
at this point he's just a joke
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Male Skydancer
This dragon is benefiting from the effects of eternal youth.
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Hatchling dragons cannot wear apparel.



Scene: Mire


1.12 m
0.69 m
14.38 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 27, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none




The Demon's Son
curious | crude | immoral



Life was temporary for mortal dragons. And Death was always an easy fix. And Death had set his steely sights on the demon’s son, who was frustratingly hard to kill. Oh, he certainly tried. Every day was a new test and trial, and each day the little dastard slipped like a slimy fish from his clawed grasp. Death was frustrated. Death was not amused. But Death had an idea. Greed was a common enough occurrence amongst these filthy creatures. Their dedication was weak, and their loyalty, though claimed to be unswayable, was fragile. Just the slightest little flick of his claw and it would shatter. Death bared his crimson stained teeth, emitting a raucous laugh that sent the pesky birds that clung to branches abruptly scrambling to escape his presence.

Death had little actual control over any drake. He could slip in seemingly innocent ideas deep into a dragon’s thoughts. Tempt them to come closer to him, and then, once he had them in his clutches, he would snap their neck, relishing in that crunch. And then they were his. His call was impossible to ignore, and any drake who was unlucky to have his eyes on them rarely skittered away unscathed.

Alas, his unruly gaze was focused on one particular anomaly that was just as strange as Death himself. Thousands of eyes peered through the void on this seemingly peaceful afternoon where deep in the Raven’s Keep the small anomaly scampered eagerly after a large drake who emitted a dark energy. Demon. Death hissed in disgust, but this lord was not his target. Not today. It was the small spawn of similar appearance who was persistently buzzing around him with a curious excitement that drew his attention.

“But why not? I’m so bored!” Mason groaned, his bright eyes dulling when Halphas didn’t spare his son a second glance, too focused on striding through the hall to wherever his duties brought him that second. “It’s just one little walk. I don’t know why you’re so against it. It’s not like there’s much else for me to do here. Arista can take me. She knows those woods better than you do, anyway.”

“Absolutely not,” Halphas snapped. “Those woods are no place for you, Mason. You will mind your distance. Besides, Arista is far too busy to babysit you.” It was not lost on the cunning little drake on how his father had tensed at Arista’s name, but Mason feigned disappointment, loosening his wings that were tightly bound to his back. He was known to be a headache for the Lord of Ravenswood, but he wasn’t all to blame. In fact, how could it be, when Death had been steering him farther and farther away from the safety of his father’s city, waiting for the one day where Halphas wouldn’t be able to stop the inevitable. And Death would have his prize.

“Fine,” the anomaly spat, putting a lid on the anger that threatened to boil over the pot, “I’ll go hang out with Aunt Camille.” There was a low growl. Camille did little to help the endless troubles his son threw himself into. In fact, she encouraged them. But it was better than allowing Mason to go prancing through Ravenswood Forest. Seeing as there was no point in continuing this conversation, Halphas turned and continued his long trek through the keep, leaving Mason fuming alone on the frigid tiles. He waited, ears pointed towards where his father had disappeared down, until the only sound that he heard was his own breath coming out in short puffs.

Instead of veering off to the clinic where his aunt typically lingered, Mason instead found his short legs taking him away from the safety of Ravenswood and towards the woods that suddenly didn’t seem as menacing as usual. Death grinned his toothy smile and cackled as the small drake scrambled through the tangled thorns and deeper into the darkness, unaware that another presence had seemed to lock onto the small creature as he wandered.

Unbeknownst to both creatures meandering through the woods, Death had sent tiny thoughts spiraling through their ears, urging them both to stalk in the same direction. Their paths would cross soon enough. One a demon of the woods, and the other Death’s helpless target. He cackled to himself, the sound shaking the trees, who swayed in protest at his presence, but the dragon’s didn’t sense him. It was one of the perks of being an immortal being.

Death cared little for deals made in the shadows. Whatever happened between the demon and the watcher were of little interest to him. As long as the hungry beast did his part, Death would fix his eyes elsewhere for the time being. Why he was so attached to this specific creature was unclear, but Death just couldn’t tear his deadly gaze from the scrambling form. He should not have existed, yet here he was. Not to mention he defied all laws of life. He had not grown in the moons Death had observed him. He had stayed annoyingly fragile, cared for behind the demon lord’s halls. He already had a son, one who had grown and was called the Prince of Ravenswood. The lord didn’t need another. Death was doing him a favor. He was quite generous.

