
Level 2 Imperial
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Obscuring Goblin
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Energy: 49/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Male Imperial
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Personal Style


Ebony Antlers




24.79 m
17.73 m
7624.97 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 22, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 2 Imperial
EXP: 34 / 641





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Dusky scales and a black mane are not the most striking part of this imperial. Two slender necks sprout from a shared chest, each fully formed and elegant, and a multitude of dark eyes blink open across their side. The conjoined twins each have one great obsidian antler, and one filed down into a spike. They are counter curved, so that they can be locked together but never tangled. One twin has kind and baleful eyes, and his head hangs low. The other bares his fangs, cold eyes glinting in dim light.
Scholar • Conjoined Twins
Protector of the Old Queen
MATE - None
BFF - Azazel
QUEEN - Silth
ENEMY - Penance
Aharon is a cold and deliberate dragon, speaking only rarely in mixed company. He spends his time reading, and his brother paints. He is not cruel like the dragon he serves so loyally, but rarely goes out of his way to help those in need. The imperial twins are very used to being feared, and so tend to stay in the lair. Those that can stand to be near them say that the twin that can speak is scholarly, and enjoys reading and discussing ancient texts on occasion.

They rarely go out in public, as most avoid a two-headed dragon. Mages can often sense the shade influence in them as well. When they do go out, it is with a thick cloak draped over both heads, which they keep tightly pressed together. All but their main eyes are usually closed, so that they can be protected by the thick scales that cover the lids.

They communicate silently, unless the mute twin wishes to get a point across urgently, in which case he may nip at Aharon's neck, or swing his antler against his brother's. They attack as a team as well, using strong forelimbs to grab on as they try to overwhelm their opponent by attacking with both heads.

Perhaps, his parents could have accepted that their only hatchling was born with two heads. A cruel joke, born to scandalize the followers of the Lightweaver. Two days later, the thick scales that covered their sides parted, revealing a multitude of eyes that glittered like amethyst. They named them Aharon, exalted, and praised the Shadowbinder for their gift. One head proved to be dominant, in control of the body, the other twin couldn't control anything but his own neck, and one end of the split tail they shared.

One night, when the moon was new, they checked on the nest, they found those little eyes that once shone like gems to be cold and black as pitch. The taint of the shade. They couldn't stand to kill their only son, but to let others see. . . It would shame their family forever. At once, without any say in the matter and indeed not even being able to comprehend the situation, Aharon had been marked as a pariah. As a child, he would never understand the shame and anger in his parents' eyes, nor why he was forbidden from playing with the other hatchlings. He would grow up alone, forced to hide from the whole clan.

The twins found comfort in each other, though the unnamed twin couldn't speak. His breathing was shallow always, and he could only seem to grunt and hiss, or to blow puffs of air across his own whiskers. Aharon loved him, promising his brother and only companion that he would never give him a name, unless it was one that he chose. Despite knowing how to write, and being quite good at using a paint brush with his mouth, the mute twin never chose a name.

Drawn to an ancient mossy ruin for its silence and privacy, Aharon kept himself busy and away from his parents by playing there. He learned to hunt, and to some extent to read the ancient runes. On one trip, he came across a pale and sickly young fae. Something seemed to draw them together, a sense of completeness and familiarity. They were fast friends, always together in their little sanctuary.

Aharon was a strong dragon, always feeling especially lively after a successful hunting trip. Azazel was frail and sickly, and the imperials couldn't help but be drawn to care for him. The fae taught them to read and write, dragging in stolen books or ones that he had found molding in the forest. As the imperial twins grew bolder, they found it easy to steal more when clan members were out.

Together, as juveniles, they learned the truth. They were cast out because they were tainted by shade. Like a parasite, it clung to them and fed off of them. And the shade wanted to be whole again, its pieces drawn inevitably together. Aharon was content with that, with living alone for the rest of his life where he couldn't hurt anyone. Azazel seemed gripped by some madness, some relentless desire to be more than a sickly host that the shade was consuming. The fae began to study the shade, often warping his innate shadow magic as he began to fight for control with the very eldritch thing that used him as a host.

Aharon went along, because he loved the fae like a brother. He watched helplessly as madness gripped the young dragon, and consumed him. Though the shade wanted nothing more than to control him, Aharon and his brother were able to keep it at bay. They would eventually have a great deal of control, as long as they kept it fed, but never the to the degree that Azazel did. He had sacrificed much of his sanity for that.

The twins were not quite grown when their lives were toppled again. News had gotten out somehow that he was hanging around with the fae, and dragons had begun to talk. His parents seized an opportunity as soon as they saw one. He was dragged forcefully to the castle of a powerful ruler, a great warrior-mage that had staked her claim on a massive territory in the woods. Bitter, he was sold to her, and dragged into the great black castle. Aharon wouldn't see his friend again for a long time after.

Lady Silth took a liking to them quickly, and freed them from the clutches of her royal scientists and whatever they had planned. Aharon was still bitter and wary, but the queen was sweet and cajoling. She promised them that they were beautiful, perfect, and that they would be revered as her most honored guards.

The twins came to accept their duty, standing stoically next to the throne of the queen. They went everywhere with her, and she sometimes confided in him. In time, they learned a great respect for her. Silth ruled her kingdom with an iron fist, and so there was never a shortage of unfortunate souls to be fed to the shade. It made them powerful and feared, and granted them greater control over their curse. Closeness to death made Aharon cold. He did not have the queen's cruel streak, but he also cared little for the lives of other dragons. Only the mute twin, his eyes ever kind and baleful, ever showed any remorse. Aharon respected his brother still, and he was the anchor for their sanity as time passed in the hall of the queen.

They stayed by her side, even when the wildclaw's lust for power drove her to commit wicked atrocities. Even when she managed to make herself immortal, and in doing so shamed the Shadowbinder. When Silth was cast out of the Tangled Wood, Aharon followed. He remained loyal to his queen when she settled deep in the Abiding Boneyard with the last of her loyal followers. And through the years as too long a life began to wear her sanity down. He remained when the necromancer took over her clan, though he hated Penance, because he was accepted in his clan and because he would never leave his queen.

The imperial doesn't know why they survived with the wildclaw. Aharon suspects that the shade sustains them, the way they sustain it with the souls of those that they've killed. There is no shortage of victims with the necromancer around in any case. It is a parasite however, and it steals from them. Huge chunks of memory are missing, Aharon can feel the kingdom he called home fading further with each day.

Aharon would suggest that this is a mixed blessing. Lady Silth lost her mind as memories built up, losing the ability to distinguish reality and memory. He and his brother were spared that fate, and what are a few missing memories in exchange for immortality?

Bio Format by: CityTurtle
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