
Level 1 Nocturne
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Male Nocturne
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Personal Style


Fiendish Emerald Grasp
Reaper Guise
Simple Gold Wing Bangles


Skin: The Plague Doctor



5.51 m
4.97 m
709.84 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 30, 2019
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Nocturne
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


my love for you has sadly dwindled but idk! u can stick around for now.

purchased from Inch on February 01, 2019

BIG thanks to StealthNerd for the Hood and graspy hands!! :'') It helps a lot!! <3 <3 <3

lmao it's been a long time since i read his bio and i need to change and rewrite some junk, this feels all edgy and mary-sue like

*to keep*

- Grimoiré (Grim-More-Ay)
- edit and import image of him with his hood down

outfit idea:
*without cloak

lore idea notes
- a necromancer
- struck a deal with both of the imperial twins; Isken and Surana (note: Surana is not actually a plainswalker; for she had failed the ritual)
- overly obsessed type
- devoted to the spread of disease and rot; a true Plaguebringer follower
- reasoning for this is that he wishes to bring all of life to the astral plain, where nothing may be harmed and shall live in harmony and ecstasy; immortality after death
- he is neither dead, nor alive; in between; a "plainswalker" to ensure all that is living may die once birthed
- he has studied years and years of necromantic knowledge to get to where he is now
- recruits and converts others to become plainswalkers and followers of the Plaguebringer to spread the rot
- the pendant around his neck strengthens his necromantic powers; without it, he still has power though is weaker
- in order to become a plainswalker, he had completed an unknown ritual; in which he had drained all the blood from his body, spoke of a spell in a dead and damned language, and emerged his hollow husk into the Wyrmwound itself, filling his empty capsule with the disgusting concoction
- in the process of becoming a plainswalker, he did die but was "brought back" after the ritual was complete (again, not alive but in between)
- enjoys conversing with the dead
- ritualistic freak; usually necromantic rituals
- enjoys collecting bones and contains jars upon jars of different organs
- aside from his necromancy, he gains powers from his devoted belief for the Plaguebringer; powers which include the ability to mold and shape flesh and bone at will, as if it were soft clay, and the power to cause anything he touches to slowly decay (think of Tomura from bnha but where he decays everything instead of just only people / living things)
- due to these powers, he wears magic gloves that are specially forged for him; preventing his touch from destroying anything he doesn't want decayed
- his mentality is deteriorated, along with his flesh and bone (the upper-half of his face is bone)
- the ritual in becoming a plainswalker was a 1/1,000,000+ chance, as in if he had done any of the steps incorrectly, did not have the full will to die, and or had no true belief or true hope in something (whether it be a god or desire; in his case, a god) it would have failed and he would have been cast away beyond the plain of death; someplace more wretched and sinister, forever to be endlessly tortured
- due to this high chance and steps needed, he through the years has tried to recruit many plainswalkers to aid him in the spread of the rot: all of which had died and been cast away to said damned place (in which he acknowledges this and yes, does feel some little remorse and will usually say a short prayer of remembrance; though will still set it aside as a "it must be done in order to reach my goal" / "it's for the greater good" sort of way)
- " May this soul whom I've guided, yet failed, rest as much as they can in the arms of your disgustingly sweet embrace, my All-Mother—my disease written Queen—and for the sake and remembrance of their everlasting devotion and my own: I shall find and bring more to serve under your tattered wing so we may ensure that the infection ... Evolves. As we spread, we will thrive. " (edgy??? haha u know it babey)
- Lawful Evil / Neutral Evil
(god im on a fvcking roll with this, i've been writing this all in one sitting, i hope i don't jinx this)
(nvm i think i jinxed it)
- Idea(s) I am unsure of making canon cause it feels more cheesy than it should be: previously, before he had become a true believer and follower of the Plaguebringer, he had not much to live for anyway (which is what likely ensured his success in the ritual) due to him losing a loved one he depended unhealthily on? / Due to him being an "orphan" and had lost the one who had raised him? / For unknown reasons?
- Of course strongly believes what he's doing is the right thing
- jittery and acts off-puttingly whimsical, usually always seen as happy, though snaps to being deadly serious when need be
