
Crystal Keeper
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Male Guardian
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Personal Style





17.23 m
12.49 m
10551.93 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 17, 2019
(5 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Guardian
EXP: 0 / 245



  • none


  • none


Keeper of Crystals

Taloshor is rather quiet. Matter of fact, if it weren't for his bright coloring, you wouldn't even know he was there. It's quite skillful for a Guardian to be so quiet. He seems to be very guarded about sharing his past, but has opened up about a lot of things since finding his cavern. He's very protective of his charge, though, so don't go messing with any of his crystals.

Otherwise, Taloshor is very friendly and patient. So, he's willing to let others visit his cavern and is willing to invite them as well. He loves to tell hatchlings stories in the dim, mystical light of the glowing crystals.



While being very much a member of the Clan of the Lapidia, he doesn't live with the clan. Instead, he lives in a cave filled with magic crystals a small ways away from the rest of the clan. He discovered the crystals once with his clan-mates April and Kandai, and from the way he glowed with the crystals when he went near, it was clear they had a connection. Taloshor realized it was his charge, and vowed to live there to protect it.

Taloshor and the crystals of his cavern are connected. Therefore, he can harness the mana from them, but if anything were to happen to them, it would cause him physical pain. The crystals grow dim when Taloshor leaves the cavern to collect himself some supplies, and in turn, so do his scales. When Taloshor returns to the cavern, however, both will begin to glow brightly once more.


Cavern of Remebrance

"These caverns fill
my heart with hope
an admiration,
reminding me that I
have a purpose in
protecting them.
Yet, I am also
reminded by my past
as my bright scales
glow along with the


Time Gear

"There is a sense of
mystery and wonder
about these caverns.
How did it form? What
magic are in these
crystals? Why do my
scales react to them,
and in turn they react
to me?


Promenade (Battle Theme)

"You're going to regret
doing anything to these
crystals. Do not mistake
that as a threat, for it is a
promise. It's my duty to
protect this cavern with
all of my heart and soul!"


His Story:
Taloshor wandered quietly in the caves as he followed the young mirror and her fae friend. Somehow April and Kandai were able to talk the bright guardian into going on an adventure with them down into the caves in search of gemstones and other treasures. They were too afraid to go on their own and wanted a nice, strong dragon with them.

The lantern in April’s jaw crackled and rattled as the blue mirror excitedly tromped through the dark corridor. Taloshor knew she had brought it to light their way, but with the way she was acting and jumping around, there was no doubt that the candle would eventually go out. None of them would be able to relight it if that happened, none of them were fire dragons. However, Taloshor didn’t seem too concerned about it, for he noticed a green glow on the walls of the cavern as they passed, one he knew was coming from his scales. He was surprised the other dragons didn’t notice.

Taloshor didn’t even flinch when the inevitable fate of the candle eventually came. He watched as Kandai, the little purple fae with butterfly wings, lightly landed on April’s shoulder, causing the mirror to shriek and drop their lantern. The lantern crashed into the ground, its glass paneling shattering on contact and the candle promptly snuffing out.

Now, it seemed that his bright green scales seemed to glow brighter. Dim green light surrounded them and caused both April and Kandai to gasp when they took in the sight of him

“Wow, we knew you were bright… but we didn’t think you glowed,” April breathed out.

Taloshor looked at his feet. It wasn’t always like this. No, he had been much darker in color with lighter wings. He was born a deep jungle color and had yellow wings. He had loved that appearance and always admired the deep emerald hue when he looked at his reflections.
One day, his friends had dared him to sneak into a sorceress’ lair and snoop at the scrolls she had. They knew dragons went to her if they wanted their appearances changed and there were rumors that some dragons that went in there sometimes came back out looking unrecognizable. So they wanted Taloshor to see what she had while she was out. And Taloshor, wanting to be cool and not look like a coward in front of his friends obliged their dumb dare.

He went into the lair and looked around. There were jars and bowls of materials of every colors, sitting on shelves and counters along with herbs and various colored gems and metals. There was a shelf of questionable looking books above the place where the materials were held, one of which Taloshor grabbed out of curiosity. The cover read “How to Restructure Dragon DNA.” Taloshor placed it back on the shelf, thoroughly spooked by just the title. How was something like that even possible?

Then, Taloshor turned to see the shelves upon shelves of scrolls. Square cubbies held scrolls by gene and breed names. He touched a few of them briefly, feeling the magic infused in them course through his finger. He shivered every time this happened. Then he came across a group of scrolls that were unnamed. He grasped one in his hand, and oddly it didn’t seem to have the same magical presence of the others. He turned it over in his paws a few times before daring to open it. He looked at it for a few moments before cocking his head. It was written in a language he had never seen before.

“A recens nunc est color et tunica requiratur?” He mumbled aloud, reading the scroll’s first sentence.

The words caused the magic of the scroll to awaken, surrounding him and choking him as he breathed. His skin began to burn and he felt his scales begin to shed. Scales of green and yellow began to surround him and fall to his feet. Taloshor felt his vision begin to go and the rest was blank.

When he came to once more, a fairly angry looking skydancer stood above his head, looking down into his face. The sorceress had returned while he was out and his friends had abandoned him. Around him were emerald scales and a pile of ash, which was all that remained of the scroll he was just holding.

“What are you doing in my lair?” The skydancer demanded. “If you wanted me to change your appearance, you should’ve waited! Doing it yourself is far too foolish and dangerous!”

