
Level 1 Nocturne
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Energy: 46/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Female Nocturne
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4.94 m
8 m
539.36 kg


Primary Gene
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Tertiary Gene


Oct 24, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Nocturne
EXP: 0 / 245





Lore Ideas wrote:

-Exotic Pet


-Something from the sea

-Song Lyrics


-Dice: A luck dragon. They carry a variety of dice and never seem to lose a game based on chance.

-Unusual Landscape

-Something Black



-Sea Creature







moon witch wrote:
NYX - Moon Witch

Hoary Scale Greaves Hati Hoary Scale Bracers

Born by the light of the moon, Nyx will die under its glow. It is the only certain thing in his life.

Such is the nature of moon magic, though. It is prone to phases, and while most moon witches have some pattern to their magic, Nyx has yet to discover the logic behind his own yet. All he knows is that sometimes, he sees the future in the moon's cratered surface. He sees his death there, looking up into its silvery glow. Sometimes, there is nothing but open sea around him. Other times, there is plush grass and a light wind. How he will die changes from day to day, but it will be at night, under the moon's unearthly glow.

So be it. Nyx has resigned himself to this fate, just as he has come to accept the unsteady nature of his magic. Perhaps there will come a day when the pattern emerges, when he can make sense of the different ways the moon rules his life. Until then, though, he drifts onward, onward toward his end.

Bio by Tues.
shrine tender wrote:
XANTHOS - Shrine Tender

Haunted Flame Candles Longneck Mender Sepia Woodbasket

The life of a shrine tender may be a lonely one, but it is not one of regret. Xanthos has spent most of his life beside the flickering candles and slow-burning incense, wreathed in smoke and silence. It is his home, his heart, his everything. He loves the shrine.

There's no telling which deity it belonged to, if any. Years of unforgiving weather have stolen that knowledge away, smudged it out so that no name remains for the wood and stone structure but that of "shrine." Its holiness, though, cannot be disputed. Not when a hush exists over the world around it. Not when it inspires awe, patience, silence.

One day, perhaps, the shrine might be properly worshiped again. Maybe it will even be remembered, pulled from history on a slender thread of memory.

For now, though, Xanthos watches over it, the lonely protector, the quiet shrine keeper. It is a choice he is glad to have made.

Bio by Tues.
Dancer wrote:
SIRRAH - Dancer

Golden Silk Scarf Glowing Globe Autumnal Wreath

He is a whirl of light and silk, the scent of cinnamon and cloves swirling through the air. He moves without reservation, all grace to the tips of his claws, each graceful sweep of his wings is enough to draw the eye of a crowd. The attention is, of course, well deserved.

Sirrah has been practicing his craft for years. No one is born dancing, and talent is not given, but earned. He has struggled every step of the way to grow in his chosen art, to take his first fumbling steps into the limelight and to bloom even as everyone watches.

He still gets nervous sometimes. It's only natural to be anxious before a big dance, especially in the company of admirable dragons. But as soon as the music settles into his heart, there's nothing but him and his routine and the sweet freedom of movement. He wouldn't trade it for the world, and honestly, he'll happily dance until the day he dies.

Bio by Tues.
WIllow Wisp wrote:
FIAMMETTA - Will o' Witch

Cindervine Aspen Gall Dryad Cindervine

The light leading into the forest is a beautiful thing. It flickers and shines, dancing in the sinking twilight like a nighttime sun, twirling in endless, enchanting circles. It beckons softly, wavering in the rising darkness, a lively beacon, a friendly beating heart. Resisting its call is difficult, because it promises much: warmth, kindness, hospitality. To the weary traveler in particular, these things are so deeply welcome.

But to the wary traveler, the wisp should not be trusted, and Fiammetta dislikes those wary travelers who keep her apart from her prey. Dragons have such great life in them, such untamed fire, and she thrives on it. Nothing gives her the feeling of real, corporeal presence in the world quite like a fresh, lively fire, freshly drained away with magics older than time itself. She calls them in with flickering lights, soft embers, pulling them along with a low, twisting hum. The gullible ones always fall to her charms, though there is a certain amount of satisfaction in snaring a keener traveler nonetheless.

Those pesky wise ones, though. She must do something about them. Must find a way to catch them in her net. All creatures crave warmth, and they can be no different. And perhaps their fires will be especially strong.

Bio by Tues.

ANTARES - Ferryman

Wavespun Tail Feathers Blueridge Greatshell Eerie Cyan Grasp

Antares's days at sea are long behind him, but his years navigating the twisting currents of inland Sornieth still lie far, far ahead. Some of his fellow sailors think him mad to have abandoned the wide open seas for the restricted rivers of the world, but with every passing day, he is more certain that he made the right choice.

For one, there is so much more to see traveling by river. The ocean is endless once the shoreline vanishes over the horizon, but every inch of the river reveals something new, something Antares never would have seen if he'd wedded his life to salt and the sea. The flora, the fauna, the clans dotted along the banks, they've all been full of life that can only exist along the path the river has cut.

