
Level 1 Coatl
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Shimmering Pigment
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Energy: 49
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Arcane icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Female Coatl
Female Coatl
Breeding cooldown icon
This dragon cannot breed until Mar 15, 2025 (11 days).
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Sytha's avatar
Made a Soul, chose human skin. Not for any particular reason other than humans seemed to have it all.
Adventures of little fortune and lives needed saving. Sytha opted to become a nurse, not for any particular reason, she'd always outlive her patients. Her focus always remained, another day, another life to save.
She's not particularly interesting nor has she lived an outrageous life like many other Souls. She remained on Earth for several years before deciding to head back out into space and helping colony folk. It was a humble position to be in, every day had something different.
Until a devastating war broke out and the entire galaxy was under threat. Sytha retreated back into the sanctuary and safety of Soul life, for they were still an unknown quantity in the galaxy.
When the war was over, she tried to go back to her old life, but it did not feel the same. Something changed in her as well and she wanted for more.

She decided to help Souls in their battlefields, theirs a bit bloodier and more intensive, but the challenge drove her ambition and she climbed the ranks -- not many Souls chose to be doctors, she was a rarity.
Eventually, she landed a job with a small mercenary group, under the command of a half Soul child named Sunn. She immediately felt drawn to him and soon after, he did too. They dated but it did not last long.
Sytha was under fire for boring his life, living like an old couple, he apparently lost the taste for life and adventure. She would curse his name for years until she stopped caring. She gave him almost everything, but she promised he would not get her jealousy.
Eventually, another war would break out, over the discovery of Soul life among the galaxy, a lot of enemies came out of the woodwork to have it out with them, and the wars were short but kept coming, newer enemies, tougher battles.
Sytha hid for a lot of these wars but eventually fought her fears and jumped into the fray and vowed to help her people the best she was able to.
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Exalting Sytha to the service of the Stormcatcher will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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