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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Male Mirror
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Personal Style





6.21 m
5.18 m
690.62 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 10, 2018
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Mirror
EXP: 0 / 245


January 22 2023 (Sunday)

The day started in the bedroom Water and I were sharing in one of the rooms in the governor's mansion. A few hours after we woke up everyone got all dressed up and we headed to the ball. The ball itself was fine. Other than Pencil Man trying to take over the world. @@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@. That part was easy enough.

But afterwards? Me, Perry, and Water took the quick way home, and I knew it was time for me to leave. That ball had changed so much. For everyone. So I gave Water my note and told him to give it to Perry once I was gone. Then I took some necessities and left. That was the hardest part of my day.

@ @@@'@ @@@@@@@ @@@... @@@ @ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@. @@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@.

When I came back to Firidi's castle Ember had been expecting me. We talked about the ball for almost a hour, then she showed me where I would be staying. It had to be well past midnight, so she left so I could get some sleep. The door locked behind her when she left.

I dropped my stuff around the sparsely decorated room. It reminded me of Perry's.


My chest ached with guilt. I threw my hat on the large red canopy bed and walked over to the large double doors across from the bed.

I pushed them open and walked out onto the balcony. In the distance I could see a forest and mountains beyond the miles of sand. I leaned against the railing and looked out.

I swore I could see the very top of Andresia's castle above the trees. I was tired and it probably wasn't there, but it was nice to think it might be so close.

I stared up at the moon. it was weird to knowing she may be staring at it too. What a small world.

January 23 (Monday)

Today was easy enough. I got to know the place better, and anyway, Ember was busy today. She will be too tomorrow, and after that we can finally start. Unless I die of a headache before that. What she's even doing? I have no idea... I'm not sure I want to know.

The short, blue haired girl named Jian showed me around today. I asked how often I'd see her, because she seemed to be the only slightly descent person in Firidi. That's saying something. She's rude, but at least she isn't insane. She did say she might help me train with normal weapons in a few days.

The only other person I saw that actually talked to me was this one guy. He looked a few years older than me and had dark green hair. Weird? Anyway, his eyes were purple, but I tried to ignore it. @ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@.

I definitely still don't know my way around very well, but at least I know the basics. Jian said tomorrow I would be training with some people for my transfiguration power. I always forget that I can turn into a dragon. Apparently Ember didn't. A small penalty with what she is going to help me with.

I'm glad I took this notebooks with me before I left Andresia. The past nights I've been writing in this at the giant desk in my room. Apparently someone doesn't trust me, (can't blame them), because every night after I return into here for the night I've noticed the lock clicks behind me. I wonder if that will change soon.

The shadows follow me everywhere. So do the whispers, but those were with me before I came. @@'@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@. I can barely sleep, and when I do it's just terrible nightmares, and when I wake I feel more tired than before. It's only been a little more then a day. Things will get better.

If they don't, so help me, I'm contacting N.S.K. They've done freaky experiments, haven't they? I don't care what they do with it, but if they can make it go away that's the only thing that matters.

January 24 (Tuesday)

I woke two hours before the trainers were supposed to come. Everywhere that I go there's always either someone training, or pretending to not follow me. As I sat waiting I came to a conclusion: Tonight I would pick the lock and explore. There had been dozens of the rooms on the tour yesterday Jian hadn't let me see.

I was wondering where my monkey was when I heard a knock.

Rihanna and Conan Altomare, something's... wrong with them, but I'm not sure what. Both of them act the same. Quiet, but very, very blunt. Both of them have creepy black eyes that I swear I've seen before, and neither of them stand still for more than a few seconds. They're always pacing, or something strange like that.

Rihanna has a curved and cold face. Her olive skin is covered in scars, she wears a dark purple traveling dress, and her long ebony hair is straight.

Conan is the thing of nightmares. He has a terrible temper, but of course I try not to talk to him as much as possible. His face is like his sister's, but he has a poorly taken cared of beard. He has dozens of scars all over him, and there's one especially nasty one corner of his left eye to the top of his mouth. He wears a long sleeved brown shirt, (despite us being in a desert), and his black pants are enclosed by a brown belt.

They led me out to the empty courtyard I had seen the day before. Once we got there they told me to show them what I could do... and I did.

They said we would do simple flight exercises. "We?" I asked. Then both of them jumped and turned into large wolves, and then wings sprouted from their backs.

