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Personal Style


Tarnished Steel Gorget
Ebony Filigree Helmet
Ebony Filigree Wing Guard
Golden Sage Tassel
Bloodsong Starsilk Tailwrap
Horizon Starsilk Tailwrap
Tarnished Steel Boots
Mango Plumed Headdress
Amber Flourish Necklace
Bloodsong Starsilk Scarf
Horizon Starsilk Scarf
Untamed Shoulder Guard
Bloodsong Starsilk Cloak
Horizon Starsilk Cloak
Tarnished Steel Belt


Accent: Neon tropics


Scene: Target Practice


7.2 m
9.43 m
830.3 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 12, 2019
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Coatl
Max Level



Tael Wanderingdawn                    

Dutiful | Charismatic | Versatile

Recordbooks | Link


Airborne Warrior Belt Ebon-Edged Spear
Horizon Tropics

Glass Knife Augite Fragments
Lightning was a tall, beautiful, imposing dragon. Everyone who’d talked to her said she was nice━nicer than they’d imagined she would be━but Tael’s heart still stopped in her chest when Lightning stood at the edge of the training group, just watching, breaking her silence only to call her over.

Tael trotted over, gazing up through the blue-tinted slits her helmet. Magically, they let her see more than the holes would seem to allow. “Yes, ma’am?” she asked, standing at attention.

“I’ve been watching the formations around here.” Lightning didn’t look directly at her, instead continuing to watch the training going on. Every now and again she would be the trainer, but those days were becoming rarer. “And I’ve seen that you volunteer a lot.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Monetarily motivated. It’s a good thing in a group like ours.” Lightning smiled, finally turning her eyes down on Tael. “Out for yourself, but a team player.”

Tael didn’t know how to respond, so she didn’t.

“The teams that you go out on?” Lightning said. “They always perform better than the others. It’s pretty clear at this point you’d make a good lead. So what do you say?”

Tael felt ready to burst with a mix of pride and pleasure. “I━I say, yes, ma’am!”

Lightning chuckled and nodded. “Then come with me. I think you’ve worked with all the other teams, but leading a squad against monsters is a little different from being on one. You’ll join the leaders from now on. No more of this.” Lightning looked at Tael for a moment with a small smile. “Unless you want to, of course.”

Some dragons just show up out of nowhere wanting to join the Chase. Tael is one of those dragons. Hatched and raised in a little village named, appropriately, Serenity, this daughter of the clan leader left home to seek her fortune with every intention to come back. Most dutiful children have that intention, and Tael is nothing if not dutiful. She brought little except for the skills she a young dragon warrior might have, as her mother was a warrior and Tael enjoyed spending time with the likes of Scourge and Jingyi.

A natural next step was to join a mercenary company based near home, to bring treasure and skill back to her village when she was done. Tael doesn’t have an expertise, but rather seeks to be an all-around useful warrior. She works with Lorne as a bodyguard, with Stratus fighting aerial foes, and Anani as a spirit hunter. Even though she doesn’t seem to leave a mark, it’s clear she’s a natural leader. She watches over dragons over which she has no command, helps where it’s needed, and observes where it’s not. Even if her expertise is not needed, her presence seems to make everyone better. Lightning, the Chase’s commander, has taken notice and started guiding her into more leadership positions.

Tael wasn’t thinking about home or going back when she received news that a terrible fire had ravaged her village. Most of the dragons escaped serious harm, including her three young siblings. Her mother, Elain, was not so lucky. She took leave and hurried home to see if anything could be done. After she mourned with the mourners, reconnected with her father and other dragons important to her past, she made an important decision. She’d return to the Chase, possibly forever, and take her younger brother, Puyan with her. He wasn’t doing very well after their mother’s death, and everyone agreed a change of venue might be best for him. Tael could watch over him. The thing she does best.

Tael has gone back to encouraging everyone else to be their best. She’s happy where she is, though her future isn’t certain as it once was. She always knew she would be going home, but perhaps she’s found a new one? Such is the way of a Wind dragon.
Hardshell Helmet
Glittering Bluesilver Torc

Deeprealm Runestone
Bluelight Chipskink Tail

   » Puyan go
It was nothing short of a shock when a courier arrived from Tael’s old clan to tell her a terrible tragedy had transpired. Her mother had died in a fire saving her three youngest children. The hatchlings survived, but it was a small comfort. She hurried home, and to her relief returned… though she brought her younger brother back with her. Understandably, he was angry… a lack of control does that to a dragon. And life really isn’t fair. He’s grown past his difficult hatchlinghood, but he still shies away from close attachments to other dragons.
   » Spire stay
It took some time for Tael to learn Spire’s whole story, but even the danger lurking in his every shadow isn’t enough to dampen his spirit. Whenever things get bad for her, he reminds her that she overcame her bias against colorless Coatls and fell in love with him: if she can do that, she can do anything. Even though she knows that means very little, it makes her smile every time. Like the rest of the Chase, he sees her ascension to leadership as a good thing, even if inevitable. He admits a feeling of pride even as he says he had nothing to do with it. Tael disagrees.

RAINBOW - home
Tael has never been much for pets, but she does quite enjoy Switch’s pet Bellus Glamourtail. The fish seems to enjoy her, too. Whenever the Tempest Chase makes its way back to their home base on the Steppes, Tael takes over the feeding and care of Rainbow. Rainbow even enjoys getting her head rubbed by Tael’s soft paw pads. It became so obvious that they two were such good friends that Switch decided just to give the glamourtail to Tael, and take care of her while Tael’s away with the Chase. Even though Tael already had some big responsibilities, she was excited because she’d never had a pet before. Tael doesn’t talk about it, but she has plans for getting Rainbow a bigger pond.


» Tael once had the surname Wanderingbreeze, but took the name Wanderingdawn in honor of her home and the leader she wants to be like one day.

» Even though it’s not at all practical, Tael took up the hobby of making jewelry, learning from Chrys. Though she could never be considered a jeweler on her own, she's the closest the Chase has since Chrys left. She even helps Vain make the settings for her pieces in his forge.

━━ timeline ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

» April 2019 - (49 years old) Tael joins the Chase. As an heiress to another Wind clan (with multiple siblings in line before her), she seeks a fame and fortune of her own. Meets her future mate, Spire, this year.

» October 27, 2019 - (229 years old) Tael receives word that her mother has died and her old clan is leaving for new land. Her three youngest siblings escaped alive, their mother giving her life to save them. She immediately goes home, unsure whether she would return. A few months later, she returned with the 8-year-old Puyan.

» November 21, 2019 - (254 years old) Lightning (age 1,844) takes notice of Tael's ability, drive, and intelligence in training. Begins to train Tael to one day take over Lightning's leadership of the Tempest Chase.

» January 26, 2020 - (320 years old) Tael and Spire, along with a team of several other dragons and beasts, go on a contract with a clan in Ice Territory to fight a band of Centaurs. While there, Tael and Spire produce their first clutch.

» January 15, 2021 - (675 years old) This time on a recruiting trip, Tael and Spire go to Ice Territory. They talk about retiring here. Their second clutch is produced. Their son Altex later moves to a clan in Nature territory where Spire's sister lives.

» September 5, 2021 - (908 years old) Tael is officially inducted as a leader of the Tempest Chase.

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