
HaHa! You are in for quite the trick!
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Energy: 44/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Female Skydancer
This dragon is on a Coliseum team.
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Personal Style


Swashbuckler's Seaspray Cap
Verdant Sage Lantern
Celadon Silk Veil
Purple Birdskull Armband
Purple Birdskull Legband
Murkmirth Tailcoat
Celadon Silk Sash
Celadon Leg Silks
Fiendish Emerald Taildecor
Fiendish Emerald Pendants



Scene: Voyage of the Tenacity


3.71 m
5.67 m
356.63 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 06, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Skydancer
Max Level


cunning | mischievous | deceptive
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.




coding by orru

-what i do know about her thus far
-she eats emotions and comes from a rather dark backround
-at one point was an enemy of the sky runners but Monarch sensed that their was more to her than what even Sorata thought there was
-she is def an example of what happens when one is called a monster long enough that they start to believe it
-took her a long time to come around the trick-oree circus is the newest team of the Sky Runners
-she did not want to lead the circus at all either and tried to avoid it assuming she would inevitably fail
-still struggles with the concept of failure she is often the most down if a mission fails or somebody gets hurt

Sorata watched as alpha paced back and forth, back and forth. She knew how important
this news was to the fae, she could feel it in the air, see it in the way the usually stoic fae’s fins flared in agitation. The Flame Forgers collective was the very same clan that alpha herself escaped from all those years ago after all, Sorata could understand the need for revenge. And there she goes again she thought as once more alpha stopped at her work desk, the knife she usually carried on her person laid out among the mess of half started projects and potentially important clan documents, only to stare at it in a distinctly fae like manner, face blank and fins lowered. Sorata once more had to remind herself not to clear the air, for one as small as the Sky Runners leader she sure is capable of producing allot of feeling, she observed not for the first time with amusement as she tried to reign in her desire to consume the others turmoil. Thoughts of her own hunger soon interrupted when alpa once more spoke.

“You are absolutely sure that he is dying?” fins folded back in apprehension.

“The news of the imperials failing health is at least 3 weeks old, he could already be dead from the sounds of things” a deep sigh escaping her “I know how these things play out a power vacuum is never a good thing, there is always another lurking in the shadows” she said with certainty.

Alpha closed her eyes and Sorata was once more treated to the unstoppable force of the faes emotions truly a leader she thought shes wants to go, she's holding back.

“The dragons in charge there are powerful and bloated on their own perceived power” she
sheathed the knife “They are warriors and tyrants they will expect any other group to be the same” with a devious tilt to her fins she added “They would never expect a circus”

And there is that delicious hope, Sorata tried but probably failed to discretely breath that one in, to her chagrin the devious fin tilt only grew in deviousness the little fly did that on purpose she internally groaned.

“As much as I would love to do this myself my duty is to the clan now, so I ask that you and your team go in my stead”

And just like that the conclusion that Sorata new was coming was said aloud, and it still baffled her. This clan had, as far as Sorata was aware, abused alpha for most of her youngling hood effectively denying her of it, so why was she not personally leading the charge to liberate the enslaved herself?

“I don’t understand alpha why don’t you and your entourage go?” she said shock lingering in her voice.

Alpha breathed out a sigh, resting her hand on the hilt of her knife. “I have too much invested in this personally, I once swore that I would be the last thing that thrice cursed imperial would see and it seems the Plague Bringer felt the need to beat me to it” shaking her head she added “I may have changed in appearance since my escape but I would eventually be recognized, not only that but there are many dragons that would need help escaping. I’m a warrior myself Sorata I specialize in melee combat I could hurt the ones I would be trying to save.”

“Yes but your team-“

“Does not specialize in stealth, when words fail we solve our problems with excessive magic use and sharp objects” with an upward glance “You and your team are more than capable of this” her fins hiked up in certainty.

A snarl found its way into Soratas voice “This should still be your mission! All I’m hearing are excuses, do you honestly think so little of your team?!” she stood up on all fours “You want to go I know you do so why? tell me” she was looming now cursed fae mannerisms and their blank faces.

Tiny clawed hands suddenly slammed onto the desk, it is now alphas tern to loom fins spread wide in an aggressive display. Is the room getting hot?

“Because we already failed once”

Sorata reeled back “What!?”

And just like that the air temperature dropped, sadness now permeated the cave that constituted alphas private office. Her head drooped snout touching the desk, she was trembling, her claws dug into the edges of the desk as if that was how she was holding herself up now.

Her voice was a whisper “We tried to go back, we really did for a long time. And when we could we did… it’s not that I would be recognized it’s that we would recognize somebody.” She looked up again “I could not control my rage I killed an overseer, but there were… other casualties. We need somebody to go that both understands how these types of monsters work but is also not as close to the mission as we are” her fins now strained back pleading “I trust you Sorata, please me ‘n Monarch and Blurple none of us want to go through that again, I cannot make them go back, there are too many bad memories”

Sorata swallowed hard, sitting back down deflating claws scratching at the ground searching for what to say.

“alpha I am sorry it truly is a honor that you would place your trust in me and my team. I just. I mistook your apprehension for fear of of, well I didn’t know at the time and I thought you were shirking your duties onto us because of it” she lifted a clawed hand onto the shelf in the wall that carries alphas desk in offer of support

Alpha rested her own small paw onto the peace offering, fins drooping but no longer displaying extreme emotion. She looks tired Sorata observed.

“Thank you” she perked up “We now have to work out the logistics of this affair, meet me tomorrow in the riverway clearing at noon medical and supplies will need to be coordinated”

Sorata couldn’t help but smirk as she got up.
“Ah yes the plan, the ever reliable first thing to fail but we still make one up anyway thing”
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