I tried not to show how afraid I was when we had reached cloud level. We flew around the kingdom for a few hours. I tried to reassure myself that the sand would mostly cushion my fall. Well, if I did fall.

We skimmed the ocean sometime later, and I could see Andresia's castle in the distance. The sun was just beginning to set over the ocean. I thought about going to the castle, but @@'@... @@@ @@@@@ @@.

Once we got back I was too tired to explore the unknown rooms like I had wanted. I'd try to do that tomorrow night as long as training with Ember went well in the morning.

Every time I close my eyes I see the Andresian castle. I've never really felt homesick before. Maybe that's because I knew I could come back.

January 25 (Wednesday)

I woke up feeling sick. Normal? Not for a Stone. I hadn't overused my talents enough to get that one thing... Anyway, that has different symptoms. I do think I know what caused this. That's what I was here for. Partly... I'll never forgive myself for what happened to Charity. I had brought her into this, and she never came out. Along with three others too. Maybe two.

Charity wouldn't blame me. She didn't even in her final days, but I knew someone who did. Although he was too nice to say it. Charity would have told me it was Ember's fault. Which it is, but Ember wouldn't have done that to Charity if I hadn't dragged her into all of this. In my defense Charity came with me willingly, but... It's still my fault.

A vibrating on my wrist interrupted my thoughts. I switched off where the person could see me and answered. This was the conversation:

"Is this my idiot brother?" The familiar voice asked.

I coughed a few times, "Who else would it be?"

I couldn't see Nell on the projection."I know why you did what you did, but it's still stupid."

"I know." I was still lying in bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Can you meet me sometime?"

"I don't want to be punched." I didn't doubt she would do it.

"Fine... Is it just me or is something weird happening to your gem?" She asked.


"Oh yeah, you're a hoarder. The poison one."


"For goodness sake, your original."

I tried to remember. Oh drat. "I might have left that one in Andresia..."

"Then go get it." She demanded.

"I will soon." I tried to convince myself that was true.

"When you do, come talk to me. Something's going on with mine."

"What if it's just yours?"

She laughed. "If our @@@@@@ is contacting us I think it would be both of our gems."

"Wait. What? That's not possible he's-" There had to be thousands of questions I wanted to ask her.

She interrupted me. "We can't talk about this now. Especially considering where you are, and who might hear."

"But-" I tried.

"I'll see you soon." Nell hung up.

I couldn't believe it, so I forced myself to stop thinking about it and get this day over with.

I eventually got up and waited until there was a knock on my door, I threw it open. There was a middle-aged man wearing Firidian armor. He had dark blue hair, (strange?), and a faraway look in his light blue eyes. He said his name is Ludwig Gallant. Where have I heard that before? Everything in Firidi is either a mystery, or a lie.

Who I am: Lie.

Whether or not I will ever go home: Mystery.

Why I am here: A mixture of both.

Ludwig led me into Ember's throne room and left. I've been there several times before, but never in such a peaceful situation. I noticed the two wolves on either side of her throne were gone. I tried to hide how much I was dreading this "appointment."

@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@ @ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@: @@ @ @@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@. @@ @@@@@@ @ @@@@@@'@. @@@ @@@@'@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@@. I want to change that one day... Or do I?

What I really came here for: Lie. I could have stayed, but it's easier this way.

It's easier this way: Mystery

@@@@@ @ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@ I felt faint, and didn't feel good in general. I haven't been sleeping very well lately...

Cool Bananas actually cursed my dreams: Mystery

Ember said because @@@ @ @@@@ @@ @@@@@@'@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@ done for today. So she went on for two hours about her personal history with @@@ @@@@@. She gave me facts, limits, -you know, the basics. I've never looked at her that way. Well, I did see the memory in her mind a few weeks ago, but that was different.

Ember's evil: Mystery

She's done some bad things but... She had a good reason? Did that make it right? Does that make what I'm doing right? What is right?

Everyone has their own definition. That's the definition of a right cause.

She said next time we would have a "test.'' Fun. I wonder how that'll work...

I was more powerful than I thought: Mystery

Ember told me that every other day that she could we would do this, and that my training with Conan and Rihanna would be every three or four days. Good. The less time I spent with them the better. She also told me that whenever I didn't I have training with one of those options I would train with Jian or one of the other knights with normal weapons.

My mother loves me: Mystery; everyone has their own reasons. Right?..

