
Level 1 Nocturne
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Slight Eyewing
Slight Eyewing
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Energy: 0
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Shadow icon
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Male Nocturne
Male Nocturne
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Aqua Deepsea Bulb
Gossamer Wing Silks





5.11 m
4.27 m
659.75 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 30, 2018
(6 years)


Nocturne icon

Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Nocturne
EXP: 0 / 245


The Aquafire Clan’s Jester
“If someone says I’m weird they’re basically saying I’m not boring so I take it as a compliment.”


Weirdo knew that if circumstances had been different, he would have been exalted. He had been born with all basic genes and colors that weren’t that great. Most dragons with those genetic setbacks were deemed ulgy and shipped off to one of the deities not long after hatching.

Fortunately, Weirdo had been saved from such a fate when two rather unusual dragons found him. The first one was a big burly snapper with a top hat and pair of googly-eyes who said his name was Baxo. The second dragon was Baxo’s little brother, Briko. Briko was a ridgeback that had a narrow nose and long, stick-like legs. He was much taller than Baxo, but he was clearly the follower. For several decades, the brothers had been the ringleaders of a wandering circus and traveled across every inch of Sornieth. When they came across a small nocturne hatchling with numerous pairs of eyes, they saw a goldmine of comedic humor and didn’t hesitate to make the young dragon a member of their circus.

Baxo and Briko named the many-eyed nocturne Weirdo and began teaching the young dragon all of their jokes as soon as he could talk. Thanks to the two mentor’s somewhat excessive training, Weirdo began preforming stunts and skits in front of thousands of dragons not long after he could walk. In nearly every preformance, Weirdo was always the butt of the joke, but the nocturne didn’t mind. He loved to see other dragons laugh and forget their troubles for a while.
Avian Gemstaff
Fisher's Companion
Stardust Sap Lamp

Catfeather Loop
Brightly Painted Bird Toy
Scary Storybook
Emerald Brooch
Silver Pocketwatch
Amphibious Wing

However, laughs weren’t enough to satisfy Baxo and Briko. They always sought something that was—in their minds, at least— far more valuable than laughter and it was wealth. For nearly all of his childhood, Weirdo never noticed this flaw in his remodels’ character. Although, the time came for the nocturne to face the ulgy facts about the dragons he had considered family when the circus came to the Aquafire Clan.

Weirdo was somewhat daunted by the idea of preforming in front of clan full of valiant warriors, when he first landed on the Aquafire Clan’s sandy shoreline. Fortunately those nerves dissipated as soon as the nocturne finally got on stage and managed to get the crowd roaring with laughter after a simple punch line. Sure the members of the Aquafire Clan may have seen more battles than your typical dragon, but they still laughed and cried just like any other dragon.

After their shown had finished, the king and queen of the Aquafire Clan had come to personally thank Weirdo and the other circus members for their wonderful preformance. The Aquafire Clan’s leaders had also invited the circus dragons to dine with them in their lair. Weirdo had never been thanked for doing his job before so he was deeply touched the rulers’ kind gesture. He was about to accept their invitation, but Baxo spoke for him and said they would have to decline their offer.

Weirdo was surprised that he was the only one in the circus who really seemed shocked by Baxo’s decision. Baxo never turned down free food. Ever. Baxo seemed very anxious to leave too, which was also kind of odd. He ordered everyone to begin packing so they’d be ready to fly off before sunrise.

The nocturne asked Tila and Fila, the circus’s twin spiral trapeze artists, if they knew what was wrong. Tila rolled her eyes.

“I can’t believe how stupid you are sometimes, Weirdo,” Tila snarled as she helped her sister deconstruct their tight rope.

“What do you mean?” Weirdo asked as he shamefully looked down at his talons with several pairs of his eyes. He hated to upset Tila.

“He’s just caught another—“ Tila started to say.



Father Figure

Role Model

Best Friend

“Tila,” Fila growled. “You know Baxo ordered us not to tell him.”

The two sisters stared at each other for a long moment.

“Wait. What did Baxo not want you to tell me?” Weirdo questioned as anxiety began to build in his chest. Something was really wrong. He could sense it beneath his many eyelids.

“It’s none of your business.” Tila growled as she sent a glare in Weirdo’s direction.

“ it my fault something’s wrong?” Weirdo squeaked.

Fila sighed and pinched the bridge of her snout. “Please, just go pack your things, Weirdo.”

