
Level 1 Imperial
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Wind.
Male Imperial
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27.84 m
20.25 m
9139.89 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 22, 2019
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245


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Cartographer | White Magician | Healer | Caretaker

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LSacred watched the others of the clan, afraid to speak or do too much. Most clans he had been in had run him off, and he wasn’t sure exactly why. He knew he was quiet, though, and shy. Perhaps they thought he was up to something bad? He didn’t know, and he wasn’t about to go back and ask. There was one dragon here that had caught Sacred’s attention. He was charismatic, funny and nice—all the things Sacred wished he was.

The dragon in question was, at this moment, talking with a group of other young dragons. Alkibiades was large and impressive, chatting lively and with vigor to all in the group and never just singling out one dragon or another. He flirted, joked and laughed. Sacred immediately found him attractive. He wished he could be so free. He sighed, turning away and heading back to his space within the lair—a self chosen, isolated cave just outside of the lair. He would commiserate his loneliness in peace and probably study some more before turning in for the night.

He felt something brush his tail and then a paw step upon it. He turned his head to find Alkibiades standing there with a forepaw on his tail. His heart raced, and he didn’t know what to do. Alkibiades smiled, removing his paw and sidling up to him.

“You know you don’t have to leave, right?” he asked Sacred, who glanced nervously away. “Come on, I’ll introduce you to the rest of them if you want. Everyone needs a few friends, right?”

“I… guess?” Sacred mumbled and Alkibiades laughed.

“You’ll do fine, I promise. I’ve heard of you, though, Sacred, right? You’re cute. Come on, join us, we don’t bite.” he told Sacred with a toothy grin and gave the impression that he did, in fact, bite.

For a moment, Sacred thought he might panic. He wasn’t sure. On one hand, he really wanted to have friends, and he really wanted to get to know Alkibiades. On the other, what if none of them liked him?

Another nudge from Alkibiades settled the matter, and Sacred turned back to the common room where the other young dragons were. Alkibiades smiled at him as they walked, and Sacred’s heart fluttered. How he wished he were braver, more open. He would smile back flirtingly and he would laugh and joke with him as he pleased. But, he thought, I’m afraid.

“You can call me Al, if it’s easier.” the bigger dragon said with a coy smile. There was something playful in his eyes that Sacred couldn’t quite name.

“Okay.” Sacred breathed and Al smiled again.

“Oh! Finally! A voice. He has a voice, ladies and gentle dragons!” Al grinned playfully. “Oh, don’t go getting shy on me now, Sacred, we’re just getting started.”