I have one of the trainings with Jian, or somebody like that, tomorrow. I'll finally be able to do something I'm partially good at. The bow that Ember gave me will come in handy then. I'm still not sure how I feel about it considering what Nell had told me earlier in the day.

He's gone: Truth

But some part of him is still here: Mystery

As said before, I don't feel good for multiple reasons, and I don't know when I'll feel up to exploring one of the unknown rooms. That was one of the reasons I was here. I'd try to get a good night's sleep so that I could finally focus on why I was here, and not... Something else.

Coming here would solve my problem(s?): Mystery

I would either spend the rest of my life here, or come back home different.

Good different: That was probably a lie. Or a mystery. It all depends on how, how... I shouldn't make myself more miserable in this already terrible place. Better to leave those thoughts for when I go... Home

If there's even a place anymore that would ever feel the same.

I could go back with no consequences: Lie

January 26 2023 (Thursday)

The day started with a terrible dream.

I fell into a giant pool of what I hoped was water (it was slimy)... I couldn't breath, and I was at the very bottom of the pool. Every time I tried to swim up to the surface strange creatures dragged me back down. Then somebody rescued me. It was Water, and he was a golden retriever for some reason... After Water-dog rescued me from the creatures he was about to tell me something. Then I woke up.

I felt better than yesterday. Well, other than the feeling of knives stabbing in my head. Someone was knocking on my door repeatedly. I got up and ready a minute or two later and opened the door. Jian was standing there, ready to start our training.

I took my bow with me and we left. Then we did some simple training, it was easy enough. Been there, done that. At one point we went against one another. I won. I may have given her a slight concussion, twisted ankle, broken arm, and a bad temper. I did tell her I'd hold back. She just likes to pretend she's better than everyone else.

As she limped away she told me next time I had her as a trainer when she was fine again we would be focusing on swords. She told me she was much better at that. We'll see. I told her I was looking forwards to it. And I really am. I mean, when else do I get a excuse to beat up a Firidian?

Tomorrow I plan to explore if my training with Ember goes alright. That was one of the reasons why I was here right?

The Bone will seek the Stone, in order to reclaim his throne-

All that junk, but what I was interested in,

Then the Stone shall be alone, facing the unknown when he is shown how much the power has grown.
Far from home, he must find what is his own;
The Stone and others must come together through trust to defeat the crone.
Although, the walls will groan and fall, blood may flow, it may not be so,
Forever the possibilities stretch as far as my abilities allow:
I cannot deny, plenty may die, for this battle will be goodbye

I needed to get the book I had memorized this from when I returned to get my gem. I don't care how long it was, I'd search all five thousand pages of Dmitri's book. I though it had been a phony, but so much of it is coming true lately even though it was written decades ago.

Their friendship may need to be rebuilt, for one of them is dealing with the guilt.
Shall this all end in sadness?
With the hilt of a trusted dagger sent in a heart causing one to fall?
Drawing them apart forevermore?
Or can one word save the Stone and the Bird from feeling that emptiness in their cores?

I need to get that book and see what else it has for me. I mean, who else could those lines be talking about? I always thought those books were just for fun, but a lot of things I saw in there are coming true.

The ball may only stall when the wicked queen shall fall,
But in due time we must all heed the call.

Just when I needed answers the most the monkey was gone, and there was nothing but brainwashed and evil under this roof to help me. Was it a coincidence that words I had never read before were appearing in my dreams right before the events it prophesied took place? Well, I'll try to find whatever it is I need to find tomorrow.

Far from home, he must find what is his own;

January 27 2023 (Friday)

I had another interesting dream. I was walking calmly along a beach, and I knew that a terrible hurricane was coming towards me. Still I stayed, staring out onto the ocean.

The hurricane was upon me in a manner of seconds. I saw something tiny and gold flash inside of it, and I stayed my ground. As the hurricane came too close for comfort I held out my hand and my fingers were about to close on the yellow thing when I woke up.

I had slept in again. Great.

When I finally got where I was supposed to be Ember started up the,"@@@@ @@ @@@@@!" As she called it.

She told me to @@@@@@@ @@@ @@ @@@@ @@@ @@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@ @ @@@@@. @@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@, @@ @@@@@@.

Well, @@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@, but I ranked eight out of ten. She said I could get it to ten or above if I really tried, and I reminded her I didn't want that. Only control.

She let me off early after that because she had to had to go immediately to some meeting. So, I returned to my bedroom and got ready for nightfall.