The nocturne reluctantly trotted away with his head down low. He had always wanted to bring his fellow circus members joy...but lately it seemed like the only thing he was to them was a nuisance. The many-eyed dragon tried to replay the conversation he had with Tila and Fila as he began to stuff his meager items back into his satchel. He still couldn’t figure out where he had went wrong and angered the twins.

When the last tent pole had gone down and was safely packed away, Briko blew a horn to signal for the circus dragons to prepare flight. Weirdo spread his wings and fixed all of his eyes on the horizon. He dug his feet into the ground and braced himself for the next signal to take to the skies.

“Crap!” Weirdo heard Fila exclaim. “We forgot to put our hoops in the crate.”

“Uuurg! I can’t stand to carry these.” Tila growned as she reached out to grap the pile of hula hoops lying before them..

Before Tila’s talons met the brightly colored surface of the hula hoops, Weirdo jumped in and threw the hoops around his neck.

“I’ll put them in the crate for you, Tila.” He declared with a bright smile and promptly darted off.

“Wait, Weirdo!” Tila shouted, but the nocturne was already gone.


Weirdo threw the crate doors and gasped. Among the cluttered piles of circus props, there was a female nocturne lying on the floor. Her wings, ankles and wrists were tightly bound to her sides with several thick ropes. Her snout had been covered in layers upon layers of duck tape and her jade-green eyes were wide with fear. Weirdo remembered seeing her in the crowd when he had preformed for the Aquafire Clan

Tila quickly caught up with Weirdo and yanked him back by the shoulder just as Fila slammed the crate doors shut.

“What was that?!” Weirdo shouted with multiple wide eyes as he took a step back from both of the spirals.

“Nothing!” Fila replied with unconvincing smile.

The horn sounded again, which signaling for the entire circus to leave.

“We should get going.” Fila insisted as she began to push Weirdo away from the crate. Even though his head was turned, the nocturne continued to stare, with the eyes on thighs, at the crate as the circus guardians carried it up into the sky.


After over ten hours of flying, the entire circus stopped to rest in the Tsunami Flats. Weirdo desperately wanted to look inside the crate again to get to the bottom of what was going. The waited until the circus members had fallen asleep and flew over to the spot where the guardians had placed the crate.

Weirdo was about to open the crate’s doors when he heard Baxo’s husky voice.

“I have to say, Briko, she certainly was a wonderful find.” The snapper dragon bellowed.

Instantly, Weirdo darted behind the nearest boulder and squeezed his eyes shut. He knew Baxo and Briko hadn’t see him, but the slightest sound could easily change that. The nocturne heard the sound of sand sinking beneath the two ringleaders’s paws. Weirdo scales stood on an end. The nocturne knew he wasn’t sup post to be here and he should probably run back to his tent, but he needed to know what was going on.

“Are you sure we couldn’t keep her like we kept Weirdo?” Briko asked. “She’s pretty rare.”

“Gen ones with special IDs are rare, Briko, but they ain’t rare like Weirdo. You can tell Weirdo is rare just by lookin’ at him. You can’t tell if a dragon has a rare ID with a simple look. That there is the difference between circus material and auction material.” Baxo replied before he started to unlatch the crate’s doors. “Although,” Braxo paused and continued to speak in a much quieter tone. “Even if she was circus material, she’s old enough to remember being stolen from her family and she’ll probably resent us for the rest of her life because of it. We got lucky with Weirdo because he was too young and dumb to remember us yanking him away from his family.”

Briko chuckled a little bit and said, “How much do you think we’ll make off the special ID?”

“I know a guy out in the Tangled Wood who said he’s already willing to put down five hundred gems so I think the sky’s the limit with this one.” Baxo whispered to his brother and knocked on the crate’s door for emphasis.

Briko grinned. “We’ll be feasting with that much gems.”

“My thinkin’ exactly.” Baxo practically purred.

What happened next terrified Weirdo. The two dragons entered the crate and ordered the female dragon to eat. Although, the female nocturne refused to do as she was told and that enraged Baxo.

The snapper dragon started hitting the female nocturne and she started screaming. All the while, Briko began to laugh and encouraged his brother to breed with her while he was at it.

All of Weirdo’s life, he had desperately slaved away for his fellow circus members’s approval. He had always been the happy, complacent one who always did what he was told. Never once had he gotten angry at the circus dragons or disrespected them. Although, that night, he shrieked at the top of his lungs for Baxo and Briko to stop. He begged them to spare her as tears filled all of his purple eyes.

Baxo and Briko jerked their heads in the multi-eyed nocturne’s direction and froze, with their mouths agape.


The next day, Baxo and Briko told Weirdo that the female nocturne they had captured was a very bad dragon who hated circuses. They promised that they wouldn’t have hurt her other wise.

