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Personal Style





6.48 m
4.51 m
568.44 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 26, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Mirror
EXP: 0 / 245


Memory: A few months ago

I sighed and put the note in her hand, she was sleeping peacefully, (very unusual) and the note stuck to her hand because it was covered in syrup
"Oh Perry, you eat too many waffles,"I whispered, and started to walk away, then realized my mistake.
She was drowsily sitting up and glaring at me.

"Elffaw."I said before she could yell at me. Breathing a sigh of relief and walked out of her room.

After coming out of I started the trek to the west side of the castle. Only running into two important people in the halls. Thankfully, the first one only glared at me, his sister, on the other hand, followed me until I turned to look at her.

"What do you want?" I asked. I have some things to do, and if Perry knows before I'm done she'll go bananas!"

"What am I doing?!" She said practically screaming."Why didn't you come to my tea party earlier?"

"Umm," pretending I hadn't forgotten."Uh I was.....uh, SICK, I was sick earlier, so sorry, but I have to go now." I turned to go, but she grabbed my arm and yelled in my face.


"Okay, okay, I get it. Let me guess, you will make sure I can't go anywhere unless I go to the next one which is probably tomorrow at two like it is EVERY SINGLE DAY for as long as I can remember. But, I promise I'll come tomorrow if you do one thing for me, and I know you'll like it."

"What?" she asked, and thankfully she wasn't yelling at me anymore, but was only giving me a death glare that disappeared the second I told her what to do.

"Do everything in your power to make sure Perry doesn't follow me. Everything but murdering or injuring...I saw that look! Glue her to the bed for all I care, just stall her. Do you agree?"

"Do I agree? In a heartbeat, I'll go set the traps now and see you at two! Bye!"she practically skipped down the hallway and I waited until I couldn't hear her anymore to head to my room.

Once I got there I started rifling through my chest until I found the green rectangular gem. I was just about to use it when someone appeared out of thin air above me and both of us fell to the ground.

We glared at each other for a moment until I pushed her off and asked,"Valerie, I'm getting tired of asking this, but what do you want?"

"I know what you're about to do and I came here to stop you and tell you that you're dumb."

She then tried to wrestle the gem out of my hand. She almost had it at one point, so I kicked her, hard, in the stomach. The gem and Valerie fell, Valerie seemed fine, other then what looked to be a egg on the back of her head where she slammed into the dresser. The gem, on the other hand, fell on the windowsill of my open window, if it fell it would fall hundreds of feet to the stables below.

Me and Valerie saw the gem at the same time, I ran towards the window. My hand grasped the gem, only for Valerie to stick out her foot and trip me.

I almost fell out the window, my feet were the only thing keeping me from falling thousands of feet. But the gem wasn't so lucky. It sailed out of my hand and fell...hundreds of feet to the stables below.

Valerie got to her feet and said,"Good luck finding that, it was either eaten by a horse or shattered to a million pieces. But if you find it, I'll know..."

She shrugged and walked away, rubbing her head and shooting me a death glare as she left.

I was still staring sadly out at the stables, but I sighed, sat up, and decided that I should probably go look for it.

But as I turned to leave I heard a whooshing sound come from the window.

I turned around to see a man, (if you could even call him that) standing eight feet tall by my window. He was wearing a black fedora and had a red head. LITERATELY! His head was completely red. No eyes, no mouth, no nose, a hundred and ten percent, red. His waist faded in clear, misty stuff ware his legs should've been, making him look like a ghost.

He looked at me (I think so, he doesn't have eyes) and said,"I do believe this is yours?I just happened to be in the area and saw it fall to the stables."

He held out the time gem for me to take, and I did. The gem had one large crack from top to bottom, but was otherwise unharmed.

"What?" Was all I said as I cocked my head to the side to look at the strange figure in front of me.

"Send Cool Bananas my regards." And much to my surprise he floated out the window.

"Who are you? Also the monkey? Actually now that I think about it I have NO idea where he is..."

"All in good time you'll know." Was the last thing he said before he disappeared into a swirling white portal.
I sighed and inspected the gem, the scratch wouldn't effect anything. Would it? Nah.

Right as I was about to teleport to the past, my door burst open.

Valerie and two other time agents came into my room, but they were too late.

The last thing I heard was Valerie yelling that it wasn't safe before I teleported away.

I could tell something was wrong when I was in the void. Unlike how it usually was everything looked cracked and broken, like the gem.