As soon as it was dark out I picked my lock using my awesomeness and went out to the hallway.

Long story short, I looked around for a few minutes and found a familiar looking door. I had never seen it before though... I was locked. I picked that lock and went right through.

It was a large room, but jam packed with stuff. The room was probably the size of the knight's dining hall back in Andresia. It was packed with shelves, book cases, dressers, desks, drawers,- you name it. They were all holding so many random items I could barely wrap my head around it. Books, journals, random clothing items, etc. Basically anything.

I closed the door behind me, and headed in. I could see another door on the other side of the room, and I started making my way towards it.

Five seconds in I almost tripped on a pile of shirts. I caught myself on a desk, and when I did I noticed a small piece of paper under said desk. I straightened myself and picked up the paper.

What I saw almost brought me to the tears that I promised myself I wouldn't shed in this place. It was a picture of five people. The parents, and their three young children. They looked happy. All of them.

I tucked the photo in my pocket and carried on, knowing I'd have to come back and scan this room better some other time. As I passed through the room I noticed it was mostly random junk. Of course, don't judge a book by its cover, but there wasn't any weird weaponry or magical items I had been hoping for.

I finally reached the door at the end of the cluttered room and opened it. I gasped so loud I heard it echoing in the hallway in front of me.

I had opened the door to see a long, and partially wide hallway. On the sides of the room were doors... Hundreds of them. Suddenly I felt sick with dread. If this was coming true then-then...

I noticed one thing was wrong: At the very end of the hallway there was nothing. Nothing? My heart began pounding what felt to be five times faster.

I could find out what was behind those other doors another time. I started walking slowly down the hallway. (Talk about déjà vu.)

It was just habit, I glanced behind me. Of course no one was there.

When I got to the end I stared at the blank wall. Then I hesitantly put my hand against it- or that's what I wanted to do. It was a illusion. I tripped into another room.

The room was about the size of my old one in the guard's house. Maybe smaller. It was completely empty except for a large glass case in the center. I instantly speed-walked towards it.

On top of a tiny red pillow in the glass case had to be the tiniest gem I've ever seen. After minutes of contemplating I left the tiny, circular, purple gem. There was no way of easily opening the case, and if I did wouldn't someone notice it was gone?

I then decided to go back to my room without looking in any of the other doors. I don't know if I want to know what's in there... Why? Maybe I was--

I can barely write all this considering how tired I am. I really need to start sleeping better. Why am I even here? That question seems to be plaguing me every day.

There can be multiple answers. One of which is:

To stop this madness, and to prevent me from leading others into it.

January 28 (Saturday)

Songs that go with this day: (In this order), In My Dreams from Anastasia, The Graduate by The Arcadian Wild, and Be Brave from Owl City.

That night I had a another dream. Me and... Someone else were running. We were running through a swamp from hundreds of giant, misty wolves. Then I fell into some kind of pit. Inside of it was a single spotlight shining down on a old, yellowing, cardboard box. I strode forward to open it, but the dream ended. I wonder what happened to the other person running from the wolves. Why didn't she stop to help me when I fell?

I sat there that morning thinking, and not really wanted to get up quite yet and I had a realization.

How did my life come to this?

Everyone hates me.

And the one(s?) who don't?

I couldn't bring myself to talk to them.


Why?... A very good question.

Eventually I made myself get up to another day of training with the Altomares. It was dull. They talked about transfiguration, how you can get stuck, how to conserve your energy, and what else I can do. They said that next time I see them we get to do the cool stuff. Whatever they meant by that is definitely better than hours of rules.

When I returned to my bedroom someone was waiting there for me. He told me a few things.

"I hate you." Didn't everyone?

And, "Why haven't you talked to Peregrine yet? She needs... A friend. She hides it, but even a blind man can tell. I thought you were supposed to be the knight? Where's your bravery? I have to help her now. How does that make you feel? ME! And you know how much we hate each other."

All pretty good points. He wouldn't have left as early as he did, but someone knocked on my door and he left as soon as physically possible. So, about three seconds. Turns out the knocking was just Ludwig bothering me about something.

I write this lying on my back on my balcony. The only light is coming out of my hand. I've already nodded off twice, I really should sleep, but...

He had a good point, and I hate to say that.

Why hadn't I told Perry?

She never asked, but... Why didn't I tell her?

I had wanted to, but the right time never came.

