
Level 1 Fae
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False Sphinx
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Energy: 46/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Female Fae
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Personal Style


Archer's Hat
Archer's Wing Cover
Dusk Rogue Vest




1.09 m
1.22 m
2.09 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 12, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Fae
EXP: 0 / 245


Uh-oh, looks like this sneaky kleptomaniac wandered a little too far from her home lair (#149136, Lirillith), and now she's off to see the world! If ever you feel the need to exalt, she'd really appreciate it if you could just return her to the home lair, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, here. This is not necessary, but she would be very grateful!

If you are interested in adopting them, Tynethyne would like to know!

Owners I've Had:

(426657, Tynethyne)
(93621, Celestriakle)
(367955, KnightOfAres)
(149136, Lirillith) New home lair!
(460832, lusbiana)
(459839, computerize)
(436291, VoidFren)
(12962, Zikul)
(580432, BlackReshiram)
(556616, Auralyx)
(149136, Lirillith) Back home
(2095, Beliel )
(127683, Arach)

A t h i e f but I love her. Sneaky and silent.
Big ol kleptomaniac. She's tiny so its really easy for her to take stuff undetected. Horace has enchantments set in various places around the lair that can detect if something has been moved, or "misplaced", because of how many thing's she's "borrowed" from the other clanmates.

Clan mate of fellow travelers Takumi, Prism, and Miriad.

Logbook: January 03, 2021 (KnightOfAres, #367955)

Spire had travelled for days and many nights on her adventure before she caught up with a few travellers on this stretch of road. Holiday was one of them. He enjoyed gifting her a pair of gloves before bouncing off down the road. Next was Barlow who was chatting quietly with another traveller. Wavy was the other traveller with Barlow. The three mingle for a bit before Spire wandered off. Acquired:
Vibrant Rogue Gloves

Logbook: August 09, 2021 (Lirillith, #149136)

Spire had passed whole seasons in the Wind Flight city of Caesura, casually pickpocketing various travelers, before she began to feel that her activities were being noticed. It was nothing definite; no recognizable detectives, no uncomfortable questions being asked at the places she frequented. Just a hunch. So she decided to make herself scarce. It was nice to have a base of operations, someplace you could come back to in a pinch, and she needed a new one.

Lanternlea Port seemed like as good a choice as any. Crowded. Lots of travelers: passengers from the ships, fishing vessels putting in to port for supplies, scholars visiting to do research or attend conferences. Weird Luminax fans hoping for a glimpse of the Emperor but too scared to stay near his stomping grounds.

She rented a room at a lodging house, explained to the owner that she'd be in and out irregularly, put a really good lock and some enchantments on a trunk holding her valuables, and set out again. Lanternlea might be a good spot for a thief, but it was even better to do your thieving in one place and then come back home when the heat got to be a bit too much.

Logbook: November 16, 2021 (lusbiana, #460832)

The fae didn't mean to stay as long as she did at that floating island, she truly didn't. It wasn't smart for a thief to stay too long in the same place, and Spire knew that. But when that stupid explosion caught her she was left with no choice.
Thinking back on it, maybe a science lab full of radiation and explosives hadn't been the best place to sneak into, specially considering there were many perfectly adequate businesses to shoplift. It was something about the stones the lab was working on that pulled her to do it, she could see them from the outside through the big glass windows, shining and sparkling with power. Someone had to be willing to pay big money for them.
She never found out if that was case, though. A misstep made her drop some strange pink vials, and next thing she knew, she was laying on a hospital bed with a big brown Gaoler and a pale Veil looking intensely at her. Spire answered their questions trying to seem as innocent as possible, claiming that she had just gotten lost and wandered into the building. Definitely hadn't seen all the "keep out" signs.

When she finally was ready to leave, a few months had passed. A night like any other, when she felt she had gathered enough strength, she slipped out of her bed and vanished into the night. Leaving behind a thank you note and taking with her some souvenirs, of course.

Logbook: November 17, 2021 (computerize, #459839)

When word of a new visitor travelling into the downtown district of TECHNIC0L0R broke out, many were in a state of confusion. Why, nobody hadn't gone there in decades, the advancements were at large and not even the most keen were able to find the place anymore... so how had a simple fae done what was described as the impossible?
Well, nobody knows, actually. Not even herself. She didn't know of the impossibility and instead just stumbled upon it out of sheer luck when its protective systems were down one day. It was fortunate that she chose to travel into the nicer of technologically advanced areas- as most others were described to be corrupt with power already.