And the dragons are of special interest to him, now that he has taken up ferrying them through violent rapids and long stretches of dangerous territory. No two stories are alike, and he revels in the curious things dragons tell him as he carries them downstream. One dragon he met swears on her life that she saw the Stormcatcher himself descend on the Shifting Expanse's great spires during a lull in the storms, drawing more lightning into the world with his presence. Another claimed he had a gift of prophecy, but one that always came too late; he knew what was happening, but was never close enough to offer counsel based on what he had seen.

Antares can't imagine a life trapped on the seas anymore with nothing but the same crew and the fickle weather for company, ports dotting life now and again, but disappearing as quickly as they come. No, the ferryman's life is far more interesting, and until the rivers in Sornieth dry up, he supposes he's there to stay.

Bio by Tues.
SHIO - Paper Witch

Amber Folded Friend Flamerest Embers

The folded page and the flame are not often friends, but Shio has managed to strike a balance. It's a delicate thing, protecting paper from the heat, but there's something natural to it. Every crisp fold, every neat turn, it all adds up to something greater than the sum of its parts. It is a craft, an art, and the precision involved is a magic in its own right.

Still, Shio has taken precautions with her witchcraft, and does not work near open flames. The paper creations that spring from her claws do well in dry but not parched environments, and she has taken great care to make her den amenable to her work.

Of course, the true test is keeping her creations alive for longer than a few hours. Since she discovered the way paper folded so willingly at her fingertips, she has devoted all of her time and energy into folding companions for herself. Most collapse quickly, unable to bear their own weight, or rendered too fragile by the harsh conditions of the Ashfall Waste.

Soon, though. Soon she will have a paper companion that can withstand the heat and flame, and it will proof that her magic is truly a gift, not a fluke bestowed upon a dragon in the wrong region of Sornieth. She will prove herself worthy of this gift, Flamecaller helper, or she will spend all of her days trying.

Bio by Tues.
MARMAR - Memory Chaser

Weirdly-Scrawled Missive Wintermane Bowman Jar of Vapors

In the same way that some dragons feel a word resting on the tip of their tongue, just out of reach, Marmar can sense an entire life just beyond her ken. From the day she tumbled out into the winter sun, she knew she came from ancient stock, knew this was not the time she was meant to inherit.

And since there are few things worse than unanswered questions, she set out on her own to pursue the truth.

For months, it has eluded her grasp. She supposes that is natural, given that it must be a terrible thing to remember only the ghost of it for so long. But what haunts her this way? What made her claws sharper than steel? What put plumes of smoke in her jaws? And why does it spool a song from the deepest part of her chest when she dwells on it for too long?

When she lies awake at night, Marmar imagines a world of ash and flame, studded with mountains that glow bright enough to chase away the cold, pale moon. She has never laid her eyes on such a thing before, but in her heart, she knows it to be a real place, knows to it hold sway over everything that she is. It burns, as only a place wreathed in smoke can, and she must find it.

So she chases smoke and memories through the snow, waiting for the truth to form in her mind at last, at last.

Bio by Tues.
ZOLIMAR - Mangrove Witch

Amber Algae Kelpie Jungle Pith

Along the coasts of the Viridian Labyrinth, mangrove forests thrive. They hold back the hurricanes that beat against the coast in the summer, and beneath their roots, they play host to an unfathomable amount of Sornieth’s tropical wildlife. Crucial as they are to the environment, they require protection from forces that might see them laid to waste.

That protection comes in the form of Zolimar.

Always drawn to the brackish waters of mangrove swamps, Zolimar has found himself at home among their twisting roots and drooping branches. He keeps a den nestled in the crook of a tree along the northeastern coast of the Viridian Labyrinth, and every morning, he swims out to sea, close to the pull of the currents, in order to assess the coming weather. Following that, he patrols the coast for trespassers or creatures in danger, often until the evening. A few hours sleep is all he requires, and then it is time to do it again.

For many dragons, this would be a humdrum existence, with the exception of hurricane season perils. In Zolimar's eyes, though, it is the ideal life. He is beholden to no one but his beloved mangroves, and submerged in the salty, swampy waters, he is invisible to all but the most well-trained eye. It makes him free and nearly untouchable.

And when his mangroves are in danger, when his magic at last answers his call, then he is nearly a god. Perhaps it is blasphemy to say so, but the thrill of warding off crashing waves and howling winds, alone against the current, is not the thrill felt by mere mortals.

Bio by Tues.
ZORORO - Lineage Witch

Brussels Sprouts Gladeveins Needletooth Spiral Aloe

There is a reason that a dragon’s lineage is so often referred to as a family tree. As it reaches back through the generations, returning to its roots, its growth is ever more apparent. And like the trees from which it takes its name, it can be read by an expert eye, combed for secrets and retraced for the sake of memory.

Zororo finds that she possesses a unique gift where lineage is concerned. Most dragons who explore the ancestry of others pore over endless reams of parchment, chasing records off into the distance of history. She, however, needs only a drop of blood from her clients, and the time to unravel its secrets.