Why couldn't I go tell her now?

I was afraid, I'll admit it.

Of what?

Of what she'd think, what she'd say, and...

She'd probably support me. Right?

I should have told her before, and maybe she would have made me stay.

Was that what I was afraid of?

The truth, my recent development just pushed me forwards to a decision that had been bothering me for... My entire life.

I had come to a conclusion. I would try to talk to Perry whenever I got the chance, and this time, the truth. Maybe together we could finally stop Ember.

January 29 (Sunday)

I had another dream with Orbery. It's been awhile, I thought I was done. This must have been inspired by the ball a little more than a week ago.

This time I was in the beautiful mansion, it must have been before the disaster. There had to be more than a hundred people there. The elegant gowns swished and laughter filled the air. I was there too, but I was looking for something.

There was a loud bang on the door, and I calmly made my way to the other side of the room when it burst inwards. I heard the roar followed by a chorus of screams. Happened every time.

I ignored everything around me and reached one of the large tables that were pushed against the wall. I lifted the white tablecloth and looked under.

There it was, the thing I had been looking for for days now. I felt the cold gold of the key in my hand just as I was yanked back to reality.

I woke with, strangely enough, the key in my hand. I really need to do something about this. Dreams aren't supposed to be so real.

There wasn't anything special about the key, other than it being solid gold. I was unsure what to do with it so I thew it in a drawer and got on with my day. About the key, if I had been in Andresia I would have been able to track where it had come from.

I could have stayed, but then again... What if I had just wanted to come for no reason at all? To see if I fit in with the "bad guys." Were they though?

I mean, everyone had their reasons. Ember: Misunderstood? Jian: Abandoned. Liam: Nothing to lose. Ameira: In spite of her father, and a thirst for freedom to choose her future. Journey: Out of options. Rihanna and Conan: Mutant wolves. Me? I don't know. I could have stayed, so why didn't I?

Was it for Perry or me?

Me. I realized with a sunken feeling. If it had been her I would have stayed, but we were just friends so why would it matter. Or... we were friends.

Maybe it was just a matter of time before I came. How can someone with a bad past and a guaranteed terrible future have a successful life? A villain. That's what everyone expects. Why not? I could take Ember's place, but try to lead Firidi to success. What about my siblings? Nell insisted that she could never even try, and Charlie didn't even know I was alive.

It was almost seven, so I decided to go and get ready for another day of training with Ember. Leaving my thoughts back in the room with the key, although I knew they would be there when I got back.

@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@. That was probably the most useful and exhausting thing I've done ever since I got here. (So far?) It was much later than usual, about dinner time, when I finally left.

After I left I was alone heading back to get something to eat when I saw something. One of the usually closed doors along the hallway I was going down was cracked open slightly. Of course I went over and peeked in.

There was a small room filled with a spiral staircase. Not even any windows, just torches. Shrugging, I closed the door behind me and started to climb up the stairs. It took almost a hour (and yes, my feet hurt), and when I got to the top there was a door.

The H. on it didn't shock me, I'd seen it a lot lately, but only in my imagination. I checked the handle, and to my surprise it was unlocked. I went through.

There weren't torches in here because something else was illuminating the room. The large, circular, room had possibly a thousand portals lining the walls, all of which were a different color than the last. I felt like I had been there before. Maybe because the shape of the portals resembled the shape of mirrors that had been around me in a room like this one. Dark, circular...

The ceiling was a giant skylight and I could see stars slowly sprinkle into view above me. Firidi could be beautiful sometimes. Under the right circumstances.

Above each portal there was a nameplate, and I managed to read a few of them from the doorway. A dark blue one read "Andresia," a light green one said, "Odis," and... and a yellow one, "Orbery." Huh. Those were the only ones I could see from where I was standing.

There was a large telescope by a black portal. It had the Aster symbol on it.

On the floor I noticed, lightly etched unto the floor, runes in a language I knew little about. Along with those there were random symbols of eyes, flames, things of that sort. There were all sorts of curves and angles that somehow connected the runes with the symbols. All together it made a giant circle that encompassed most of the floor in the room. In the very center was a symbol of a star, and a person stood almost on top of it.

He was half a head taller than I was, and it was hard to tell with the lighting, but I think his hair was dark purple. Strangely enough, his eyes were like a goat's. He wore all dark clothes and had a long sword at his side that his hand was resting on.

After a second of silence I spoke. "What is this place?"

