
Level 1 Snapper
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Energy: 0
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Lightning icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Male Snapper
Male Snapper
Eternal youth icon
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Hatchling dragon emblem
Hatchling dragons cannot wear apparel.





1.42 m
0.58 m
47.65 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 17, 2018
(6 years)


Snapper icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Snapper
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Art by Galearis

Art by PeachyBree

Art by Jazzyleia
Bio by MythicalViper wrote:
Nobody in the clan really knows where and when Gumdrop showed up. One day, the clan had a distinct lack of pink and green Snappers, and the next, there was one rolling across the town plaza. Sprite, who was delivering some notes to BonBon, was first to notice the odd hatchling gnawing on a chunk of crystal, convinced it was food. Having recently been morphed into a dragon, the former Arcane Sprite didn’t quite know what to do other than to take him to BonBon, who at this point was really getting tired of being the first to greet new dragons. Especially after Mamortiz’s little “introduction” into the clan.

Fortunately, BonBon hadn’t gotten to the point of abandoning all new visitors, and used a couple spells to check over the Snapper and make sure he was as healthy as a hatchling should be. She found nothing wrong with Gumdrop; in fact, he was probably one of the least radioactive dragons she’d seen in the month. But there was one odd thing – he didn’t seem to be growing any older. Sure, it was hard to tell with hatchlings, but BonBon had a feeling that this particular Snapper should be a lot bigger given his current age. She performed a few magical tests and found out that, indeed, Gumdrop had a magical ailment that was preventing his growth. She suspected that it was the influence of the Strand that had done this. Gumdrop had probably eaten something he shouldn’t have and become eternally youthful. The only good thing? He didn’t seem too bothered by this, and immediately asked if he could disassemble her printer. At that point, BonBon gently ordered him out of her library, and then went around reinforcing her security system. She had a feeling he was going to be trouble.

And indeed, Gumdrop was a handful. After being accepted into the clan and unanimously voted as everyone’s unofficial child, he quickly became familiar with everyone else and slowly wiggled himself into their daily lives. It became normal to see him help BonBon out at the library (and her subtly steering him away from machines) or snoozing away with Shaco in a pool of sunlight. It also became the norm to see him poking his nose where it doesn’t belong, as being a non-adult gave him the privilege to tromp around without a specific role or duty, and being cute gave him the ability to get away with most things. While Gumdrop never causes any lasting damage, his curiosity and obsession with machines means he has a bad habit of disassembling things without any knowledge as to how to put them back together. Synelia falls victim to his habit most often, as her shop is full of sewing machines that she uses to make apparel. Fortunately, a gentle suggestion that he go play with someone else is usually enough to send Gumdrop away on a new adventure. Thus, Gumdrop can often be seen rotating from adult to adult, staying with each dragon until they need to work or tire of his questions.

His charming personality and clear innocence makes him an easy dragon to get along with, so most of the time, the adults don’t mind him breaking their things. Besides, it’s always nice to pass on knowledge, and when you have a learner as enthusiastic as Gumdrop, well, you’d really be missing a huge opportunity if you turn him down. Not only is he a good learner, he’s a great helper as well. It’s hard to not accept his offer to help, especially when he (usually) does a good job.

Plus, being a hatchling, Gumdrop has mastered the Sad Eyes™. And trust me, you do not want to face the Sad Eyes™.

Aside from the grown dragons, Gumdrop spends most of his time with Cubb, who is the only other dragon that looks young enough to play with him. The two do a lot of roughhousing around, which would usually be dangerous for any other dragon. Fortunately, Gumdrop’s Snapper physique means he’s perfectly capable of taking Cubb’s ferality. As a bonus, being hatchlings (or, in Cubb’s case, looking like one), there isn’t a need to talk to each other. Dragons will often find the two bumping into each other in a friendly game of wrestling, or tromping around looking for snacks. Gumdrop doesn’t quite understand Cubb, but he hopes that one day he will. Then, they can be explorers together and seek out the darkest, most dangerous areas in the Starwood Strand!

Like that mysterious footpath at the edge of the town! Gumdrop checks up on it every few days, and he’s noticed that it seems to be slowly stretching deep into the woods. Maybe one day he can convince Cubb to go on an adventure with him. Who knows what’s at the end of the road?
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Exalting Gumdrop to the service of the Arcanist will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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