I thought of the date and place I wanted to be, and then I teleported away.

I landed with a thud in a dark closet filled with cleaning supplies. I still could be where / when I wanted to be. Right? Although.....I don't remember a closet like this in my old house.
I took a step towards door and a earsplitting headache formed. I groaned and rubbed my head. Yup, the gem was definitely broken.
I then shoved said gem into my pocket, and my hand bumped into another gem. I took it out.
It was the conjuring gem. Just the thing I needed in a time like this.
Snapping my fingers, a firebow appeared in my hand. I snapped my fingers again and my quiver appeared on my shoulder.
For a moment I considered kicking down the door, but settled for opening it slowly.
I looked through the crack and saw a long hallway. I saw a man wearing a military outfit walk out of one of the doors and start going down the hallway.
When he went past my closet I grabbed his arm and dragged him in with me. I pressed him against the wall and held my bow to his neck.
"Who are you?" The man asked, looking fearfully down at my bow.
"Save that question for later. What's today's date?"
"Let me go and I'll tell you."
"I was going to let you go either way.....probably.....maybe, but if you tell me I'll definitely, probably let you"
"Its December 7th 1941, and if you want the time, its 7:45 A.M."
"Okay...thanks for telling me, don't tell anyone you saw me or I'll burn this place down."And with that I ran out of the room leaving the man wondering whether or not I was joking.
I went down the hall until I found a set of double doors. I went through the doors and found that I was at some kind of military base.
There were ships and planes everywhere, and I seemed to be on a large island. Every now and then I could see a military officer cleaning weapons, or just going from one place to the next.I took a look at the sky to see dozens of planes coming to the island. I didn't know what was happening until the planes were almost directly above me and bombs started falling towards the ground.
Uh oh.
I took the Time Stone pocket and told it to teleport me, but all that it did was multiply my searing headache.
I dug through my pockets until I found the healing gem. I could hear the whistling of bombs and knew it would only be seconds before this place got really dangerous.
I took the healing gem out and pressed it against the Time Stone. Nothing happened.
I heard explosions and screaming all around and looked up to see a missile almost directly above my head, getting closer by the second. I could run, but instead I held the gem and concentrated.
Suddenly, everything disappeared and I fell into the void.
I thought of July 17th over and over again, until finally, the void, as cracked and broken as it was, disappeared.