He answered immediately. "I'd step back if I were you."

Not the answer I was looking for, but I still took a step back. "Why?" I asked.

He grinned, but didn't look at me. "You don't want to end up on another planet, do you?"

"Not really..." Actually, that would be nice. A fresh start, a new dawn. Still, I didn't move forward.

The boy took out a brown flask and let a few drops fall into the symbol of the star under him. The three silver drops seemed to somehow fill the entire star up. The silvery water flowed from the star and in a matter of seconds it filled all of the other runes and symbols. Then the silver rose into the air and floated there, still showing the symbols and runes it had come from.

I reached out my hand to touch the silver in front of me, but even without physical contact I could tell it was colder than the highest mountain in Tori. My outstretched hand automatically went to my eyes as the silver suddenly became brighter and brighter. Even with my eyes closed I could still see the light, and it burned.

As quickly as it was there it was gone. I blinked and rubbed my eyes a few times before looking around the room. The runes were back to being non-glowing etchings in the ground, and the boy was gone. The only sign as to where he went was the silver I swore was slowly emptying out into the night sky. I pondered about the strange thing I had just witnessed then after a moment I looked at the portals again.

I walked over to the Andresia one and slowly poked my head in. Suddenly looking through a window in a dusty attic I could see the crowded streets of Arden.

I wanted to step through the portal all the way so, so, badly. Why? Firidi wasn't satisfying me the way I thought it would. Nowhere did, but maybe I just needed to try harder. Or maybe I should look to be satisfied somewhere else. I stepped through the portal, only to be dragged instantly back out.

Conan Altomare's ugly scared face was the next thing I saw. He was mad, and to cut it short, yeah, I got yelled at.

So, I sit here, hours later, wondering what would be different if I had gone through the portal a little faster. Would I be... Happy again? Was I ever?...

January 30 (Monday)

I had a peaceful and dreamless sleep that night. Then I headed down to breakfast at 6:30 and had day of training with Ludwig.

Unlike Jian, he seemed like he actually wanted to teach me something. He told me Jian still hadn't fully recovered ever since last time we had trained, so he'd be replacing her for today. He showed me some things about swordplay I had never know before, along with some extra offense and defense lessons. Even though the training was long and tiresome I found myself restless after dinner when I returned to my room.

I rested my hands on the railing of my balcony and looked out. The sun that would still be in the sky for a few more hours made the nearby Zaporoo river glisten. Far below and a short distance away the town of Drenglan was bustling as usual. I wondered what I could find down there... Suddenly a idea sparked.

I took the golden key out of my drawer and shoved it deep into my bag. I decided to tuck my firebow and something to pay with in there too. Bow, because it was Firidi, and money because I planned on buying something, which was kind of obvious. I approached the balcony.

I looked down as I stood by the railing of my balcony. Still bad, but not terrible. I couldn't just walk right out of the castle's front doors, now could I? Too many questions would be asked, I'd rather just go this way.

I took out something that had been in my bag for years now and set it on the railing. Before opening the container I slipped on some silver-tinted gloves, then I pulled something else out of my bag.

The long, coiled rope fell in a large pile at my feet and I tied it to the railing. Then I tested the knot a few times until I was satisfied.

With the rope still coiled at my feet I at last opened the container that was set on the railing. Still wearing the gloves, I was unharmed, but the moment the sludge hit the rope it all of it turned permanently invisible. I'm immune to poison, but that gunk is the purest of pure magic. One touch and no one would ever see me again. Still, if I touched the rope I would be invisible, but only while I was touching it.

I made sure there was no sludge left on the gloves when I took them off and put them back in the bag. I shut the container and shoved that in the bag too. I slid the rope through the bars and watched it fall. I had already made sure it could reach the ground beforehand, so we were good on that subject.

Three minutes later (and yes, I did slide down the rope, I'm not that afraid of heights anymore), my my feet touched the ground again. As soon as I let go of the rope I was able to see myself again, which was a relief.

And why was I so careful about not being seen? Well, after what Conan said yesterday I had no intention of being caught doing anything...

With the sun slowly setting in west, I headed towards the town.

What I needed was: Either someone to sell me the potions I needed, or someone actually willing to preform the experiment for me. With the first option I'd have to do it myself, and even though I've done things of the sort before, tracking and history potions were said to be the hardest to apply on a item. So, the second option was preferred, but with the little daylight left I hoped I'd be able to find at least all of the potions by the time I needed to leave.

