
Literally from a cauldron as Black Slime
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Curious Kettle
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Wind.
Male Bogsneak
This dragon is benefiting from the effects of eternal youth.
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Hatchling dragons cannot wear apparel.




1.82 m
0.83 m
15.80 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 12, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Bogsneak
Max Level




  • none




Clan Alchemist

If a dragon wound up working for Baldwin, there was always that wonderful moment in their life where they had a choice between the impossible and the fatalistic, potential doom and certain doom. Most dragons chose the impossible, did the impossible, and promptly quit, leaving Baldwin to his potions. A few chose the fatalistic, survived with few (or many) mutations, and continued on with their lives with the knowledge that they could now overcome anything.

Of course, more often than not, said dragon isn't given the option to choose. Rather, the choice is forced onto them with all the enthusiasm of a hyperactive Spiral, and none of the redundancies that usually come with potentially disastrous consequences. Such occasions aren't uncommon in the Starfall Isles, where anything that tends towards logic and sound reasoning is tossed out the window at the first opportunity, but victims remain victims. And as far as the victims are concerned, Baldwin can go transmute himself in his own cauldron.

Victims, such as BlackSlime. Educated at the prestigious Arcane Academy and drilled in the art of chemistry, BlackSlime was famous for being the youngest and smartest of his class. Despite being a hatchling, he was heads and shoulders above the rest of the students. Clearly, he was meant for greater things, and at the time, taking an internship at Baldwin's brewery of abominations seemed like a simple step towards said greater things. A task of sorting and organising materials was menial for someone of his prestige, but BlackSlime was eager to learn all about the infamous Bogsneak who had created an entirely new breed. Thus, he accepted the invitation without question and moved to the famed Trading Post, ready to begin his new and promising life.

Turns out, a life of sorting transmutables wasn't exactly interesting, nor was it a particularly great step towards a greater level of existence. In fact, it was less of a big step forward, and more of a big stumble backwards. But not one to complain, BlackSlime persevered, dedicating all his academic brilliance to arranging the rows and rows of goo, and rearranging them when Baldwin decided that he wanted them that way. Such mundane tasks would get to the ordinary dragon in a matter of days, if not a number of hours. Well, BlackSlime was no ordinary dragon, so instead of having his patience ground down to nothing in a couple of days, it took him an impressive two weeks to be absolutely outraged by the ignoble task he'd been given.




Overworked, underpaid, and frustrated by the lack of interesting things going on, BlackSlime stormed into Baldwin's main office, ready to give the older Bogsneak a piece of his mind. With all the fury of an underappreciated assistant, he rushed into the room and, with a great flourish, tripped right into the crate of materials he'd delivered earlier.

Landing headfirst into a bunch of transmuted junk was bad enough, but when Baldwin, unaware of his presence, lifted the crate up and tipped everything into his cauldron - well, BlackSlime figured he'd reached the end of the road. Here was where he would die, in this rust-covered pot of horrors. It was a tad less dramatic than he'd been hoping for.

Baldwin, for his part, only noticed the tiny Bogsneak sliding into the bubbling green brew at the last second, before the heavy lid slammed down and was magically locked into place. For a moment, he was confused. Was a Familiar supposed to be one of the ingredients? Then, upon further inspection, he realised that it wasn't a Familiar - why, it was that prestigious intern who kept his shelves neat and organised!

Baldwin immediately knew it was bad, but he couldn't unlock the cauldron - everything would explode, and instead of one dead dragon, he'd have at least a dozen on his claws. The only thing he could do was wait, and pray that BlackSlime came out alive with as few mutations as possible. This was both good and bad. If BlackSlime came out alive - hey! Alive! That was good! But he'd probably murder Baldwin in light of his new mutations. Now, if he came out not alive, not only would the Arcane Academy be after his head, so would BlackSlime's family in the Viridian Labyrinth! Baldwin shuddered at the mere thought. He was too old to be on the run! He had important alchemical principles to topple! The Trading Post needed him!

Fortunately for Baldwin's career, BlackSlime was a smart student from an academy known for its braininess. About half a second before he could be melted down into goo, he'd cast a protective spell around himself, and thus avoided the painful process of being broken down into components. By the time Baldwin fished him out, he was overheated and uncomfortable, yes, but generally fine. He hadn't even grown a third eye, which was a major accomplishment in the Arcane world.

