I miss her sometimes. But if I admit it, I might forgive her
Animated Armor

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Energy: 44
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5.91 m
9.07 m
450.64 kg
Eye Type
Level 25 Wildclaw
Max Level

"And if one didn't fall to his eyes, they would fall to his smile."
-Despite being created as a twin to Sariel, the two appear to be wildly different personality-wise. Though the two share more traits than either is willing to admit, to others or themselves.
-Secretly misses Sariel, despite all the atrocities she's committed in Mikhail's name. He still refuses to talk to her though, and gets rather frosty when her relation to him is brought up. If pushed, will say he's cut all ties to her and he doesn't even acknowledge her as his sister anymore.
-Thinks Mikhail is an egotistical dictator, but doesn't have the backing to openly rebel against him. Absolutely hates Mikhail's guts though; as much as he fears him.
-While he prefers male pronouns, he doesn't think it matters much to something like him. Physically, is neither, and the very idea of getting physical with others makes him uncomfortable.
-Has never really fallen in love, but he used to have a crush on Martis (previously known as Maariel) before Martis y'know,,, fell. Wonders what happened to Maariel sometimes, but doesn't know how he'd even get answers since Maariel fell, so he tries not to think about it.
-Has a habit of twitching his wings when he's either nervous or angry, but hates having such an obvious tell so he's been working on getting rid of that habit. So far, he's been unsuccessful. They tend to be curled defensively around him when he feels threatened, and flare out when he loses control of his temper. In a way, the best way to tell how he's truly thinking. They're sharp enough to slice through steel when he's in battle mode.
-Due to being made specifically as an angel for wars, his wings are harder than you'd expect, and almost feel metallic if touched despite their appearance.
-Is the "sword" aspect of the duo, while Sariel was supposed to be the "shield". Despite Sariel no longer acting as his "shield", still fights just as recklessly and doesn't watch his back as much as he should.
-Spends time sparring with the younger angels to keep them in shape in preparation for the battle against Satan. Doesn't think he wants to go to war again, despite that being what his entire being was made for.
-Base form is large. Like absolutely massive, but appears more human than most. Wings are gold, with the sheen of stars in their tips. Sometimes extra eyes open up near his head, usually when he's surprised; and if you look into them you can see galaxies reflected back to you. His halo is blinding to human eyes and contains several mini suns set on something that's liquid gold in appearance which flows in patterns around near his head. Legs are bovine in appearance, but the fur looks carved out of stone/metal and isn't soft to the touch.
-Thinks he'd like summer, because the heat seems appealing to him but he's never really experienced it since the one time he went to Earth was during the winter.
-Had a time where he got depressed over being separated from his twin/the wars, but he'll deny it. During that time, kinda just drifted through his life with this numb feeling. Got a lot more closed off during this time, and treated others with a sort of cautious suspicion. He's somewhat bounced back now though, even if he's still not quite back to his old self (or even sure if he's that person he used to be anymore).

-Despite being created as a twin to Sariel, the two appear to be wildly different personality-wise. Though the two share more traits than either is willing to admit, to others or themselves.
-Secretly misses Sariel, despite all the atrocities she's committed in Mikhail's name. He still refuses to talk to her though, and gets rather frosty when her relation to him is brought up. If pushed, will say he's cut all ties to her and he doesn't even acknowledge her as his sister anymore.
-Thinks Mikhail is an egotistical dictator, but doesn't have the backing to openly rebel against him. Absolutely hates Mikhail's guts though; as much as he fears him.
-While he prefers male pronouns, he doesn't think it matters much to something like him. Physically, is neither, and the very idea of getting physical with others makes him uncomfortable.
-Has never really fallen in love, but he used to have a crush on Martis (previously known as Maariel) before Martis y'know,,, fell. Wonders what happened to Maariel sometimes, but doesn't know how he'd even get answers since Maariel fell, so he tries not to think about it.
-Has a habit of twitching his wings when he's either nervous or angry, but hates having such an obvious tell so he's been working on getting rid of that habit. So far, he's been unsuccessful. They tend to be curled defensively around him when he feels threatened, and flare out when he loses control of his temper. In a way, the best way to tell how he's truly thinking. They're sharp enough to slice through steel when he's in battle mode.
-Due to being made specifically as an angel for wars, his wings are harder than you'd expect, and almost feel metallic if touched despite their appearance.
-Is the "sword" aspect of the duo, while Sariel was supposed to be the "shield". Despite Sariel no longer acting as his "shield", still fights just as recklessly and doesn't watch his back as much as he should.
-Spends time sparring with the younger angels to keep them in shape in preparation for the battle against Satan. Doesn't think he wants to go to war again, despite that being what his entire being was made for.
-Base form is large. Like absolutely massive, but appears more human than most. Wings are gold, with the sheen of stars in their tips. Sometimes extra eyes open up near his head, usually when he's surprised; and if you look into them you can see galaxies reflected back to you. His halo is blinding to human eyes and contains several mini suns set on something that's liquid gold in appearance which flows in patterns around near his head. Legs are bovine in appearance, but the fur looks carved out of stone/metal and isn't soft to the touch.
-Thinks he'd like summer, because the heat seems appealing to him but he's never really experienced it since the one time he went to Earth was during the winter.
-Had a time where he got depressed over being separated from his twin/the wars, but he'll deny it. During that time, kinda just drifted through his life with this numb feeling. Got a lot more closed off during this time, and treated others with a sort of cautious suspicion. He's somewhat bounced back now though, even if he's still not quite back to his old self (or even sure if he's that person he used to be anymore).

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