Abruptly he halted in his trek, eyes glued to something unmoving the shadows. All sound had ceased to exist in this clearing, and yet Mason could feel eyes glued to him. Or, maybe not eyes, but something was near. And it knew he was, too. Whipping his head around, his dragon eyes spotted nothing unusual.

“You’re no mouse,” someone hissed, a foul stench seeping through the cracks in the trees to surround Mason, who gagged instantenously, skittering back as a blaring yellow took a step into the light. Suddenly, the small drake felt queasy as a creature not fully dragon stepped forward, and it may have been his imagination, but Mason believed he saw the trees cower as his appearance. “But you’re not a dragon either, are you? Not fully, anyway,” he sneered, breaking into a devilishly charming grin as he shook some vines from his horns. Mason gulped and tucked his wings close against his back, as if to shield himself from the smell that sent ripples of nausea through him. “You’re just like me.”

“Pretty sure I don’t have horns growing out of my head,” Mason choked out before bursting into a coughing fit. It was a putrid smell of decay and blood. The beast let out a cacophony of sounds that didn’t sound quite like laughter, but could be nothing else. It sent vibrations through the trees and a shiver slithered up Mason’s back as he drew closer, his neck snaking down to sniff him. He found his legs didn’t quite work the way they were supposed to, as they were now frozen in place.

“I’m sure if you tired hard enough you could sprout your own,” he growled, beginning to prowl around Mason, who crouched low to the ground, his meager claws digging deeply into the soft earth. “No, but you’re a demon, aren’t you? At the very least, half.” He sniffed the air again, and Mason suddenly understood why the trees feared him. The demon smelt of lost souls and broken trees who screeched ceaseless warnings that deafened Mason’s ears. This must have been why Halphas had adamantly forbidden his entrance into these forsaken woods. He knew about this demon that roamed through the foliage, lingering in the darkness, and he allowed him to exist.

But why?

Mason had no intention of finding out the answer. He stared at the demon that continued to sniff him, his breath reeking of slaughtered innocents. Mason didn’t want to be another blood stain on his teeth, another soul to cry uselessly to the wind, warning others of his existence. He didn’t want to be another tale of the big bad demon lurking in the woods, eating unsuspecting drake’s who were daft enough to come into his territory with a dinner bell around their necks.

He seemed to sense the shift in Mason’s demeanor, for his catty grin morphed into a sneer as his maw opened wide for the bite sized morsel cowering with dirt stained on his scales. For once, his cursed size gave him an advantage. He pounced through the demon’s long legs, just avoiding the snap of his jaws around the air where he once stood. His pace never slackened as he rapidly tried to recall what way he had come from, but the woods looked all the same to him. Mason suddenly wished he had pestered Arista or Adair to accompany him. To have lied through his teeth, convincing them that yes, Halphas had agreed it was about time for him to wander the woods. To see all of Ravenswood.

Trees screamed above him, warning him of the ever gaining predator who was quite skilled in not stepping on the thousand of twigs and branches that littered the forest floor, unlike Mason, who seemed to step on every single one of them. Death observed with unhinged glee as his prize came closer and closer to his grasp. The demon would not falter, and it would not fail him. Nothing could go wrong.

A traitorous branch seized Mason’s back leg and sent him tumbling down the slopes, his body slapping into rocks that cut through his hardened scales. The fine metallic taste of blood leaked from his opened maw as he slid to limp halt at the base of a tree, gasping for breath as his small body was practically cracked open. Not even a moment later the demon stood over him, barely even panting after the chase. “Nice try.” Death’s final blessing was the sleep he sent Mason into as the last thing the small drake saw was the wide jaws of his pursuer and the stench of success.

But Death’s frustrated scream woke Mason. His entire body screeched in protest as he shifted, groaning against the cold beneath him. Blearily, his eyes opened to find himself surrounded by floral arrangements and the putrid stink of herbs. The clinic.

“Huh, thought for sure I’d be taking your corpse out the back,” a familiar voice snickered behind him. Mason craned his neck as his eyes adjusted to see his aunt grinning down at him, though he did spot a bit of concern deep in her eyes. “You’re lucky you aren’t dead. Actually, I don’t know how you aren’t dead. Arista found you basically bleeding to death in Ravenswood Forest. What in the world were you even doing out there?” An unwelcome array of memories flashed through Mason’s eyes, and he groaned at the sudden pounding in the back of his head. Instead of answering, he placed his head back onto the cool table and closed his eyes, ignoring the burning sensation along his side. Camille muttered something incoherent before a dreamless slumber embraced him.