The many-eyed nocturne didn’t believe them anymore not after what he had seen and heard. He was sure that if he hadn’t been by the crate, they would have beat the female dragon until her scales were black and blue.

Weirdo felt deeply betrayed by the circus he had been raised in, but that sense of betrayal was nothing in comparison to the weight of his guilt. He felt responsible for allowing Baxo and Briko to abduct an innocent dragon from her home clan.

Weirdo’s guilt lead him to do something insane. In the dead of night, the nocturne snuck into the circus’s large crate and silently began to untie the female nocturne.

“I-I can’t thank you enough.” The female nocturne whispered once Weirdo helped her remove the duck tape from her snout.

She slowly got back up onto her feet and walked outside of the crate into the fresh air with Weirdo. Tears streaked down the female nocturne’s cheeks as she looked up and saw the stars. It was in that moment that Weirdo realized just how beautiful that female nocturne looked.

“Can you find your way home from here?” Weirdo quietly asked.

The female dragon nodded and took a step forward as she raised her wings to the air.

“Is Weirdo your real name?” She asked, softly.

“I think so.” The many eyed nocturne admitted. He wasn’t really sure what to make of his past now. When he was little, Baxo and Briko had told him that they had found him completely abandoned and half dead on the side of an old dirt road...but when Baxo had been by the crate the other night, he made it sound like they had stolen Weirdo rather than saved him. He may have even been stolen from parents that loved him.

“Mine is Nafira.” The nocturne informed as she turned to look back at Weirdo one last time. Concern suddenly swam into her emerald eyes.

“Will they hurt you for freeing me?” Nafira asked.

“Yes.” Weirdo confessed as he looked down at his talons. His heart broke when he said it out loud, but he knew it was the truth.

Nafira grabbed Weirdo’s talons with her own and stared right into the eyes on his head. “Come with me, Weirdo,” she said, “The Aquafire Clan won’t hesitate to protect you after all that you’ve done for me.”

All of Weirdo’s eyes went wide.

“Come” He echoed, weakly.

Nafira nodded.

The nocturne had always felt bound to circus because he had thought that it had saved him from a life of exaltation. Although, now that he had learned of the truth, there were no limits. Weirdo could chose to live whatever life he pleased without guilt. The sheer amount of possibilities made him feel dizzy.

Weirdo looked back into Nafira’s stunning green eyes. He could have a fresh start in the Aquafire Clan and leave the entire circus behind.

“Okay.” The multi eyed nocturne agreed.

And with that the two nocturnes flew off into the night sky without looking back.


Seeker Brooch
Primary Pigment Blend
Potted Deepmine Fungi
Fluted Conch
Flowering Vulpine Plushie

AoiNoRyuu's Clan

Special Trait(s) // Can see everything in a full 360 degrees without turning his head, able to make anyone laugh, naturally stealthy and has surprisingly great acting skills.

Clan Position // Weirdo works with Umbra to help promote taking time to take mental breaks and encourage hardworking members of the Aquafire Clan to treat themselves occasionally. Weirdo also preforms sitcoms in the Aquafire Clan that dragons from all over Sornieth come to see.

Personality // Weirdo is naturally optimistic and always sees the best in other dragons. The nocturne dragon is also known for being a huge goofball that loves to help others. However, he does have trouble saying no to other dragons and often lets them walk all over him.

-- Likes // laughter, puns, acting, vibrant colors and meeting new dragons
-- Dislikes // apparel that is designed for dragons with only pair of eyes and being looked down upon by others

Familiar // Cielos
Baxo and Briko had stolen Cielos, the slight eyewing, from a wealthy dragon who had been obsessed with collecting rare birds. Now, Cielos was still a very wild bird, even though he had been born in captivity so he was nearly impossible to train. Baxo and Briko had spent days trying to use a whip to get the massive bird to do their bidding. The two ringleaders were about to give up on the bird and sell it, when they happened to see Weirdo get the slight eyewing to fly through a a flaming hula hoop for a treat. From that day forth, Baxo and Briko had Weirdo preform in front of hundreds of dragons with slight eyewing. Cielos was the only real companion Weirdo had in the circus so the two are very close. Weirdo and Cielos still preform together on stage in the Aquafire Clan to this very day.

Deoxtri wrote on 2019-01-16 07:25:27:
I think I would scatter him, honestly.
His colors doesn't go together with each other or the multigaze D:
If only the naysayers could see Weirdo now. He looks freakin’ amazing!

Original Appearance:
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