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Personal Style


Gemologist's Discovery
Bowman's Hat
Eerie Cyan Taildecor
Prim Highnoon Vest
Gem Thief




13.55 m
17.64 m
6480.71 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 14, 2019
(5 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Obelisk
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Scatter Record:

Moon/Amethyst/Chartreuse (Birth)
Yellow/Garnet/Flaxen (11/30/21)
Iris/Robin/Sand (11/30/21)


Gossamer Fillet

Charged Tungsten


Blue Quartz

Frosted Violets
Queen Platinum of Algidir
Formerly Princess Platinum of Algidir

Platinum was once an orphan who had been sold to a mage as his assistant, until the day she met Queen Timber. The Queen was impressive - with her crown and her guards- and had cowed the mage. She had asked for her due taxes with such disdain the foul Mirror had eagerly offered up the little coatl as payment. "I have nothing but this child your Highness!" He had cried, lying through his stained teeth. The sharp claws that yanked her out of his shadow had left marks all up her wing.

Sometimes she thanked his cowardice and selfishness. Without the scuff marks on her face, without his fear that the overflowing chest of gold beneath his floor was about to be discovered, she would never have found her way into the service of the queen. Timber had laughed at him and told him to be gone from the kingdom by week's end... and to leave the child. It was only a few years before the Queen publicly announced her adoption of yet another daughter.

As a Princess the young Platinum buried herself in good works for her fellow dragons. Her kind face could oft be seen among the poorest of her people, smiling as she passed out heavy winter furs and woven blankets on each stormy day. Whenever a dragon came to be fostered at court, it was Platinum who showed them the ropes. Though adopted as royalty, Platinum was not under the illusion she would ever ascend the throne. Both her sisters stood comfortably between her and that burden.

In her youth Platinum had a single mate, the scholarly warrior Marius. His command of dozens of dialects and the history of Sornieth had made him a pleasant companion, though she did not love him. The political alliance the royal clan had made through their partnership held one of the northern clan's swords at bay... until the day Marius fell to an ambush by the evil Cersei's son Joffrey. As war swept the kingdom, the princess grew more and more desperate for a solution. Any avenue of history or technology, anything to bring peace to the kingdom. Like the Rose. That ancient mountain fortress just had to hold secrets.

Ice Crystal

Frosted Pocketmouse

Blue Rose

Snowfall Elk Pelt

Pristine Rose Thorn Crown

The Tale of The Second Queen of Algidir

Platinum landed gingerly and shrugged her cloak off her shoulders. It was very warm this spring day, and green shoots poked through the snow hopefully. Her mother had advised against this trip past the southern border of Aelfinn's territory. "Beastclan and worse," Queen Timber's voice had been grave. The whole kingdom was in an uproar over the theft of Sunbeam's egg and the Coatl had not seen her mother smile since. The princess had insisted. "We know nothing of the Rose and yet it sits among our people! You have always trusted me from the moment you adopted me. Can you not trust me now?" The Tundra's voice was strained. "Platinum, we cannot lose you." Princess or not, she couldn't listen to that fear. The weight behind it was too great.

Pocketmice skittered around the brush and darted into the glacial crevices of the Rose. The high, sheer walls of ice that folded around and intertwined into a maze were intimidating, to be sure... but terrifying? There were no Beastclan here. The Coatl stretched her wings out before tucking them against her body. She did not dare call out, lest her assumption of safety prove wrong.

Aelfinn had been correct that a dragon-sized entrance was concealed here. Despite his grief from the loss of his brother Sourwood he had not refused her many requests for information. All one had to do was land at the boulder the prince had marked on her map and the twisted cavern entrance appeared as though by magic. None of the forest dragons had mentioned how many birds nested here. Her foot snapped a twig and it echoed loudly. They flew up like a banner of brilliant color and scattered in the sky. Their cacophony faded into the distance.

So much for stealth. The creatures were a poor imitation of dragons, but lovely against the sky. Magic inside her chest told her that a storm would be coming soon to chase them from the air. Platinum halted her approach at the entrance. It wasn't as small as it appeared. At first glace it appeared natural, but... tool marks and small engravings on the edge of the inimitable crystalline petals were obvious. A small childish carving of a coatl was strangely warm to the gentle touch of a paw.

Ancient magic, then. Certainly as old as the relics that Fae Salt was always waving around in the market. The moment Platinum stepped into the tunnel a tingle ran from the very tip of her nose to the tips of her fingers, her feathers, her tail... and so it was obvious that the magic was more than just a lingering trace. The further into the Rose she went the more noticeable the feeling became. Whatever it was... it was both alluring and threatening.