I appeared in a dark alleyway. In the distance I could see skyscrapers, and I instantly knew where I was and it was NOT where I wanted to be. It hadn't changed much in twenty years, well, kinda..
I started walking down the alleyway, but when I reached the end some dark shape slammed into me from the side, knocking me and him to the ground.
"Oof, why are so many people slamming into me today?"I asked no one in particular.
The person sat up and looked at me. He looked my age and was....oddly familiar. Something about his black hair and green eyes was unsettling. "Here." He said as he helped me to my feet.
"Thanks, what's today's date?"
"What's that?"he asked pointing to my gem that was still clutched in my hand.
"Oh, nothing." I started to tuck it back into my pocket, but it was too late.
Without a moment's pause he snatched the gem from me and ran down the alleyway, disappearing behind the corner before I could blink.
I ran down the alleyway and found myself surrounded by people. They were bustling around crossing the street, going in and out of buildings, but only one thought occurred to me in that moment.
It was going to be impossible to find the thief.
But first.......I walked over to a man wearing a suit and a lady wearing dress walking together. As they crossed the street I tapped the man on his shoulder.
"Excuse me sir, what is today's date?" I asked as he turned to me.
"September 11th 2001."The lady answered as we got to the other side of the street.
"Well, goodbye. I have much more important matters to attend to."
The man started walking away, but his wife grabbed his hand and said,"Oh Adam,don't be rude, this boy probably needs something."She turned to me,"Are you lost?"
"Uh, sorta." I answered. "But someone did steal something from me and I was wondering if you've seen it."
"WAIT!" Adam said, and pulled a badge out of his pocket and pinned it on his shirt. "I am a police officer, now tell me, what was stolen?"
"It was a-" Suddenly I stopped talking when I noticed a mysterious girl standing twenty or so feet away leaning against a l building and staring at me. She was holding a green gem.
"Was a what?" The woman asked.
"Yeah, what was what?" Adam asked.
"Hmm... never mind, I think I just found it." I said and Adam and his wife walked away with a shrug, and I walked towards the girl.
She was about my height and was wearing jeans and a hoodie. She was standing there fiddling with her watch staring right at me.
When I got closer I noticed her hair was jet black and the ends were dyed blue. Her eyes were teal with weird dots of green sprinkled in them.
"I've been looking for you." She said when I'd finally closed the distance between us. "And I've heard you've been looking for this." She took the Time Stone out of her pocket and held it out to me.
I reached for it, only for her to tuck it out of my reach."I'll give it back if you promise to take me with you when you go back the fire.
"Where did you-- how did you know where I was going?"
"My name's Nell, nice to meet you Phillip. Will you help me?" She held out her hand for me to shake, and I did. In her hand was the Time Stone which she let me take, and I tucked it in my pocket. I was tempted to leave but I wanted to see what this girl knew first. Plus I didn't even know if the gem would work the first time.
"Soooo...." I asked, "How'd you find my gem?"
"I kicked a guy in the gut when I saw he had it, so I knew you were near, that's why I took his gem and started looking for you."
"And how do you know when/where I want to go?"
"I saw your note to your friend, also it wasn't hard to guess."
"What do you mean by that? I've never met you my entire life! do seem oddly familiar."
"Oddly familiar?! You don't know?"
"Know what?"
But just as she opened her mouth we both jerked our heads up at the sound of a explosion. A plane had crashed into a building, and in the distance I could see another on coming.
"Nell, I have a question." I said calmly.
"Are you from this time?"
"Nah, I'm from the same time as you, but my watch is busted, so that's why we will use your gem."
"Why did you bring it to me on the off chance that I would leave you, and you would be stranded?"
I said as there was screaming and explosions all around us.We probably looked strange, two people talking calmly with chaos all around us.
"I can't use magic items unless I was taught. I would've left you if I could've to be honest." Nell said, "We should probably get out of here before the next plane comes."
I nodded and grabbed Nell's wrist, slightly disturbed by all that she had told me over the past twenty minutes, then I took the gem out of my pocket and focused, imagining the void and all it's emptiness.
"Enhancer, interesting." Nell said breaking my concentration, I ignored her and we plunged into the void."
"Does it always look," Nell said gesturing to the broken void,"This bad?" She finished.
"No," I answered "Now be quiet while I think, also prepare yourself for a very bad headache."