I made sure my bag of valuables was secured, and I even held onto it for some extra security. Just in case. Then I headed into the throng of people.

(Que Tetris (Theme) by Blue Brew Music, just because it reminds me of a bustling city in a desert)

The number of people didn't bother me, it was the kind of people. Thieves, assassins, bounty hunters,- Firidians. Firidi had a place for everyone- that is, anyone without a drop of compassion in their heart. Not a place a person like me should be without a good reason.

So with a tight grip on my bag of valuables I walked though the town until I reached the large street where the majority of the shops were. This street was more crowded than the one I had been on moments before, even though it was almost closing time.

The biggest and most important shops were the buildings, but there were also booths set up all over the road. Each of the shops had their own sights, smells, and sounds. It varied from a woman selling antiques, a couple selling pear fruits, and a old man selling pigs.

I glanced at each building and booth I passed, looking for associated with potions. Even though the sun would set within the next hour and the chupacabras and desert wolves would start to hang around the streets were still overly packed. Someone sidestepped right onto me for some reason and I fell over.

I caught myself before I hit the ground and pushed up to my feet. I saw a grin and messy blond hair vanish in the crowd, tucking something blue and shiny into her pocket. It was fine. I had more than enough.

I made a face at Alex's back and looked through my bag for half a second to make sure she hadn't taken anything else. Luckily she hadn't.

Ten more minutes of looking later, I saw a small building with the sign of a potion bottle next to it.

I headed in and looked around. The small shop felt a hundred degrees warmer than outside, but there wasn't a single thing in there other than a counter a man sat behind. No windows, doors (other than the one I had come from), furniture or even potions in sight.

"Did I read the sign wrong, or do you sell potions here?" I asked the man as I closed the door behind me and went towards the counter.

"For a certain price." The man answered. His long beard was extremely tangled, and I could smell his soiled clothes from across the room... Or maybe that was his breath.

"Can I look at your stores? I need a few things?"

The man made a strange sound that might have been a laugh, or a attempt at one... Not much worth laughing about in Firidi anyway. "Wouldn't you like that, huh?"

"I-" It was probably for the best that he interrupted, not many people are a fan of my personality.

The man glared. "That's what she said last time. I'm not letting anyone down there. So what do you need?" He took a long drink from a old bottle.

This guy didn't seem to be giving me the smallest portion of his attention. I held up a inch long diamond. "I'd like two tracking ones and two history ones."

Obviously this guy wasn't used to costumers who would actually pay him for what he was selling. He spit out his drink, covering the front of my shirt slightly. "Two more of those we be the needed cost for what you're demanding..." He set his bottle down and grinned at me.

I wasn't sure if this guy was actually selling the real thing, so he needed to know I meant business. At least I knew he wasn't completely lying, what I was asking for was difficult to come by. "I'll throw in one more. That would be the fair price." I let any kindness leave my voice, "The Queen is my mother, if you don't believe me, I mean, who else carries around a bag of diamonds and shares her charming looks? Trust me, if you give me anything less than I asked for well... let's just say I know some people. You don't want to be on the Queen's bad side, now do you?" I couldn't help grinning. Manipulation is one of the few good things that have come out of my mother. I fingered the second gem in my bag.

The man studied me, instantly sober, and slowly his face became paler than paper. His voice shook, "Of-of course not... I'll go get that now." He practically ran to the other side area behind the counter. Then, with shaking hands, he pulled out a small key and unlocked a trapdoor hidden under a rug. He scampered down the ladder, leaving me alone in the arid room.

A few seconds later I heard the door behind me open and I casually slipped the diamond back into my bag.

The new person leaned against the counter next to me, sand sprinkled all in his calico hair. I could tell who it was even though he was wearing a hood.

"What are you doing here?" Vancouver had asked. I barely remembered when we had met, but apparently he didn't.

"To this shop or in general?" I had asked. Even though I didn't like him it was nice to talk to a familiar face that wasn't glaring at me.

"Both." His eyes darted around as if looking for some form of escape. I wondered if he was actually here for potions.

I gave him a shrug. "You'll have to know some other time, I'm leaving." I asked as the man came back up from the trapdoor.

I had seen Vancouver lean forward ever so slightly when I took out two diamonds and handed them to the man as he handed me four potions in turn. If I stayed in town for long enough I should be able to find a professional who could apply these potions to my items, but with a solid gold key involved I should probably do it myself.