She turned off into a neon infested bar to rest, merely trying to ignore the various scents that pricked at her nostrils endlessly. The multitude of stares she received as she ordered something was awkward, if not a little bit creepy- especially for a dragon as small as her. After all, the last thing she'd need is to get into a brawl over something as petty as merely looking nothing like the others.

It became overbearing.
And eventually, with one small nervous laugh, she cancelled her order and simply slipped out of the bar instead, slithering off into the night.

Logbook: December 19, 2021 (VoidFren, #436291)

Spire wasn't all too sure how she ended up at the Covenant of Ichor's lair. The last thing she remembered before waking up was her drifting along a southern-bound jetstream leading out of Dragonhome when suddenly a loud bang! from below sent a plume of vile, black smoke into the air, enveloping her whole. And now, here she was, nestled uncomfortably between the Wandering Contagion, the Seedscar, and the Foxfire Bramble. Not a particularly appealing place to be, even for a seasoned sneak like Spire. Fortunately, the Covenant's lair was a small oasis of paradise in the abyss, rich with rarities and wonders of all sorts, especially the forbidden kind. Unfortunately, security was much tighter here than it at first seemed. Everything; even the walls, the floor, and the air was thick with spells and enchantments. It seemed rather excessive, even considering the... unique biology of many of their residents.
The dragons here were friendly enough though. Some were even quite naive- which was good for her array of 'talents'. According to them, they had found her unconscious in the woods, covered in soot and shrapnel debris. The clan's doctors, MelonFlower and Kevin, were able to patch her up quite nicely. Spire made sure to thank them afterwards.
She stayed in a comfortable, if not rather eerie, bedroom below the ground. Sadly, most of the fabrics, furnishings, and decor looked older than sin and was falling apart at the seams. No good to pilfer. The lair as a whole felt quite homely, though. For a while, whenever she thought of leaving, it kept drawing her back, calling to her. The sweet scent of harvest and meals, the warm, soft blankets by the fire, the accommodating clanmates and their silly habits and skills...
So Spire stayed, for a time at least. The clan treated her like family, and occasionally she would share her skills with them. Days blurred into weeks; weeks into months. In that time, she even dared settle down with a mate and a clutch of eggs.
Her only regret was leaving before they were to hatch.
It took her a long time to finally piece together what was happening here. When the realization struck her, she made the immediate decision to flee. Under the darkened, chaotic skies of the Night of the Nocturne's dawn Spire smuggled her family out of the lair. It was bold, and quite risky, but Spire had the skillsets to pull it off.
When they crossed the border of the Covenant's outlook, Spire made the tough decision to part ways with her partner and their eggs. She had a life to return to, one far too dangerous to involve them in. Without following, and without asking why, FearsTheVoid tearfully watched Spire disappear into the night one final time.

Spire spent the following weeks flitting through dimly-lit streets and snatching rogue trinkets from passing travelers and caravans, making plenty of coin off of her pilfered wares.
It felt good to be back up to speed... but Spire was itching for a new adventure.

Logbook: Febuary 23, 2022 (BlackReshiram, #580432)

Spire happened upon a clan called The Truthseekers in fire territory. She figured they looked rich, yet young enough to be easily stolen from, so she accepted the request to stay for a bit. Upon entering, though, she found herself stopped in her tracks by another sneaky little fae. She was greeted by a tap on her shoulder, to see a black dragon with hypnotic, flashy wings grinning while holding a back of her treasure.

"How did you get that!" She demanded immediately, snatching it back. The black fae's frill twitched amusedly.
"I suppose I'm getting better at pickpocketing, then!" He gave no resistance as Spire took her belongings back with a glare. "You strike me as the sneaky type. Are all lightning dragons this way? I assume they're quite quick, so it would make sense." He spoke casually.
"Sneaky? Me? Excuse me, but as I recall it was you who stole my treasure!" She shook the back in his face, to another grin from the stranger.
"But you came to steal from us." He accused, retaining his monotone fae voice, not even a frill twitch. "I saw you eyeing our metal stores." He flicked his tail at the vaults, where Spire just knew must be where they, as a fire clan, would keep precious metals. Spire was taken aback, admittedly she had been guiltily staring at the vault, but she hadn't done anything yet! "I was not!" She retorted, to a look of 'oh really?' and a head twitch from the other dragon.

