".. Why can't remember?"
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Energy: 49
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5.85 m
3.69 m
382.59 kg
Eye Type
Level 5 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 357 / 5545


clan of shining seawater


A long time ago, in a clan residing in the Fishspine Reef, a Pearlcatcher named Calanthia lived a happy life with a big family and a wonderful home. And even though she was starting to come of age, she had everything she wanted. A mate, many children, and a wonderful clan that would support her till the end. However, one stormy night, that all changed. Calanthia was out trying to collect fish for the clan by herself in a slightly more shallow part of the reef, the job a little more difficult this time around considering many fish were scared by the relentless rain, when suddenly a white light flashed above her head as lighting struck the surface of the water. Pain flashed through her entire body as the water was filled with electricity, and within seconds, everything went black.
Fast forward a few years, and a young welder named Dusk from a clan residing in the Cloudsong had just finished his greatest metalwork yet. An almost exact replica of a Pearlcatcher! Dragons from both his own clan and from far away came to see the Gaoler's creation, all impressed by it's wonderful detail. However, soon, on another stormy night, Dusk was cleaning up his shop when suddenly a bolt of lighting came through the roof of his home. It shook the walls and some things fell over, but to Dusk's relief, not too much had been harmed other than a small part of his roof. Or.. so he thought, for when he turned back towards the Pearlcatcher replica that was in the center of his shop, shock went through him as suddenly it got to it's feet, starting to move. And when it turned around, noticing the surprised Gaoler, it quickly backed away, it's striking blue eyes that weren't there before bright with fear. His creation.. it'd come to life. Dusk tried to approach her as slow as he could, hoping to make it clear that his intention was not to harm her.
"Hey, hey.. it's alright! I'm not going to hurt you, I promise."
However, despite his attempts, the Pearlcatcher metalwork suddenly dashed for the side, towards one of the open windows of the shop, and squeezed herself out. Oh dear. His creation came to life, and now it escaped. Dusk hurried towards the window, reaching it a little too late, as when he looked out towards the night sky the metalwork was already flying away, disappearing into the night. And just as it did so, the rain started to calm, until soon it was gone. Just as his creation was.
Fast forward again. It's the next morning. Another Pearlcatcher named Pitch had recently run away from his clan back in the Snowsquall Tundra, and had made a temporary den in the Zephyr Steppes, which thankfully was a rather kind place, even if it was a tiny bit lonely. The metal Pearlcatcher found herself here after her long flight to get as far away as possible from that horrible Gaoler and that awful 'Cloudsong' place, when she suddenly ended up at the entrance to his den, about to go inside to check things out when..
"Wh-Who are you?"
Another dragon stood, blocking the entrance, as he stared back at her. It seemed like he was trying his best to be intimidating, however, it was clear that he was scared by the intruder. And she definitely was scared, too, backing away a little when he pushed further.
"Are you not able to speak? Go on, tell me!"
The metal Pearlcatcher's mouth went dry, and for a good moment she paused. Who.. was she? That was a hard question to answer. Just this morning she'd suddenly awoken in some weird Gaoler's shop up on some kite, and before that, well.. it was just fuzz. Maybe she could just say she didn't know? That would make sense, right? And eventually, she opened her mouth to speak..
"I.. not know who I am. Come from the Cloudsong."
The other dragon frowned, seeming confused by her words, though eventually replied anyway..
"Well, my name is.." He paused for a good minute, seeming to think, "Pitch. My name's Pitch. Are you.. sure you don't have a name?"
Ah geez, back to the name thing again. She tried her best to remember, going back to that weird fuzz. Name.. what was her name..
And though for a moment it seemed like she'd never remember what it was, her answer suddenly came to her. "Well, long time ago.. think used to go by Calanthia. Maybe that was name.."
Pitch let out a long sigh, "Alright, I'll just call you Calanthia, then." For a moment, silence filled the air again, and the two dragons just stood there at the den's entrance. Was.. that it? Was she expected to leave now? Calanthia stood there awkwardly, honestly just not sure, until the other dragon finally spoke up..
"Hey, um.. Do you want to like, live with me? In this den?"
She thought about that for a moment, and after she did, her fur-tipped tail quickly spot up. Having somewhere to live after all the crazy stuff that happened last night.. and also with a dragon who looked just like her? That sounded great!
"Yes! Calanthia would love stay with Pitch!"
The Pearlcatcher didn't waste any time before she quickly pushed past him, any fear of the other dragon gone. Woah.. this place looked great! And super comfy, too. As Calanthia continued to excitedly look around, peeking at every nook and cranny of the small, makeshift den.. the away ahead suddenly felt a lot more promising. And maybe, just maybe.. she'll finally remember what all that fuzz was about. (TO BE CONTINUED)


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