So I thanked the man and headed out the door, feeling two pairs of eyes on my back the entire way out.

Thirty minutes later I carefully shoved my bag under the bed (only place to hide stuff around here), where Pencil Man's old hat still sat. I pulled the hat out and examined it; I hadn't touched it in almost a week.

I noticed some of the papers I had put in there had spilled onto the floor under the bed, but when I pulled the fallen ones out I noticed one was missing... It didn't matter much anyway, the paper was too destroyed to read. I had made sure of that, I thought fondly, remembering that day.

I decided to forget about the missing note for now and I put all the spilled papers back in the hat. I set the hat on the bed, but I kept the bag under there. I'd work on that experiment tomorrow.

I reached under the mattress and pulled out another piece of paper and looked at it. The map of Firidi's castle. I studied it for three minutes and eventually put it in the hat with the rest of the papers, wanting to keep all of my loose items together. I left the hat on my bed so I could put this journal in there, but first I needed to write in it. (Phillip's is supposed to be a lot smaller than my version of his.)

When I finally finished writing most of this I stood from my desk and saw something disturbing.

The hat was still there, but everything that had been in it was gone. Someone had stolen from me, but how... Perhaps I should apply the potions to the hat instead.

I searched every nook and crannie in my room (just in case), for almost a hour, before I finally gave up. There was only one thing that I would miss that was in there, but I'd have to investigate more in the morning. It was getting late, and I was tired.

Still, I wasted more time writing this. I have no idea why I even do this anymore. It was different when I was collecting information for everyone's benefit, but- well, actually, I still might be doing that. Why? I had no idea. It does help sometimes though. It distracts me from thinking about things that are already written in stone.

February 5

After the day I had yesterday nothing seems real anymore. The only proof that it wasn’t a nightmare was the poison gem on my desk and a nasty bruise on my arm.

All of this could have been avoided with a few simple words. Well, maybe not simple, but as soon as the first word came out the rest would flow easily, the words had been on my mind for months. Unsaid words. Unsaid for no good reason. Maybe at some point it was for no good reason, but not anymore. If anything, saying them would make things better now.

It could be because of threats, or echoes of threats. Threats built on threats. With the recent one that had been carried out, I know the old ones have not been forgotten. Ember has no thought for other lives except for her own use, I need to say whatever I say here carefully.

I never took the threats seriously until three months ago when it was carried out, and now I’m here. To keep her from carrying out the only one she hasn’t.

So as we trained today I didn’t say anything I didn’t have to. I could tell she was still a little bothered by things that had been said in the past. She was extra tense and the few things I did say she snapped and scolded at. I tried to be as complacent as possible, but it was difficult. I’m not one to be silent while I get scolded.

After a session I won’t get into detail about, I had a throbbing headache and was ready to quit for the day. Ember wasn’t though.

“Again.” She had said after I told her I was done.

Instead of complying as I had before I shook my head. “I can’t.” It had to be just after lunch, the usual time we’re done by was in a few hours, but not today. Today I needed a break, but she wouldn’t let me leave until I had gotten it right. Even though I hadn’t moved more than a few feet for hours I was breathing heavily as if I had just run across a desert.
She didn’t even look at me as she had told me to try again.

It might have been that her wickedness is infectious, but I suddenly had a very rude thought. It filled me with rage, almost consuming. This woman didn’t care if I succeeded, she just was using me, and I knew it. I had known about it for a while, to be honest. She was using me and she expected me to not notice? Expected me to actually try for her?

So for the first time in the weeks I had been attempting this, I shoved into her mind in rage. I didn’t hesitate, I felt something I had been hiding from for months. I let it fill her head and consume it.

That feeling of… Utter control and complete rage for those few short seconds was a feeling I will never forget. This was what she wanted. Still, I didn’t back out, I only took further control.

It felt good, but at the same time I couldn’t decide if I liked it. Complete and utter control at last. Every thought, every feeling, every action, every–

At last? Was that really what I had thought? A common phrase came back to my mind, “Power corrupts.”

I yanked out of Ember’s mind and returned to reality. She was screaming out in pain with her hands gripping her head. Flames covered the table we sat at, and I recoiled as I realized my arm was laid casually on said table.

I didn’t feel any pain, just nausea as the world started spinning. I saw the door to my right slam open just as the world went dark.
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