
Level 1 Spiral
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Spirit of Nature
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Female Spiral
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3.19 m
1.76 m
80.68 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 17, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Spiral
EXP: 0 / 245



  • none


  • none



A small spirit wanders amongst the trees, just out of sight. Flitting here and there, she is a young and fledgling soul - with all the youth and playfulness to match - but all the same she is a shy soul too, who is unsure of how to approach these dragons that she watches from afar. It is only when a keen-eyed skydancer notices her - sensing her apprehensiveness - and gestures her over, that she finally comes out to play.

Akariel, or Aka for short, is a young Pipefox, a Forest Spirit to be exact. She is a little different from what most people think of when they think of a Forest Spirit, being playful and social - if a little shy sometimes - and oftentimes on the move. As a result of this, she doesn't exactly have a specific place that she really protects or 'haunts' - instead, she simply wanders the Viridian Labyrinth as she pleases, but will act if she comes across someone who disrespects the forest that she so adores.

Even with her wanderlust though, there are places that she will return to on a regular basis - one of these spots being Flowerfern. It isn't uncommon for her to shyly hang out on the edge of the clearing, or up in the trees, just out of sight until someone notices her and invites her in. Really, all she needs to be able to open up and play, is for someone to make that first move - and as soon as they do, she'll hop right on to the opportunity to play with other dragons! It is definitely a sign of great trust though, if she approaches you and makes the first move - it means that she's grown quite comfortable with you!

When she isn't wandering and playing with dragons she meets, she's roosting up in trees or around a friend's neck/shoulders - almost like a snake - dozing off after a long day of energetic play, observing the local wildlife, or spending time with a friend who is never too far behind her. This friend in question is a fellow spirit, a spirit-animal in the shape of a buck, whom she's sometimes seen coiled amongst its antlers on an occasion. No one knows exactly why this spirit has taken interest in Akariel, though it is perhaps a telling sign of her potential, if she were to mature and truly push her magic to the limit.

In a fight, she fights from afar - using her speed and innate knowledge of the forest around her to baffle her foes as she bends plants to her will, and fosters expedited growth of said plants. This tactic of hers is exhausting though - especially with how young and inexperienced she is - and oftentimes results in her spirit friend needing to back her up when she does end up exhausting herself. Of course though, she almost never gets into any fights - often opting to try and befriend people instead if a disagreement is brewing, or running if they appear particularly aggressive. The only thing that'd rile her up enough to fight back, is if someone showed extreme disrespect to the Labyrinth that she loves and calls home.

As far as relations go though, she's the sort of dragon to call everyone her friend! Of those that stand out to her however, include dragons with a similar love for nature or wandering such as herself- Ivy, Reef, or Miuu being good examples - or who otherwise are more than happy to play with her, such as Ciona or Sindri. Though if you were to go beyond Flowerfern, she also enjoys spending time with an imperial by the name of Juventas, and surprisingly a strange Guardian by the name of Februus. Though the death that hangs over Februus would scare most off, Akariel seems to be able to see him for who he really is, and is oftentimes seen hanging off of his neck and shoulders as he wanders around.

Her favorite parts of nature are plants, especially bright and colorful things such as flowers, some types of trees, or the ferns that give Flowerfern its name. More interesting plants like touch-me-nots and venus fly traps also appeal to her, and it's not uncommon for her to be seen observing such plants with innate curiosity. She also likes munching on fruits on an occasion as a sweet treat - even if she subsists more on insects and meat like most other spirals - being mindful to plant the seeds when she's done.

Overall, Akariel is a youthful soul who means well, even if she's a little shy when she isn't being energetic and playful. Nature calls to her, and it is her very being - seen in her magic, the spirit who follows her around, and her extreme fascination with some plants - and that same curiosity is what draws her to wander the Labyrinth and watch others from afar. Her flighty nature might be seen as a flaw, and she is definitely young, difficult to keep up with, inexperienced with true combat, and a bit naive - but her big heart, willingness to make friends, and eagerness to learn more about nature is what draws others in.
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Exalting Akariel to the service of the Gladekeeper will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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