Baldwin was delighted. His career was saved! The old Bogsneak did a dignified victory dance around his cauldron, while BlackSlime tried to figure out whether or not he wanted to be charged for murder. One of the other assistants came forward with a magical scan, and that was when the inevitable bad news was delivered:

BlackSlime was now permanently youthful. That wouldn't be a bad thing, if he was a tad older, but he was still young, his wings barely mature enough for flight. In fact, he was pretty much still a child, no matter which way you looked at him, and now he was eternally stuck as one.

The revelation was a shock to the system, and for the second time that day, BlackSlime wondered if he could get away with murder. Baldwin, sensing that his life was in danger, suggested that BlackSlime return to the Arcane Academy. After all, they might have the spells to turn him back normal, and after this particular fiasco, he was clearly unfit to be one of Baldwin's assistants.

BlackSlime agreed, but not before whacking the old Bogsneak over the head with a cauldron lid. Leaving the unconscious alchemist behind, he set off for the Arcane Academy. He knew they wouldn't have the spells to fix him - if there were, he'd know. But maybe his old teachers at the Academy knew a clan where a hatchling would be allowed as an alchemist. This was Arcane, after all. Stranger things have existed.

There weren't many clans which allowed hatchlings to be alchemists, but in the Clan of Purple Embers BlackSlime found an exception. After all, when you had a clan that was basically ruled by a small, eternally youthful Snapper, it's only logical you let hatchlings take up other positions of importance as well. Thus, BlackSlime is the head alchemist of the clan, charged with running experiments and making sure they don't explode on top of his clanmates. The latter is a bit hard, thanks to some of his clanmates' tendencies to make everything go boom, but he does his best to rein them in. This is usually impossible in an Arcane clan, but you can't blame a dragon for trying.

When he's not making sure the newest "best idea ever" doesn't blow up everything within a fifty-metre radius, BlackSlime can usually be found reading and studying. Even if he no longer attends the Arcane Academy, he still loves learning new things, and can go through entire dissertations in a matter of hours. He also enjoys teaching other dragons things, and can usually be found lecturing Chrestomanci. While the Coatl never understands a single word BlackSlime says, he enjoys cuddling up to the Bogsneak and listening him go on about one chemical formula or the other.

BlackSlime is quite serious, and is utterly incapable of understanding jokes, much to Socks' dismay. He prefers quiet places where he can concentrate on his work, and is easily annoyed by loud noises. Starfall is one of his headaches, as she can usually be trusted to be in the process of making smoothies. The Nocturne has petitioned on several occasions to turn the lab into a smoothie stand, all of which BlackSlime has vetoed. The lab is properly enchanted to prevent haywire experiments from burning down the lair, thank you very much. BlackSlime doesn't want to know what would happen if his clanmates were permitted to perform experiments anywhere else.

While BlackSlime respects Socks and, if pushed, will admit that he likes the rest of the hatchlings in the lair, he is especially good friends with Adevi, who shares his appreciation for proper safety protocols. The Fae can usually be found helping the Bogsneak with his experiments, his tiny hands and form allowing him to complete experiments with the utmost efficiency. The two spend most of their time in the library, reading their way through books or arguing about one form of magic or the other. The rest of the clan has learned to stay far away when the two launch into one of their debates, because the scientific jargon involved is enough to make a lesser dragon burst into tears.

Despite having graduated from the Arcane Academy after Baldwin's cauldron incident, BlackSlime still returns to his school from time to time, usually to visit old friends and check out new books on chemistry. He also occasionally stops by the Trading Post to pay Baldwin a visit. BlackSlime would never admit it, but he usually does it to terrify the old Bogsneak, who still thinks BlackSlime is out for revenge. While BlackSlime isn't one to hold grudges, he won't be telling Baldwin that. It's nice to keep the other alchemist on his toes, especially when doing so means BlackSlime can take anything he wants from Baldwin's brewery.
§ Top Banner by JustaRev, Bio Assets by Hazeledpoppy, Osiem, Serpy, Kaynesian

§ Lore by MythicalViper (#167480)


Art by JustaRev

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