What in the world had prompted dragons to tunnel through the solid crystal? Who were they? Most importantly, why were they gone?

The tunnels had grown dark. Above and around her the crystal was far too thick to let any light filter through. Platinum reached into the pocket she had sewn into her cloak and pulled forth a faintly shimmering piece of blue tungsten. It dangled from a leather cord as she brought it to her mouth and breathed out. Neon blue sparks flooded the tunnel for a moment and when they faded the charm was glowing with eerie light. At some point in the past one of her hatchlings had tucked a flower into the wrapping and it cast strange shadows all around.

For hours the Princess descended, carefully choosing and marking her path with a piece of charcoal she had brought. It was so dark against the pale blue crystal that she feared it would stain. After a long while and a couple bad turns that ended abruptly at either dead ends or sharp drops, she stopped in frustration. Her tiny magical hourglass charm chimed quietly, marking yet another hour. The light would fade from the sky soon and it was a full day flight back to the Court. This dark tunnel did not seem a good place to make camp and most of her supplies were stashed back in the forest. A decision lay before her.

Deep in the dark the mountain watched its visitor. It had been millennia since a Lightning dragon had walked the halls. Despite the obvious effort of the Coatl, she had not hidden her royalty very well. The voices within the stone murmured in their slumber as her magic brushed against them. The mountain tried to quiet them, but they had already called out.

One tentative step forward. Then another. Platinum suddenly felt a great pull. It was as if the stones themselves begged her to stay, then the pulsing feeling fell away. She shook her head to clear it. "Hello?" Her whisper echoed. Hello hello hello... All her mother's warnings came rushing back to her, all the fae tales of dark things in the crystal. This didn't feel dark. At least, not all of it. It was like the magic was fighting itself.

Foolish bravery overcame her and she began to stride through the tunnel. Platinum did not disobey her mother and thousands of years of tradition to be scared off by feelings. The memories of the evils in her distant past bolstered her heart. Darkness in stone was nothing.

Then suddenly the passage ended in a massive room. Here the crystal petals of the Rose came together in a cathedral peak of intertwined and intricate carved arches. The cacophony of voices raised in her mind fell silent, as if they were not allowed to enter this room with her. Across the great empty floor she could see a massive archway and many smaller ones. Snow drifted gently through slits in the ceiling but never made it to the floor. An Imperial might fly through one of the slits comfortably despite their tiny appearance from the ground and they made her shudder. That HAD to be the peak. The last glimmer of daylight was fading from the sky... early? Platinum had always been good at counting her hours. Why was the sky so dark already?

The princess noticed a single pedestal in the middle of the elaborately patterned crystal floor. It was carved with even more detail than the stone above her and ended in a perfect orb of stone... perhaps aquamarine? It certainly couldn't be the blue quartz that most of the Rose was comprised of. The color was far too pure and almost sheer. When Platinum walked towards it everything behind it shimmered as though underwater.

The dragons of the Rose baffled her. Why would they have this great, empty room with just a small decoration in the center? There was no signs of habitation at all in the tunnels either. It wasn't even that large. She wasn't sure if the orb was even attached to the pillar, it seemed too round to have been carved from it. If it wasn't connected it would be the only thing in this entire mountain worth taking back to Salt for study. Mother would chastise her for this disobedience if there was nothing to show for it.

Platinum sat down and leaned back onto her haunches, pulling a leather bag from her back. It was lined with soft fur and could cradle the strange decoration safely. Then she reached up and grabbed the orb.

Nothing happened at first. Her fingers tugged and pulled at the strange object but it refused to come loose. Then suddenly it was as if the stone was moving and it was her fingers that were stuck fast. Though she saw nothing her claws were telling her the stone was pulsing. A sharp tingle shot through her body and Platinum cried out in pain. Then the most horrible sensation she had ever known began to pull on her. It sunk claws into her skull. It tore at her throat. Her eyes felt as though they were being stolen. Sparks began to erupt from her mouth as she screamed.

Shadows that had been innocuous before began to dance like spirits. They rushed in at Platinum and then were gone. Then suddenly they were there again. Over and over they struck her down until she was kneeling in front of the pillar. Maniacal laughter filled her mind. The Heart of the Rose is mine, you simpering child! Mine! From somewhere deeper within Platinum than she had known existed a vision surfaced and overwhelmed her.

"Ninny? Ninny?" The little voice echoed through the metal tunnels. Platinum stopped running. "Begee?" The voice could have been coming from anywhere. "Beeeeeegeeee!" She called. "Begee I'm here!" Her heart pounded in her chest and the hatchling clutched at the neck of her cloak. A large crash sounded from just around the bend behind her and Platinum bolted. Tearfully she screamed her sister's name once again. Suddenly it was dark and hot all around her. Four glowing red eyes lurched forward and all went black.