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The snow had stopped falling when Sacred awoke from his nap. From where he was lying, he could see both the ocean and the shore, glistering in white and ice blue. The air smelled fresh and salty and, in the distance, a whale was swimming circles, breaking the water surface every once in a while. Sacred rested his head on his forelegs and allowed himself to enjoy the sight for a bit longer.
A sudden bright laughter echoing from the stone walls around made his breath hitch. He knew the voice. Carefully, he moved his head slightly, to peek in the direction where it came from.
He spotted Alkibiades in an instant. The impressive Imperial was hard to miss, even though his scales were as white as the ground he walked on. Beautiful patterns graced his massive wings, white silks and shawls were draped around his body. The sunlight was reflected from his shimmering body and his glistering horns. He was a sight to behold.
Next to him stood Ariannel, her head tilted, listening to Alkibiades’ words. Sacred could not hear what was spoken, but he heard Alkibiades’ and Ariannel’s laughter. He turned his head away, staring back at the ocean in front him. If only he could chat and laugh with Alkibiades like this… But he often tensed up and when Alkibiades made one of the playful compliments he made to everyone in the lair, Sacred would blush and feel his cheeks burning. He wanted to be was witty and silver-tongued as Alkibiades was, but it was not meant to be.
He looked back at the other dragons. Alkibiades had leaned forward, seemed to whisper into Ariannel’s ear. Sacred felt a sting in his chest. Without thinking about it, he got up, slowly wandering towards them. What was he doing? He couldn’t just interrupt them in the middle of their talking. That was more than impolite. He should wait until they were done with whatever they were doing. SACRED! STOP, his inner voice screamed. Sacred came to a halt, just a few meters from Alkibiades and Ariannel. It was not to late to turn around, leave, and act like he never…
“Sacred!” Alkibiades’ voice reached his ears and Sacred froze in his movement. He raised his head to look at the other dragon, who greeted him with a smile.
“Oh, good day, Alkibiades. Hello Ariannel.”
The Wildclaw smiled at him, then waved. “Well, I have things to attend to. I wish you a pleasant day!” With that, she turned around and left.
Sacred looked back at Alkibiades, who was looking at him. Sacred waited for him to say something, like he always did. Something witty, something playful. A comment about Sacred’s nap maybe. But Alkibiades remained silent.
Sacred blinked in confusion. This was strange. Alkibiades usually never was at a loss of words. He would talk without interruption, whatever he was thinking off. But now, an uncomfortable silence filled the air between them.
Alkibiades’ shoulders tensed a bit, his eyes darted to the ground and back at Sacred’s face. But he did not seek eye contact, like he usually did. An ice-cold shiver ran down Sacred’s spine. What was going on? What was wrong here?
Just when Sacred decided to speak up, Alkibiades cleared his throat. “Well, then, Sacred, I hope you’ll have a wonderful day.” Then, he turned around and walked away, almost like he was in a hurry.
Sacred just remained where he was. Helplessly, he stared after the other. This didn’t feel right. Something was going on here. Something weird, something unpleasant. Alkibiades seemed troubled. Usually, he would talk to Sacred freely, but today, things seemed different.
For a short moment, Sacred contemplated to wait and leave Alkibiades in peace. But almost immediately, he felt guilt rising inside of him. If his friend was troubled, he had to help. Sacred took a deep breath and followed his friend’s footprints.
They led away from the lair, towards the small frozen forest nearby. Sacred often came here to think and watch stars. He had shown this place to Alkibiades, but he never would’ve thought the other would come here on his own as well.
The snow was deep and Alkibiades’ footprints were easy enough to follow. After only a few minutes, Sacred could hear snow crunching under heavy dragon steps. He found Alkibiades only shortly after, walking circles between the trees.
Sacred stopped in his tracks, waiting for Alkibiades to notice him. But the other dragon seemed to be lost in thought.
“Alkibiades?” Sacred’s voice was low and soft. He wanted to make Alkibiades feel better, let him know he was there for him no matter what.
Alkibiades froze in his movement. Slowly, his head turned to face Sacred. “Oh”, he said, “It’s you.”
He tried to sound playful, but his voice was pressed, and its usual ease was missing. Sacred stepped closer, tilting his head to one side.
“You know you can talk to me, right? I can clearly see something worries you. Please, tell me what it is. I want to help.”
Alkibiades sighed deeply and sat down into the snow. He opened his mouth, then closed it again, averted his gaze, then looked back up. “I cannot find the right words”, he admitted.
Involuntarily, Sacred chuckled. “That is rare indeed. But I think any words will be the right words. As long as you talk to me.”
A smile flitted across Alkibiades’ face. “That is what I like so much about you, Sacred”, he said, his voice soft and warm.
Confused, Sacred looked at him. He had never heard his friend talk with such a voice before.
“I am not used to this”, Alkibiades continued, “it is unknown territory for me. But I will do my best nevertheless.” For the first time today, he raised his gaze and looked Sacred right into the eyes. Sacred felt his cheeks heating up again. But he did not avert his gaze.
Alkibiades chuckled. “I adore you, when you blush. But not only then. The truth is… I adore you, no matter what you do. When you read, think, brood, sleep, watch the stars… I could watch you all the time.”
Sacred felt his heartbeat quickening. His eyes were focused on the other, his mind was unable to focus on anything but on Alkibiades’ words.
“Sacred, I feel like… like our friendship has grown into something more. Something wonderful. And I don’t want to ruin it with blabbering around and trying to find the best words. Now I ruined it, I think, but… I love you, Sacred.”
Sacred’s mind was racing. Did he really mean it? Did he actually really mean it? Joy spread in his chest, a huge and incredibly strong joy. Sacred’s eyes started watering slightly. He… he had not expected this. Not at all. For months now, he had felt himself being pulled towards Alkibiades more and more, but he had never dared to say anything. And now…
A small hiccup found its was from Sacred’s chest. Alkibiades laughed softly. “Oh, and I also adore your nervous hiccups.”
Sacred couldn’t say a word, he just nodded.
Alkibiades tilted his head, a smile on his lips. “I see you are at a loss of words now, just like I was before. So… would it be alright if I kissed you?”
And again, Sacred nodded.

*made by Shariza

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