship together. he has many nieces and nephews to meet, after all.


berengaria - child

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus. Donec elementum auctor nibh vitae tempor. Donec placerat nisi magna, nec convallis tellus porta a. Mauris sollicitudin nisl a enim laoreet facilisis.


ramiro - child

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus. Donec elementum auctor nibh vitae tempor. Donec placerat nisi magna, nec convallis tellus porta a. Mauris sollicitudin nisl a enim laoreet facilisis.


morrigan - child

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus. Donec elementum auctor nibh vitae tempor. Donec placerat nisi magna, nec convallis tellus porta a. Mauris sollicitudin nisl a enim laoreet facilisis.


name - child

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus. Donec elementum auctor nibh vitae tempor. Donec placerat nisi magna, nec convallis tellus porta a. Mauris sollicitudin nisl a enim laoreet facilisis.


kaethe - child

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus. Donec elementum auctor nibh vitae tempor. Donec placerat nisi magna, nec convallis tellus porta a. Mauris sollicitudin nisl a enim laoreet facilisis.


rubatosis - child

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus. Donec elementum auctor nibh vitae tempor. Donec placerat nisi magna, nec convallis tellus porta a. Mauris sollicitudin nisl a enim laoreet facilisis.


regal - friend

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus. Donec elementum auctor nibh vitae tempor. Donec placerat nisi magna, nec convallis tellus porta a. Mauris sollicitudin nisl a enim laoreet facilisis.


razor - former mate

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt, ipsum mattis ultrices tincidunt, odio erat interdum augue, ut viverra nulla diam quis erat. Etiam eu euismod diam. Aliquam sodales leo eget dictum malesuada. Cras ac efficitur velit. Nullam eget pretium neque, in aliquam nulla. Nam sit amet odio ultrices, sollicitudin nunc ut, euismod elit. Etiam sit amet eleifend ante. Donec sit amet interdum eros, non fermentum metus. Donec elementum auctor nibh vitae tempor. Donec placerat nisi magna, nec convallis tellus porta a. Mauris sollicitudin nisl a enim laoreet facilisis.


health | ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◇◇◇
strength | ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◇
magic | ◆◆◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇

defense | ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◇◇◇
fortitude | ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◇◇
speed | ◆◆◆◆◇◇◇◇◇◇

dexterity | ◆◆◆◆◆◇◇◇◇◇
intelligence | ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◇◇◇
wisdom |

charisma | ◆◆◆◇◇◇◇◇◇◇
cunning | ◆◆◆◆◆◇◇◇◇◇
compassion |

literacy |
refinement | ◆◆◆◇◇◇◇◇◇◇
manners | ◆◆◆◆◆◇◇◇◇◇
Skill: {weaponry, magic, etc. comment on a skill, if its particularly high or low}




phenris | old norse origins | play on fenrir; 'he who dwells in the marshes', the giant wolf god in norse mythology.
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