“Mason, wake up,” a soothing voice cooed in his ear. A nervousness laced it, coaxing Mason from his comfortable sleep to peer at the voice. A familiar face greeted him, one that he was happier to see. “Are you alright?” Brandy asked again, crouched down before the table. He gave the tiniest of nods, which seemed to satisfy his mother, for she drew back and looked at someone behind her. A flash of anger was seen before it was cast away with a sigh as Halphas approached the table.

“You almost died,” his father stated crossly, “and I’m surprised you didn’t. What were you doing in the woods when I specifically said not to go?” Though the anger clouded over most things, Mason caught the faintest hint of frantic fear in his father’s voice. At least he cared somewhat. He did, however, have the grace to look away in shame. It hadn’t been his smartest ploy, but one all the same. One that he did, in fact, regret. “Is it so hard to listen to me? What happened in there?”

“Can you not drill him three seconds after he’s woken up?” Camille snapped suddenly, shocking Halphas into silence. “His wound is still healing and I doubt he’s even ready to talk at all.” His wound? The burning. That’s right. Lifting his head tiredly, Mason almost gagged at what he saw. The wound was being given time to breathe, so it was fully open to view. It was almost as if he had been bitten. The large gash that was there looked remarkably similar to a bite mark, which were deep enough to kill. Should have been. How had he not perished? He should have. He should be dead. But these questions would have to be answered later. Mason’s head pounded unforgivingly and he found his eyes fluttering shut, and he was met with the nightmarish shape of Death dressed as the demon of the woods, who grinned his catty grin and whispered to the fading dragon. “Soon. Next time, I won’t fail.”

Layout made by Sumatra (#163655). All images link to their respective creators.

List of things that need to be drawn by people eventually, when I get money.

Halphas: Hey, Mason, look, I'm melting butter.
Mason: That's great, dad. You now have the cooking skills of a hot day.

Mason: Do you have a second, dad?
Halphas: No, there's only one of me.

Halphas: Hey, how was your summer?
Mason: I live with you.

Mason: You know, it's at times like this, when I'm trapped in a demon cage in an island made of traps, and about to die in a different dimension, that I really wish I'd listened to what my mother told me when I was young.
Camille: Why? What did she tell you?
Mason: I don't know. I didn't listen.

Brandy - Hal, think of the noodles!
Mason - Screw your noodles!
Halphas - Slaps Mason You take that back!

Mason: The best part of an Oreo is the black cookie part and not the frosting part. Deal with it
Darkness without light is an abyss.
Light without darkness is blinding.
You cannot have a coin with one side.
Mason: Yo Socrates it’s a fracking cookie

Halphas: Hey, what time is it?
Mason: I'm not your clock.

Camille: Would you turn in your dad?
Mason: I'd trade my dad for a tic tac.

Brandy: If you don’t kiss Mason on his sweet little soft head, what are you even doing?
Halphas: Yelling at him for eating plastic.

Jaylon: do you think dad thinks in Italian or English?
Mason: bold of you to assume dad thinks at all.

Halphas: If Mason and I were both drowning, who would you save?
Brandy: I don’t know, both of you.
Halphas: No, if you could only save one of us.
Brandy: Well, I would probably save Mason, because he can’t swim and I happen to know you’re an excellent swimmer.
Halphas: What if I was holding an anchor? Who would you save then?
Brandy: Well, why don’t you just let go of the anchor?
Halphas: It’s a family heirloom.
Brandy: I’m leaving.

Halphas: (looks at map) God, it’s a barren, featureless desert out there, isn’t it?
Mason: The other side, dad.

Jaylon: In your opinion, what’s the height of stupidity?
Mason: Hey, dad, how tall are you?

Halphas: If it wasn't illegal, I would eat noodles for every meal of the day.
Mason: I have some wonderful news for you.

Mason: Google, how do I get revenge on those who have forsaken me?
Google: The best revenge is letting go and living well.
Mason: Yahoo, how do I get--

Mason: Bye, mom, love you. Bye, Jaylon, love you. Bye, dad.
Halphas: Ouch.

Mason: Dad, can you pick up some milk?
Halphas: Yeah, it's pretty easy.
Mason: I meant from the store.
Halphas: I would imagine it weighs the same there, too.

"It's not a phase mom," Mason screeches as he shoves all of Brandy's hard worked noodles down the drain and into the sewers. "It's just who I am."

"What the heck is wrong with you," Brandy sighs.

"No," Mason shakes his head, "what's wrong with you?"

"My noodles..." Hal whispers, opening the window so he can kick his disgraceful son out the window.

*Cue the jazz hands*

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