It’s not a precise science, but then again, that is true of most magic. Other witches sometimes scoff at Zororo , lacking as she is in procedure beyond pricking a finger with a thorn and staring into history, but she does not need elaborate rituals and records to perform at her very best. She needs only a willing client, that lone droplet, and a great deal of patience.

For clients with storied lineages, it can take weeks for her to sift through all the information. The wait is well worth it, though, given how complete the results are. Zororo is sure to chronicle every name and profession as she goes, spooling it out gently, one ancestor at a time. For others with shorter histories, it still takes her a few days, more often than not. She likes to ensure the accuracy of her reports.

Lately, though, she finds she needs a few drops of blood to complete her work, rather than one. They do not seem as potent as they once were, and it frustrates her to no end. Of course, certain dragons have suggested the problem lies in her magic, not her clients, but she refuses to hear it.

Bio by Tues.
ANRI - Glazier

Impure Sacridite Glasswing Flutter Firestarter

By day, Anri tends to sleep in her den, surrounded by little glass trinkets on strings. She could sleep through an earthquake, if her neighbors are to be believed, and it is of little use trying to rouse her.

By night, though, when the moonbeams strike her trinkets and fleck the room with pale golden light, she is more alive than any creature on Sornieth, and she moves with the speed of someone short of time.

All of her finest work is done by moonlight at her outdoor forge. A self-taught glazier, she is enamored with the way the moon touches molten glass, with the light that shimmers through a finished piece. It is so unlike the pieces other glaziers produce, meant to capture sunlight at the height of the day, and it is entirely her own. For every work she completes, it feels like a piece of her soul comes to rest in the glass, bonded there by tendrils of moonlight.

And by morning, she will be sound asleep in her den once more, tools stored safely away, the flurry of creation still once more. Anri is, after all, a creature of habit as much as she is a creature of night.

Bio by Tues.
CABRA - Quake Witch

Rich Copper Ore Goldenplains Poodle Mith Banded Sardonyx

When Cabra hatched, the earth trembled, and their parents knew such a power at once. It was no coincidence, the child breaking the shell in time with the rumbling earth. No, it was Sornieth itself moving to greet them, to welcome them into life. It was power, raw power, in the hands of a child.

And it has been a handful since.

Cabra doesn’t mean to be difficult, necessarily. And to their credit, they’ve learned to untether the trembling of the earth from their less powerful emotions. A flicker of interest in a new plant no longer brings crystals tumbling from the shelves to shatter on the floor. It takes full-bodied rage or fear to do that now.

But nonetheless, the clan remains wary of them, always walking on eggshells. Few have the courage to tell them no, even if they make minor requests that are perfectly safe to deny, and it wears on them as of late. They will not drop the clan into a chasm for someone refusing to share a book when they’ve finished reading it, nor will they bring a mountain to crush someone for telling them they’re wrong.

It makes them want to wander the ancient paths running through their bones. Snappers before have left their clans to walk in their ancestors’ footsteps, and it would not be so unreasonable for Cabra to do that now. There, in the depths of Dragonhome, they would be free from expectation, free from fear.

It is a tempting path indeed.

Bio by Tues.
NESTA - Plains Witch

Ruthless Headdress Quillrunner Desert Rain Frog Companion

In the space between the driving bullets of rain, there is light, there is a blur, and then there is nothing.

She is faster than the eye can see, faster even than the lightning that sears the savanna, and when the plains are alight with churning thunderstorms, she is at the peak of her power.

No one would dare to wrest the plains from Nesta's control. It would be beyond the power of most to try, and those with the strength would still have to contend with the sheer speed of the plains witch. In her domain, she is truly the fastest being alive, and no one is allowed to forget it.

With the onset of the dry season, though, she feels herself slowing a little. As the rains wither away, life in the savanna curls inward, conserving energy until the world is restored by storms once more. She must adhere to these laws, bound as she is to the landscape by her magic, and if anyone were to challenge her, now would be their best chance.

Though it would be a slim chance nonetheless. Just because Nesta has slowed does not mean for a moment that she has stopped.

Bio by Tues.
ONYA - Mirror Witch

Eye Agate Golden Lionsnake Third Wheel

It is best that you mind your reflection, for you never know who else might be watching. Of course, Onya would prefer it if you remained oblivious to this truth, so that she may continue her work.

Scrying is tricky business, especially where the present is concerned. While the Tidelord's seers exercise domain over the future, and Light's libraries protect the past, the present is free for anyone to interfere, provided they have the right tools.

And for the right price, Onya is happy to try her hand at changing the warp and weft of the world. The only caveat she has for her customers, though, is that she must have a reflection near the object of her scrying efforts, or else her magics will fail. A puddle is sufficient, though often difficult to read, but she is truly at her peak when the subject is near a mirror, especially a full-length one.

Even those without a great deal of magic can notice her, though, cutting the spell short. They need only realize their reflection has added an extra figure, and Onya will be forced to withdraw, her enchantments broken. It is an inconvenient mechanic that she has not found an alternative to yet, but there will come a day that she circumvents it. Her career in underhanded espionage relies on it.

Bio by Tues.
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