"Very bad headache?! Understatement of the year!" Nell said clearly furious as she rubbed her head.
She was right, and as we landed in the middle of a desert, (not my house?) when I stood up I instantly fell back down again as a wave of black crossed my vision.
I sat up and looked around, only to see miles and miles of sand all around. In the northwest I could see either a plume of smoke or dust in the distance, I could also hear the bang of metal against metal. And with the sand, the heat, and the headache, plus the frustration of not being where I wanted to for like the 5th time, I was in a very bad mood.
"Well," Nell started, interrupting my grumbling,"We should go northwest to see where/when your stupid gem dumped us."
I shrugged and we both got to our feet and headed towards the noise.
We walked for two or three hours until we made it to a battlefield with a hour left of daylight.
There had to be hundreds of soldiers fighting. With three different colors of armor, red, green, and blue, and it looked like the green and the blue were working together.
Me and Nell crouched down on a hill, by the outskirts of the battle and watched. Nell snapped her fingers and a crossbow appeared in her hands as well as a quiver on her shoulder. I took my bow and knocked a arrow in it.
As Nell and I watched the battle I noticed a lush forest to the east and snow capped mountains in the distance.
On the battlefield I saw a few dozen cages being pushed forwards by the knights in red armor.
Suddenly I knew when we were and it was too late to leave, but, if we were here that meant that the Queen of Andresia could help us. Thankfully, this seemed to be one of the first battles in the war if I was remembering correctly. And the queen didn't die until like the third or forth battle with the dragon thingies. What were they called.... Well, either way we needed to find the Queen and ask for her help soon, or else we'd come pieces of history and either die or be shriveled up into tiny ribbons. Or was that a black hole?...whatever, its not like I try to remember anything Valerie tells me. I turned my attention back to the cages.
The soldiers in red armor flipped open the doors and dozens of....mire....dragon thingies burst out...I should go home and study a history book after this, what were they called?...
One of them roared showing three rows of sharp teeth, it clawed the ground with almost two feet long claws. Then it spread it's wings and and started attacking the soldiers, but only the green and blue ones. The rest of the followed suit, destroying everything in their paths.
"Mirewocks..."Nell muttered, ah, that was it,"We should get out of here.
"The Queen of Andresia has crystallization powers and we'll never get where we want unless we get her to fix the gem." I told her taking a notebook out of my magically extended pockets and writing the word "Mirewock" in it.
"Oh brother, okay, but you better be sure....wait doesn't she die in the war?"
"I think this is the first battle with mirewocks" I said reading the word from my journal before putting it back in my pocket and saying," And if I'm remembering correctly she dies later on, doesn't she?"
"I don't know, let me check." She snapped her fingers and a old history book appeared in her hands.
She sat there for a few moments before making the book disappear and saying,"Nope, its this one! let's go down there and save her, give the Time people something to do. Let's go!"
She started running down the slope and with a halfhearted shrug I gripped my bow tighter and followed her.
The mirewocks were all attacking the knights, but somehow they knew not to attack the ones in red.
"Great," Nell said, gesturing to me as we approached the battle."You'll blend right in when a mirewock decides to eat you because your dumb armor."
"Sorry?" I said out of breath as we just reached the battle. How was I supposed to know that Valerie would break my gem and I would have to go all through time just to save a baby!
One of the mirewocks blew fire at dozens of soldiers, and then turned to Nell and I.
The thing roared in our faces and sucked in a breath. Nell waved her hands and vines crept up the mirewock, and around it's neck. It struggled for a second and then the vines snapped. It sucked in a breath and hit Nell full force in the stomach with a giant chunk of ice.
She sailed back twenty feet and fell to the ground, unconscious. Her crossbow went the opposite direction, but I had more pressing matters to attend to.
I looked up and saw the mirewock staring at me with hunger in its eyes.
Before it could make a move I summoned up all the strength I had and where I had been standing seconds before was a pitch black dragon with bright green eyes.
I was about the same size as the mirewock now that looked confused for a moment before shooting fire at me.
I flapped my wings and the fire sailed back at the mirewock, that jumped to the side with just enough time to avoid it. It then went for a different approach. The mirewock wrestled me to the ground and dug its claws into my sides.
I bit it in its arm and clawed at its neck, in a desperate attempt to get it off. The mirewock roared and tried to clamp its teeth around my neck, I moved to the side a little and it bit down on my top right leg.
I yowled out in pain, and the mirewock pressed me down and sucked in a breath. Before it could release the fire I saw in the back of it's throat I blasted inside its mouth with montey. It hit him with such force that he was blasted several feet away.
The montey was still in its mouth and it sat up and tried to breath it opened its mouth to let it fall out, but I was controlling it and he couldn't get a breath.
The mirewock slumped to the ground and never moved again.
With a moment of thought I turned back into a human before something else could try to eat me and looked around.
I saw Nell on the outskirts of the battle, unconscious. The sand around her was soaked with red and her breathing was ragged.
I took out the healing gem and touched it to her hand until she coughed and sat up
"What happened to you, you look like you just got hit by a car, and wait," She paused and looked behind me and pointed to the dead mirewock. "Did you kill that thing?"
"Yup, I'm fine now, the healing gem is wonderful isn't it?"
"Its fine, I guess, but we need to save the Queen like uh, NOW! She pointed behind me to three mirewocks attacking a few dozen knights surrounding tier queen.
I helped Nell to her feet and we ran towards the mirewocks. Nell shoved me to the ground when we got closer and knelt beside me. She closed her eyes and dug her hands into the sand. Not knowing what to do I started firing arrows at the mirewocks.
I barely made them flinch, and as I was about to fire another Nell let out a groan and the two dozen remaining mirewocks fell to the sand, dead.
A cheer went up from the knights from Andresia and Tori (blue and green armor) and the knights from Firidi (red armor) were either caught, or they ran away.
"Nell.....What did you do?" I asked her.
"I poisoned them." She answered, out of breath.
Just as I said that soldiers in blue armor surrounded me and Nell.
"Who are you?" One of them asked pointing his spear at me.
"The people who just saved your Queen's life, thank you very much. May we speak with her?" Nell said standing shakily up.
"That was you guys? Yes, I believe the Queen did want to know who was responsible for that." Another knight said.
"Okay, come with us" the first guy said.
The guards put away their spear and swords and started walking, Nell and followed them.
They led us past the battlefield to a large tent with four soldiers guarding the entrance.
They made me leave me bow outside before letting me in, and I reluctantly handed it over along with my quiver.
Three knights followed us in. the tent had a table, fancy couches, and a large bed in the corner. And sitting at the table was Queen Emilide talking to another knight about the mysterious death of all the mirewocks.
"Who are they?" The queen asked pausing her conversation with the guard to tun to us.
"These are the people responsible for the death of the mirewocks." The guard behind me answered nearly giving me a heart attack.
"Oh, thank you Christopher, you are excused, let me have a word with them alone." The Queen ordered.
"But your highness--" Christopher started.
"Now, you know I am able to take care of myself if something happens."
"Yes your majesty..." And he and all the other knights walked out of the tent.
We stood there in silence for a moment, me having a eye staring contest with the Queen, (I won) and Nell deciding what to say.
"So what do you need?" Emilide finally asked.
" dd you know?" I asked.
"Oh, if you didn't want something you would have left as soon as the mirewocks died, but apparently you need something. Enlighten me." Emilide said.
"We have a gem we would like you to fix." Nell said holding out the Time Stone and setting it on the table.
"Hey! When did you take that?" I whispered to Nell
"Not right now Phillip." She whispered back.
Emilide picked up the gem and asked,"I assume you want me to fix it?"
Both me and Nell nodded enthusiastically, and the queen took the gem in her hand and closed her eyes.
Five seconds later she slid it back on the table, I picked it up and inspected it. I t was perfectly normal. I slid the gem in my pocket and gave Nell a dirty look.
She just shrugged and said,"Well, it was nice meeting you your highness, but we need to go."
I took that as my Que and took the gem out of my pocket.I grabbed Nell's wrist, but before we left I told the Queen,"Nice meeting you! Oh, and make sure you pass it down you family to let your 9th great granddaughter know that I hate her!"
The Queen looked puzzled and said,"What are you--" But we were gone.
The void was normal again, good to know, now we could finally go where'd been trying to go for almost three days. And as soon as I thought of the date and place, we were gone.

