
Level 2 Skydancer
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Cosmo Gecko
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Male Skydancer
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Iron Filigree Banner
Iron Filigree Gauntlets
Iron Filigree Breastplate
Iron Filigree Boots
Iron Filigree Tail Guard
Iron Filigree Wing Guard
Iron Filigree Helmet




3.89 m
6.22 m
683.19 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 16, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 2 Skydancer
EXP: 192 / 641




  • none


Khonsu Was created by the Deity Isyyia from a lone dieing star on the outer edge of the fractured Universe. Along with the creation of such a being the shadows was at work to create something just as powerful as Khonsu. In their heist they created a being much like what they wanted but of organic part baring a resemblance to the electronics that was in their world.

in Isyvia's last attempt to combat the powers rising in fractured world sent his creation to earth to fight against the creation the Shadow's made. As the hazel eyed creation woke on the dark forest floor he stood tall as he took in the thing's around him. He knew not what this world was but he held a simple phrase from the one who created it.

"Do not trust the shadows you see."

For many years the lone creation of Isyvia walked the lands, flying through darken skies watching as the light creatures battled the shadows he was warned against long ago. They where almost eradicated. He helped the creatures where he could but something nagged in his olden mind. Something in the shadows seemed to call for him but he ignored it. After all the Shadows where evil creatures.

Khonsu felt a pulse go through the land, it was steady not like the pulse of battle that they had just fought. The power felt familiar to him but he could not recall why it called to him. Leaving the guards in the high tower he set out to the woods he once woke up in to seek the power the pulsated.

The pulsing stopped a while ago but the hazel eyed being walked further into the dark, his armor glinted in the moonlight the broke through the leaves of the high trees. As the trees gave way he saw a being that much like his self did not look as though she belong to this realm. While his body made from the night sky and glowing stars hers was made from something more organic solid like, the patterns on her reminded him of the electronics they have fought against. He did not know wither the being before him would pose a threat to them. They where all weary from the fight earlier that day.

As the female entity spoke Khonsu stood where he was. Not wanting to get to close to the new being. He wondered again the best way to speak to her but came up empty handed other then to be blunt. He had to know who she was. She was far too close to his mens camp ground.

"You bare the marks of the Electronics that have slaughtered many. Who are you and what is your purpose here."

Khonsu wasn't sure of the female. She seemed genuinely surprised at his statement as she stood, her wings folded back much like his. The wood on her wings seemed to pulse with an energy he knew.

"Why send help now after all these moons have passed." The land was a battle torn. Why would the Great Deity send a being who held a resemblance to the very things created to kill them. But what she spoke held true, the creatures the shadows made would continue to kill them slowly. They may of won this battle but at what cost. The being didn't seem much of a threat. They made no move to attack but the robe she wore reminded him much of the Shadow mages they have fought against, where theirs was black as night blending in the shadow, hers was a deep purple.

The wind blew through the small clearing. The being before him was roughly the same size as him. If what she say's is true she could be a great asset to them. But then again she could turn on them. Glancing up he wondered briefly if what he was about to do was smart. But if she was sent they could use all the help they could get.

"If what you say is true then you may follow me. But at the slightest notice of fowl play we will kill you." With that he decided it would be best to bring the being back with him.

As he lead the being back he wondered over her words. But he could not trust so easily, the last time he did it was the down fall of his men and their once home. He kept his guard up, the little geckos that hid in his shoulder armor kept it's glowing eyes on the female behind him. He truly did hope she was not plotting something. They really needed the help. He also wondered idly if the female could possibly hunt better then the huntress they had back at camp who supplied too little food on most days for the battalion.

"What was your name again Errus, Reuss" He cringe as he realized he did not remember what she called her self.

Stopping he turned to face the female behind him, as she looked around more he would admit she looked as curious as the creatures who hid in his armor. He felt the little taps the geckos made with their claws as they shuffled out of his armor to look at the female closer.

"We are going to a camp not far from here. There we will eat then I will explain to the counsel why you where brought back with me... And possibly get you some robes more fitting your talents as a mystic. If that is what you are."

Khonsu realized the way the female before him took the last statement along with how it sounded. Sighing he turned fully to the female, her eyes ablaze with determination.

"I simply meant the robe you wear will not help your type of powers. If you can really control the electronics as you say you would be a Mystic they are warriors of magic in a since and something we heavily lack. The Electronics are created and controlled by Shadow Mystics. I meant nothing bad about it." Yes Khonsu realized he would need to figure out quickly how to speak to females unless he inquire the wrath of the one standing in front of him before he can even tell if she is here to help them.

Khonsu looked at the purple robe she wore. It's reminded him of the robe the younger mages wore, not the elders. Something told him to not tell her that as he turned to start walking again.

"No, one of your class would wear a robe made of Spider silk that was enchanted to help protect it's wearer and their power from being drained by the Wraiths that walk about."

"When we get to the camp sight there is a small grove near by. It should peek your curiosity."

