
Level 6 Wildclaw
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Fire.
Female Wildclaw
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6.52 m
7.02 m
579.51 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 09, 2019
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 6 Wildclaw
EXP: 737 / 8380


• Pyxis : The Compass •

Pyxis wasn’t just simply a dragon, she was the daughter of an incarnate star, the daughter of a god.

Okay, maybe the indigo dragoness was also a little full of herself.

Pyxis, being the deep purple daughter of Achernar and Nashira, had always attracted the attention of others. Her confident and optimistic attitude was contagious, which led to her being quite popular within groups. She could read dragons like a book, and most came to her with the intent of finding out where they belonged, where they needed to go, or what they most wanted.

They came to her to know their heart’s greatest desire.

That was Pyxis’ greatest talent - the ability to understand a dragon and tell them what they most wanted or needed in life, whatever or wherever their soul was leading them to. Their home, as to say. Like a compass, she could point them toward their true north. Whether or not this power was accredited to her father’s celestial heritage was dependent on whom you asked. Dragons asking her Nashira would get back the reply that it was simply something that she was good at, yet a question toward Achernar would be answered with the fact that it was due to his origins. Her mother’s deterrence to her ability being celestial often came up, yet she was curious as to why. Still, it was no doubt that Nashira loved her husband and children with all her heart.

When she first discovered her talent and began to use it with others, a cream and midnight dragon had given her the nickname “Compass”.
She thought it quite odd how easily he had hit the nail on the head, seeing as her parents had named her after the constellation of that very object. He hung around quite often to see what she would tell dragons, shooting glances whenever he could. She waved it off as him simply being interested, but the time he spent around her grew every day. She, too, began to grow curious about him. After an attempt to read his heart, she came up with nothing. The discovery shook her to the bone, yet she played it off and didn’t show anyone her fear. The only other dragon the Wildclaw hadn’t been able to read was herself.

Pyxis learned his name to be Nepaku: an observant and odd dragon whom others didn’t find themselves liking very much. In other words, he wasn’t very popular. He lived on his own in the clan, despite being so young. She kept an eye on him for the next few weeks, her curiosity increasingly spitting out questions for him in her mind.

Now, Pyxis was definitely an observant dragon - despite that, things often went over her head when dealing with dragons close to her.

Her father was one of those dragons.

One night, the dragoness was stepping through the grass on a midnight walk, dew gathering on her talons. She paused, fiery eyes reaching toward the stars she felt such a connection to. Squinting, she tried to focus on a star that hadn’t been there before. All of a sudden, a transparent dragon appeared in front of her, full of stars and unearthly in every aspect.

“Greetings,” a voice boomed - clearly male and wise, yet somehow… off. The frill of feathers along her neck rose with static and tension. She sensed danger. Again, he spoke, “I am Cassis, brother of Achernar and son of Taurus. I am your uncle.” The spots where the eyes would have been if the dragon were actually there glower with a brighter light, lowering to rest on her. She felt as if they were burning into her soul, and despite all the other questions and shock shooting through her brain like asteroids, Pyxis had to wonder if this was was how it felt to other dragons when she ‘read’ them.

“What?” She asked, not one to cower in the face of a Star itself, “You’re my father’s brother?”

“Indeed,” he replied, a hiss spiking in the back of his throat, “And don’t think I’m proud to be.” Cassis began to circle, twisting his neck back toward her. Despite not being there, it seemed ever so real - even his bare canines glinted in the moonlight. She stepped back, wings instinctively stretching out ever so slightly to make herself appear bigger. His voice intruded into her ears yet again, “Your father is a murderer, half-born. Killer of my father, exiled and thrown down from the sky. He’s nothing that you think he is.”

Now that - that didn’t make sense to Pyxis. She shook her head, her frills rising in shock, fear, betrayal, and denial all wrapped into one. Something compelled her to believe him, and her inner compass pointed to truth. One thought crossed her mind, brought about by the piercing gaze of her uncle. My father is a murderer.

“No!” She shrieked, taking to the sky and beating her iridescent wings. She pressed her temples with her claws, hissing as she flew toward the coast. Toward the ocean - away from her family. Away from Cassis.

Hours passed, and she was beginning to grow tired. She’d been mildly aware of wingbeats on her trail for a while, but they were quiet and she figured it was just a bird. Seagulls were common around the Tsunami flats. The Tsunami Flats… She was definitely far from home now, and had flown the longest in her life. She’d been falling in and out of delusions the whole way there, eyelids dropping and her wings doing the same. Thankfully, she caught herself nearly every time.

This time, however, she was not so lucky.

Pyxis fell from the sky, as Cassis said her father had so long ago. Like a shooting star she streaked toward the ground, wings too weak to hold her up anymore. She watched the sand grow close and closer, the ocean waves reaching up to cradle her starry hide in their depths. Her eyes closed.

She never hit the ground - instead, something caught her and fell with her for a few moments before catching them both and tumbling into the sand. “What the?” Pyxis breathed, standing and shaking sand off her scales.

The other dragon got to their talons as well, huffing, “I’ve been following you for the longest time. Why’d you fly this far?”

“Nepaku?” She gasped, jumping back, “Why the Flamecaller were you following me?”

“You’re welcome for saving your life,” he scoffed, shaking your head, “Also, Sorry about the… news you heard about your dad.

“Oh,” she muttered, turning away. The sun was rising over the water, painting the sky and the ocean all sorts of oranges, yellows, and pinks. Pyxis looked as if she belonged in the receding darkness, the sun of which Nepaku shared appearance with chasing it back. “You heard that. Yeah, it’s fine. Go home.”

Nepaku stayed quiet for a while, and Pyxis almost thought he really had flown away. Soon enough, however, he was sitting at her side watching the waves lap at the shore. “You know,” he began, voice calm and quiet, “I know that you can’t read me like you can other dragons.” He ventured a glance over at her, and he saw the confusion in her eyes. He sighed, reaching into his satchel and pulling out a circular golden object. “Compass, I’m a hard dragon to figure out, and you’re a mystery to me. But I do know that there’s a reason I followed you out here this far, and there’s also a reason you can’t see what I want most. So yeah, I wanted you to have this.”

She looked at him, questions filling her gaze, and took it from his talons. Upon opening it, she was met with her namesake. “A compass,” she breathed, a smile gracing her lips, “Thank you.” The grin that showed up on Nepaku’s face lit up their surroundings - that, or the sun had finally fought its way above the water. It showed her everything she needed to know. “I found your true north, Nepaku,” Pyxis turned, her eyes revealing her flight. Maybe she was more like the sun than she originally thought. “You seek a home. A real one.”

Nepaku looked at the sun, his smile turning more genuine and soft by the minute. He chucked, turning his eyes from the colors. “I think I just found one.”


adopted from peachjam, do not sell or exalt
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