
Level 1 Coatl
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Energy: 49
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Female Coatl
Female Coatl
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With an icy, quick-to-snap personality that hides the immense care beneath, Varkas is well-respected within Clan Ira.

Second-in-command to Enkine, Varkas rules the troops in her command with an iron fist and toxic fangs. Her prowess and viciousness in battle rival Enkine's own, and it's her undying loyalty to him that prevents her from challenging him for his position. She trusts him and his tactics and plans with her life and the lives of others, brutally shooting down any warrior who dares question them.

Additionally, Varkas retrieves the bodies of those lost in battles, which she then leaves to Clan Ira's undertaker, Kahuul, for burial rights. She has never missed a funeral.

Her mate, Sylphan, was once a ground fighter under her order. He was badly injured while following her commands, and can no longer fight. It was while he recovered that they grew close; Varkas never once let his conviction falter, and supported him as he regained the strength to walk. She carries the guilt with her to this day, but makes a point of watching his every dance performance.
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Exalting Varkas to the service of the Windsinger will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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