Khonsu did not have to turn to know the female kept stopping. Unlike him self who had plenty of time to wonder around and look at the things. The female would not be able to till they where in camp. The little dark gecko on his right kept whispering how she gathered random things. He would have to see about getting her a pouch to carry if she was to keep gathering things.

"We are not far you should see the flames of the fires soon."

From his advantage point Khonsu could see the camp though the female behind him could not.

"The Creatures here, they harness the flame in glass called lamps that are quite big. The ones at camp are not much like us, they are smaller and more creature like. Every now and then if the flames run wild they can destroy everything in there path."

He watched as the Eruss tried to see more into the distance. Though his first guess they where roughly the same size though the female was just a little smaller. One of the geckos on his shoulder hissed a little at the female, not use to another being so close to them.

"More or less. Here thing's are talked about in a group of high ranking beings. A plan is made to insure the safest means for the others they lead. To go alone is to die."

Khonsu saw no reason to explain the hissing. She would find the endangered species once she went to the grove. Looking foreword Khonsu saw the guards ready their post.

"Commander welcome back." The guard was half Khonsu's size, more humanoid then many. The twitching of his nose and the tail behind him signified him as a Rat being.

"I've brought with me an ally. She requires different robes and wing guards." Khonsu waited for the third guard who ran into the camp to find what they needed. He went to the only place there would be robes to fit the being.

"I will require word with the elders of the council and only them." With a final nod Khonsu entered the camp and headed towards the fire pit in the center where the Huntress would be cooking the meal.

Approaching the fire Khonsu wondered idly if the ones in charge could actually do well in hunting. Looking to Eruss who seemed weary of his shoulder where unknown to her lived a tiny gecko then back at the food available.

"Jubi fix our new guest some food. She may like the more insect part of the meal." The female Boar nodded as she prepped the meal. It has been a long time since a new face showed in camp.

"I will speak with the council. Eat, when I return I will return with equipment." With that Khonsu turned away and headed for the main construct where the Elder's of the Council waited.

Khonsu entered the construct where three beings much like his self resided. They where far older then he was and most likely the land they walk on.

"I found the cause of the Pulse." He waited as the female elder stood. She was an old breed long forgotten.

"We were foretold of the daughter born of Organic parts." Khonsu was not truly surprised, the Elder before him had a way with knowing things, as they all did. He still could not help but wonder if Eruss was a danger to them. If the Elders fell rapture would insure.

"Can we trust this Daughter." The three elders looked to one another. The oldest male, his eyes silvered from being blinded many moons ago spoke. His voice deep.

"The Daughter is sent to save us. She is the only one who can control that which kills us." As the Elder sat back down Khonsu knew this was as much as he would get from them. Bowing he left the construct he still needed to acquire the still missing belongings for their new ally.

"Here this will do you well." Khonsu looked at all the thing's Eruss had collected, they where random by far ranging from insects to shiny black rocks. He wondered if the female would like the thing's that where gathered to replace the gear she wore now. They where by far stronger.

"The items in that bag are enchanted to withstand most things. The pendant will cast a low powered shield on you if something gets to close that's not wanted."

"The bag you can store things in. Like those insects and other items you picked up. You can find random things laying about that have been left behind by another."

Khonsu looked at Eruss making sure everything was in their place when he remembered the little critter that joined his geckos. Turning his head he nudged his shoulder plate that they seemed fond of causing the little glowing gecko to hiss, scurrying out along with it's glowing spider companion. He had a feeling the spider would be a good match for her.


Looking at the female, he used his tail to pick up the spider and place it on her head.

"No. I don't" With that he turned to hide the smirk that threatened to show. Yes Khonsu was sure having the female ally would do great. though he supposed now he would have to show her the grove tomorrow.

"Over there is the sleeping construct there has already been a placement for you. I will show you the grove tomorrow. I have guard tonight." With that Khonsu walked to the main entrance where the rats stood guard. All the while feeling something brewing in the shadows around them.

"When you do, don't sleep uncovered or away from the group. The wraiths are silent creatures that use the night as their covers. We sleep in groups. We had to learn the hard way with the wraiths. Though the shadows seem quite tonight." The Gecko finally looked out at the female that stood beside them. It was curious as to who this being was and why it reminded them of the earth.

"There are many things you seem to not know. Why don't you ask"

"I was created by Isyvia from a star from the outer edge of the fractured world. I knew nothing when I came here other then my name and to not trust the shadows. I'm sure the they have a reason for your memory gaps. It may just take you longer to learn them. I would start practicing your gifts, you'll want them for the upcoming wars"

Khonsu looked at the female biting the urge to sigh. He was much the same as her when he was found.

"You are a mystic a being of nature unlike most, the only ones close to being would be the Shadows. You can do much more then control electronics."

"We will find you something to practice on in the morning." The night was cool with gentle winds. The shadow he watched vanished quite a bit ago..

"See if you have any other gifts."
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