Taloshor groaned and sat up, now towering over the skydancer. “I… only read the first sentence of the scroll… it didn’t feel magical like the other ones…”

The skydancer shook her head “That’s because it’s an experimental scroll, with random outcomes. I can’t pre-activate them,” She said, putting a hand to her face “Well, I hope you got what you wanted.”

“What I… wanted?” Taloshor asked.

“You wanted to change your colors, right? That’s the only reason anyone asks for a Scatterscroll.” The skydancer said, still sounding irritated.

“What?! No!” Taloshor said, eyes darting around for a mirror. A cracked one hung on the wall an he rushed to look into it. Looking back at him was not the jungle green and lemon yellow scales he once had, but now he was pink and purple. He looked at the skydancer and fell to his knees.

“Please!” He begged. “Change me back! This isn’t what I wanted at all! I only wanted to look around, my friends dared me to! Please, you have to change me back! I want to be green again!” He sobbed at the skydancer’s feet.

The skydancer sighed and picked up another scroll. “If I do this, you’re going to leave and never come back, you idiot.”

Taloshor nodded and quivered as the Skydancer opened the scroll and began to activate it. However, the text faced him and glowed white as the magic surrounded him yet again as the skydancer recited the incantation on the paper. Taloshor felt his now pink and purple scales shed and new scales take their place. It didn’t burn this time, nor did it knock him out. In a few moments, the skydancer had finished the spell entirely and the scroll burned in her hands.

Taloshor looked at himself but quickly noticed something very wrong. He was green once again, but now he was a bright radioactive green. His wings, however, turned a dark, almost sickly gray.

“What? No! No no! This isn’t right!” Taloshor cried.

The skydancer scoffed. “You got what you wanted, you’re green again!” She spat. “I’ve upheld my end of the deal, you uphold yours now. Get out!”

Taloshor opened his mouth to protest, but her glare sent him turning to leave. Taloshor exited the lair, but instead of returning to his clan he flew away. No one would recognize him and the friends that had abandoned him would surely only laugh at his new predicament.

Taloshor eventually ended up in the Starwood Strand, where he found a quaint clan full of all kinds of odd figures. He was accepted in with open arms and he had stayed since. It was the best place for him now, where he could be a bright, glowing dragon and no one would bat an eye.
Taloshor’s thoughts were pulled from his mind as April began cursing as she tried to scrape up what remained of their broken lantern.

“Well, at least we have Taloshor to light our way,” Kandai said, trying to be an optimist.

Taloshor sighed. “Do you want to even keep going?”

“Of course!” April replied. “I want to find gemstones to bring back to our queen!”

“Let’s get going then, leave the lantern.” Taloshor said, taking the lead.

Taloshor’s green glow made it relatively easy to see where they were going, but it also seemed to be getting brighter and brighter the deeper they went into the caves. It was like something was pulling the light from deep within him. Eventually, his grey wings began to give off a low blueish purple light. Taloshor had never experienced anything like it.

When they found the gemstones deep in the caves, it seemed to become more clear. Maybe it was something in the crystals or just the power of light imbued within Taloshor, but the crystals began to glow when the group came near, their light combining with the light resonating from Taloshor’s scales. The cavern lit up in an array of colors, green, pink, orange, purple, and blue. The color of Taloshor reflected on the crystals while their colors reflected on him, and the room itself took on a beautiful purple-aqua glow.

“Wow…” April gasped at the sight.

“This is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen…” Kandai added, staring at Taloshor.

“We must bring some of these crystals to the queen!” April said, beginning to grab at crystal spires and trying to break them off.

“No! Don’t destroy this beauty. Why not just bring the queen here?” Kandai said.

April grumbled, but then nodded in agreement. “Let’s go.”

“I’ll stay here…” Taloshor said, staring into the crystals. He felt an odd power surge through him when he touched them. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t like it. “You two go on ahead, it's a straight shot out of the cave. You won’t get lost.”

The two girls hesitated for a moment, but when April eventually turned to leave, Kandai followed.

Now alone, Taloshor had a moment to think. He placed his hand flat on the surface of one of the largest crystals and felt the arcane magic flow into his hand. He shivered for a moment then sat down. The light was calming and his scales were glowing beautifully in this cavern. It was the first time he had actually appreciated himself. Then he realized, in the depths of his heart, he had finally found his charge. Perhaps this was what was causing the reaction between his scales in the crystals.

Taloshor laid down protectively in front of the crystals. He vowed to let no harm come to them or to this cavern, and he promised to live the rest of his days there to protect it.


~Best Friend~40583521p.png

"The first dragon to befriend me when I first came to this clan. She has much more enthusiasm and friendliness than a Mirror should, but she was raised in a clan that taught that. I like that about her though.
Before I arrived here, I never thought my best friend could be a mirror.



"April's partner in crime is this Fae, and in turn she became my friend too. She may have the classic fae monotone, but she is very animated and outspoken. I have a feeling it's something she gets from April.



"A dragon I have yet to meet. I hope they shall become close to me and we can become friends. I am one to avoid having enemies. Will they be only a friend or more? We shall see, I guess."


Future Plans:

genes needed wrote:
Primary Gene: Pinstripe Secondary Gene: Constellation Tertiary Gene: Soap Vial of Glowing Sight

Prompt: The glow of the lanern was somehow dimmer than that of his scales. He wasn’t this bright before, no. First he was dark green, and then pink. And now he was...bright.

Original: Jungle/Lemon/Blood
1: Raspberry/Grape/White
2: Radioactive/Gloom/Bubblegum
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Exalting Taloshor to the service of the Arcanist will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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