"Sure." Said the black fae. "Here, I'll take you to the workstation, the other fae are already working. If you're going to stay here, might as well make yourself useful." And with that, she was led to where the other fae were working. Seemed they had jobs dedicated to fae.

As she hesitantly obliged to the work, she was frustrated that she saw no opening to head back to the vault, it seemed the black fae, who identified himself as Illusionist(Strangely literal name but okay), was keeping a wary eye on her. She learned that Illusionist was a bit of a trickster himself, typical of a shadow dragon, and loved making things disappear out of no where, and then give it back the second you look for him. Not exactly a theif, but the closest she'd found in this clan, and he seemed to know her tricks. Exasperated, she gave up on her heist. She'd have to move on to the next clan.

Logbook: April, 26, 2022 (AnokAlphaStar, 549268,)

Spire had been wandering for a while before coming across a clan within the Molten Scar. At the time, the clan seemed full, and they reluctantly agreed to let her stay for a few days. Well, if you're going to have such a bad reception, you shouldn't mind paying for it.

After Spire left a couple days later, the clan mysteriously found a good bit of their hoard missing. Mostly small trinkets, but pretty ones.

Logbook: February 2, 2023 Lirillith, #149136

Spire headed back for her Lanternlea home base, liquidating some of her haul at brief stops along the way. When she arrived back in Lanternlea, she had a hefty supply of cash, enough to let her take it easy for a season or two if she felt like it.

And she did. Her rented room put her in contact with plenty of other travelers, dragons living off their savings or working odd jobs wherever they landed; she wasn't going to attract any attention by lazing around listening to the bards or taking a few classes at a nearby clan's community center. (Bonsai? Pottery? Calligraphy? Sure, why not.)

She did attract a bit of attention at the pottery class, but it was the kind she liked. Ionor kept raising his frills flirtily every time she glanced his way, and she couldn't resist responding in kind. He was a Shadow dragon, and a healer, which was a combo she didn't expect, but he was good company even after the pottery class ended. Before long she moved in with him, they had a trio of hatchlings, and life was looking good.

Until he caught her teaching their hatchlings to pick pockets. She hadn't expected him to get upset - weren't Shadow dragons supposed to be sneaky, trickster types? The fact she didn't feel guilty seemed to bother him even more, and nothing she said seemed to calm him down.

So that was a wash, clearly. She packed her bags and moved out, though she made him at least let her say goodbye to the hatchlings before she left town.

Logbook:February 21st, 2023 Nightmeme9000

Spire decided to take a rest from her travels for a while, while doing so she took the time to get to know the other dragons. After getting to know the others her eyes caught onto another Fae that goes by the name Misty, now Misty is just like her, a fae, far from home and was adopted and accepted in this clan, of course there's other faes here but the both were very intrigued by each other's presence. As time went on they both started doing friendly "games" like who can steal this item the fastest etc etc. Spire was a bit nervous in falling in love and having a mate/hatchlings but Misty heard Spires story and completely understood the situation and accepted her for who she is and her passion for traveling, never did he once forced her in doing something she didn't like and told her that no matter what he'll be there for her and stick by her until she leaves again and if they were to have something and then have hatchings he would take over and wait for her to return with open arms. Spire taken by surprise by this actually thought about this for a while and felt comfortable for once, she thought about her other hatchings and wanted to pass that knowledge onto new hatchlings without the stigma and backlash. Spire one night had a serious conversation again but this time she was ready to move forward, she felt ready to have hatchings again and become a mother and a mate to Misty and to his future children. Once they would hatch she will teach them everything she needs to know until the children grow up into adults, she would then make that decision to either stay or go again.

Logbook: Month Day, Year (Username, ID)

~[Write about Spire's stay here!]~

Luggage wrote:
Archer's Hat Archer's Wing Cover Dusk Rogue Vest
Notes wrote:
  • Buy new lockpicks
  • Brighter scales- more dangerous
  • Snatch the hatchies a birthday gift
  • Eggs and toast would make a nice breakfast someday...
  • Stupid song stuck in my head [Hum-hum-dee-dum-la], ask bard the tune

Gened by VoidFren
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Exalting Spire to the service of the Gladekeeper will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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