In the empty center of the Rose Platinum slammed herself forward into the pillar. Through the pain of the assault upon her and the dark memories she forced her way upwards. Then with the determination that had kept her alive through the chains that had followed that night the princess looked deep into the abyss that was the Heart.

Around her the world looked very different. It was as though the mountain had vanished and she could see everything at once. What was far away looked as though her claws could simply reach out and touch it. It was so beautiful that for a second she did not realize what she was truly seeing.

"I don't remember very much", she would claim when Frigid found her cradling an infant Fire Dragon, half frozen to the pillar. In truth there was little way to express the things Platinum now knew. Thousands of years, millions of memories, even the voices in the stone that only the Earthspeakers knew of. The magic within her had reached out and taken everything the Heart had offered while her soul had battled the dark one trapped within. Even as Frigid wrapped them in lush furs and built a massive fire in an alcove to protect them from the blizzard the name of that spirit made her shudder. Telmaru...


The dragons who came to the mountain always seemed to want to tell the tale of how they first saw the Rose glow. They told of how the roar of the volcano was so great it was as though all sound ceased to be. Those who had fled, unable to fly away, were scattered along the landscape like frightened birds. When the top of the Great Mountain exploded trees for miles around bent and shattered. Then the ash fall began.

It was thick, so thick they could not breathe or see in front of themselves. That part of the story was always the same. Choking, cloying ash. Hatchlings floundered in deep drifts. Fire rained from the sky in shattering drops, stones blasted high into the atmosphere came rocketing to earth with unimaginable force. Day had turned to scorched midnight. In the darkness volcanic lightning shattered yet more stone.

Then it happened. One eloquent dragon had said it was 'a null sound that swept away our fear'. Where the mountain above had roared with the voice of a god, the mountain at the southern end of the valley was quiet with all the gravity of a god's stern gaze. The survivors gazed in wonder at the brilliant light that was both blue and red, un-blending as it pulsed outwards. Then a great sigh swept over the land. The breeze that touched the dragons was gentle, but the volcanic mass above them dented in like it had been hit with the Icewarden's own breath. Fireballs which had plummeted down were thrown back towards their source and instead impacted against the mountain.

It took those closest to the blast nearly two days to traverse the steppe land, then another to brave the forests so feared by the common dragon. One group would later speak of the brave Surgefall and wise Konrik, who negotiated passage for refugees with the strangely massed beastclan who had surrounded the Rose. The tiny fae would tell the hatchlings stories of the Shifting Expanse, a place equally dangerous and alien. They seemed reassured by her peoples' survival in such a deadly realm and thus were emboldened to push on. Another Fae, the archaeologist and trader Salt, found the tunnel beside the horned stone. The Rose seemed to hum and shine brighter as it welcomed them into their new home.


The refugees had crowded around the warm end of the hall where the Princess lay beneath piles of furs, exhausted and cradling an infant dragon. Clearly the tiny Skydancer was not her own but all were too afraid to question the ferocious spiral who protectively hovered over the pair. Finally, one dragon among the group lowered his hood and stepped forward..

"Wildfire?" Surgefall cried out in fury. "Where have you been?" Frigid herself nearly rushed him, only stopped by Platinum silently sitting up. "No, you need to rest-" "Please." Platinum held one palm up for silence. "Was searching for Cygni successful?" If a dragon so fiery could flush, the Pearlcatcher did. "No." Her sigh shook them all. "Come to me." Wildfire took a shaky step forward. From beneath the blanket she withdrew a stone so round and shifting it seemed to be made from water. No words were spoken as she held it towards him. When his clawtips touched the surface there was a blinding flash that caused many to cry out.

Wildfire was first to swear the bond, there in that nearly empty hall. He was also the first to leave the Rose. Many claim to have seen him fly towards the still roaring volcano, and more still claim to have sighted

Over the years, as the Breath of the Gods faded and the nights grew dark, the people learned of the dragon who had become the Great Flame Volcano. With the inevitable abdication of Princess Frigid - now merely Royal General - it was left to Queen Platinum explain that the blessings Ember had brought to the land came with a cost. What was recorded to history was a lie however. The surety with which they stated 'too much magic had built up' within the Great Mountain was ever a mockery to those who had lived in the courts... but to the common dragon it was a much easier explanation. Platinum had no way to explain that Ember had fallen victim to

Tales to Tell: The Passing of Wildfire and the disappearance of Cygni. The Passing of Sunbeam.
The Passing of Celeborn.

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