- IIAUoMC: Currently or very soon in the future, he will find someone or something that will make him question the entirety of his existence and purpose as a plainswalker and follower of the Plaguebringer
- IIAUoMC: he soon finds or has found one he is horribly infatuated with, past the point of obsession, and wishes to bring her down with him as a plainswalker so they may forever roam the fields of infection and rot / views her as the ultimate gift within his grasp from the Plaguebringer (Ryzein); since he does not remember his past, Ryzein reminds him of something awfully familiar, something that was dear to him, but he does not know nor care. She is a holy gift to him. (note: if this becomes canon, Ryzein obviously does not feel anywhere near the same as Grimoré; he's in a sense, a thorn in her back / what haunts her / something to that extent, etc.) And he does not care whatsoever if she hates or loves him, as long as she is feeling something for him, he views it as affection and he thirsts for every drop of it. (I'm thinking she despises him)
- Twitches a lot
- in a nutshell, an unhealthy and unconditional religious yandere
- his age is unknown, nor does he remember his hatchday
- he does not remember anything from his past or how he came to be, only the cold arms of the Plaguebringer, in which he will devout his entire immortal life to her
- The damned language he knows and spoke for the plainswalker ritual would curse anyone who'd speak in it for all of their life and would still have somewhat of a grasp on them for their afterlife, causing them to spiral into insanity (though since he is immune to insanity and isn't alive, nor dead, he isn't necessarily cursed, at least not from that)
- IIAUoMC: He has completely the wrong idea of the Plaguebringer's true intentions, which would align him in some unholy dark magical cult of a sort; view it as he took the Plaguebringer's words and twisted them to what he wished to hear, pushing his desires and goals onto it. So he views himself as a true believer, when he really isn't and what powers him is an even darker force, possibly something in the realm worse than death (where it posed as the Plaguebringer, gaining his loyalty and devotion for eternity) and the reasoning for this is that since the unknown ritual is a 1/1,000,000+ chance, causing those who do it to fall into the hellish realm, and Grimoré is the first to somehow pass it (due to Grimoré's twisted desires): Grimoré gives it the opportunity to feast on more souls--more than it ever could before--by him converting others to the "Plaguebringer", so it supplies Grimoré with the powers he has (decay and the ability to mold flesh and bone; think of vicissitude from vtm)
- ^ before this entity would lure those who were fully hopeless (like Grimoré) by having said unknown ritual appear before them somehow? / there's a place of ruin where the ritual is?
- ^ before Grimoré encountered it, it was slowly dying in power since it was unable to lure many souls down to feast on, so now it depends on Grimoré to either make more 'plainswalkers' or to have those who attempt the ritual to fail so it may feast.
- Grimoré possibly has a following of dragons whom worship the Plaguebringer almost similar to the way he does, and in this small following / group (which he will be the leader of?) those who are the highest rank (under him) will be [insert name of process for ritual. "birthed"? "cleansed"? "ascended"?] to be a plainswalker
- why most follow without going "woah man this is fvcking bogus" is due to the amount of power he holds, how he has proven to be in between life and death, [think of more reasons]
- why most follow without saying "i can do this myself, i know the steps" is because they do not know or wish to speak of the cursed dead language step and most would be filled with fear, doubt, and mistrust to go into the Wrymwound without some guidance, group, or belief
- basically Grimoré went into the Wrymwound and did this whole ritual completely gullible, blind, and without doing any research or information of if this could fail or what would really happen. after the first few people the tried to convert, he soon learned from the "Plaguebringer" of what happens to those who fail and where they go
- (continuing the dark entity idea) it does not actually torture those who fail, they just are consumed by it without second thought to the point of where they don't exist anymore. no afterlife, no rebirth, nothing. as if they never existed in the first place. with endless torture, yes it is torture though the soul is still there. the soul still exists. in this case, it just completely doesn't anymore
- has a sly voice

- Familiar Idea(s):
Ghostly Rat Lord Undying Featherback White Rot Deer Infestation Hound Dirge Fiddlefiend Malevolent Spirit
Ghostly Rat Lord, Undying Featherback, White Rot Deer, Infestation Hound, Dirge Fiddlefiend, Malevolent Spirit
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