
Level 1 Guardian
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Melon Marzal
Melon Marzal
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Male Guardian
Male Guardian
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Miles prefers to stay quiet. He's been involved with a few dramatic things in other clans, and it wasn't very fun. Before Yissee, he was theorized to be mute. He joined when a traveling band of guardians came through, and he decided to stay. The clan let him, they always need more claws around.
His jittery charge does most of the talking for him. He loves her to pieces. She got him a cool ring, too. She says it's like the rock she ate. A few weird dreams, a day of staring into space, and many kisses on the nose later, he isn't sure if the rock is actually safe to hold. He still has it anyway.
Yissee loves Miles so much, it's adorable. She is never seen away from him, and as his charge, he likes it that way. She's the one who dug past his prickly exterior.

When he does talk, it's a pun.
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Exalting Miles to the service of the Stormcatcher will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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