We appeared at the edge of a wood, by a old house. I could hear two people arguing in the house and instantly knew this was the place.

"You go and save Charlotte in case I fail to stop the fire." And she ran down the hill towards the house.

"How do-?" I started but then I noticed Nell was gone. I sighed and ran down the hill, I looked through the windows until I found one with a crib in it. On the other side of the house I heard the arguing go silent and smelled smoke, I picked up a rock and threw it at the window. Not a good idea now that I think about it...I mean it is a baby's room...

I picked up the baby just as I heard a crash and turned around to see the door on fire. I blasted it with monty and walked into the hallway to find myself face to face with my father.

"Who are you and what are you doing with my child?" He asked.

"I uh, just take it." I said as I shoved the baby into his hands and ran down the hallway.

I could hear bands outside, so I ran out the front door to see Nell and my mother having a conversation. By that I mean Nell was trying to talk, while Ember (my mother) was throwing fireballs at her.

"Neeeeeellll," I shouted by the front door,"Everything going good?"

Both of them stopped for a moment to stare at me, and just as Nell opened her mouth to say something a ball of fire hurdled towards me.

I flattened myself to the ground just in time and heard something fall out of my pocket and fall on the grass beside me. I looked down and saw that the poison gem had fallen.

Yeah, just the gem that whenever it touched somebody it would poison them, and if it touched a object it would turn it to dust.

The ground started crumbling beneath me, so I picked up the gem and ran towards Nell. As I approached she yelled,"You idiot, now she's gone!" And she was right.

The poison gem didn't have the power to make the entire world crumble, but pretty soon for miles around it would be dangerous.

Ignoring Nell yelling at me again I thought how much fun the time people would have fixing this. The ground cracked beneath my feet just as I had finished digging the Time gem out of my pocket.

Before Nell could protest I grabbed her wrist and we were gone.


We landed in my bedroom at modern times. "Well," Nell said standing up and dusting herself off,"Thank you for making me fail my mission Oh, and I guess saving my life a few times.

I stood up and shook her hand,"Yeah, nice meeting you, also, mission?"

"All in good time, see you later Phillip!" She jumped out of my window, and pressed a button on her watch, making a swirling white portal appear. She fell through the portal and was gone.

"Why didn't she go out the door?" I whispered to myself.
I went out of my bedroom and down the hallway to the kitchen. I didn't care if it was two o clock in the morning I'll-
My thoughts about food were interrupted by a portal appearing above my head and a split second later Perry fell out of it, knocking both of us to the ground.

I got to my feet and helped her to her's and even though she wasn't yelling at me yet, I could tell she was about to explode.....
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